Saturday, December 7, 1910. What About It? Do y,;u know there are only a few days left tin r,,i . J We suggest you do your shopping eariy be V3) :,ty Store. You will find the things wanL ? you a, tv, J,,, . Christmas Cards, Christmas CS0ns. ,0west .ware. Sets of Dishes! a few suggestion . Glassware' A ' ' Set of 23 pieces $1.95 A Coff set8 from ;.87c 10 VaZXZ jjijp Call in at Your Store and See! THE VARIETY STORE J""1""1' " 3Q TII111D AVE. WliST Twenty -Five Years Ago December 7, 1915 Residents 0f Park Avenue have , gained to the city council about Efficient and Irregular water . rat j, O. Williams, who has - n on the Yukon River between h rse and Dawson W Nil I. lands will be opened to her 4 fining, STILL LESS WOMEN MELBOURNE, Dec. 7: (CP) rr- s'.ill more men than BnutY VALLEY RAHY BEEF i V JL iiviwi Anr he ROUND- MP ROAST I RA"WAY VEAL j i.yn rv im a t I0BlER ROAST -trf VEAL lb. IT r, . ?r ih 15c 20c 22c 25c $1,00 22c 50c 25c 25c p,Vult"- 25C ' ui t'l l vj mm Per lb. ' A)C -"jurjl fJf iRIc r- o r lb. SOU Or lu .1110 . .P.lHTTtl HAM- AVho e Otn iph.l. .-klVI. 1 tII!Bf iKiwiraiTOBBWirM ENIGMA OF RUSSIA IS DISCUSSED Robert MacKenzie Speaker at Dinner Meeting of Women's Canadian Club Last Evening a ... ... See. '.the display of undies for Milady's Xmas gift at the Dollar Store. tf Canadian Legion Christmas tree December 21. Members having c-i opposition to further ageression." gresslon Dact irom r . n. uiiiijinjuam, university or British Columbia Ex-1 friendship but from motives of fear f i. pertor of fisheries, that tension Department, in addressing and distrust. As far as Russia was between uunaas ana uam- a dinner of the Women's Canadian ' concerned, the nolicv aDDeared to Club in Prince Rupert last night. 1 be one of negotiating with countries Such would be one of the most lm- ',she did not like rather than with portant essentials In postwar re- countries she had ho reason lo fear, construction, asserted Mr. MacKen-1 The move of Russia Into Poland and zie. "Soviet Russia and the War" the Baltic and Finland and the ob- was the subject of the speaker who talning of Bessarabia from Ruman- n be Commonwealth of gave an interoretatlv skPtch nf h ia the sneaker internreted a meas- v the score at the end or Soviet's position In regard to Euro- ures of self-protection against Ger-50330 to 3,480329. pean affairs since the last war and many. """""" ' - theorized as to what her future Dveionments Since War ll.iJ.ii.M'Ji.iiiniKl rtatus In relation b the mnfiint Turnlntr to develonments "l"""'" since omvt JONES' Hitler Is free to wage long the oresent warfare of aerial heavy warfare with his huge and bcmblng could be sustained. There well organized army I cannot see ' "pranhlcal and economic factors weak and could not stand the strain should be kept ln mind. Russia cov- of a long war. On the other hand, cred one-sixth of the entire world's should Germany begin to crumble surface and was the greatest nation or disintegrate or revolution set ln by far ln Europe and Asia as far once Hitler hits the taboggan there as area was concerned. She had might be a change in the Russian tremendous untapped resources, the position. Should Hitler succeed In control of which tempted other na- defeating England, the speaker tlons. At the same time Russia had sugested that Germany might turn been weak economically, corrupt po- upon Russia. As long as Germany lltlcally and poorly equipped for the had a struggle on its hands in the exploitation of her resources. There west, however, It was unlikely Hitler had been the embitterments fol- would attack Riusia. The fact that lowing the collapse of Russia in the Turkey was sympathetic with Great last war and the going over from Britain and that Bulgaria continu-the Allies to Germany. ed to stand aloof