feather Forecast Tomorrow's f ides prince Rupert and Queen Char-l0Tte island Freah northeast to east winds, cloudy and cool with ,ime light rain orricet. V :, XXIX . No. 69. t 1 r A'" hart wa nM. a Cndl-i re I93S Rtnml electioo ! Credit won and dia- trmted Farmers of Al--inent bv canturinf 56 ' 1 sjm He m "ived an ic-ibut 10 wf-k after the IV urnrral rltvtton when ! llowera teicned to give eat . iutrln tr wuH be 'he province. After his administrator! was sworn Into office, he said that is months at least would be needed before the first dividend ould be paid. He has said since that the failure of the government w pay them was due to federal In terference with his legislation. The Premier has held cabinet Portfolios during his term. At pres ent, m addition to being Prcmler.l h" is minister of education and at-toT)v-Gencral. As head of the! ministry of education, his admlnis-. tratior Rained fame through the bRihmcnt of enlarged school Thetn nVprnoo4 floe form. She former Premier. Edouard brn his ww thl mornina The entire Daitdler cabinet re-1 timed followina a confidence vote of 239 tc 1 In his favor. There were. , hfw. more than three hundred 1 abstentions from voting and Dalad- with "Parliamentary tradition." meanUw that be Interpreted the I ALIJLKTA VOTING EDMONTON Swrm conditions with snowfall hampered voting in ncttucrn and central Alberta today as electors went to tne polls to choose fifty-seven members for the provinces ninth legislature. KILLED IN VANCOUVER VANCOUVER Maurice L. Anderson. 22. Vancouver, was killed when an automobile crashed Into a bus on Lions' (laic Bridge. The bus driver, S. . Smith, was not injured. , l UEir.HTEK CHARTERED VANCOUVER - Frank Water-house Co. has chartered the whaler drey from the Consolldat-..i u-hitinr Corporation for suspected. The vessel was ow .ru J, Arnold Bernstein time by ! ncw- York Adolf h. ; Hitler l 2TlSneA by Chancellor DEPUTIES ARE NAMED ler df -lined to form a new cabinet,, , ,,t of Those in Skeena District It was announced. In conformity: who Will Be in Chirce of Tak- Inc Vote Next Tuesday minority vote as an exwewlon of T- w. Brown, returning officer. -Ai . ft-1 u.hJ.la a U a . i a. In Caar- where he aswpprovai m bwuutov i ""'has completed tne appoiniment oi home for 25 jearg before w- ...... . reputr returning officers who will premier, he declared: a i mnctwn ai pomM ouwuc w nun c A IMS i.:rated at Egmondvllle. cnai-- Btmness College, Hamilton N ..: School and Queens Unl-. Kingston. Ont. He moved n ltio and five years later br ..tp nrinclpal of Calgary's Cre- lU ighu High School. F hearing of Social Credit In 15 Mr Aberhart studied every-s he eould on It and from the Ci nurv Prophetic Bible Institute '- Sunday broadcasts on the theoi-v brought him a big following. Af'rr failure In attempts to have v.c former U.FJV. government and 'se other political parties support the heory. he organized his own poi.hral party. Basic Dividends Mr Aberhart had claimed in his In-titutn broadcasts that under Erx ill Credit it would be possible to a nicking up the gauntlet pni i. i my feet by those who - A Aberlutrt to afraid to let ' 'me appear on a ballot In ' . v for tear of defeat.1 " f ':i a farm near Klppcn. H r jnty. OnV. Mr. Aberhart Bulletins Rupert In the enormous nam? oi, Skeena at the federal election oni Tuesdav of next week. The list of. deputies at Prince Rupert will? It Is expected, have been completed by the end of this w?ek. The list of deputy returning of- i fleers for the various outside polling i places is as follows: Atlln Frederick warren cartmei. Spruce Creek Oeorge Nelson. Tulsequah George Robblns. Telegraph Creek W. O. Crisp. Big Missouri Kenneth H. Gray. Premier J. W. Storle. Stewart William S. Orr and Jacob P. Hawklnson. Anyox Joseph Martin. Alice Arm Archie McPhall. M1U Bay J. A. Macdonald, MD Alyansh Mrs. Mary Harmon. Continual on Page Three) Young Princess Starts T Fund Net '.Royal Margaret First Contributor oasic dividends" eacn monin, fr.itht smce to the queen i.narT - To vew Soldiers Welfare List , to , -very man. woman nnd child lnj 1 r I LONDON. March 21: (CP) - MYSTERIOUS SINKING prmccss Margaret's name today BALTIMORE Mystery attaches sUnds &s the flrst contributor to Itself to the sinking or ine i,vuW ,.The Margaret Fund" wnicn win ton Panamanian, largest