J-..-4 .v. , h 21, 1840. THE DAILY NEWS ...... . ' - T PAnt five District News I ! rEVC P H PH A Liberal Women MINE LOOKS JL -LL. JL U UU U-LJL At Ocean Falls VERY GOOD CO est, LsO-coiz name off the C. O. J .t notice to appear at Night or Day PHONE Johnnie Red Label 26' est, 4Q 01. Ulart I n hci s Walker Ofer 1 year old1 H' WILL Bf YQUt Keller Than at Home a l,e " nu wiafl. and will be called 'ConelT- ;UP ,n W town. J " " isGLr FY Walts. March 21;! how a laborer aiked ; STEEPLEJACK TREED i Objector' Tribunal LONDON. March 20: my wtfe has done a chimney for a fire brigade to res ig at me Could you cue him OVERWAITEA LTD. CASH or C.O.I). Phono Free Delivery on Orders of $1.00 and Over i tCCS-firade "A" Urj e. .cn 25c Silted Baton OQp Quick Quaker Boiled 4 Qn J &JK' Oal-Per pkt ' qualuy Op Oatmeal Fine, med- 97p lum. coarse 5-lb.sack' nnxz TO.MATO CATSUP 19C Ajlmer Ited Pitted OQp Grapefruit JuiceFranc Is ChmlewJuns Drake. 50 or 90 - Uns tjan Valley Peacbe. Castllle Toilet Soap- ntcsii SPINACH- 19C c''ry Larue bunch- 4E n Leeks -tfn T- Pr-bunch J-J 3 bunches AUU Seet Potatoes- 23C Washfd ''arsnips 25C SOUTH TO VANCOUVER! filing i OCEAN FALLS and POWELL RIVEB Steamer leave Prince Itupert every THURSDAY, 11.15 p.m. Trains leave Prlnc Rupert for the East Monday Wednesday, Friday, 6 p.m. J H. BULGER Steamer for Ketchikan and Stewart every WEDNESDAY, 2 p.m. For ort, etc., call or writ City Tlcfci Ofjlc, 528 IrA Av. V-9-40 Optometrist Kojal Bank IlMg. Fresh Shrimp BOAT W.S L. Dally at 4 p.m. TROTIElt'S DOCK interesting to know when reading the Daily Newa tud ButU m SciUhJ. Born 1820 Still Going Strong FHIIND FOR LIFE soVertfaement is not published or displayed fi.j by the Limine rn(.i r T.v wi V" "5uor Contjol Board or Us tne Government langed His Mind Wife 'Nagged' unusn Columbia i make It possible for me not to hear any more about this objectors business and hasten my calling -up? I would rathw be In an armed force (or the ret oJ my life than atay at home wHh ray wife for an. J,h Laborer Thought the Army olner month." CAREER OF UNTERMEYER NEW YORK. March 31: AP) Winning riches and fame as one of the highest paid corporation lawyers In the United States. Samuel Untermeyer of New York, who dled ,n California, turned in his late nn CP When .. IhU mate fell GO feet to hu irr rw""M.,Hl.u?V m Dena" va Tnniii ,..,. l" oppressea oi nis race as - - a- ' "-i ".m vtu iiuuii a k. li m UHi f ep,e: aonlst and philanthropist. " Elect ,..m1 Z""lu" "the World Non-Sectarian Anti-Nazi Cfttlnrll ll rhlmnlnn ITnmin Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MOk VALENTIN DAJRY PHONE (37 Mrs. Cochrane is Elected President installed Machnery to be on Hunt-Of Town Association Paper Propty Near Telkwa OCEAN FALLS. March 21-The RMITHERS M-r:h 21:-The crew Ocean FtJU Women's Liberal Ai- of men under Frank Slmonds. who sociatton held 1U annual meeting drove two hundred feet of tunnel on last Friday when the following of- the Hunter Basin property, which fleers were elacted: He southwest of Telkwa and is un- Preidcnt Mrs. Cochrane. der option to the Conwest people. Vice-Preaidtnt. Mrs, JL Harris, finished their contract and moved Secretary-treasurer, Mrs. O. Bay- in to Smlthers a few days ago. They ly. report that the property Is looking Executive Mra. Helen MacDon- fine and that good ore w-as en- ald, Mrs. Patrick. Mrs. Zeeman, Mrs. countered while the work was in Weber, Mrs. M. Haslett and Mrs. progress. It has now reached the Orr. After the business, a pleasant social evening was enjoyed. ST. PAT'S DAY IS OBSERVED OCEAN FALLS. March 21 The Ocean Fall branch of the Canad Jack, waited two hours at the too of 7 . rick's ball last Friday. The hall 112 TAXI Prompt Service .1 Heated Cars nni wcti iiuru itiui guy Kicrs, all a-wearlng of the green. In the RlghU." he directed a widespread t? . ,?'n he boycott against Hitlerite Germany. - f CaWT head the rul. 150. RefreshmenU He managed always to keep his tlntlngP we supplied by the Women's Aux-( personal Ideas from