L Marh 21, 1940. i i tii. ly fiuiDana woj very in; odor advised BUYKIL Lr since he has had a . " lip every night and H hai clped build him up won- ertuiiy. SB imely Recipes BIRMINGHAM KGGS bread, 6 eggs, butter, 1 pepper, bfad in F: ,m centre High School Hoop Series return visit will be paid here by the Smlthers teams on Wednesday and Thursday of next week. Notification has been received at the High School that 8mlthers will De represented by the following uoys Meivin Maclntyre. Bill . ,, ., iacn. rete tc Mayer. idjrcr, Cliff trnir Emerson Emerson one-hair Inch Bud Emewon. Gordon HetheX . of each cut ton. Joe Rife. "nenng ,o with 2Vinch cutter. of bread In hot. well 5 f uig pans Drop an egg ( : u' Je and cook until un-bmwned. Place a piece t top of each egg. Turn a; if cook on other side. :th parsley. I-ocal Team Oolnt to Smlthers To-morrow .Night and Keturn Visit iominr Up Next Week OlrU and bov' htt.m,n teams representing Booth Memorial High School of Prlnee n ""ii I, win I leave on tomorrow evening's train for Smither where they will play games Saturday and Monday evenings with Smlthers tami Olrls Ethel Bersr. Jmu pv.. V Sf ..III . mm .. neuie naming, Dorothy Foster Hazel Peterson. Wllma Watson une owm, Mary Fowler and ucuy uiraua. r. Mccanue. Rmiih.r. will be in charge of the party with Jack Dunlop as coach. DKPUTIES AUE NAMED 'Contjnued from Page One) Klsplox Mrs. Helen D. Campbell.. Hazelton W. W. Anderson. I New Hazelton Dan MacKenzle. j South Hazelton William Orant. j Kltwanga Roy Moore. Woodcock W. C. Little. Cedarvale T. R, Tomlinson. Dorreen C. H. Leake. Pacific John C. McCubbin. Usk Percy R. 8klnner. Copper City L. Q. Skinner. Little Canyon Alfred Michaud. Terrace Fred 8. Thomas and Ouy H. Taft Kitsumkallum Lake Oscar Olan- der. Remo Charles Llndatrom. Kwlnltsa Molse Dubeau. Haysport Nelson Brew. Port Esslngton Hugh J. Brown. Inverness P. H. King. Osland Arthur Kristmanson. Moricetown William H. Atrill. Evelyn Edwin Johnson. Olentanna Mrs. K. E. Chapman. Smlthers Alfred Q. Ford and Tohn W. Downey. Telkwa-F. W. A. Mapleton. Quick-William C. Oowanlock. Walcott Mrs. J. O. Clarkston. Houston Harold H. Sllverthorne. Tctoley W. E. Holme. Rose Lake Dave Sturgeon. Up a Blind Alley?- It is time for plain speaking. Dr. Manion's pretence of offering "national" government is sheer political deceit. Because: even if he ircrc elected to office, Dr. Manion could not organize or lead a truly national government. The parliamentary group which might follow him would 'fail to represent all Cinada. It would not represent the people of the national Liberal party. It would not represent the people of the C.C.F. party. It would not represent the people of the .historic Conservative party which Dr. Manion has now scuttled. Do not be deceived I Dr. Munion cannot girc you 'National (jot'crinncnt. The best he might give you would be government by unknown followers. He invites you to follow him up a blind alley to vote for a government of his own imagination answerable to 6omc undisclosed political group. $ The Responsibility is Now Yours Canada is facing the greatest crisis iti her history. It is YOUR responsibility to say how she is to deal with this crisis. Therefore: when you go to the polls on March 26th you should consider only what is best for Canada what is best for the m m 4 Empire and our allies what is tlie sure, direct road to Victory and reace. THE DAILT NEWS PAGE THRE1 Palling W. C. Saunders. Burns Lake John Berg. Sheraton Theodore Zielke. Endako L. II. Christian. Francois Lake John II. Keefe. Colleymount David L. Murray. Noralee L. M. Newearde. Tatalrose-rrColUngwood Schrelber.j Orassy Plains J. Botsrom. Southbank William Henry Campbell. Ootsa Harold Bennett. Wistaria William Robert Nelson. Takla Landing Wllhelmlna Aik en. Allison Harbor Frank a: Bell-ham. Margaret Bay Wes Carnes.