PAGE TWO. SL Th PPERS T 1 1 e laeai out You could not fail tc be impressed with, our wonderful range of slippers For Hun or Her Buy early while sizes are complete I rAMlLY SHOE STORE LT The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RCPERT - BRITlSn COLUMBIA Published Erery Afternoon. Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News. Limited. Third Avenue H F. PULLEN Manzging-Editcr Churchill And Bevin I f S - A riance through Old Conntrv Ttpwsnnners rerentlv w , 1... i The Junior Red Cross at Evelyn day newspaper: torian age of kiners and courtiers, its fedyiike attitude towards our enemies. Well, last week, Eniest Bevin, who, after Winston, is tie strongest man in the Cabinet, made a very frank, speech to a Trade Union Congress which pledged the workers to even greater efforts, said in these columns. Revitalize Conservatism - - - Turning again to the same source for information this is evidently how many British people are thinking: -Britain, during the last year, has been revoi&Mmied in its thought. Leading industrialists, great empwyers and the heads of big businesses are among those who are responding to new ideas. The future lies largely with Winston Churchill himself. If he can revitalise official Conservatism with some of his old-time Radicalism which helied to give us social sendees before the last war, if he able good spruce some birch. In future, the whole of the diplomatic services should Ith ttoe bet3g- filial1 their Van bein$r cr in m o matx awvi vam wm a he v n 'atu! 'and have a new environment,' said, rec THE D AILY NEWS Saturday December ? :sic BOMBS DAMAGE HISTORIC TOWER OF LONDON A sal. of historic London Tower is shorn blasted by Nasi bombs which also hit a turret af the famcvj.- ecU.e- A seeuon of the wall as large as a 10-ton track fell into the moat. Once a citadel tne loipr has served as a royal palace, a state prison and a mint. HAZELT0N Mrs. C. W. Dawson is expected to retain to her home at Haitrion next -week alter an extended visit in the United States. is recovering from an pperaUoa line Smithers HaspttaL in Roy Pope and daughter, Betty, left this week for Kamkwps where the latter will receive treatment at the hands of an eye specialist. Canadian Artist's Work Admired By Eastern Writer Writing in the Toronto Globe i arrneti woura seem TO indicate mai mrae flimsier Win- KOspicx and Kltzegukb. have been " m and Mail O. Ewen Smith says: 5t0n LhurchlH and Hon. Ernest Bevin are the tWO mem- mHazrftonrecenUyseffingfarsand l"t.r 3 , -Canada has Just tost another bril- bers of the British cabinet most popular with the labor baying supplies. .?1ZJ 006 worwsgreat- people 01 the country. Here, for instance, is an exampfe 01 the sort of article. being published in a popular Sun . t , est arusts. ATtnur usmmg. a proua Two feet of snow is report In ,Ar . . 14 01 OUUM,t" Canadian and staunch admirer of the Kispiox Valley near George w.&c.1 acuw . the Canadian north, west and Beirnes ranch. There was a bat- -. northwest depicted in his paint- 'Foreign affairs, we now learn, are to come more rard in the Haxetton district at the ri" of stadles. A hobby dab mg perhaps no one else has the than ref ore under the Premier's personal control That is end of last week- good news. ,6B me insure 01 swae 01 ic VMn uly tht naUral masni- frair anft T HIoa rfnK a nm. .... . . . licence 01 tne lesser-imown sec- r,, -a usn regwarty. in tne way 01 , Ny 2J been! sports bkethal , J. te ontstanding pTe sk ad hbeen X teLed Upon 1c Old school tie methods, its appointment Of !ttog Gust christian- feature- A sudden change from guted as perhaps the premier in- ! diplomats who Still seem to think that it is Kvine in a Vic- jsen nr-Ji where there is consider- to rain F31 out of 'ternreter of the Held. How could and cedar with "'"" lanim ira oI forget his trappers, his SMITHERS Tteaperalcre remains Mgk in the Slathers district for this tfeae cf year, the average betes about thirty above zero. A recent breaking and