PAGE FOUR THE DAILY NEWS Tb: Outfitting the Children for Easter $ Isn't Such a Problem If You Go To The Cut-Rate I The Runerf Men's Shoe Store anrl RiW Stnrp Little feet feel like singing, encased in these fine, sturdy shoes for boys and girls. Every style the young folks favor is included and size for all. Pitted for super comfort and correct posture. ! YWVYW 75c to $3.45 THE CUT-RATE SHOE STORE THIRD AVENUE . sfecr -' Ailjbl in ptdtfrt, .. poic pouenva mm4 NJ li lb. tint. CUT COARSE TOR THE PIPE CUT FINE FOR ROLLING YOUR OWN BOYS' SUITS With Long Trousers S6.95 To $12.00 Small Boys 2.00 to $5.00 With knee trous- k ers. Sizes for boys age 4 to 14. BOTH STORES OPEN SATURDAY NIGHT .V.VW. il mil m Styled like dad Large varied assortment of colors and patterns. Stripes, tweeds, plain blues, greys, etc. All styles. Single and double breasted. Popular belted and pleated backs. RUPERT LIEN'S AND HOYS' STORE SIXTH STREET .V.W.V.S,.V.WAV.W.,.V.WiWiV,l J. B. Wilkinson of the staff of the city, Is sailing tonight by the Booth Memorial High School is Prince George on his return to the sailing tonight on the Prince paper town. George for Vancouver, for the Easter vacation. ; Fred Brown, formerly of Anyox and now identified with head-Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Robertson quarters staff of the Liquor Con-,are paying a brief visit to the city, trol Board at Victoria, will sail to-having arrived from the Queen night on the Prince George for Charlotte Islands on the Prince Ocean Falls in continuation of a John this moming. trip through the district on offl- cial duties. Father P. Claeson, parish priest . . ' of the Roman Catholic Church at ' Ocean Falls, after a brief visit to Advertising is an investment e vfcre brineine m a load of furs and we had made camp when up pops a Rcdstin. I don't know "wliere he came from nor why but ray scalp itched. 'Pipe of peace' I said and shoved over my tobacco: He filled up and sat there saying 'Ooml OoomT It was Old Chum I gave him. I said then, and I say now, 'Always and everywhere, there is no other tobacco just like OldGhum! Uikcitanditlikesmc. They chose the right name when they called it Old Chum.' (Meet Her in a Meter Cab) DE LUXE METER CABS PHONE 13 4 Can Ride for Price of One UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leave-Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUES- T.S.S. CAR DEN A FRIDAY, DAY, 1:30 p.m. 10:30 p.m. Due Vancouver, Thurs. p.m. Due Vancouver, Monday a.m. If Convenient, Please Purchase Tickets at Office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets From FRANK J. SKINNER, Prince Rupert Agent. Third Ave. Phone 568 5 T rr a t Mi?ti7o n.xrrrr?o j! L.WVrtdL. IIILVVO rNUIHO SI Idora Roller Rink Dance, Friday For prompt and courteous ser '22. Colussl's Orchestra. 5 1 Easter Tableau, Good Friday, . eight "clock, at Salvation Army. S; 69 . TT. a j. u t . voie is a vote in support of old age pensions at 60. C. F. Election Committee. (69) William Jones, Port Esslngton :hool teacher, Is sailing tonight n the Prince George for Vancouver and Victoria to spend the 'aster holidays. Miss Florence Wilson of Booth Memorial High School teaching staff is sailing tonight on the I Prince George for Vancouver to S;j spend the Easter holiday season. y Dr. W. T. Kergin. who has been 5 1 on a visit to the city and district 1 for the past ten days, is sailing by ihe Prince George tonight on his return to Vancouver where he now resides. jl The post office wisket will be 5 1 open, for business Good Friday. March 22, 8 ajn. to 12 noon. The lobby will be open from 7 ajn. to 6 p.m. On Easter Monday the wickets and lobby will be open the usual hours. (69) Dr. W. E. Austin, medical sun- erintendent of the Haielton Hos pital, and Mrs. Austin will arrive Inthe city from the interior on tonlghfs train and sail on the Prince George for a trip to Van couver. . . tares FOR P vice Phone 13 TaxL DOES WHAT MOTHER DID FOR COLDS SINQWICH. 