-Wadhams James C. Carstalrs. Rivers Inlet L. W. Hogan. Dawson's Landing James E. Dawson. Namu W. R. Pacey. Bella Bella Oscar Balnbrldge. Bella Coola Mllo Fougner. Ha gensborg Chris Allertson. Belarko B. Brynlldsen. Anahim Ronald Walte. Ocean Falls Cyril Marsden. Os car Latham, Charles Wright and Mrs. Donald Cochrane. Klemtu A. Owen Jones. Butedale Nels Albert Nelson. Surf Inlet Sydney O. Haines. Lowe Inlet J. A. Flndlay. Oona River C. Iverson. Jap Inlet Mrs. O. L. Murray. Blllmor E. A Evans Galloway Rapids Charles Mc Donell. Dlgby Axel Enocksen. Big Bay Mrs. Ida Harper. Port SlmDson J. T. Brentzen. Work Channel Wilfred Valpy. Naden Harbour Sam L. Simpson. Massett Noel Taylor. Port Clements Mrs. E. E. Tlell James Denholme. Skldegate Mrs. E. Stevens. Queen Charlotte City Mrs. Hay dn Chastney. Sandspit George Klrby. Cumshewa William F. Ironside. Pacofi Basil Richardson. Atll Inlet Oliver Tolman. Port Edward Herbert Blake. Skeena Crossing Norman Mc Ewen. CHILDREN'S MEMORIAL NEW LONDON, Tex.. March 21: (CP) Commemorating 293 teachers and pupils who died In tlie New London school explosion and fire vm,f KitimaaU-Mr. 11.. cii..i. , Elizabeth Loreen Vnnies from all over the world has Mcconnell. been hunt hero. as Shall I Vote for KING or MANION There is only one decision to be made by the Canadian people on March 26th. It is this: Shall our country's war effort be handed over to unknown, unnamed politicians ... to a makeshift cabinet with Dr. Manion as the self-appointed leader? ,. f OR: Shall our country's war effort be continued vigorously and faithfully by the known and proven administration of Mackenzie King? That is the question YOU must answer. -or- -Out in the Open ! Mackenzie King offers you something entirely in the open ... the most truly National government Canada has ever known. His parliamentary followers represent the people of every province in Canada every section of our country every economic, social and racial group. There is not an area of this country ... not a single classification of our people . . . without proper representation in the Mackenzie King following. Mackenzie King's cabinet ministers are well-known to you. They are broadly experienced men eager and able to continue the sort of administration which brought progress to Canada in times of peace and national pride to Canadians since the outbreak of war. The Mackenzie King administration is answerable to the people of Canada to no one else! 1 i 4 r, ESS The National liberal Federation .of Canada, Ottawa, Ontaris TAKE LEAD IN BOWLING D. D. S. and T. O. And Home Oil More Out On Top In Five Pin League D. D. S. and T, O. and Home Oil moved Into a tie leadershlD in the i final third standing of the Five I m s 1 1 m . ... irm uowimg league lasi nignt by otojiiig ciean sweep mree games to nu victories over Malkins and Bankers respectively. High -average scorer was Max Asemtasen with 269. Individual scores were as fol lows: Bankers 1 Conrad 137 Hume . 153 Tyler 198 Moe , 167 Pearson 197 Handicap .' 107 Totals 359 Home Oil 1 Klnslor .252 Tobey '. .138 March 18, 1937. a monument pald'"f Sloan " 271 V1 1U1 for psuuy partly with wun school scnooi children cnuarens 7,". "7- t ... Low Score AsemUsen Handicap Totals Malkins Landels . 2 105 188 175 183 151 144' I 107 107 914 885 Bankers ...2 7 HAS DIED 3 2 3 254 136 209 178 178 177 198 212 188 212 Handicap 72 72 72 Totals 1K9 1099 987 D.D.S. and T.O .1 2 3 Morrison 187 177 165 Trimldlna 213 219 227 Dungate . .207 198 150 89 133 94 . .253 319 236 ..... 