hu professional activities -lie uc n ni&Ty. , stage where hand work cannot be carried on very economically and It is expected that some machinery will be brought In to continue, ex ploration of the prbperty cf the property and he makes his SUPPORT RESIDENT foe of "the trusts" yet once earned n sturd4V a st. Pack's party PRINCE GEORGE, March 21-one of the largest fees on record heW ln lh ficho1 Wmnasluiri Speaking at a campaign meeting $775,000. for bringing about a mer- by lhc Junkr nd Snior Hlgh here- stePhens National Gov-Ker of the Utah Copper company KchW1 puplh The naU u-as beau ernment candidate for Cariboo In with the Boston and Nevada Con- Ufn,ly decorated m "n and tfle federal election, made much silidated Companies, a $100,000 - whlte 8,1(1 danctn muslc was SUP' ot the point that neither of his 000 deal ' n,led by the j' orchestra. Miss opponents, J. G. Turgeon, Llberai He was denunciatory of "Wall Street" but 15.000 shares of Bsth-iehem Steel, purchased berore the world war as an Investment, yielded him $4000000 profits In 1910. The .... Rockefellers. ...... 11. ..'".-.V 9. ... Clay UW, Pierce, I Jean PoMerton and Miss Nlves Pis- or William Irvine, C. C. F . were tor. as Bridget and rPaddy, gave. residents of the riding, one, not! some demrhtful Irish Jugs. Very even being a resident of the prov-i aopetlrinc re'reshments were serv- lnce. "You can vote for Irvine and: ed Including a St. Patrick's birth-Turgeon almost any old time at day cake, cut by Miss Long. The any old place but this is the firs "1 . . . . . . .. . . the Lewhhon bankine InteresU.'5 01 lIW evMHn Mlss.iime you nave naa the oppor- and Willtom Ranrtninh J 1nor "rvant The convener of tunlty of voting for me. a native numbered amone his cllenu Tt.the committee was Mls Nlves Pis- son and a resident of your dis- was counsel for the Lock wood legislative committee, created in 1918 to curb post-war business evils and of the congressional committee which Investigated fraud In war sunoly purchasing. He acted as counsel for several! tor, and a vote of thanks w-as ap- trict" nropriatly given by Miss Fay Lois Sweeney. bor union often defended the the proverbial pin and almost nev- 1 American Federation of Labor from accusations of radicalism and frtouentlv wws a labor mediator ln Industrial dlsoutes. Once hp saw fit to excoriate the Jewish Bakers' Union as "dictatorial." Bute Land Dral Nerntlated He fivured In several famous divorce suits. in one of the largest land deals on record, he arranged ln 1921 for the purchase by an American syn rfleate of the nroncrtles of tht Arrhduk- Frederick of Austria, vol. "d at $200.000 000 and scattered in ijeven countries. H was a patron of the arts, plying freely to musical organiza tions. He opened his purse wide to ,'ewish charities and his sifts to !he Hebrew University ln Jerusalem ran Into six figures. He was actlvo too ln many non-sectarian charities. It was once said on good authority that Untermeyer received at least $1,000 for every day he appeared ln court but there was an exception in the case of a pennl-.less woman who had stabbed her husband to death In an East Side brawl. Untermeyer defended her, pleading self-derense. In 10 minutes the Jury reached a verdict of not guilty and the foreman then said that .most ot- that time was ,spent debating whether It would I be proper to give the woman a I purse of $500. I A bom nnlltlrlan llnf.rm OV0P preferred to be active ln Inner councils of the Democratic party and consistently discouraged attempts to make him a candidate for high office. When put forward for an appointment by President Wilson as ambassador to France, he. stifled,, the plan. William Jen-nfrigs Bryan once named him as one of the men he would support for the presidency. Son Of Confederate A dapper little man, about 5 er was seen in public without am orchid in his lapel. I In his office he sat behind a huge desk covered with legal papers and documents but holding also 10 or 12 vases filled with freshly cut flowers. He was approachable and a willing listener, seldom interrupting anyone who had something worthwhile to say to him. Untermeyer was born In Lynchburg, Van March 2, 1858. His a planter, served as lieutenant ln the Confederate army but died' won after the war and his widow-1 wv. ...u.m i WVIV null W 4.CW X Jl fw in 1868. The Untermeyers had Intended that Samuel should become i rabbi but at the age of 15 he deeded to study law and he entered a law office as a clerk. From Columbia University he was grad uated in 1878 with the degree of. On August 9. 