PACH3 TWO Gracia Shoes PERFECT FITTING PUMPS With Style and Dependability Gracia pumps are built with snug fitting heels, built-in arches, in fittings from A to EEE Priced $5.50 to $6.50 Family shoestore ltD The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News. Limited, Third Avenue U. F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor Paid in advance, per week Paid la advance, per month By mall to all part of British Columbia, the BritiMi Empire and United States, yearly period, paid In advance By mall to all other countries, per year Classified advertising, per word, par insertion Local readers, per line, per insertion News Department Telephone , Advertising and Circulation Telephone Member ot Audit Bureau ol Circulations FATLY EDITION X6 98 3.00 9.0C 02 GOOD FRIDAY Tomorrow is Good Friday, the day on which we cele brate the " world's outstanding o tragedy, "o J the Tragedy of uoig died gotha. Plenty of people, hundreds of thousands, have t Xf Anyr Xm Cnmn i.n,m BRILLIANT RAIDS The British air raids of yesterday and the nicht before on the Island of Sylt seem to have been brilliantly executed war events, well planned and carried out without much loss. They were evidently designed to show Germany what the Allies are capable of doing if war ever really gets going. It is one of the outstanding events of the war so far and reflects credit on Royal Air Force. It seems that it was from Sylt Island that the German airmen came who bombed Scapa Flow recently. The dos-tr"ction of the hangars at that point will make it more difficult for the enemy to repeat the invasion. DEFENSIVE PACT mey are taming ol a detensive alliance. It has been sr. gested that it would have been so much better if they had realized bf ore the collapse of Finland that small nations cannot stand alone. They must either league to-ethev o-tie up with some more powerful neighbor. It is for the right of such nations to live that the war is being fought. IS HE OR IS HE NOT? "What will Dr. Manion and his Conservative suonnvr. ers say on the morning of March 27 if the Canadian people, in their wise judgment, have decided upon another Jive years of government under Mr. Mackenzie King?" Inauires thp Victoria Times. "For the last week or so thev have namted Wjri vrbal pictures of how the present administration has let the countrv down, let the Empire down. let the Allies down; how it has done nractically ev. erything that ;t oun-ht not tq have done, and that the onlv way the oeoole of the Dominion fight save themselves irom still move horrible conseouences was to elect the Con. seryatives and tn,Sf Dr. Minion in his nromise to form a cabinet composed of 'thp best brains in the country.' ppf.opn now and Tuesday of course, the people will have had hm to r-pflect on what the ODDositionists have had to p". The Sectors of thP notmrv HvP as milHHe as the Conservative leaders aopear to thmk ttpv are. The electiirs know Mackenzie King has simply asked them to tell him if they think he has done a good ion nf work since he has been in office, and esoecially smce Seote'nhp.r 3. or whether it is their view that Dr, Manion nun-ht to have a chance to show what he can do. It is more than likely that the maioritv of voters will pay more attention to this uractical demonstration of democratic procedure than they will to political pyrotechnics. In any event. Mr. King wants to know, and he will abide by the decision." but the color In their markmanshlp. A different story started in the second Quarter, however, as the Oil- The with the Beynon, "SAFE MILK Fifty Miles from Nowhere 1" gay Eltle, the Borden Cow. "No matter where you live, there It do need to be without a ready supply of pasteurized milk. Just stock up with KUM. It's fresh rich milk powdered by removing only the natural water content. Simply add KLIM to cold water mu and you nave an instant supply of natural-tatting creamy milk. Tk t t. i r v i r. : . -i : Now that thp Finn hnvp hppn honfon W Puccto o,l It keeps sweet and fresh indefinitely in . . ,""' ","'Mm auu Stsvaeuum-sealedcontatner.GetKLIM ipar has r-on nr intn the hearts of the Scandinavians, an good grocers and supply houset.