30 30 30 U.....979 1H6 902 12 3 Skinner , 132 Stegavlg 89 IN NORTH Many friends in the city will learn with feelings of sincere regret of the death which took Dlace at Dawsnn fTrpplf In th. -v..... A LiM. C lit I ti , Block at 10:30 this morning of Mrs. iW. C. Espinall. a former resident J of this city. She passed away after , a len?thv illnes. j Mrs. Aspinall left Prince Ruoert ! with her husband. Dr. W. C. ASDin- all. a year or so ago and had been , in rwor health sm?e that time. I Besides the widower, Mrs. Aspin- all Is survived by a married daugh-! ter. I Deceased was best known in Prince Rupert as an esteemed and valued worter in the Women's Auxiliary of St. Andrew's Anglican FOR SALi FOR SALE-Baby chicks from vigorous new blood leghorn breeding stock. Unsexed $10.00 per 100, pullets (97 $25.00 per 100. Also Rock and Red chicks $12.00 per 100. Appleby's Poultry Farm. Mission City. B.C. , tf WANTED WANTED Capable housekeeper for mree months from June 15. No cooking. Apply stating wages re quired, qualifications and references. The Dunes, Tlell Post Of-flce, Q.CJ. (70) BOAR H AN' I) ROOM FIRST CLASS board and room. close in. Phone Black 965. tf. New Fresh Stock of EASTER CANDIES and NOVELTIES From 1c to 75c now cn display. You arc invited to look over the assortment while it Is complete. Those wishing to can have roods held till Easter MUSSALLEM'S CONFECTIONERY Opposite ( anatlian l.mlon Basketball OCEAN FALLS vs. PRINCE RUPERT Second Game Tonight ARMORY 8 O'CLOCK Intermediate Championship Play-Offs Ben's News Stand vs. High School BOWLING SCHEDULE 22g March 27 Bankers vs. DD5. & j06 T.O.; Home Oil vs. Malkins. 152 April 3 Bankers vs. Malkins; j 48 'Home Oil vs. D. Tj. S. & T.O. 143 133 110 193 186 163 94 Connell 130 159 ijm Withers .....163 151 ' 157 Handicap 132 132 132 Totals 789 931 872 The standing for the final third of the season to date Is as follows: V7 L Pts. u. u. s. and T. 0 6 3 Home Oil 6 3 Malkins 4 5 Apru iv uanKers vs. iiome 011: Malkins vs. D.D.S. It T.O. April 17 Bankers vs DDS. St T. O.: Malkins vs Home OiL CK1LL combined with physical prowess wins the honours In neerly every iportinj event In the mtnuFicture of .LUCKY LAGER, skill in brewing, plus the use of the highest quality Injrcdients, make beer deserving of the nimt "The Chamoasne of Beers". Ask For LUCKY LAGER Other famous malt beveragess BURTON type ALE SILVER SPRING STOUT COAST BREWERIES LIMITED VMCOUYU NEW ESTMINSTtl VtCTOm l-tf This advertisement is sot published or displayed by the Liquor Control Hoard or by the Government ot British Columbia CKl 00000000000000030000060 I Announcing the o Opening of the o a a U and I CAFE n At The V.atcrfront j oeooooooorKJoeooooooo I ix Tin: mipKKMK ror r or hhitisii . COU'MIHA 'IN THE MATTF-?. OP RAONHIU) HAR. j IUS rf erwi. Icti-wn RagnMltt . reterTe:i r.l RatihlW Tedorssn Harris. Derratxt. .vry . TN THE MATTE OF THE "ADMINI-' TBATTO.N ACT" 1 TAKF NCJTT-E fat ttv.pi of Ad-mlnlatratlcn "? 'h Kaiate ot th bov Ueord fom-r!y of Rupert. Brtttsh Cottunbla. who (Hd at Vlklna. Alberta, on the J5th day of NovemNs IBM. were duly granted In my favour tV His Honrhr Tuito flmhr n- v. 1.1,1. a - vu iv tTt, W , mrcn io. Alt -enirms "Jobted p abve Eatatu nr. au'i;! t py the amount at t,hu n r! : -o m- forthwith and nil Brt'stp nr.. me tnr -r.. w-ltl)-- I ha : In- "'ma aKiilrmt the above 'i:--! ;o fiie them with ' i' th diiv of April 1940 ". nb-t' n will be mad '! ;i"V rlrm, of which notice. P'TIl "t Pr:n ? Rupert. B.C.. tAth c.iv at M;ir.ih 1940 NORMAN a. WATT. 1 ,11