PAQE BIX Expert Oplical Service Watch, Clock and Jewcicry Repairing, Hand Engraving CHAS. DODIMEAI) -Optometrist in Charge Licensee for Numounts The very latest In eye-wear Phone 261 for Appointment Max Heilbroner JEWELER THE STORE OF MANY GIFTS Just Arrived A Large Shipment of New China and Glassware Visit Our Basement Floor for China, Cut Glass And Novelties of AH Kinds Queen Charlotte Craft Tin Oranges Large size. Dozen Fresh AsparaSus 2 lbs Hot House Tomatoes Lb. New Cabbage Lb New Carrots Bunch Large Size Nabob Baking Powder Tin Brentwood Peas 2 tins FIRST OF THE MONTH SPECIALS Friday 31st to Wednesday 5th First Grade Butter Grade 'A' Large Eggs nQp Dozen AOl or 3 dozen 8c Royal Household Q-i OA Flour 49-lb. sks.?-0 Swansdown Flour- Pkg. 29c Squirrel Brand Peanut -fl EJ JtOi Butter Tin Clover Leaf Honey OQn i lb. tin A 01 23c Brunswick Sardines -fl 2 tins AIL- 35c 23c 20c 5c 7c 6c 20c 25c Aylmer Nihlets 2 tins McCormick's Sodas. 2 pkgs. Libby's Happy Vale 25c 25c 15c 23c Nabob Orangeade lif Cello tkgs.) 6 oz. Nabob Lemonade f Op 'Crib pkgs.i 6 oz. Nabob Jellies 2 pk?s. 9c Nabob lemon and Vanilla Extracts- A Q 2-07. bottle l.Us i Nabob Mayonnaise QOn 16-pz. jars Out. ! Nabob Mayonnaise IQp I fi-fM! far XtJo I'errjland Apricots OCT 25. 2 tins Lynn Valley 16C Royal City Pears f n 2 s. Tin XUO Nabob Red 10 c Nabob Strawberry Jam tZ4n 4-lb. Up Oil Ranee & Hardy Fhnn- 55 irH T-f Free Delivery on AH Town Orders - " ;i UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. rtM-Hinn Lave Prime Rupert lor Vancouver T.S.K. CATAI.A KVI KV TUKS- .S f, I.AKIM.NA FKIIA HAY. 1:30 p.m. - , p , Due Vanc-Hivrr Tl.iir. on. I),,- Yam-miver. Mon-l,f .., II ( .iiv..Mii.. I'll-.. I'urilia I'n-kfU At Ml11, rur iii-'iimium, KiKaiuu.K KeM-rvati(,. Tics el fT,m, FRANK J hK INN hit. I'rmrr Atni I tilrrt . .il.r A COAL NANAIMO WELLINGTON ALBERTA SOOTLESS BULKLEY VALLEY Albert and McCaffery Ltd. PIIONK 116 PHONE 117 If you nave something to sell, a classified advertisement in this pajiar will soon let you know if there Is a buver in the city. - BEST OF LAND IS HIS DUE CoL Ralph S. Webb D.S.O. Slakca Strong Plea on Behalf of Canada's Fighting Men The man who is on active service for the country In the war is as much entitled to the best of the land, .as are the civilians who en-Joy the undisturbed comforts of tneir nomes, declared vol, Kaipn 5. Webb D.S.O., for eight years mayor of Winnipeg and now Inspector of army services for Canada with headquarters at Ottawa, who was the speaker before the Prince Rupert Gyro Club at its regular weekly luncheon yesterday. It was not only right but it was good business and sound efficiency to see that the active service man got the best that was going. Oood health, good spirits and a sense of contentment made him a better fighting man in the grim business of war. It was, Col. Webb declared, the duty of all to see the service man was taken good care of and everything possible done to ensure his well-being. The speaker made candid and frank remarks along this line. He deprecated those business men and others who might tend towards exploiting the service man or think that anything was good enough lor him. He also spoke of the duty of military officers towards men unde; their command In this connection. The old shouting sergeant-major days were gone forever. The good officer today got close to his moo nd was their friend. Col. Webb declared that, in somf 'spects. the lot of the men stationed on the forts right here a' prince Rupert was Just as trying a: ,-tose on the firing lines abroad. "vthln? that could be dene c ".ae conditions better for them hould not be left undone. They -ire entitled to good food, good quarters, good recreational faeili-ies, One thing in particular that Mie men stationed at the fortlflcn-"n hrrp lacked, declared Col. Webb, was good water. There wis "n pood reason whvthev nhonirt have to drink muskez water with Prince Rupert's fine drlnkintr iraf.r facilities .so close by. Canada was paying today for the mistake of having listened to counsel following the last war to neglect it fighting forces. Before the end of the present war it might be necesrary for Canadians to give every dollar they had toward winning the war. After War Too Nor was the aftermath of the war to be forgotten, declared Col. Webb. The men who foueht today would demand and be entitled to toratton of their rights In civilian life when the war was over.1 