entering of j Ernest Uaran's borne at Saithers Iwas solved by the admission of two! MTmH Ml ill i Mimt can iiMen more to tne Laoor leaders who are now so vital, nine, that they were respom&ie. a part of his Cabinet, he will do in the sphere of national 'Tiie ehairen also admitted politics what he is dhintr as our leader in hattlo and om--.nitertae eabto on the Lake Kath-; erge as one of the greatest statesmen this country has ever produced." Are Broadening Out - - - Another interesting feature of war development is the broadening process that is going on. Telling of this a newspaper commentator says; "'An Anglo-CatholIc church in East London threw itself open to services bjvthe Presbyterian minister whose building had been destroyed. Nuns and Salvationists work together in their work of solace, A rabbi I know is sheltering, in St. John's Wood 134 people, Jews and Gentiles together. There is in all this splendid promise for the future unity of national purpose, the breaking down of narrow credalism, the essential brotherhood of man. It can indeed be said of Britain today what can never be said of any race that they breathe and feel and think and trust as one people, yes, and who have one Leader." lyn road and robbing a Chinese mtaarant in SmKhers. S. S. Phiflins. formerly district ! apteulturahst at Smith era, u on a lecture tour of this district. He 1st working westward from the Francois Lake country and will be at Tdkwa early next week. J. IL Henderson, manager of the Imperial Oil Co. at Prince Gzorge, has been on a business visit to Smlthers. Cliff emerson has returned to Smlthers after spending Several months at Pacific. John Small of TaUow U a patient in the Smithers Hospital. Miss Donna daughter of Mr Evans vour-gest anr Mrs. R Evans .me 1 roues oi sKaters on tne near- colorful men of the RCilP. and toy the magnificent moose, beaver and Indian inhabitants of the tre- (travel be deferred, if possible, for Angu McLean Sr. idian. Heming had become better r . 'known outside of his native land: I Mrs. Beatrice,-Gladys Sweeney. ;Great Britain, France and the, osnii; thai the nmited Court circle soeietv of the Chan- . :ers nf his rk. .h,,fn1 oaOenes wooid never return, that if there is to be a reeon- J iiaxchn Hospital, has joined up - -that the paintings of this marc. strocaoB of the world, it must be brought about by har-' with the shas?hnessy Mihury hos-ftftssiag and utihsin? and catering for the risin? masses of j J31 at vancosver. the . dominant . factor in the new democratic world. GOLF FOR RED CROSS rm never accpPld hy the Na- itional Gallery of Canada. Perhaps JOHANNESBURG Dec 7- im, ,m commg years tne people of : - w yw.Ma " I Txim- f. r h i r. , . V. Canada will recosnlz the min -rn - .. . '(If that tralv vitffA artUt - -If tko W tk , : s" "P Si cnampion. and ' " . A . un. vuxiuaj lu ui temes; nome alter cavmg a oeen a Bert - - Thomas. . Tnnm.l . W . -J . a a auai Aw UiUiCa" I - w j.7uu.. . iuc ieu ixaj lor ncu urossi jj , uuncreGs oi people try a "spot" new WOrldL' That is the answer of the Deoote of Enpbmd ton HoFpitaL CKher recent patients funds by tourinz the union nlav- !rn th n,nv v k.ft j. jvf jU & mflhnfi mnW of f 4tn tkp Vm.-m Fnreicm rtfz OfiW bb sn the the Ht HtTipitm Triton Hosnilal HospUal have have m- n- inz ing exhlbitinn exhibition mir-ViM noalehes. '. ... ... .... tO ?J1 the OUt-of-dat his vahaat defiance of Hitkr and all hts sliigth with;Bjateab5IT otwanga aS tJiese words: i urge that you go forward as a great ra-iEaai B&ckssoek oi Two n ousoisj army in uus temote total war so tuat at tite end r. .1 T1 v. :j T t i i -m .. . j ! . , . it shall be said that Labor by its skill, its craft, its courage and devotion saved a great people. ( tfee Uasted Charch at Hazdtoc htidi sactal evenpig at the Xarsts" residence of the HaxHtea Hospital last ntgltf. i uu gci swu results. ui B. C Furniture Co. New and Used Furniture I DRESSERS From J COMPLETE BROWN ENAMEL BEDS From TTPEWRITERS-Of various makes. From 1 NATIONAL CASH REGISTER Just like new 1 COT In srood rendition at ii S7.50 TO 10.00 $14.00 TO $16.50 $22.00 TO $45.00 New Furniture FELT MATTR ES S ES Sizes 3-3, striped covertcc material .. 