1880. he married Minnie Carl of New York, a Gen-lle whom he had converted to Jewry. She died August 16, 1924. A daughter and two sons, who followed their father's profession, were born to them. THE SEAL QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmtn canning company with an all the year round payroll ta Prince Rupert A. McB. Young, Prince George brririer and. like Mr. Stephens, a former Prince Rupert boy. was also Sii ..ilpressed ptea. at bein, able to rfrllT r, '"CUVUJOU "suDport one he had known for over dress, noted for t beine as npnt . .. . . 13 PT- Ydrop 6 TUB 0 . V sM I ! r ' - TV TV .'vo! Ilomogenization It the proce vliirh prevrnUrrram rising to llie top of a can of Carnation .Milk. The lait Doonf li I i ilnuhlf. rich and rrram-mootli, juM like the lirt. You gel unvarying rr- ull in rrraming or couling. SISTERS Q : CAFE O i IS NOW OPEN FOR J BUSINESS Your Patronage will be highly appreciated "Aim to Please" is our Motto-Thank You Dr. R.C. Bamford Successor to Dr. B. LUNDAIIL Will Continue Practice of Dentistry in Rooms 1, 2, 3 Besner Block CHURCH AT KITWANGA Question as to Whether Salvation Army Should Come in Arain Under Discussion KITWANGA. March 21: There Is still discussion at Kltwanea as to 8ome road Is required to be built! under agreement In 1889 with the this season to facilitate the carry-on of the work and It is hoped an appropriation will be granted by the Department of Mines for this purpose. Mr. Tomlinson M.E. is In charge ian Legion held its annual St. Pat- headquarters at Telkwa late Rev. A. E. Price was to be ex elusive to the Anglican Church. David L" .Wells has been endeav- : curing to organize the Sanation1 Army here, saying that provision t ; thir effect was made as far back asl 1921. Harold Sinclair, visiting Hazelton recently, took the matter up with 'he Indian Agent. S. Malllnson. who said It would be referred to the Department of Indian Affairs Meetings have been held and the Department has been asked to restrain the Salvation Army from b?- HlITrVrVJR! For common ordinary sort throat t coming aelive here cc the grounds tint the presence of two chur b organizations would create dlvh:. n among the small population of I W in the village. Following Mr. Sinclair's vu.it to H izelton. a meeting was held at tire home of Chief Henry Lelt with Chief George De-Wel-Lesque as chairman and the Anglican missionary, John Hay hurst, also present. Again it was decided. If pos- whether or not the Salvation Army i1116' 10 Prevent the Salvation Army should be permitted to enter this ' from coming in , mission field which it Is 1 Annbuncing . . . THE OPENING OF The Style Shoppe (We Clothe You from Head to Foot) Tuesday March 19 at 9 a. m. With a Complete Line of LADIES' WEAR COATS, SUITS, DRESSES, BLOUSES, SKIRTS, HATS, LINGERIE, SHOES, HOSE Next Door Bulkley Market, 3rd Ave. USED FURNITURE T: $6.50 : -V 1 . . . . Extension Round Tables on Each, from .i,...A.-.. J: J0DU Standard Lamp and Shade 00 English Prams-. ' i Q7 flfi Each from 3a.UU ; Dropside Ccuehes qjj ajrv ' Each from OU Woven Bed Springs. Qt A A Each from ..- a5UU Iron Bed Post gj From , pl.DU Reconditioned Kitchen Fanges 601 Afi Each from -, t?Al.UU Toledo Counter Scale Qt( f(l Capacity 20 lbs. O'lU.UU 12-guage Hammerless Shotgun $20 00 ht"! S5,95 B1'"- $9.00 S9;3t0,t,r,c- $15.00Jtrnvatch $6-50 EIO'S FURNITURE STORE Green 916 THIRD AVENUE Store Hours 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.