They would not tolerate treatment such as had been accorded some service men after the last war. Col. Webb spoke interestingly of some of his own duties and prob-, lemr as Inspector of services for the Canadian Active Service Force. He had insisted on accepting arjpolnt-mpnt that hU duties should not be merely making Inspections and submitting reports. Rather he expected t he able to make recommendations the adoption of which wnu'rt be helpful to the building up of an rNcient flht!ng force. Col Webb's remark throughout were from th ttandnoint of th? ordinary fighting man whose cau. bo rhamnloned. The whole luncheon took on th" Tin! DAILY NTfWS lb n UNIFORM DEPENDABLE ECONOMICAL aspect of an army-navy affair, officers from the services being mucn in evidence as guests. Besides the speaker other guests were Commander Borie R.C.N.. Col. S. D. Johnston M.C. VD., Major M. J. Crehan. Major J. R. Low, Major T. W. Brown, Capt. R. C. H. Durnford, Capt. R, O. Davidson. Lieut. W. H. Ruffell. Lieut. E. O. English, J. J. Little, O. P. Tinker. Harry Thrupp, M. if. McLean. Capt. W. P. Armour, C. H. Orme and J. O. Johns. President O. A. Hunter was In the chair and voiced appreciation to the guest speaker who had been introduced by William Crulckshank. Lieut. O. G Stuart and Lieut. J. W Kilpatrlck introduced the service guests. The blessing was offered by Capt R C H. Durnford; padre of Prince Rupert garrison area. EACH WEEK TO ISLANDS Increase In Service Announced, Using Both Prince Charles And Prince John Canadian Natlona. Steamships -nr.juiuc thai a weekly service 4 be .maintained during the iomtng summer between Prince Rupert, and Vancouver via the Queen Charlotte Islands, the steamers Prince Charles and rince John to be operated In the sprvtee Each Saturday night there 111 br a sailing from here at 10:30 with arrivals of Stearns's Thursday morning. Actually the weekly service will commence "n ,m, of lhe prlnce John from here on Friday. June 14. th Prinr Charles startfn the SatnMiy filings the week following. June 22. As previously announced the s-earners Prince Rupert and Prince George will take care of the local coastal service between Prince Rupert and Vancouver and also the Alaska run. A steamer will arrive at 10 o'clock Wednesday mornings from Vancouver via Powell R'ver and Ocean Falls, sail at 1 py. for Skagway and '"hr 4aska ooinU. returning here at 9 o'clock Mqndav rrrorn-iryrs rnd Mlllnr et ."i nm. Mon-H-y (0- van'wpr via Ocean Falls and Powell River. Oa Friday morning at 10 o'clock - stower will arrive from Vancouver via Pov?ell River and Ocean Fn'ls ill at 12 noon for 8tewart. return here ntr 11 o'clock Saturday mornln and stll at 4 o.m. Sat-'"daw frr V9nMiwr via Ocean F-m and Pooll River. 7h"-o iriV be four trains each HITLER'S DREAM I'll tell you a tnrv 'fr?pvc at i """m-i Hrr Hitler. th N7l. had a terrible drpm. stretched out in his coffin lying In state, Hlr little moustache frozen with hate, , ' While lying there he found, to his con. His plans for the next world and passporUwere lost. 8a right uo to Heaven Hitler went straleRt And proudly he goore-stepped to the golden gate. But the look-out angel, in a voice loud and clear. Said: "On your way, Hitler, you can't come in here;" Then Hitler replied "At least you are civil, "I suppose that means I can go to the devil." Said Satan: "Boys, I am elvin vmi warn).. Im expecting Herr Hitler, the Nazi, In lhe. mornings . So get this straight and get this clear, , . "We're too damn gdodVbr illtler dowrTKere4 4 ' "Oh Satanl Oh Satan." Herr Hitler replied "I heard what you said while waiting outside. "Please give me a corner, I've no place to go " And Satan replied: "No, a thousands times. No." And to Hitler these words were a terrible blow, He was still in his bed all covered with sweat Crying "Oh Doctor. Oh Doctor. lt8 the worst dream yet To heaven I can't go, I know It quite well But It's damned hard lines to be kicked out of Hell " 'IRENE' IS PRESENTED Fine Musical Comedy, With Anna Neagle and Kay Milland, Now Showing At Capitol Theatre The fit inversion of the popular mus.eal comedy hit "Irene." wttn Anna Neagle, famous English star, and Ray Mlllartd sharing top-cast honors, is the feature offering on h- sc-e-n 3f thf canltol Theatre - f ton'-l" md tomorrow. The picture is said to be equally as charming as the stage, play Itself Music Is, 0f course, featured including the famous "Alice Blue Oown." The plot deals with the scintillating career of a HUie Irish sales girl who becomes a model for a fashionable dress shop, unexpect developments ensuing in a triangle romance between the clrl and two young men &U of which leads up ,to a fast-moving climax. Miss Neagel is said to give a remarkably fine performance In the title role with Milland and Alan Marshall as the rivals for he.