Weather Forecast Trlnce Rupert and Queen Charlotte Islands Fresh northeat to east winds. Increasing cloudlnw with showers toward night. Vol XXIX., No. 128. mm Thousands INDUSTK y. v. va ALL ltd L 7. 4 IN EURO Manufacturers' President Looks IJcyond War to New and Glorious Period in Human Affairs Mr . -r i WINJSIl'fcLi. May W. (L.1' main virtnrv nf t.hp Allips in th " r - " 1 prcssed by I). R. Turnbull of Halifax, in ... his presidential ..... m"e tor national . defence m addi-address . . at the opening luncheon of the 69th annual Ken- tto" tne aireadj already eral meeting of the Canadian here ycstcnlay. I here was no rnojt strength of the Ornish Empire and France were brought to bear. he said 'IS Mr Turnbull added: "It may well be that after this terrible conHict. when tyrannies are destroyed, clvi-1 llzatlon. being delivered from the threat of bondage and destruction wir will experience another Renats-1 sunce" . The only future worth consider-1 ln for Canada was that which would be assured by a victory for the Brltlh Empire and the French Republic. Mr. Turnbull declared. He continued: "If they should fotshal O. M. Croil, Hon. C. O. Power, down to defeat-what Is there left ; minister of air. announced last for us or for other freedom-loving I night. Croil has been appointed to countries? Any power or comblna-, the new post of inspector-general Uon of powers that can defeat and of the Royal Canadian Air Force. ( destroy Britain and France can de-1 fest and destroy any othr nation l nfOT? A fIJI7D V or combination of naUons and fVL: Vlll!rlV I oopiiniir inn rnnmr k wmio. 'When victory U achieved and, amtlwvtiriittowed frrnhe hiMn of the deep wounds of war. there may follow one of those orcat and llorloui herlods in human affairs, uch ar that which launched the British FmMre after the overthrow of Spanish tyranny through the defeat of the Armada or the wonder-; ful IPth century h ticrfded the downfall of Bonaparte These were periods of Rreat spiritual and tn-Cnt'nud on Pae Two AMBASSADOR FOR RUSSIA' authorises to France and are now Full Diplomatic Statu l Given Sir , Mfr Ke.pmti Leopold sent his Stafford Crlpps by llrltUh - chamberlain to claim the Jewels Government DUt the .French government refused to yield them uo unless in-LONPON. May 20 CP'- Sir tructed by the Belgian govern-St afford Crlpps. who had been dls- ment to do so. patched to Moscow to conduct trade, Details of a Hat of five Instuc-negoUatlons with Russia, has been Hons alven by I conoid to the Bel-invested with full ambassadorial gian armv involving complete sur-status, It was announced last ntfht render o Germany are published following the Soviets refusal to in Paris ' deal with the envoy unless it was on a run diplomatic basis. Sir Stafford thus succeeds Sir William Seeds who was recalled io London some months ago and not replaced. The new ambassador is at present on his way to Momsow where It u expected he will Immediately open his negoUatlons with the Russian Premier and Foreign Commissar. V. M. Molotov. Halibut Sales Summary American 35500 pounds. 9.4c and 7.5c to 9.7c and 7.5c. Canadian 76.500 pounds, 9.Gc and 7c to 9.8c and 7c. American Sentinel. 26.000. 9.1c and 7.5c, Sentinel, 26,000. 0.4c and 7.5c Royal. 1 11.1 n nt n I rt C D(nr-n ft A Sr c. sd age. Unome, 11.500. 9.8c and 7.4c, At-lln. Fredella III., 17.000, 9.7c and 7.5c, Storage. . Daniel 8., 22,000, 9.5c and 7c, At-lln. L. R,, 2.500,) 9.6c and 7c, Booth. T. HV 6,000, 9.6c and 7c, Pacific. in 1 7iriiTn " A IT r A N N CONFLICT In in L r r" v i t .11: commence in me U1U- liresent Conflict Was ex- Manufacturers' Association doubt of victory it the ut- in? NAMED AIR CHIEF a Commodore L. S. Ilreadner to succeed Air Vice-.Marhal (1. M. Croil OTTAWA. May 30: CP Air Commodore L. 8. Ilreadner bos been appointed clftef of air staff for Canada, succeeding Air Viee-Mar- IS ALLEGED l.copolri Had Been Acting Suspiciously, llavas New Agency Charges Tr.ed To Get Rack Crown Jewels PAR18. May 30: Charges of treachery against King Leopold of Belgium were made today by the Havas (French News Agency. Since the outbreak of the war his attitude had been suspicious, the agnry declared. Le Solr, Parts newspaper, tells of an unsuccessful attempt on the part of Leopold to reclaim the crown