4-0. Speciil SPRING FILLED FELT JLVTTRESSES Of finest quality 12 SPRING-FILLED FELT MATTRESSES With silk 8 C.VPAINTED DROP LEAF TABLES- Very strongly built. Special 1 $45.00 $3.95 $7.50 $16.50 $22.50 $6.75 2 4-piece BEDROOM S riTES Consisting of bedstead, vanity and bench, and chiflrobe. in waterfaH qqq a design tfZ.0lJ 4 DRESSERS With round mirrors. In waterfall QOO "A design, a real snap L- 16 CHESTERFIELD SUITES In all eoks and atjlex From- $75.00 TO $104.00 Phone BUCK 11 Neil Dwr to B. C Cfetblen TniRD AVENUE HEALTH OF CANADIANS OTTAWA, Dec. 7: CP Main-tmaRce cf putu health in Canada ecsLs $193.000 JG0 or $19 a person, annually, aceadias n latest of- fe f'qurrs Thi n P h O n e their living by providing r v health and medical services of : 5193.GG0.Mii spent annua.;, committee' survey shoved ttu peteent is paid by private - uuu. i pwitm ny gjverrrr.- jua seven percent comes Millions Spent Annually For Ser- phUanthrooy and icdustrv tiees Of Which Best Use I 0f the annua! L, ... ana dentists of the pensions and health depart drtl? sundr!s Sanitate men:, is a higher ftgtue than Canadians spend on education ant! only just below the sum spent on clothing each year. The National Committee for M" Hygiene has jus: concluded a thorough survey of medial care Td public health services in Canada and concludes that full advantage of what science has made available for use in prevention and treatment of disease, is no? being taken. E?ath rates for fir:-vear in Medical Service Army The reoort said more than 5 000 Rlt a' year run to $12,000 n The commStlee reported ua ganizatioiu to seeure medici. SERVICE OF A I1ETTEK CLASS (xrt Murray) Gift Boxes By m for Haxehon district, says that the Angus McLean has retained Sopendoxs areas still untouched; S U J J L 1 IV 1 99 ZJZJ kJlWmIa roaos there are rery sopDerr at pH5 a oMir.aj , rus loscmaung ion Doais were tie echoed What 1 bad ! present He sueeests that highway nere 1"h his parents, Mr. ami Mrsweu presented. Although a Cana "JUST TRY ONCE" ire to docw and nurse tviAAn CW represents hospital coit, aur.jj of personnel- $12,000 M tians; $50030.006 on drus-$33,000,000 on patent men "EVERYBODY'S WARM FRIEND" COAL Try Our Famous Edson Hard Coal PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. EDSON, NAXALM O-WELLINGTON, BULKLEY VALLEV Office and Coal Bunkers TroUer s Dock Phone 51 Yardley of London Pricetl From $1.00 to $10.00 Lavender Bath Salts $U0 Lavender Bath Powder $1.50 Lavender Toilet Water ooc, S5c, $1.10 and $1.75 Yardley Perfume . . $1.25, $2.50, Ormes Ltd. fiA Pioneer Druqjjists Tba RexaU Store Phones 11 13 Open Dally from I aon. tin 19 pja. Sundays and Holidays from 15 t 2 pjn. and 7 to pjn. or- m groups are growing in the Dcci- iBHEi ana tnrougn workme: sompensattefl several nUUic.n . Har a year are being ibis manner. . r i ocuruxsk wnereoy err. :c;b contribute a smaU -u: reek to cover medical care aeveraping in tne various :r..( most novel of th?s? th' muni'isal fants varies greatly in different operating in western Canada parts of Canada where condition system has made ihs r.t are comparable, the eosanittee re- regress in Saskatchewan ,ht port said, adding that 2J500 more "amittee said Under the p.. 4 beds are needed in Quebec and fhydcian is engaged at a . the Marittaes for tuberculosis '-""ide general rs, eases alone, and 5P Tr- rther irr aDproximatety 2j000 peop 7 provinces. An additional 8369 bds in n erln area Cos: 3 r.?t are needed for treatment of men- ' "iiugh a land tax the averse - tal illness In Canada. annual prioe per person in rurxl areas oemg siiz. Tnu plan, ht UAiauuee louna. is ooera:- Canadians, including 10.000 physt- a proximately l&O rura :ians and surgeons. 4.000 dentists pahties and 50 town-and 20.000 graduate nurses earn Canada. bt. a 7 TT... . WC XT a A i