—E ee aR a . : iW. . . . > THE DAILY NEws ; ; THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN SEITISH COLUMBIA : : ust ; Published Daily amd Weekly by : ore €asons Ii. ; A | THE PRINCE S127 ERT PUSLSHING CO. LTD. PRONE PLPERT BC. oy Fewer eet int - . $i. eee ae ee ee ee ee EF coment 7} 78 . . MUN a tig TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVEZTISING—S) rents ger ict mantra. tas ; be Defeated Stat y S ; MUNRO & LAILEY oe applica Servian Labor BeneSt Society } ; >. =~ SUBSCRIPTION RATES—Ts Canada United States ani Mexico—Daxt. se Me mE SSS : ; per month, or 5.0) per pear. me utvacce «=Weewtr, $2. ger peor =A 157i ; 1. Aildermar Douglas. ome of William Manson's most able sup ; —_ 7 aes the ; - Other Coustries Daily. $1.90 per year: Weekly, $258 per yer. ety SSS $ spivelessmess of tis candidate at the Conservative s™oker, anc said 1 will put starch into } A a wtracce 5 camtiadl me . : nis Sack and make bit take 1.” ; - catia Gy mane es , : 2 M@syor Newton the latest leader of public opinion to be whipped into lime by Ring ; wi BEAD OFFICE = domination. says s of ws make mistakes. a am MSlarsoc Sas Made bis. An¢c Mayor ; Daily “iews Bathing. Thirst Are.. Primes Bapert. B.C. Teele -” ° aie ree ; Sewioe crawis down from his pinzacie of ahilom independence amc emtreats us to return 3» ohiininiiliiaaa ee i .: Wiliam Glamsoc to continwe bis covtly ~istakes. ; Pe oe = tenet tt pre 2 . : i itiarn =s00 ¢ be written in the simple prayer And 4 4 i ee ic : 3 The political epitagh of William Slanzsoe can . ; - 7 as Daiy Eorrmox. = Toespar. Maece 2 ¢ . STORK * 3 we have left undose the things that we cught to have done. ; ; end Menus - —————— ~ = + Sees Baio an & ® A White the chairman at ihe Conservative smoker, is another of the apologists } : 7 exeecmentae . " a ‘in > -ARSS 4 — “= ‘ é ‘ Shar $07 semt back to Victoria and thus “Giwe the } : IN JUSTICE TO YOURSELF. ; ee oe a ee ee ee : a, Reo © Suter: Harcivz 43 cevil bis dwe. % (Oliiee - ani | @ Wabres & Pipes sford Scowes 1 1$ S The Ring morning newspaper frankly states that the level-headed electorate of this $ _ - The working - MeB - ach wh > & 4 Sraniteware Tis > istrict will ect be misled Mc ome. mot even those of the Ring. are trying to mislead tre } we i : Sf za e 4 ; electorate im regard to William Marmsom. His leading supporters frankly agree with every- ; Puck j gnimg has - e2? ECON TENUE $ body cise that be is 2 proven incompetent. Then why vote for him? 3) Crown an tiring pile + ward re signing ? s IND - AVENUE ¢ : & Theat © Wiliaerm Mansoc was the only possible available candidate it would be better ; 23 tence 20 — oP i * +—o-+-+-+ — + + + + +--+ ; te send a proxy and dismins the mutter from one's mind. To lean upon a reed means con- § = r =e . . a $ Stamt worry and probable disaster ; ee ze ee ripe - ; ; 7. Willem Slarson bas beer weighed in the balance and found wanting His Ring } a chee wares. wee. ro! Eitle's NEWS Agency|} emocte cece. ety toms m= ster avsssc ogee sn te po fn superinte . € e © Bose ; S&S There seing so argumest. so valid reason whatever giver ever by his supporters to ; Ld keepe ~ a fig 2 Magetines — Permdicale = Newspapers 2 Sow cause why William Mlarsoc should be again returned, why vote for him? : Barz Mis Ole” ech ine oe . s . ° 7 : S Why oct try am entirely new man, ome of known ability and feartess=ess. such as } Me beddin CIGARS = TOBACOUS = FRUITS } Alex @ Manson? : = 2 Aaa ager ‘ STP. WHARF ; ® 1 Commer sense will prompt you to try this man of confidence and competence in — J The people ¢ . rey SoS a oo incomoetence. — mm hemeelve> - 2 He - = = = = of 2 man who w - ent Skee - ste ma JOH? = DAVE ere SHOOTING ee = . whe w < per * t < e e I oF © . WHERE THE VOTES CLUSTER— 02% Scam oF 8c, us 4 eer fas | SPRENCTH will receiv its just deserts : : pew stec! Passenger Steamers | GEORGE LEEK & (1 na ae eee it Siiest te SIMPLICITY = rr ris [ stromge ide : ze ‘“é “Ch 9 [LECT ery th t. Mak ‘ site : é e on Fee, Le and A sii " a ee ie . RETURNS FROM THESE POINTS REPRESENTING 1.245 VOTES rt Avenue alk he Mex. O6 Rs ew eee WILL BE PUBLISHED IN THE DAILY NEWS SPECIAL ON rs See c e =e THURSDAY NIGHT—LOOKOUT FOR IT Sonat dios a oe n mee uit ce “ 9 "a s ee r i JOHN DYEH ie "Ww ng ” t SS —~ a a = 2 . ‘ a “ + , os ce . * . Leewe Prince Rapert fer Wanccaver vs - 4 ’ aaers © as follows “ew P - - «4 ear = > 7s : o ‘ ; , ee Sirk ‘ Cielstsn Wednesdays 2f 9 pm _ 3 L 4 : i “ M : ‘ = 2 : “Comes” - Satrdayss ¢ 10 am me < . s sg i ut 'anwad - ' = “ee a es THE IRC UUL) z ‘ z = 2 g 2c Va over Priday eve te Select Fr = - a 2 muariing, respe 1s ond fF . POOL W Mf SEND FOR CATALOGUE PF & zn 6 i W. W. GREENER " - <3-45 Beaver Mal I z . Moctreai, P. Q. itceeteiblialiii The gove - f; * 4 : rium Pioneer leaners ; er ; SANE pee ; ; ee L j ; ial! ema , y > THE . 