Jewels of Belgium which nd been removed by Belgian HOPES FOR ! OIL FIELD Premier Pattullo Gives Peace River Chance to Shade Turner Valley j OTTAWA. May 30: (CP) Premier T. D. Pattullo. visiting uiiawa, saia yesterday that he hoped an oil field would be brought in in tne reacc River Block of British Columbia which would put the Turner Valley in the shade. It was a much better r.m.iinii than thp Turner Vallev. Itl.ilUV.Vt. " Mr. Pattullo said. 1 Threats And More Threats Of Reprisals nma Mnv 20. The French Ministry of Information states that, If Germany carries out Us threat of reprisals for alleged mistreatment of German airmen by the French after capture, France will find it nccetwry to take retaliatory eetaarv to seek a bllllnn dollar 6 .vh " " win rfiivr an message . to Congress .7!" at once ask- for this, his wreury. Stephen Eariv. stated today. Th addltinnnl appropriation would be d for nurchare of plane, mns. tanki and reerre w.jt as tJ carry out nrrvni" fo h -lnln of a mlK'n" vwr n hoh "ibatarit and non-rombat-nt activities. Much Belgian Gold Was Sent Out Of Country PARIS May 20.- Twenty-three million francs of Belgian aold were exrtM o United States and Eng land orlor to surrender of the coui in Germany, it U announced here War News SECOND DIVISION OFFICERS OTTAWA Hon. Norman Rogers, minister of defence, announces the appointment of twenty officers to senior staff and command poU In the Second Division under .Major General Victor Odium. They include Lieut. CoL J. r. MscKenxie, Vancouver, commander of cn;ir.ctrii CoL D. R. Sargent, Victoria, commander of sixth infantry brigade, and Major II. A. P. Francis, Vancouver, deputy assistant quartermaster general. MAY SUrrRESS PArERS LONDON The government today Issued new defence regulations giving the Home Secretary, power to suppress any newspaper "which systematically publishes matter calculated to foment opposition to the prosecution of the war." NAZI SUBS BUSY AGAIN LONDON German submarine activity has been resumed. One French and one Argentinean freighter were torpedoed and sunk off the coast of Spain yesterday and one British tanker was set afire and later towed to Viggo. AMERICANS FLEEING NEW YORK Americans, seeking to flee from troubled Europe, are awaiting transportation. The Manhattan. Is to sail from Genoa, the President Roosevelt from Galway, Ireland, and the Washington from Bordeaux, France, In the Bay of Biscay. POLES ARE FIGHTING PARIS rolish are fighting alongside the French on the Western Front. In addition to Infantry In the field, Polish airmen are proving successfjil in air action while the Polish navy is giving good account of Itself at sea. BELGIAN PARLIAMENT MEETS LIMOGES The Belgian government is establishing Itself here and tomorrow Parliament will assemble to plot its future course. There arc about 100 Parlianicn-tariaiis here. PROVINCIAL LIBRARY VICTORIA, B.C. Cousin Of King Dies In Action LONDON. May 30: CP Lord Frederick Cambridge. Iirst t nl vin nnror. h9 hn killed In action. It is Jf iMnwl In London He wa a . - . . . captain in! the Coldstream Guards and the .-second son of ntH. hmth.r F! ANDERS FIGHT IS TFRRIFir nritltp and French Are Withdraw- In, In r.ood Order-Urch of Glory" Sa. Gort LONDON. May 30.--Outnumbered three to one by forty highly mechanized German divisions and battered relentlessly by diving tomblw; planes and heavy artillery completely reckless of the toll of human life. British and French fortes In Flander5j,ioday continued theM-deFpeTater:earTiard action to nver withdrawal to the coast port of Dunkerque which. In a thirty-two mile stretch of channel coastline (in that area is Mill In Allied hands. There have been German state-menu that 500.000 Allied troops are entrapped In Flanders but. according to Allied estimates, there are actually no more than 300.000. some 200.400 having oen already wlUi-drawn. 