- klimS "&' fcxtwor" SHOOTING GALLERY Adjoining IDORA ROLLER ARENA NEW CENTRAL HOTEL ANNEX Second Avenue Housekeeping Apartments (Hot Water Heated) Mrs. C. E. Black. Proprietress (Central Hotel) Our Famous Edsun Alberta COAL Bulkley Valley Coal Nanaimo Wellington Coal Bulkley Valley Wheat and Grain PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Phone 58 and 558 THEDAILT'NEVra Prince Rupert' Takes Handy 62 to 43 Victory In First Championship Hoop Contest Ocean Falls Had Early Lead Hut Were Smothered After Locals Struck Their Stride News Stand Heats Metlakatla Panthers The strongly powered and smoothly cogged Standard Oil basketball machine of Prince Rupert, after devoting the first, quarter to priming, moved into co-ordinated action last night and took an easy 62 to 43 victory fro n the visiting Ocean Falls all star team in the onener a four-game series for the Northern British Columbia hoop championship. The seeond name will be played tonight and Inter the a heayy lead oon after the hair scene will shift to Ocean Palls lor Mmc tnterraiaslon. Heavy -heck another two games. A large crowd, h emqttiorai the thrusts of Bur-filling the capacity of the Armory. ss and Foot and. at the end of ers settled down to their usual com-'.the loeah wr nretty difficult far- kUndAH 1 : , t .1 . ,tnr fl nuarAnm n I uuiuuuii, iccuing me .Miarpsnooiers viviuvmv, ,wha commenced functioning with' ,nd,vWw' worlnsr with per-j sneert and nrpriinn Th orMr senate was aa follows: inursaay. warcn ti, ivw. 2e and smooth co-ordination of the locals began to have a nlav- breaking effect on the visitors. The BAAM nitiB aah IIaJ A M J l cwn, noo awn Liru ul -f-i ;i nn. Ocn from then on. the Prince RuDertlte North l)' totI. 43 (12) were never headed. The half end- Prince Ruoert-Sonny ea 28 to 24 in their favor Full Rav Bur-: 1. Lear: Ron 'wU?. 13 M; Ted Kel- 'V 7 t- IlnraM vll rt, t.i. 18 1); Herbie MaePhec I): D6 the cross. In fact the world has a habit of crucifying its Maic1phe! and Oomio ne nego- stiles. 8 i t saviours. The chief difference between this traeedv and IT. l "5 u .om..a. ' over Dominato. 10 others is that it has Droved to be a rant hle.ssW to thp coceQ DU"ain up . : totals world. Tomorrow hundreds of thousands of people will kneel at the foot of the cross and worship the Crucified One. Beynon Morgan 7: Anaus 1 U, Bob Houston. I ' 'Ainty, rl n- Sonny Sain Currle. 2 li; 2: Helae Holke- 62. MO). Intermediate Game At the outset, the Intermediate game between Ben's News Standi and Metlakatla Panthers looked like a walk-away for the town team, the natives finding It difficult for a long time to find the basket while Ben's boys were net-Ung them at will. The first half ended 14 to 9 for Prince Rupert and the locals continued to build GOLDR! 00M "The Old Uellahlr" Have Big Order For Beaver Postlve can pay more than anyone else for all furs. Do not sell your furs on the waterfront, brln; them to GOLDI1LOOM and set 30 per cent more. IDORA Roller Rink Dally Sessions a Follows: Mon.. Tues., Wed. 7 to 11 p.m. Thursday 7 to II p.m. Friday G to 10 p.m. Dance 10:30 to 2 a.m. Sat. Children 10 to 12 a.m. 2 to 4:30 p.m. 4 to 8:30 p.m. 8:30 to 11 p.m. Special Arrangements Can Be Made for Private Skating Parties GENERAL CONTRACTORS CASEY and M0RRETT0 Stone Masonary, ilrlck or Concrete Work Excavation and Landscape Gardening Macadam Roads or Sidewalks Phone 35 for Morretto or Green 527 for Casey turned out for the game which In- the third quarter, the count was eluded a lively opener betwwn 51 te 33 r Prince Rupert. Mean- Ben's News Stand of Prince Ruoert tlme n-d n banished for "P lne Jead Ul,'l llUo and Metlakatla Panthers in the r- P0"-- and that was bad r,r e d hair at one time being the PPr team. ahead The Panthers pui ies for the Prince Rupert int-r- mediate championship, the town rorth quarter was pretty w a " nuor. iwwewr . -wen much a repetition of the third and ve nd 'to- team winning 25 to 22 in a closely f contested and spirited battle lthe by this time had be- ay reduced the deficit to a scant I