0NT..W0MAN WRITES: ''We are constant users of Vkkj VapcRub both in my home and my mother s. Most highly rrc- ommend Vicks for relieving the tv and coughing of cdiJs". Vicks VanoRub ha hern home-tested for you by two gen crauans 01 mothers. tf. Mrs. Martin Skog and child are sailing tonight on the Prince George for Vancouver. -Tonight's train, due from the tt&st at 11 o'clock, was reported this afternoon to be on time. W. R. McAfee will apeak over CFPR at 7 o'clock this evening In the tntereats of the National Gov ernment candidate. George F. Cameron. (89) Miss Jean Cochrane will arrive In the city on tonight's train from her school teaching duties at Port Esslngton and will sail on the Prince George for her home at Ocean Falls to spend the Easter holiday season. WAR UPON BARBARISM 'Stewart Barrister Is Interestlne Speaker Before Luncheon Of Gyro Club I "The educated barbarian in 'Germany, Hitler, and the unedu-lea led barbarian in Rustla. Stalin, have one great common aim the j defeat of Great Britain and with ilt democracy and Christianity" .was the way E. T. Applewhalte Stewart barrister, concluded an address before the Prince Rupert Gyro Club yesterday. "Both have a great gr?1 hatred for Ior civilized man man I Mrs. A. Abraham of Masset ar- rived in the city on the Prince We snouw 00 "y"ln Fire Chief H. T. Lock was the John this morning from the Queen 5wer the 11ar,!?rta1n speaker at the regular weekly Charlotte Islands for a brief visit . Ihu We hould t to town. uke 100 mucn Branted luncheon of the Prince Rupert A Club 'nd fuf' lhtl Sml be8lBe we RoUry today on the sub-: Ject of fire prevention or fight-, Misses Janet and Nancy Owens X .th?r " TJ lng In wartime. President Peter 'and Mar Marion, all for Etta Jk, 1 -Lakle was In the chair and there and Catherine Seaton. for TerS L jLrmZLZ . Pred 10 make sacrifices sympath- was a eood attonrianni. nf mpm. opt ,mn bers with a fg W ,1 lait T f . .evening's train for their homes in v, aui,. v. , CARD OF THANKS J"!" spfnd ."d to 0.1. War We Wish tn pxnress mir tlnrora ' . vucanorv reason. nnnA.inin -11 II. P., fllvrlhnrn n-Kin Sefvleos lac campaign which he maae clear was a separate lnsu- has imm tutkm iuiui enUrery rnuiviy from irom the wie regular regular unruauuii mj mi uur inenas, ,v w. i who so generously offered their bccn stationed here for the past function of the Letnn in lmirm "help and sympathy, and to those J?ar as uprintendent for the aft?r the InteresU of veterans of who sent floral tributes at the,Northern Construction Co. on the the last war The speaker dwelt time of our recent bereavement. 'fort,fJcaUon contracts at the en- more particularly with the aim of in the loss 0r our dear husband r?nce of tne nrbr. and R. D. educating the soldiers in the and father and Mcianv tn Mr. Thomas, who has been tlmekeener nrent war u th a J " ....a. ' J UC piC" O. Frasler, for her Mnd and cheer- on Ltne. samc Jb- ar aUlng to- cared to Uke thlr place in civil ful nursing. Mrs. Henrietta Smith and Francois Lake. B. C. migni ov tne prince Oeorge for llff after the conflict was over the south, Mr Sllverthorne going Mr Aorwhalte described how to Vancouver and Mr Thomas to the community f Stewart had co-ctorla ordlnoted efforts In raising fund LCHURCH notices W4-40JC MBSBaV J NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Proprietor "A IIOMK AWAY FROM HOME" Rates 75c up SO Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, BC. Phone Z8I r.O. Box 191 Don Wilson BARBER (Late of Nelson's) Is Now Open! Just East ftt Ello's. t The choir of the First United Church, augmented for the 'ccas- m m tmt mn w. T f mD"8 Irom other rho,r will give an appropriate Good Ffl- 5 I E R I at V8 T&ViCe l" nT5t UnitWI ChUrth n G00d Pr'day evcnl,1g nnK IITWIIII UL STATIONS III CINADA Single Fare and One-Quarter for Round Trip Minlmm Fra 25c) GOING: MARCH 21 to 2 p.m. -MARCH 25 ItTURN: Vttt dtitintlii an 111 mMnltht, March 2(. r iO ptrtinlari from Lord Afnl The first part of the service will Include: Solo "Beside the Still Water" Hamblem Mr. J. E. Davey. Duet- "O Divine Redeemer" (Gounod. Mrs. and Dr. R. 0. Large. Drama Usation-"Where Love Is There Ood Is Also." 