from the Axis the Up to 1922 In Russia there had fpeaker aw as hopeful Indications been a period of trial and stress of Russian influence and attitude, during which time communism had The dinner opened with the sing-endeavoured to establish Itself In ing of "O Canada" and closed with the Soviet and, at the same time, "God Save the King." Mrs. Carl Incite revolution elsewhere. Boardman presiding at the piano. Later the socialistic regime ln Germany had broken down, leaving N0 FERDINAND ' the way open for the brigand Hitler warracktabeaL. Australia, whose quite frank as ex- p an y Dec ?. (CP)Cnrlstopher Powen in "Meln Kampf, to pressed was managed to crawl t0 safety after and attack Russia. dominate Europe h,s th, h had been broken b fln This had been followed by Russia 3 attacking-bull on hls father.s farm attempt to build up a frontier here , against Germany, me franco-Soviet pact had also been devclcp- ed. Meanwhile Germany had become fearful of war on two fronts. On the one hand was Russia fearful far as the western powers were con cerned. In August 1939 had come, first, the trade pact between Germany! mid Russia and then the non-ag- CANADIAN PACIFIC Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-Pacific To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Torts 8 8, "pfincess Adelaide" Every Friday, 10 p.m. TO VANCOUVER DIRECT IINCESS NORAH-December 9th. 19th, Jan. 2nd, 16th, 30th Itcpi rv.... . ...ui, -r,oHiiii Pacific services vvniipriinn a Vancouver w - Tickets and Reservations from , COAT1.0 r, . . . . Pr nee Runcrt, B. t. NOTICE To Whom It May Concern: I will mot be responsible for the pay or Germany and uermany wun ner mcnt of an-y debts incurred by ambitions for expansion, both with anyone in my name as from this their underlying embitterments as date Dated at Prince Rupert, B. C. this second day of December, 1940. L. RAPP Announcements All advertisements ln this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Red Cross Tea, Legion Hall, Saturday, December 7. Game ;cllnner,-December 11. 102nd Auxiliary tea. December 12 Legion Hall. Eagles Bridge December 18. S.O.N. Christmas tree and dance December 26. Moose Hall. Genuine Hogmany Dance, fellow's Hall, December 31. Odd- THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE LOCAL NEWS NOTES Cash for Old Oold, Bulger's, tf. Buy Basketball Tickets now. Just say "Three Two please.' 285 Just say "Three Two please." A meeting of the Canadian Hall-. visitors from the Interior, we but Fishing Vessel Owners Assn. will suggest you give photos this Xmas. be held In the Deep Sea Fishermen's, Call at the Benson Studio. We will Union Hall, Sunday, December 8th be pleased to show you the dlf- at z p.m. (287) ferent sizes and stvles I- Prince Rupert Legion Defence Corps WEEKLY ORDERS LEGION DEFENCE CORPS Tuesday 8 p.m. Full muster pa- -j e, . . . -. mlRhtbe. The address was listened the start of the war. Mr. Mackenzie ittUC' oa""" "ea' wean LKKK- to with a great deal of interest by cited as most important events the a good-sized gathering with Miss E. failure of Hitler to dominate Eur- KNOWS HIS OATS thuksby, Alta., Dec. 7: (CP) ever, than that of Russia. Tliere clash with the Reich," predicted the precendent for a slx-and-one-half 1 fusion In Aiicrnst with Don't Delay Christmas Is Only a few weeks away Before you know it Christmas will be here. Purchase your Christmas cards today. CHRISTMAS GIFT WRAPPING, SEALS, TAGS, ETC. Enjoy full selection, leisure in shopping and delivery at your convenience. DIBB PRINTING Company Besner Block Phone 234 THE SEAL ' QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Snckeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the, only salmon canning company with an all the year round payroll In Prince Rupert I Man in the