SAM) A M VI AH ALAllA STAMP CLUB SPECIAL THIS WEEK 25 Different Roumanian Stamps Srn.l only 2 tea-pot trade-mark from half-pound packets of Salada Tea, to Salada Stamp Club, 4Gl King St. W. Toronto, and you will receive tlie above alamps promptly. Dr. Johnsen Is Leaving Rupert Loral Dentist To Ta!;e tp Location At Oliver Succeor Coming From Ldmonton r ;md Mrs H. O. Johnsen and ,v arc Tu'- 'day Okanagan whrrp thy will make their hm" Dr Johnsen. who been practising dentistry here A FAMOUS REGIMENT ?7T Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders 7 rufful la 98th HighUndtri,tboriinU ArgTl'tlirf wtr rcnurolerrJ 91 it HighUnJtn in 1R02. Gsioed title of Prloceis Louite'sio 1871. AnuItimUtJ with the 93rl SutherUnd'i in 1K81 srnl Ixcame the Argyll ni SutherUoti iiih!inuct. 1 lutfilioat terrcd in the Phones 651 652 for some time, will take up prae :tlce In Oliver In association with i Dr. N. D. Ball, medical practitioner who Is erecting a modern medical land dental building equipped with isureery. x-ray room and medical Future iand dental suites. Dr. Johruwn's practice as well as hl office and residence on Fourth Avenue Bast are being taken over by Dr. Jens Munthe who arrived leaving Prince Rupert : here from Edmonton yesterday with next for Oliver in the Mrs. Munthe. having come north or Osoyoos , via Vancouver on the Prince George It's the cumu.air.t eiTtcl of ad erttsing that counts. SCOTTISH Grwt W. CndUn sffilite Argjll snd Sutherlsnd lliRhltmicrt of Cndi nJ the Clgry HithlinJexSj Ilnlllu Honour Or of Good Hop. 1S Rolki Vinir Co Prrit NittU 'Special Liqueur at off"" anmr mom i i 1 n mi t-l Hohn John Dewar Dewar f S. Sons Sons 1:1 o..ti.s. I' I <ZjM.i Scan I Ft rBitSguuaMF- M !-iil :?Tfi t the Nitt Onbt Ioio.m i-nuDwu M AlrW?. U44-4T. 1111-2 ) tau lUUkUtt Snaxapol LmWao MwWr iUf Soak Atria. 1(79 SoadiAirkt. 1199-1902 Mo Uuiiii Mtrec, 1914. is Vp,19U,l."IS t Sonne, 1916, It Arnt. l9tT, '18 Diihrci, 19'. '18 S I 18 Cua ,j ... 4 iiatt Ay f.ujiiiiimn!if DEWARS OLD SCOTCH yUISKV 2G or- 53.75 0 or. $5.60 TO GET THE BEST BE SURE TO SaY Bltmiia. ILtHDtD 0 lOtTltO l JCOTUKO This advertisement is not publisher, or displayed by lhe Liquor Control Uorrl or by he Government of Brltiih Columma. Your Coal Problems Solved He have In stock a well prepared rarefully screened Coal In null jour Individual requirement. At In coal, In procure Hie best In l.nmbcr and Ituilding Suppllc Werv's d essert 'ypusneaa 'frdri. coAf cum; Philpott Evitt & Co. CrSIKNT La. CD Ltd. (JRAVLL LO.B.A. Bridge Party Enjoyed Ten Tables At Affair In Metropole convener. Hall La&t NUht COL. WEBB IS HEARD At a largely attended meeting of the Prince Rupert branch of THE DAILY NTCW8 I LOCAL NEWS NOTES I ' : . 'I Mn. A. D. Whiting Is sailing to- 'tt-frt fn Vartr-ouver. I . - - Last nltht a very enjoyable next Wednesday. He will tell of a recent trip to Florida and elsewhere in the East. .. ! The Tonlehfs trail. Cue from jjast at 11 o'clock, was report" this afternoon to be on time. Lieut. T. E. Leigh. bridge was held In the Metropole c. e, a . r : ; - , Prince Rupert for Vancouver. was entertained at Its regular week- garrison r thil-J who is station- y tT-ii U n- THIa nronirn TlPtlP. thA mit tttf WttKA - - Ui UiC - CUJ, - Win CU " ' T Mr. and Mrs. H- M. Wlnslow .w. mImI T.l, Win, 1?? nnontnr "" jv - ; by Mrs. A. Norton and the second yesterday afternoon on the Prince f . . v," ViV prize by Mrs. II. Skattebol. Rupert for a week's trip to Ketchl-, f a l" l"c ,kf w 1,7 5 Mrs. S. L. Peachey won the first kan. Juneau and other Aladcanarie hmiiiiu. Wm --.? men's prize and Mr. McLeod, the points. ' second The door prize was won by J. M. Morrison. A. J. Prudhomme will be the speaker at the regular weekly meet lands and will sail tonight on the Major M. J. Crehan of the Irish c,1lar orrlveH In fhi Hlv nn thp f tag of 'the Mnc rt0 from Prince George yesterday Vancouver for a brief visit on f I114' J..t(A lftin Pp&4n' I father, the late Major M. J. Cre-1 j han, was in Prince Rupert in 1914 Prince Rupert Rotary Cluo with the old Irish Fusiliers duty. ly luncheon today with an exhlbl-j tion of interesting moving' pictures Robert Towrusend, who has been wwwwv on i . Can'adian " " W " e n last evening 7 ? . . . . . . . r official of the rjrovmeial Deaart- i n.. - .i r- ; uoionei uaipn weorj u. b. u. oi ".V . . . . cmpiuj ui mc iwiukhi Winnipeg gave an Inspiring dress to his fellow members Fresh Local Uaw and I'astcurized .MiH VALKNTIN UAtl niosr s? ad- CKNTKAL HOTEL STEAM HATIIS Make Appointments J00 Koums. 50c and up Hot and Cold Water. Shower natht Mrs. C. II. Itlark. rrnprietrr IDOICA Roller Rink Daily Sessions as Follows Monday and Tiiurday Pal Niles, 7 to 11 Tuesday, Wednesday, 7 to 11 Friday. 6 to 11 Sat. Children 10 to 12 a.m. 2 to 4:30 p.m. 6 to X:30 p.m. 8:30 lo II p.m. Special Arrangements Can Be Made for Private Skutinit Parties THE SEAL f QUALITY toiled COLi; SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Par km hv the uiilv lmon eanninc mmpany with in all the tear round payroll In city. Company, latterly on . . en . There were beautiful scenic if v. t ,' ur.kK Picture and also of wild life in . . v.irinnt narft nt fht nrrtvfr!f Prd- was president of the Manitoba ' " " 7 v Provincial Command of the Cana dian Legion and, under his leadership, that province established a very enviable record of successful 5N JFRAVCIScq TblMMkblt.l. ..... MfknMMUlL. an J T O U fc ..... ,16.iU.Ji sJU IX THK MTKI.Mi: fOlKT or mtirisii roi l miiiv in ruuum: In Idr Mtlrr ot "AdniinWratHn In llir Mltrr ut Ihr IMalr'of H?n-niln IrrcuMiii. TAKE NOTICE Uwt by Ordcc ot Jlla Itoncr Jwtsc rishsr dtn iujr UWi Will amtrxnl of the Eatote .pr the aul kiwuo rguacn. or the Ottjr of Prince Ruprrt. Prortiy-e o! BrtaMi Columbia, Merchanr and tha-all prraona md'bwd to the aa!d Eatatc are required to pay aietr tlUnaW m forttr and trm.t all persoui hTlng claims the nald Estate are re oulrnd to fHe thmi property TerWed in Tliia: with me on or before the aotr. day r lure l40 fall!m2rhch I rttull make diMrlbutkm oi auoh EM havtnc ' rrd only to claims then In my hands. DATED at Prince Rupert. B. C. this tOth day ot May A D. 1940. NORMAN A WATT. Oriu tal Administrator. THK OLI OAUDILNEIt, FERTILIZER All Entirely New and Different Plant Food Contains Vitamin lit The new remarkable Plant Stimulant in the proper proportions, a mild insecticide and further essential elements for a steady Rrowth and. a hialthy plant life Try a Packet Today 10c. 25c Wholesale Distributors W. II. Malkln Co. (P.U.) Ltd. Niglit or Day Phone 112 Taxi Prompt Service-3 HeaU-dTrrs I tion- the gineering staff, has enlisted in the Royal Canadian Engineers and YOURS FOR SMOKING PLEASURE Enjoy this wealth of smoking pleasure today. Thousands praise the mild, enchanting flavour of Canada's finest cigar. r Gef o good from your deafer today. itnc CIGAR I it DAMCTtt AC A. DCDCrrTrsC , nnibna vi t i v w w LILIES 15c Stanley W. Colton CHIROPRACTOR Wallace