PAGE BIX THE HOMESTEAD tT HLJC iNO SI 8 yr s Need Vitamin A With Blackout Such Foods Are Essential For Better Sight Say Medical Experts LONDON, March 21: (CP) Foods containing vitamin "A" are essential if one wants to see in the blackout, according to Dr. Leslie Harris and Dr. M. A. Albany. Principal sources of the vitamin are milk, butter, carrots and greens. And two pints of milk, a day are sufficient to prevent blindness developing. The doctors say that German scientists are trying to find an ersatz for this vitamin to prevent their countrymen suffering "night blindness." Dally advert'siiiR m trip Oa1l News Is sure to bring dally i're making big improvements, , . did you come into a legacy?" r, I got a Home Improvement Loan from the Bank of Montreal. A simple matter no fuss or bother. The rates are low, and I'm paying it back by instalments." Home Loans obtainable Improvement . . . at $3.25 per $100repayable in twelve monthly instalments. For borrowers "nth seasonal incomes repayment may be made in other convenient periodic instalments. Ask for our folder. BANK OF MONTREAL ESTABLISHED 1817 n7 lank udi&le imaU accotuttl aAe uelcbm" Prince Riircrt P.ranch: F. A. MacCAM.UM, Manager Stewart Branch H. V. LITTLER, .Manager Canada At War 25 Years Ago By The Canadian Press March 21, 1915: Turkey poured reinforcements Into the region of the Gulf of Smyrna and the Dardanelles, menaced by Allied fleet. French repulsed German attack near Perthes In Champagne sector of Western Front. , OLD LAW WORKS LAUNCESTON, Tasmania, March 1: (CP) Under a local corporation act of 1894, Capt. Eric von BI- 'GOLDEN BOY' AT CAPITOL ! "Oolden Boy; showing tonight' and tomorrow at the Capitol Theatre 4s a drama of a youth with the sensitive soul of a great i shares starring honors with Hold-en and Adolphe Menjou, is said to give an absorbing performance as the disillusioned young women who finds romance in the adoration of the "Oolden Boy." As the caustic, harassed manager of the "Oolden Boy." Adoplhe Menjou k contributes a screen portrait said to be remarkable for its naturalness. The supporting cast includes Joseph-Callela. Lee J. Cobb, Sam Levene, Edward Brophy, Beatrice iBJlnn, William Strauss. Don Bed- doe. Frank Jenks and Harry Tyler. I The much discussed March of Time' film "Canada at War- Is also ' being shown on this program, i t F Whifflets From The Waterfront Norman Nelson arrived in the city on Tuesday from Massett with a shipment of cannery equipment for the cannery on the ocean dock which is being established by Nelson Bros. Fisheries Ltd. and of which Mr. Nelson will be C. Rant N. R. steamer Prince John . Neil McLean, arrived In port at ociock mis morning uom gjdious evil Vancouver via the Queen Char- run "wide lotte islands and will be here until 10:30 tomorrow night when she will sail on her return south over the same route. The two large . herring seiners, the Zenardl, Captain Charles Haan, and Bertha O. Captain Jack Haan and their crews have Returned to Queen Charlotte City) after a successful season. Although late in starting, i publish the run proved heavy when it came.! purity IT IS THE WAR ALDERNEY, Channel Islands s.. THE DAILY NEWS Thursday Letter Box APPRECIATION Editor. Dally News-Cm behall of the many appreciative- users of the Old Hospital Barracks Library. I would like to extend their thanks to the many musician, and the mauling fists I donors of book3 who so kindly ral-of a champion prize-fighter. Tired lled to our aid when you made the of working toward artistic tri- J appeal for books through the mcd-umphs In some nebulous future, lun of your paper. the boy abandons his art to win: We have received two hundred for himself a quick success as a prize-ring killer. William Holdcn, In the title role. and fifty books from the various donors and there are books of every description the variety of which gives an understanding portrayal, i caters to every taste, it Is said. Barbara Stanwyck, who! Thanks Is extended to you for your kindness in boosting the appeal. C. A. PURDON, Old Hospital Barracks. INJURIOUS PUBLICATIONS Editor, Daily News: Your editorial in Tuesday evening's paper, under the caption "A Mod- em Tragedy," Is certainly very timely. I wish to congratulate you on having the courage to speak out against this scourge which has come upon this modem civilization. The only thing lacking Is that you did liot include In your condemnation several other magl- i lines which display to the public 'without the slightest trace of mod esty their subtle tentacles of immorality and horrlbleness. Much of the results of the read-ng of these far-fetched and filthy publications can be seen In the loose-living of many of our young people today. In the United States several cities and towns have barred many of these magazines from their news stands. Perhaps something of this nature In Prince Rupert would not be out of place. We would' try our utmost to iUard our children from some