Moon Many times I have mentioned the humor of the war. Here Is something that was not Intended for humor. Landladies In a town on1 Jthe Channel are advertising "Nice Basketball aavoy vs. Petersburg rooms with every convenience, fac- next Tuesday and Wednesday. children under 12 kindly give In tlve meeting Monday. tneir names. . (2S0) meeting Wednesday. i This Christmas send something Capitol Theatre 285 Canadian Legion B.E.S.L. Execu ing the enemy." Erika Mann, in The Nation, says: "I watched a man whose house had Monthly been bombed while he was away. (237) He stood there before the ruins, shaking his head and repeating in have special the tone of some highly civilized useful and distinctive. See Cana- Xmas gift tickets or books in gift! person who for the first time dis dlan Fish & Cold Storage Com-; envelopes for children and adults, j covers that bestiality exists among panys aq on rage 3. t (tf) human beings: "But this Is disgusting, perfectly disgusting." "What Every Young Lady Should j No" is the title of a little booklet! Just Issued at an American unlver- " my. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Everett of In the course of a tour of this i met a pretty little country girl Provincial Cannery, Rivers Inlet, district for the University of Bri- in a village I once stayed at and sailed by the Cardena this morn- tlsh Columbia extension depart-, i took her for a walk in the moon- ,S on inclr murn down tne coast ment' Robett MacKenzie, of the i for for seven- seven-1 "If " there e is 15 a a moral moral i-unn lesson t v, be light. B .1 L L. w .1 . . after SDendlne a few davs In the Denartmpnt f nut, rv. . . n year;, Is is visitor visitor in vne rity. i aenveairom the tale of power poll-Vuv I tu ,V . , Aiier wea gone a uuie way. i Eittsficd that Prince Rupert tics in Europe it. is the necessity of t VvT .. arrived asked her, "Do you like to be kissed ... 1 . 1 . t -lll ... . ' - . . .11 WiC L1LV till 1. 1 1 f ITiriPPSa Art A- , . lalde yesterday afternoon from the 7 . . declared declared Robert MacKenzie, pro-, to suggest that these pacts had been day evenine's train to TprrnpanH person has been cdvlsed fessor of history and economics, negotiated not from motives of smjthers T 1 U - t I In the moonlight or the dark?" "Yes," she said. "Why not?" Do you like after-dinner speech-i es? I don't like 'em much, and there's one I hate. It always starts like this: "And now hpln mi rlpar aurav and A man bought a canary from an animal dealer. ... can sing mill V A DVCT M- "l tne President of the Wo- ope and the setback of Hitler's IM-''r V.T'u Vn.... .uuic , !? SUrC suic ..... 1 iUt. mis S 1. blrd uira 1 f " FAMILY MAK&L 1 men's Canadian Club, In the chair. Ian partner who had turned ' out to JJ.k Derta '1 it i . ...i :ihe..ed susPiciously- tu ... k.mti . .u v ....J.. afea claims he threshed nireanea 618 oio "He's tie s a a erand erand s sineer. neer." ... ni,nn. o w vie uiaiix-unceriain issues , uc hmk uwic u ln th,s war said Ur- MacKenzie in as far as could b a i o I WllrYinV SllPPialQ opening. These Included what Tur- Greek campaign jaiuiuttjr ujjciicua key and 6paln mlgnt d0 and how ..At long M Hl tli.Jl"lll III II .1 u 20c 22c 25c 20c 22c A 1 A 1 t I But one quick-witted eieht-vear- old went one better. "What gets me, miss, is how they get in," she remarked. Christmas would we did not know i . . . The little boy was verv nanehtv in school and the teacher felt that me aiscipiine of the whole room was being undermined by his actions. She wrote a note to his mother. "Your son is the bright as hn in my room, but the most mischievous. WVmt eVioll T Jn. reply. "I'm having my own troubles wun nis rather." The little Item above cost the . . ' I r j wash-up, darling." m Jake says he knows a man who was sent down for