- favor. Roland Young plays the role of a dress shop manager. May Robson that of Mlas Neagle's grandmother. BUlle Burke as Marshall's mother and Arthur Treacher as a butler. There ar luxuriant settings and scores of brilliantly designed gowns and negligees. Such songs as "Alice Blue Gown," "Irene." "Castle of Dreanv" and "There's Something In the Air" are skilfully interpolated into the film story. I nohl Wedding 4t Bella Bella Event of Much Intern! at HHgc Dwn Coa't on Thursday of Lait Week BELLA BELLA. May JO.- Ar event of much interesta d-mble wedding took place at the Bella Bella United Church on Thursday night of last week. Dr. O. E. Darby, the mtnlonary doctor officiating, when Mi UlUan Humrhlt becime the bride of Benny Gladstone and Miss Edna Moody was united to Roy Gladstone. Following the ceremony the grooms were hos at a banquet to which ell peoplf of the vt!lm were Invited. The proceedings came to a clow with a dance whirh was fully enjoyed by young and old alike. way in and out durjig the summer. In udditlnn to the train i leaving Monday. Wednesday and Friday evenings as at present, a .'fs: pnsner train will leave ld-ys at U a.m.. starting June 28 A fast train will arrive here from the East Saturday afternoons during the summer at 3:30 In addition W, mixed trains on Sunday, "ru-sdav and Thursday nights at 11 o'clock. TV .L- d Ik i iiltii!iiiir. 4 lir t irnf vnn IKIOIIT,nd t Shows Nit hii. ' . M AOi iiruioim aiio i uu . . . - Anni "" . L'kiie tea 4i.A n-." ca?w nun in l iiiuitu ii iv. iniui ... iMiiv iiiia. '-i - J "" v iwirwM w wwii warn. mm 1 The department trophy wmaert were: Music. FtaneM Trevtean. Art and Education. Gall Law renee. nullnarv rtAMUin TVwtst n ltiu nf t 714 J.! s. Hlllin (1EHGLE RHY nilLLIUlD uilh tolond TOUNC AIom MAtSHAl tOISOM'Mlli IUI StrttmllmJ htm tk Brdwtf lUft IIUITISII EMPIKi: AMI WOULD NEWS 5- 'Mm Pfdiet and ftKUd by HERBERT WlUtf :i anal :-i CAKTO0X "t SV RAKERS' GIRLS AND ;Sure Scotties BOYS' FAIR;Have Porridge .Mhs Gall Uwrtnre Won Trip lo 5f Ration of It Tm tn rntm Vanrouter In Orran Falls Sfttttary to Aniiott, jjj Competition , LONDON M.n OCEAN FALLS, May 30 - A Uip Mf march.- 'to Vancouver and back was the "y. and. wh-i t prtw won by Mist Gall Lawrenee Uaj men for the highest score In Um Ooean ponlde fvin. .Falls Boys' and Girls' Fair. She wis Oliver 8'snlrv r, also awarded the A. H. Martin atentary t"y Orand AggregaU Trophy. Fred Stewart MP 1 : t oxetUHiry was only a point behttM newo nave n- fMtmfal ever) "nfin th em a the rrm'i vi being met b e Handle rafU and llobbk. au t Ml Uie Ti n Lawrence. ,ever.bin 0 dauk.. . a Arm 1 . t m t k . . . m mw t - , rence and Frank Barry. J" wlfMVerrt ' Athletics. Ted Brown. -v j The medals were awarded at frt-i WANT SHAKl.sri:Atl.!OW lows j 8irrtnf. Maniaret Hughea: pW p.,t, .,, Mleko Htsklt .danelng.' Do& R!& Thoroe: amateur hour. Eddie Wld- L? jl w ten. handlcralU and bobbles. Nor-. SSSTmS,. , , ma Walters: collections. Vlrtrlnte "'f.', t Marshall; phototraphy. Dean Bon- 's 'u ney: art. Eleanor Bryant; typing. Xd- ' 1 Bryant; cakes. Dorothy Todd: ik . , candy. M. Kabayama; mlscelian- ttom thr f eous ruUnary, Dorothy Todo swim-' - tous-ming. boyi. H. Chase, girls. Olidys Allen: diving. Harry Chase and Lorraine Moisted: running. Ted luthes: marb: Brown and L. Molstead: Jumping, basketball throw Ted Brown and C. Kabayama: ping Joan Rhode ! pons, Ted Brown and Owenfth people did n .:: Robert.on; 'kipping. Margaret many prises ALL7HE VITAL FOOD VALUes C C THAT GROWING CMVR&K 'ht Two Shredded Wheat with milk and fruit contain no lei than eigftf vital food valuen Vitamini A, &t and C, Calcium, Phoiphorui, Iron, Proteins and Carbohydrate. Thew are the precious elements that growing children need. Children like the delicious, natural flavor of Shredded Wheat. Serve it often It'i g meal of balanced noutnhmenl for the whol family, THI CANADIAN tHIIODIO WHIAT COMTANr, WO , r K n 1 1 I I'li'fll w '. -a r a r j : j n ' t 1 "rao.. Baaaaaaaa.v' -.t raaaaaaw ; u I. Ii.ll! 11.111 Ui W MMiM-JsiBianaaaiiaMxikamwi