cargo be uspd to asslst Y. M. C. A. wel-vessel In the world, which went far. work for the British fight-down with a hole in her bottom mg servlces. MargareJ . Fund Huts nfier being ready to sa and canteens are tu Sabotage Is 'ed through thft fund 0 0 tons of cargo. Mnrirnrets thrOUBhOUt tne JH- plre were Invited to become interested in the fund and to organize committees throughout the u-nrH to further It. The appeal on titnri; hrhalf nf the fund originated in REEDS MAtvr. ' ,... Amone signatures of - - - WEYMOUTH. En. women named Mar. irm frnTn Tn cut cut flow down v nnrrl nn h nn. ft K"hnni i.i.i... , m ii.. ..wv. umucu, levelling on me w . mnK nf of esnarto grass s garei wine" - - r for all of them. port of 300,000 tons wj those of the convenor Mr Aberhart himself is tall.1 to Englh papct hwe nallUe Margaret Geddes Mar-broad, uortlv and h.iH it hn. n swamp reeds grovuns . Mtnt(, arv nowaiter Duchess of Buc- d(,r resonant voice. He U mar- may be be developed develops as . a - . ch udy udy Margert "ed and has two married daught Henry Fxiwara. -- am, others. Is in chnrge of expenm- Operating Deficit of $23669 For Past Year niTAWA. March 21: CPi The TODAY'S STOCKS' Vancouver Big Missouri. .09V4. Bralorne. 10.65. Cariboo Quartz. 2.47. Dentonla. .01 V4. FafWew. .01V. Oold Belt. .25. Her. ley Mascot, .43. Minto. .031;. Noble Five, .01. Pacific Nickel, .08. Pend Orlelle. 1.65; p Pioneer. 2.16. P'emler. 16. Privateer, .63. Reno. .36. ReUcf Arlington, .08. Salmon Gold. .03. Sheep Creek. 1.10. Cariboo Hudson. .04. Oils A. P. Con.. .16. Calmont, .35. . C. & E, 2.00. ' Freehold, .02. Pacalta. .044. Royal Can.. .17. Okalta, 1.18. Mcrucry, .06. Prairie Royalties, .17. Toronto Aldermac. 25Vi. Beattle, 1.05. Central Pat.. 2.18. Cons. Smelters, 43.75. East Malartlc, 3.75. Fernland, .03. , Francoeur. .47 Vs. Gods Lake. .51. Hardrock, 1.05. Int. Nickel, 43.50. Kerr Addison, 2.50. Little Long Lac, 3.10. McLeod Cockshutt, 2.00, Madsen Red Lake, .45 McKenzle Red Lake, 1.25. Moneta, .70. Noranda, 72.25. Pickle Crow, 3.80. Preston East Dome, 2.17. San Antonio, 2.33. Sherritt Gordon. .92 y2, Uchl, .74. Bouscadillac, .03 V. Mosher, .07. Oklend, MVi. , Smelters Gold, .01, Dominion Bridge, 36.50. NO PAPER TOMORROW Tomorrow, being Oood Friday and a public " holiday, the Dally News will not; be; published. The Cralgmyle rext. renulnr edition will be on Saturday afternoon. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BR1TIS n COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, MARCH 21, 1940. BIG SHIPS PULL OUT Queen .Mary And Mauretania Leave New York Tcr Unknown Destinations Ruiw-FnnUh war. the Soviet hid Tracanada Air Lines reported a m4 rioflnlt rvrt ll M of frll'lld- . k. VPW VnPV M-rh 91- fPP rulatW D4tor. rMhmMt resttned yeateroay vMtrriav imldi . . .. n Opcraung l"1 uuium wc ji . ... mW',W() ,0 0rMt Brttain thromh the . ?M9 The oner- Tw of Great Britain's oroudjst a tchedhlf personal cam- crttnm of France prMeeuuon iol Han),n bar o IJnn. v.nu. ua, MJ50.473 and llners-the Queen Mary and the - MKotokt-Hitn uiver u . Mikv tr Under Forelen sec- . ui . i ....... hrim nked Finance MlnUter Panl . mi op?in inDer morr inuHi nouHi u r - reiary mcnara uunrr. it ' Alberta proftoctol eleetton Bmtfd to twm a "war cabinet.- L Rynid1ajrtnT hf M ftre U- j klot phwf-Sdlr- - Mi exp CHURCHILL'S WARNING LONDON "We may expect air raids as a regular event now," declared First Lord of the Admiralty Winston Churchill yesterday. fFor every bomb that Germany drops upon us, we will drop two on them. ENJOYED BOMBING, LONDON The Royal Air Force, and particularly its Canadian members, are happy over the newF policy of action, "I never ed myself so much in allmiy life," said a Canadian pilot, who came from a farm near Toronto, in describing the raids on the Island of Sylt. Another pilot from Western Canada was equally enthusiastic. Scores of valuable Nazi aircraft were destroyed at their basef the mlil. helnt timed so as to catch them massed there. High ... Low lhe e military military vote vuie provides provides for jarf CHECK UP ON RADIO oroaacasis. news services ana gen- 0:05 ajn. 20,0 It. 12;20-pjn. 21.9 ft. 6:16 sun. 4.1 ft. 18:39 p.m. 22 ft PRICE: 5 CENTS Paul Reynaucfi New French Premier New War Cabinet Is Resolved To Battle 'Until Victory Ours' Finance '.""""" Minister, 7.". Advocate of MAKING UP TO BRITAIN Soviet Not So Enthusiastic About Going to War on Side of Germany. Spokesman Suggests LONDON, March 21: (CP) An ! authoritative Soviet spokesman Is "Total War,'' r'Prld to have declared In Lon- rormti .'