five years for stealing a book. When I expressed surprise that a man got that much ; for pinching one little book, he says, ; "yes," says he, "it was my pocket-1 book." con- speaker. "The Red Army would have month old nutlet fhTlXl T u fonciUSlon 01 a Hath, no chance against that of the nJst o"f 2, ' p""ih: i . bushels of fine quality oats fromj The customer left. A week later a five acre plot, a yield of 123.6 he reaopeared. bushels an acre. , Say! Tills bird you sold me Is I lamer chSSSI opod i Tell-,what d.!d -M- ? . ... . -n. . i -.....w, iios., Ayfu. i: er or a nanrprv" was no greaier uncertainly, now- mat nussia win iase a cnancc on a (CP) Mn Tnhn v . He's Here Again HWW f Bk H reaching of agreements between Reich, I believe all agree." At the heri m an ower, "And don't you think it is wonder- The editor says he does not mind Germany and Russia. However, ie- same time Russia's economy was " TOYLAND OPENS BIGGER AND BETTER THAN EVER ) ful children, how the little chickens coming around and acting as re- sck uui oi meir sneiisv feree Mistress (to cook at 5:45 pjn.): "I know it's the third time this week Mary, but my husband Just phoned from the golf club that! Vtn nil hI.LIi I .1 . 11 hes bringing three men men to to mat aDOUl a ner Hnw lornr will 'wee later tne eovemment. vmiM din- you need to I be sending out tax notices. ,, Mary; "I'm ready now. I packed If you don't fork out ..W trunk the last time it hap- When the government axes Pened." you, Don't be surprised If it comes and taxes you. What a jolly time there jbe if the government fonrot tn send out the tax notices this year land we didn't have to pay. If you don't like the rain Get under a slicker If you don't like my fun You don't have to snicker. All the joy of Christmas can be put Into one word TOYS. For boys and girls, the holiday hold3 but one promise TOYS. And we're concentrating on one big Idea to make children happy TOYS, TOYS, TOYS. See them and see how much fun they can mean to the boys and girls on your list. DOLLS BUGGIES TOY DISHES TINY COOK STOVES BICYCLES COASTER WAGONS NOVELTIES GAMES EVERYTHING FOR FUN GORDON & ANDERSON - 4-- - Canada At War 25 Years Ago December 7, 1915. President Wil 'THREE-TWO PLEASE' RUPERT'S LARGEST TAXI SERVICE ' "v o.iail UUf f , . . . . 4. Do what you please," came the1 " ' oianan two dollars. I got It bv' the simple exDedient of net f... 3 scissors. That Illustrates the oldlS? nrnvprh Viit tv.... ... FKj . w.av mnc ie omer ways of killing a dog besides hanging him, What the world needs today is not more wheat, potatoes and cabbage but more apple pie, scalloped potatoes and other delicacies re- nilfrlrtrv Htl., .i . t fuses a scrooge for anv. body. Better send the letter direct to the offender or better still call on him personally and sifM it " risht there a"y old way you want, When a subscriber wants to "get 5? after" somebody, don't try to turnip the Job over to the Editor. He rP- re i W 1 OX A Large Shipment of I COFFEE TABLES Radio and Magazine Tables Just Arrived good cook. . 4 Also a new shipment of Chesterfield Suites in latest m .'designs. Come early and make your selection. m From this time on until Christ- k h3 UIM jt-memoer mat every day Is Pi fig a snopping day. MacKenzie s Furniture tj? Phone 775 A Good Place to Uuy' 327 3rd Avenue m s to X- 4- X- X-X-X-X-X- son in. message to United States Congress asked that his hands be strengthened to deal with anti-American plotters. British withdrew from Strumnitza and Bulgarians occupied Demir'Kapu, Serbia. x- We bought three brand new heaters J Just so you wouldn't freeze We bought three cars to put them in They answer X- X- 'THREE-TWO PLEASE' I The cars are painted in two-tone blue Their beauty is equalled in ease If you want safety with comfort Call us at