'L. Tolstoi) Mrs. Mandy. The second part will be the presentation of Stalner's "Crucifixion" by the augmented choir. The bass solos will be ; and the tenor numbers by Mr. J. E. Davey. Mr. Len Cripps will also sing, i The members of the choir will be Mrs. R. O. Large. Mrs. Jenner. ivira. f . N. uooa. Mrs. aouinoy. Mrs. T. Fraser. Mrs. G. Rorle, and the Misses Elsie Davies. Joy Green. M. Hunt and D. Priestly fsopranosi ; Mrs H. T. Lo?k. Mrs. C. E. Cullin. Mrs. P. C. Miller and Mrs. S. D. Johnston (contraltos). Messrs. J. E. Davey, R. Barclay, P. Lien and R. Stevens j form the tenor section while the basses Include Dr R. O. Large. Judge nsner and Messrs. F. Derry. H. T. Lock. O. Young and Len Cripps J 8. Wilson is conductor and Miss 8. Olafson A.T.C.M. organist and accompanist, A collection will be takn up. "RUPERT BRAND" Smoked BLACK COD Smoked Daily Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Prince Rupert (Jq, Ltd. DrlUsh Columbia 0 giMfiY ruciMS THIAMIN (VITAMIN I,) AND WATM TO ttANTUfCSClCNTlSTS HA VI RCCCNUY CROWN IHKT (&W0NS 6 ftlT TALL; MSK WITH FIVC INCH SUDS COUNTLESS CTHrilPlAftTS.SIC AND HtAlTHY tVtN IX W1NTTR 1 -4 1l 1 m L I t irt'.F n AMAZING ELEMENT THAT CROWS FLOWERS 6 FEET TAl OaTMCAL IS SATWir'S WCHKT rwffifrv sootce or THIAMIN (vitamin B). to stevt eii-Kious hot QUAKER OATS MfAxlASTS MBYMOHOIS. THIS MOORlSMINb WHOU- mm woo costs less te than CtM m ttivms! 77r.T7.Twy ::::;:: :." P, DlCAMl InlAMIN CANNOT It STOKED Vr IT iHl J09Y, V jj r..r ..ft truaTC tw. u.irr u.ui TSJIKMIIi h . .... ------ W EVtKY DAY TO Htlf BUILD JTR0N6 MUSttESJIftM fttSH STEADY NERVIS, INIhuT M1P Mllln for war activities There had been address one big drive which was to sut- Hunter. fice for six months, the funds: William: raisea inrrcoy to d? auoiea 10 uie tne club various calls such as Red Cross, meeting . . . Canadian Legion Inc.. Salvation Legion to d.-. Army e'e The people, assured Lon? ridge . : that there would not be various bilitv if rr canvasses, had given to the best war .t.tlvi': of their ability in response to the ratM'd on t one appeal. The result was that omm.Aee f..: more had been prooably raised than would have been the ease LA Rt Rev G had there been various less sys- ternoon on , tematlc and thorough canvasses. s trip to s-The speaker was thanked for his buMneas HAVE YOU HEARD r - 11 Ahka. Iimi CUAlai Aatbontr ' h oflii a v.. I FREE Writ mom tr Ik titlrd'HOV.. Vh' KUu I Ubt(rM lay Canada SUrrh r. rt tl kUim The CmxIi tHtrdi - - - - k rimni't rOQO Coal! Coal! co&lbin needs S3 i VoUR I Km. Hulk Nana in Ve are ri-&ajr of il ea rrf il ' Sr i- lrnr- I I Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. B. C. Furniture Co. New And Used Furniture 1 Keconditioncd Underwood C90 ll Typewriter v"" 1 Keconditioncd KcminRton 97 1 W workinir order V' lGKcds Complete Sizes .'-3, 1-0, 4-G.I'mt $12.50 S16.50 2 Washing Machines A-l condition 825.00 am,S39.50 1 HabyCrib Q flf Special VddK 1 Fivc-l'iece Dining Room Suite (JiMiuin ' v . round table with Q-fl hy leaves tf&W New Furniture 5-Two-Tonc All-Enamel Kitchen Ranges "i ' fine makes. to QS. 6 Three-Piece Chesterfield Suites In tapestry, latest style GfiQ A A hl SlJo and patterns from . . . tPUi7lJV Vv 12 Spring and Cotton Filled Mattresses- $18.75 t0 $22.50 Phone I1LACK 32i TIIIKD Next iioor to 11. C. Cloililers