come so odvious that interest be-.'" mwiii wn-uc t i - F MVImH A-rA Ron Foote of 0:ean Falls, almoat jgan a to vv wane. r- Hill., .MAIB IX VANCOUVER immediately after the soundlne of Sonnv nmmnn An.. MPh.J Terry Ortmbk was hlch ITCH r ' H w scorer the opening whistle, snared the op- and Sev Dominate all functioned and 106 tar ,n "" emng Das-ei 01 tne game wim An-1 well xor Prince Ruoert on the for-r"' uven-s-. Jimmy iiai-gusMacPhee soon retaliating. Then.! ward line with Sonny StUes an'dane's bunt of ttnt Just to-whlle the local? were missing them effective relief. Don Arney. the.ward the end put him Into the regularly, hardly being able to find i latest recruit for the Oilers, made ' !irnelteht for the visitors, the backboard for a time, Ray Bur-a fine showing: as ?uard and Bob-' lne individual scoring: t gess and Foote led a soeedy attack by Houston gwve his usual steady I Ben's News Stand Knutarn, 4: as a result of which the visitors .and effective service Roma 6 2; Lundqulst: Clasne 4 were 19 to 10 ahead on the first, Ron Ftoote and Rnv rturMc tit- iinu nrimHu it m- . - i m w a fV t J7 quarter. The play had been sweep- the mainstays and by far out-, totals, 25 6i. .50;ing in fat waves from end to endi'hone the rat'of the Ocean FaUsI Mttiakatla Panthers I la Win locals :als were were decidedly decidedly offi'rn. This nalr may be speedler'12 2; A. Lelghton 3; W. Leigh- man any ol e prince Rupert ton 3; Auckland 6 U; H. Lelth-Dlavfrti wltv the possible ex-'ton 1; R. Nelson 1; Leask; centlon of Beynon. but the greater .Robinson, totals, 22 i5i. size and aunedor co-ordination of Johnnv Comadinn rrrM ih- STOPPED i a Jiff if " Will f B(k DAVIES PHONES 585 5S6 FRKK DKLIVKKY Ketchikan Clerks Seeking Increase Higher Cost of Living Is Reason for Request Now Being Negotiated KETCHIKAN. March -l:-l;ca! ietail clerks are negotiating with their employers for a small increase in wages. The higher cott of living is the reason for the request for more pay. . i game and Dominic the intermediate. Andre ,'Himeau was score keeper and "i: AniotieJU held the time piece Olof HaiiMin "! f H:inaon lhr?w up the open ball and nearly htt the celling. Before he dtd that, however, he made a neat speech in which he alluded to the Importance of clean sport in building up the Individual of a healthy nation. lie stressed the Importance of all. no Imatter what their racial origin. being primarily good Canadians. InBuckJtYtCdptultiYo PAIN- LULU' INGREDIENTS Which givt you THREEllfrm Falter Rtlitf thin JuU 0n THREE 4U. .-TiT Umt lor ii. l- wilckbif to Bu.kUy'. CiL!2 Crwl to jr,kUr tl n4 w 2 mntr na ! U irltlMul Ikns. SvJ llilni1iilMiT:1iIiiira tlve thounMnu i nv eople reaa .nr Dn y Sti pays to let them know rui t have to sell .ooooooooooooooooouooooorooojaoototoooooooooooocs:9 EASTER NOVELTIES S A truly fine selection of chocolate novelties. Never ! 1 h i wu, (r a a a rMicairfion. J II r i w 7 r t ! . beforo featured in the city 15cto $3 Any item roen-ed till Easter on request Make vur g selection while the assortment is complete lo g o s 0 0 0 8 o 0 SYPdPHONY EASTER CARDS An excellent assortment, reasonably prio i 2 for 5c 5C and IQc Ormes Ltd. Pioneer Druggists The Rexall Store Phonei l k 8i Open Dally from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundayi and Uoldlayi from It to 2 p.m. and 1 to t D.D1. aooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooocoooooooooooooo C 1940 Clobo Trotter Umi 8 02 Sparkling V Model A-20 1 ; Srn 20c ! NuBenty te,vrcioo.,.e , pTjUmam I I wn0l ugl Int lull uio hil tvoin I ljj something , ,. V '(,' m kiob, ch.r a. i LJ and Delicious Snort WuV(, ( JU"...'? "l.o0 ' ceptinn V J Wheat Puffs-Large 0,p Saeks. Each , In an erdy NEW type of Radio 29c '&?J7A'S7ZjL Wearmouth Local New Qff W W S5r r ClX LaldEggs-Perdoz. 05C iZZ tD5T- M CLOBE TROTTER MODEL A-20 Aunt Dinah Moilasses r !'fr-M omf,hi"1 mifcly new lo radio ,.. luC Jl'"f" be pTd not Its Per W tin un performanre Kit for in omIing ,, c brjlljint . partner. RCA VU lor ciuili.y ihrouRKout, ilie Apricots 4 m Tfo 'er M,J', V "fT1" w h'Kh in RCA Vlcwr rcara" 15c McRAE BROS. LTD.