24 & ere z see : a: i Royal Hotel ; yt . ' ; ad int Shas : ss { Cor. Third Avenue end Sime St / 7 . : =e Bs i he ge eS The When was ~ 4 Mf e! 3 . / i Wa warue & e et x was i ; ” jrawing » r : : - : j i a eae j iE The 7 : : 7 c c ; 1 tte] ir ¢ - ; j 7 . i i 7 a eE ——+ } LET THE GOLD-BRICK Remember There will be two Manson names on your ballot paper. Be careful to make the distinction between the McBride Manson, who has been tried and found wanting. anc ALEX. &@ MANSON, the people's candidate. and 2 true representative of Sheena riding. To save confusion at the polls put your cross opposite the name of ALEX M@. MANSON, which is the second same on the ballot, ezactiy as indicated thus: CLAYTON William Barratt Clayton, of Prince Rupert Dentist MANSON, ALEX. M. A. M. Manson, of Prince Rupert, Barrister-at-Law MANSON, WILLIAM William Manson, of Prince Rupert, Accountant X Exclusive Offerings REAL ESTATE : ack 3 x aic pa com E- <3 #3 Lee oo Mart t : L a ‘ sta x 22 ‘ s Term x : . - t t3 o. : #* t sau : way : ti 5 + at : a t a i x $ 2 ’ ems Sag a es = iss a t . Bistiw ‘ at x ed 2. ae t McCaffe ry & Gibbons MONTGOMERY Wm. H. Montgomery, of Prince Rupert, Laborer GRAHAM COAL LANDS Z we ts - in- Bellamy Has’ Receiver Appointec i as hs aiur he to Collect Commission. : ard hese er ds —---— wishes the payments st tu Vas ‘ Ma 22 The * \boul 28 a Royal Bank of Canada was yes-|#'T** ove par num erday constituted the r ne ‘ Pe onnection with the asset { the Vancouver Boxing Tournament. Canadian Dev ‘ Secrage. the s 4 f th upon the applicat ‘™ ‘a By Ain ‘ fies Clark, wh asker { Jus ‘ a ring amet Hunter in this way . t Apt iith payment f monies a registered chent, Mr. Henry R. Bellamy. FT : as a latter in his aflidavil sete oui iba 64 Rupe: he brought about an exchange of properties between the deve ; - $$ —_$__-— ment company end the Graha } hi s of enses are Island Collieries He was * threats and ceive something $13,500 ; ta by the two-man gov- He states thai he has been Th ar falling int to undersiand that a seitiementithe ranks f the Liberals every is pending in comnpection with the} day if 1836 1911 The Bank of British North America 7% Tears & Beseess Capital and Reserve Over $7,300,000 Money Earning Money Small weekly or monthly de- posits in a Savings Account soon compounded current rates count up— Interest at hi Deposits of $1.00 and upwards received. Prisce Rupert Braech— FS LO@NG, Maaeger wer errs | DO WE WANT “A FRIEND AT COURT” The Trombone tries repeatedly to make out that William Manson has proved himself “a friend at court” for the Skeena nm the effort to counteract the Liberal candidate's direct éeclaration that the “friend at court” claim is a fallacy and 2 fraud without one fraction of advantage in it for Skeena The Trombone quotes the figures given Selow in support of ts absurd claim. Study them, just study them! . UNDER LIBERAL MEMBER UNDER WILLIAM MANSON. ridiers = 3 1908 $25,000 1510 $150,000 1909 $75,000 1911 $225, 00¢ Appropriation for 1909 Appropriation for 1910 only [ nearly three times that for double that for 1909. Appro- 1908. At the same rate the priation for 1911 $75,000 short Liberal member would have of being even only double that Psecured for 1910 at least for 1910. @ $200,000. ——— _ IMPERIAL MACHINE WORKS s « Wa ur . ® PRINCE RUPERT Th. COLLART Sore Agent Mataral Resources Security Co Lic Sct os 2 Ge &. Proce 381 ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS . 43% ef " ’ ores Wat Princess Beatrice ; es eer , Seterdey. March 23¢¢ * oe Subscribe For The Daily News ie EE wee | i a Prcae —IN THE— Skeena Valley Bulkley Valley : aiid tos Oeics - PWAZEDS NORTH COAST LAND COMPANY, Limited PAID UP CAPITAL $1 ws Nechaco Valley Fort George District FARM .. | LANDS VANCOUVER, B.C.