1 The forces removed from Flanders, following the Belgian defection, will loin the main Allied Army which is still holding Its own on the Western Fiout. British sources dub as "grossl exaggerated" German claims that the Allies are "fleeing in complete, dissolution" to the sea. On the other hand, with the aid of British and French airplanes and war-('llps, an orderly and successful withdrawal is being effected despite fighting of a most sanguinary nature with enormous casualties on either side. Lord Gort. BrltUh Expeditionary! Force commander-in-chief, an-, swerlng a message of encourage-j ment from the King, described thej British action as a "march of glory to the sea." The British were fighting In complete order with unshaken morale. They had succeeded in establishing a definite line and It was almost certain that any equip ment abandoned would be des-. troyed. .Must Lose to Win 'Oerald Maxlme Weygand, Allied commander-in-chief, Is reported to have said that it Is necessary to loie the Battle of Flanders to win the war. By this statement he U believed to mean that he is using the Ume during which the Germans are occupied In Flanders to good ad vantage In reorganizing his forces for the main battle along the Somme and the expected drive of the Nazis towards Paris. Americans Are Prisoners In n Nazi Germany WASHINGTON. D.C.. May 30 Four American ambulance drivers In France, who had been reported missing, are prisoners In Germany, according to Information now re reived, by the. Department of States. ' , , NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, MAY 30, 1940. Of Britons Reach Home ROOSEVELT ASKS MORE Finds It Necessary To Have Even Greater Amount For National Defence Of United States WASHINGTON. D. C. May 30: view of the latest developments trie war situation. President a. Franklin Franklin D D. Roosevelt RAOvlt finds finds It It ne- ne ITALIAN DECISION! Statement In Connection With War Expected To Be Made Next Week ROME, May 30: A iuu state- ej.i:u w we. dv hiemler Benito Mussolini . . . . , demanos oy wax he would keep out of the war, Mean I mm m m' iwta I tkflt K k Vt 1 T lu"c - - T,J" 4C- ajreaay iransama vo ensm ana nance a aeznana ror a meas- urc of cjntrci cf ihc iiuez UanaLi There was no cunftrmaum of thUl report or another that Italy had already communicated its war decision to Great Britain and France. Meantime there were increasing public demotitnitions -vtd prsas utterances today of anti-British and anti-French character. General Motors ! IVIalrA PlnnPC on U XlalKS As Fast As Ford ' NFW YORK. Mav 20 If Hemy Fcrd can turn out 160 almlanes per day from his plant. General Motors can match the output. It was de clared tod by wuilam s. Knut. n, president of General Motors. Bulletins QUEBEC FASCISTS TAKEN MONTREAL The Royal Canadian Mocnted Police announce? the arrest of Adrien Arcand, Fu;3irer of the National Unity Party, and Dr. Noel Decarie, national treasurer, for alleged infractions of Defence of Canada regulations. Their detention brought to litht a number of arrests In the Fascist organixation since midnight. VANCOUVER PRIEST DIES VANCOUVER Father Adrian Reausoliel, rector of St. Mary's Roman Catholic Church, died yesterday at the age of sixty-seven. He came In 1919 from Fnnce to Canada and had been at High River from 19?0 to 1923. Since then he has been rector of St. Mary's. GUARANTEE YUGOSLAVIA MOSCOW Russia and Italy are reported to have reached an agreement under which Italy guarantees not to enter Yugoslavia. HOLY SEE TO PORTUGAL ROME The Holy See may be transferred to Portugal If Italy enters the war, It is suggested. BEAR DOWN ON ALIENS Not Allowed To Have Vehicles, It r iter It, hn ... In 1.. . I .1 s ..6.a..u ' T A1TTVMT OA. LAjiiLrvn. iiay ou; increasing .... - . restrictions upon a lens in Great Brltaln lnrliino n nprrM h.mnlncr " . , , ; 0 terles m nanaers ana rxortnern. . use by them of bicycles, automo- France those belng ln the dlrect loNdon, May 30:-The thirty-biles, motorboats and airplanes A sphere of the present flghtlng and.second casualty llst of the,war for ,,ir :r Lu which aliens are not permitted out of doors in London between' midnight and 6 ajn. while else-1 where ln the country they are not permitted out between 10:30 pjn. and 6 a.m. LONDON SILVER 1 LONDON. May 30: London sll-at ver " was"" unchanged 22 pence per ounce yesterday. lnitialS uccess Withdrawal Is Battle Still Royal Air Force Continues to Win Heavily in Air FightingThree Destroyers Among Allied Vessels Lost WHICH WAY NEXT? BERLIN, May 30: (CP) Although the situation in Flanders might place Germany in position for an invasion of Britain, the Nazi press hinted today that France rather than Great Britain was the next major target. At London, however, Sir John Anderson, Home Secretary, asserted there was every prospect of an early call on the civil defence service and urged them to keep fully manned and ready. LONDON, May 30: (CP) Thousands of first ar- rivals from the Flanders battle ground reached England tonight in warships, transports and hospital ships their uniforms torn and their faces grimy, bearded and powder-I burned. The ships were convoyed across the English Channel through a tempest of bombs and machine-gun 4. 