Block Phone 610 J. H. BULGER Optometrist Royal Bank IUd. : ii dent Peter . Lakle . . was in the chair leaving tonight for Esquimau to and. In addition to Rotary members, Join his unit at Work Point. While fy there were several guests. In the city he has often acted a? pianist for Colussi's orchestra. He vvvw wk among the veteran, and for Canada in the prosecution';! ZZtlZJJ7 Z the Dominion as a whole. In his talk Colonel Webb spoke of the duties that lie ahead of the Legion now. It had a lead to give to the government and the people of Handyman Home Service rainling, Repairing, Gardening Light Deliveries Ha?" that neglecu'cS Job done : Phone Green 620 for the Handyman. "-HBaBBBsaBPBMM SHOOTING GALLERY Adjoining wnn noi.i.r.R Anr.SA war and In the re-establlshment of the soldiers when they returned alter winning the war. It was as- umbla, similar services would be sured that, when the soldiers re-'provided here. lumru mcy iu liuk um-uinr ine meeting was presided over Jobs held by aliens who stayed atiby W. J. Ranee who Introduced home enjoying the benefits of Brl- the speaker and a hearty vote of tish freedom while the men over-1 thanks was endorsed on the mo- and maintain freedom. He also stressed the Importance of doing everything locally for thp troops In the area and was glad to know that, from the very start, (he local branch had placed its full resources at the disposal of the local units. ' At the Dominion Convention of h Canadian Lee lion now being held in Montreal recommendations would be made that would suddIv the necessary baekin and Imrjetus to th nrsnt war effort in Canada. The sneaker tld of htw wi-l fr-W, w,rr, minnlied throuehthe Ielon to naval outposts on the AMntir rast and exoected that, followip" his vutt to BritLsh Col- tlon of J. S. Wilson. CREPE SOLE For Misses and tiau nv me Lames wraiiKe uhk-.hw . . Ablation. Prince Rurt to night 11 tonight on the Prince Rupert ..- volent There were ten sail by the p fiir. Ubi. . for a trip to Vancouver on leave. VjlTOWing lHS and Mrs. Agnw Murray was' on his return to Victoria... THE SHOE YOU'VE WANTED Saddle style crepe sole oxfords in brown-., tans, and brown and white combinations. Comfortable, serviceable and so up-to-date. Hurry while we have complete size range. Growing girls $3.25. I 'i saBEBasBanrnsssrJssu . o PAGE THRCT SHOES THE SHOE ALL CANADA IS TALKING ABOUT $2.65 Misses Shes For Men And Young Men -Walking on Air" that's how you feel walkinr on these crepe soles. Styles $&50, $3.35 and $2.95 The Cut - Rate Shoe Store PHONE GItEKN 615 THIICD AVENUE 3IaiI Orders I'rompuy ruiea Open uptn auraj Saturday .njui Night j L1NZEY & DAVIES Grocers FREE DELIVERY Phone 585556 Hudson Bay Coffee I ftp Per ib 2-Ib. box Golden Loaf Cheese Each L. Si D. Tea Per Ib. 65c Blue Ribbon Cocoa 4 Cg XOX ,-lbs. Un Malkin's Best Honer 4's. Per tin 55c 60c You will be Delighted mab- 34c First Grade Butter 3 lbs. for . . . 89c a a COTY "AIR SPUN" ! FACE POWDER 1 With each purchase we offer a re-mr.rkable Coty "Tandem" Tester containing a generous supply of Rouge and Lipstick. A selection of seven shades of powder. All for $1.00 Orates Ltd. Ztftr. Pioneer Drtuj&iats The Kexall Store Phones 81 & 82 Open Daily from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 13 to 2 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. aarHiaoGMOwaooaiiaMDorKmcKHXH a o 8 a It's interesting to know when reading the Daily News that the people of-the whole district are doing the same.