great monster which came into our midst and sought to devour their bodies, yet we allow this In- slightest protest. of "bad reading" to open" without the We who are Christians, we who are anxious that our young people may be protected from such a scourge, let us rally our forces to slay this great enemy which will damn our young folk, morally, physically and spiritually. Trusting that you may find ssace In your valuable Darcr to this humble defence for and righteous living among our young people. IVAN HALSEY Commanding Officer of Salvation Army Marcn zi: uf) or centuries un-I MOUNTED ila.F. It was my doctor who explained to me that common constipation is due to a lack of intestinal bulk. Kellogg's All-Bran supplies this needed bulk and also the intestinal tonic vitamin B,. If you suffer, as I did, from this common type of constipation, you'll find that this daily 'Ounce of Prevention' is a lot pleasanter and more effective than dosing yourself with harsh cathartics. Just cat it regularly, either as a cereal or in delicious muffins, and drink plenty of water." All-Bran is made by Kellogg's in London, Canada, and sold in two convenient sized packages by all grocers. ALL-BRAN The der ancient law no inhabitant of j LONDON. March 21: (CP) A Alderney has been allowed to work ! Royal Air Force officer somewhere on Sunday. Soon, by an amend- In Eneland insDecU scattirprt min bra, an alderman and former mayor j ment, they will be allowed to work, I posts on a racehorse. The nae is here, had to resign his council seat farming or fishing any day of the j Pegasus who won the Welsh Grand because he is now a military officer , week on account of the War emer- j National at Cardiff In 1937 and ha3 on iuu pay. gency. been requisitioned by the R.A.F. IS IT POSSIBLE THIS NICE CRISP CEREAL CAN DO I I Ak WHAT MEDICINES CANT? IT SURPASSES ALL YOUR DEMANDS FOR A CHEAT PICTURE ! GREAT IN STORY . . GREAT IN CAST . . . GREAT IN DIRECTION! Tenderly . . . the Screen tells a Heart-Warmlnp; Story of Emotional Conflict . . . and Romance I . . . Clifford Odet's Famous Play , ,, More Powerful on the Screen I Miss Pauline Maitsh Heroines Hride of Gunner Ronald Roberts of Searchlight Itattery The marriage was solemnised quietly at 8 o'clock last evening In First Presbyterian Church, Rev. H. O. Funston officiating, of MUs aullne Malish of Soda Creek and Ounner Ronald E. Roberta, alio of Soda Creek and a member of th Second Searchlight Battery hrre The bride was given in marrtaae b" Sergeant Major W. M. Brown ar.d wltnestes of the ceremony were Mr and Mrs. A. Engatrom. A reception at the home of Scr leant Major and Mrs. W. M. Browi Oraham Avenue. Weetview, followed the ceremony. Recent breakings and entering it S. C. Thomsons warehouse, the Beaver Botllng Works and Booth Memorial School resulted In three boys of Juvenile age appearing be fore Magistrate McClymont in Juv enile court this morning. 18 Announcements All advertisement in thl col amn will be charged tor s full month at 25c word Eagles' Bridge March 20. Presbyterian Tea. Mrs. J. J. Little's, March 21. Moose OIngham Leap Year Dance. March 21. Daffodil Tea, Mrs. Parkin's March 25. Band Parents' tea Mrs. Hogan's March 27. 8. O. N. Fishermen's Farewell Dance, March 28 Orange Ladles' Sale, April 3. Eagles Bridge, April 3. Anglican Spring Sale, April 4. Hill 60 Dance, Moose Hall, Apr. 5, United Spring Sale, April 11, Presbyterian Spring Sale 'April Toe H Dance, parish Hall, Seal Cove, April 19. Scout Tea, Mrs. Gaffer's, April 23. 8t. Peter's Spring Sale. May. 9, Emnlrp 'c.miivnl' Tfti , ., JIUII, May 23. Dirttttd by Roubtn Mamouhjn Man in the Moon. Prince Rupert Is noted for Its politicians, crank and other queer creature Including a sea serpent named PrtnceruperUeruds. On the spai ioiii boulcv.irri v;i olden Hon - BARBARA slatting ADOLPHE WILLIAM STANWYCK MENJOU HOLDEN Latest War and British EXTRA ! 17 ! AT News March of . Time Present-) Empire fan Af w Matinee Friday 2:30 I A 1 1 V4 VI 14 ill J Hi T I i 0 T 'J Feature at 7:36 and 9:31 fig iiim Nawnimwi Tonight & Friday , show Nlthtl, 7500 & t:IS HfIII3XCT( Quiet Wedding Held Last Eve ?lrl my pr . sort of peop la the cliutrt.. abundance of :r On most of ti. evtntreen tr-r Nature did th ; Riif "teivl' a will noUcP men tn uniform pretty were not aifif Seagram's Famous Brands SEAGRAM'S "VX." Prw fir H.'fc SEAGRAM'S "KING'S PLATE Icttkt Mie WAHDAVIt "fun BVD ... ... it Tills advertisement is not published o displayed by thf I.:rjjoc Control Board or by the Government of British f U in. iM COAL NANAIMO WELLINGTON ALBERTA SOOTLESS BULKLEY VALLEY Albert and McCaffery Ltd, IMIONi: llfi KitrtNT l" I B A RRYMORE CARPETS Sizes ZT'xSV; 3r,"x53"; lli'xlti'; C9"x9' 0'; 9'xlO'j; ''j Several grades to rlmosc and over fi() different Ues. n di,,er'"f pattern We will appreclalo It If you will call and imp" 0 larjc stock of P.arrymorc Carpels. Just arrived. MacKenzie's Furniture Phone 775 Third Avenue, Prlnc IW rrl