4 Bright Meteor UCQnn Tnrlnv UCC1I 1 UUaj Mrt C. J. Norrington tells1 the DaUy'Newj of having seen I a large and very Vivid meteor travelling through the sky about 2:30 this morning. She was awakened by the barking of a dog and, looking from her window, saw the astral body travelling slowly In a north- westerly direction across the sky. The sighting of meteors is taken by some people as a good omen. 4 . , CANADIANS SAFE OVER ....... . , .iiii 41 ui luiiuiigciii 01 Airmen 111 e-.i...i. iit tfi- ial but Warm Welcome LONDON. May 20: CP-Safear- heIPinK to keep the port of Dun-rival in England of another con- 5 rque open for the kdrawaL tlngent of Canadian airmen Is an- Admiralty tonight announced nounced. The advance guard of that the destroyers Grafton, Gren-the ade and Wakeful had 112th co-operation force from been lost The The transport Abukir, 689 tons, had Canada, were given an unof- flcial but none the less enthusias tic welcome. i Memorial Day I Is Observed President of France Joins United States Ambassador at Impressive Ceremony in Paris FAKis. Ma- ju. premier faun Reynaud of France Joined today) with United States Ambassador William C Bullitt at Impressive, ceremonles at the Tomb of the Un- . . icno-Q soldier in Paris a.' Memorial Day was observed. Owing .1 ...i..i.i. 11 i iu me wui ituoun, 1. iui-i possibie to visit the American ceme- . . ....... i ome being now German occupied, 17 rL 17 l ; Weainer rUieCdM General Synopsis Pressure is falling off the British Columbia coast and Is relatively high ln the far north. It has been fair and warm throughout British Columbia. West Coast of Vancouver Island Fresh southeast winds, cloudy and cool with showers. Tomorrow's Tides High - 9:33 ajn. 15.8 It." 22;00 pjn. 18.1 It Low 3:28 a.m. 7.0 ft. 15:18 pjn. 8.0 ft. PRICE: CfcN' Of S een; Raging lire. The Ministry of Information announced that troops not immed- 'lately engaged had been evacuated ; and said that the battle on French and Belgian Channel coast still raced. Bh Expeditionary Force u still fighting toward Dunkerque in a tremendous rearguard battie. Initial success of the withdrawal was"flrsf Indicated by authoritative statements that jsome divisions had reached England. The British are taking the brunt of the rearguard acUon while other units withdraw. Military circles say that the Brt- tish ExpediUonary Force still holds main base depots, in Flanders: but has lost a great deal of material. 1 Part, a War Office spokesman said that the Allied army under General Rene Proulx was wlth- drawing in good order from Flan- ders towartl the sea despite furious German onslaughts. The Royal Air Force Is aiding in the battle and yesterday disabled sixty-nine German planes, a ratio of seven to one for Its own losses. The Air Ministry announced that a single squadron of twelve British Defiant fighters yesterday shot ... , . down .t, thirty-seven German planes without losses to itself. British and French warships are aiso oeen sunK ana certain auxiliary vessels are reported lost in covering withdrawal of troops from Flanders. A hospital ship arrived today at a south coast port with British wounded. Portholes were smashed by machine gun ballets and funnels were riddled. The vessel had been attacked by German planes while taking on wounded in a French port. Casualty List Of Royal Air Force jThirty Airmen Are Reported Dead And 108 .Missing In Thirty- second Statement of War the Royal Air Force, issued ye.- jterday. shows thirty deaa 31 wounded, 108 missing and nine (prisoners. The period of time cov- ered Is not stated. NEW YORK COPPER NEW YORK. May 30: New York copper closed yesterday at 10.20s per pound. Domestic c.pper waj HUc. : 1 '1 ff Ml ,.