. don today that Ruia 1. well aware Heads Administration itn buouaru naiadicr tUwt u endeavouring to As National Defence Minister I drive Russia into war ainst he 'Allies- n eventuality which, the PIUS. March 21: (CP) Paul Keynaud formed a."9" uW bbad 0T , ' V AimaA n "fSUf n brth W "Now U the time for new rrencn guu-nuicH uniaj uwk. 'eiVu . Great Britain to make us friend t r " M. Reynaud holds the rremiersmp ana ioreigiijo, f0M. lhe PokeSman is quoted rrm;4er iiortfolio himself. Other members or the innerias saving. v r taMuet are: Minister of Defence, former Premier! Mfin oaid minions for M DatoUier; Minister of Navy. Cesar CarapiMhi;,.' ABERHART SWITCHES Albfrta Social Credit leader Seek-inc Election In Calgary NTON. March : iCPt Aixrhart. Alberta's 61-year oura. nnd iMitrr at the Soc- The ! rces in their bW for re Eynac; Minister of Armament, Raoul Dautrjr; MlnUter of Finance, Luclen Lamolruex: Minister of Colonies. Oeorgeg Mandel. The new ministry Is represent Uve of all Parliamentary parties Including Labor. The new Premier hat been one of the leading advocate of a more aggressive war policy, having said that "we should make war everywhere and at all times until victory Is eommerrlal relations need not pe-vent Rula frctn rema'nlni strW- Popular Vote For Alberta; ; Results Of Elections In Province In 1926,1930,1935 rUMONTCN. Marph 21: CP Following was the popular vote in Indian three Alberta eencral elections with the number of members elected In brackets: Social JCredit u. f.-a: Liberal Conservative Labor Independent Liberal-Independent CommunUt Oihrs Total Votes Polled Total Names on List 1923 71.967 47,150 40.031 14,123 1.254 252 175.K ly neutral nor from negotiating for ; ; ... trad' with Great Britain and . . Vrnntt Th A11W erwld oroide 1 I foriQl rail&VdikUia atiaflA nil All t,mH n.h-needed machln- rv In r.t"rn ffr which raw mater- T QViniir I ncc U1 -Mii be rt bv RuMla. LiineS UllUYY JLUoa "The Soviet seeks pea-e and wan tr V.en out of the European war." acwdlna; to the spokesman who a Id that, when Russia had sought British mediation In the 1930 1935 163,700 ( 56) 1431 74,187 (391 331)63 ( 7) 46,275 '111 89 815 5) I 4) 25,449 ( 6 19.358 ( 2 ( 6) 14334 ( 4 5.036 27,351 ( 3) 4.177 5,771 752 188.219 301,752 293,758 37 8 Z 19 VOTING IS GOING ON Soldiers And Sailors Casting Federal Election Ballots Here As In Other Military Concentration Points Soldiers and sailors stationed at Prince Rupert, like those at all i military concentration points all over Canada, are now voting in the federal election. Polling start- ed last Saturday and will continue! until election eve with the excep-' "n f Good Friday and Easter I Monday. TODAY IS QUIET IN WAR AREA Lull After Storm Since End of Last Week Brief Air Raid Over Shetland Islands Britain Will Attack Subs? Further Casualties at Sea, With v.i.1. Miin nffVrrv Are -- ach soldier to cast a ballot for a I Reported Today candidate In his home riding. With each unit collecting Its own votes,, LONDON, March 21: (CPi The he sneclal ballots, in which the British Air Ministry said today: may may ' i . .. i soldier or sailor as the case "One enemy aircrau appeared over - - a . t U be fills In the name of the candl-lthe Shetlanas" ana an air ram 4tf rm thn ntarpH in smTpH . warnlne was sounded for fifteen envelopes and all are forwarded to the Captain Charles W. McCool of Edmonton, the special returning minutes. Following crippling of the Isle of Srlt air base It was reported that officer for British Columbia. Sas-(German submarine bases In the katchewan. Alberta and Yukon Territory, by whom they are distributed nrlor to being assigned to thy eeneral results of the riding to which they belong. Baltic Sea would be the next probable targets of British bombers. Except for war at sea. there was not much action today, it being, generally speaking, quiet after more Intensive action both In land and sea fighting since the end of the week. The Admiralty denied the Ger- iman contention that nine British warshlos and merchantmen had been sunk in an attack on a convoy enses $2,586,743. Mauretania are , now ploughing v 0ff Scotland yesterday. It said that uncertain waters mjtgamble, with British Columbia coastal Anrrey nNreslairrhlfcll Wgtf'TThtd VSfiSaTiSiAtaL -Srar?lni Vancouver i abandoned and another Norwegian Slightly over twelve hours after ... . 'ar well 'as a Swedish ship had been VAVrouvER ANr ov March 21 v -A sur" the 35.739-ton itauretania sailed . hlt. Two naval planes and anti-l.t -ne pier at New York, where J of radondittoas e flff she had been tied up for three coa o hera months, the giant 80.000-ton Queen rrtnrj matters dealing with range i i ., u..Ar di- anu covcraKe. urusraxns, xuuui, . . Later it was announced that outbound. Destinations were un- "ZZUhlxty men were feared lost from known but it was presumed that lrfisc1ePt," ,"dltInS.5eInJ two Danish shins. Bothal and VI- they were enrout? .in dangerous missions as t"xFsh.ps. War News m NEUTRALS ON SrOT LONDON Secretary for War Oliver Stanley today warned neutrals including the United States, that the Allies would probably have to resort to the same tactics concerning them as Germany seems to be successfully following. The time has come when the neutrals must take sides one way or the other In the war. FURTHER DEMANDS STOCKHOLM Soviet Russia Is increasing its territorial demands uoon Finland, according to re ports reaching here. The frontier will have to be further west In Finland than the peace delegation was at first told. There is nothing else for the delegation to do but comply. Premier-Foreign MJnister V. M. Molotov of Russia will visit Berlin over the week-end, it is reported. k nk" northst coas the CBR orodutlon staff for the f Canadian Broadcasting Corporation.! Scand hJ?S rZ the victim of bombing by the Ger- Ward left Vancouver bv the .me. crdena Tuesday night to Planes' 11 w 'a.Id, visit Alert Bay. Ocean Falls. Bella! mw" W 1 t 2 Ha been UUed " rcoh. Prince Ruoert. Port Simpson. , ,Jh" Un"e?t? vsel a T Port Hardy. Alice Arm. Stewart and Z1111 ? "la"e " the of En?" all wav noints. Arriving at Prince Rtmert Friday nlsht to sDend the ,an.d' . . , . lt, h brawler is reported week-end there, he wlU InUrvlew A, sunk with orily one survivor interefted persons in each port of Summarized, eight merchant call. Oplnionr and suggestions' dealing with all aspects of the CBC ! shlDfrsl? Sca"dln.aTla" a"d 1 British-have been-sunk or damag-The will be sought producer Is taking advantage' bJ ' bombs In the past 48 hours with thirty men feared lost. or ten days available at Easter from hi services in connection with the; BC. Radio School broadcasts to TJ I 1 L make the survey. ! llUi C'lJClldlla In addition to being a former teacher and having organized the B.C. Radio School, with which he has been associated In the past two years. Ward Is particularly well qualified to complete a comprehensive and all-embracing survey of this kind. Quits As Head Of Grit Party "cits ra lira rv mm mrm vm nraxi cmiiuzb i J The C.C.F. Says LONDON, March 21: (CP) Right Hon. Hore-Bellsha has resigned the He has been connected with radio chairmanship of the Liberal Na-broadcastlng since 1925 and has op- tional Party because he wishes eom-erated and served on stations in piete freedom to express his views. Ontario, the prairies and In British Columbia. , He completed a similar! BAR GOLD survey of the three prairie provlnc-1 LONDON, (CP) The Montreal es prior to the establishment of: price of bar gold on the London CBK. the CBC-owned station at market was unchanged today at Watrous, Saskatchewan. $37.54 per fine ounce. No Canadian forces should be sent overseas. They ask for support on the basis of non-participation of Canada In the war except as a supplier of materials in return for hard cash. That Is what Mr. Woodsworth is standing for in Winnipeg and that Is what his candidates are standing for elsewhere and the electors who vote for them will thereby associate themselves with this policy and accept responsibility for it. Are you prepared to accept this great responsibility and do nothing to resist German domination of the world? VOTE FOR HANSON And the Mackenzie King Government Whose Policy: is a Safe and Sane Prosecution of Canada's War Effort Skeena Federal Liberal Association of Prince Rupert, B.C. , mm tun iinKOTTKajs w a nan mmxm tm a it sauta 3,