THE DAILY News. a ~ re he Ler eS atl ajywaiting for its burden Jacked | e i é ; ery ——— +oe ae Pees ih ct la a ; t construction includes four large SESSESEES: ro ; i —_ 7 Sa meeting a up with heavy lumber, the Inn is| armored shins, eight light arm- SSE RSSESSES: or SESSESSESEESSESESSES ESET E SE Bs Te t aw ar . ( y ahr . j } ‘ rs ; * ; mee dl me a9 ao z now high above 1 level, and) ored cruisers, twenty destroyers ! alph Smith exposed the rottenjis like heaven, hard { reachland a number of submarines on0 ‘ { land Jaws and made the em-jowing to its exalted position The personne! will be increased Birk § Beautiful Cut Glass a _ j phatic statement that three Vic-| Climbing the steep ascent. how-|by two thousand men ° . , 4 sine ; oa ee aoe a sean ever, the thirsty es attain their| i The estimated expenditure on and Pierced Silverware a> a : —————— and Davis, hac secured 42,500] paradise, and return again to} is : ‘ agi the British navy in the coming l General Merchandve i 3 eel Stock acres of crown lands at $2.50 perjearth safely down the golden| year, according to the govern- Is brought within reach of every EE ———— Sn ama h, without proper title} stairs. | me nt’s report laid on the table of buyer in BRITISH GOLUMBIA by : ie aaa wee on the — By the removal! of this famous the House of Gommons, is $220,- our thorough, far-reaching mail . . . marke at $9.75 an acre, and/triple triangled landmark of early 447,000, a decrease of $1,535,500 : patie H nry B ks & So Lowest / rices in Northern B. bo shoreover, that the firm of Bow-| Prince Rupert, the whole aspect] o tk i ount spent last wear oe aos Se ee C iT ns { ser*& Co. had tr sted ‘the le ‘ i n the amount spent iast year. wedding presents from these —Limited— l h in a8 "aem., Et mae a tae eee une fhe post The estimates for the current lines to any customer in the Jewellers and Silversmiths bain ea jusiness for 1em,. office changes and today several sar are dias ‘ ra pe f . f a AACE Mar : é : alyyear are disappointing, as there Province promptly and at mod- ~~ ale aang Another direct accusatioD| photographers were busy record-| were expectations of a large re- erate prices; Al goods will be diecemmnteneis made by Mr. Smith was thatling the progress of the alteration.| duction. That this amount may aati sini — — government surveyors in the pay|The approach to the posi office be considerably exceeded is in- % of the McBride government had]is now safest by the back of the dicated by Mr. Churchill's state- been sent north ostensibly for|building, though hundreds from ment that the estimates were the purpose of surveying crown|force of habit still stick to the] framed on the assumption that lands, and at the same time these] old trail. the existing program of the other surveyors had carried the names naval powers would not be in- of friends in their pockets and The people have had enough of} creased. In the event of such in- prepaid to your nearest railway express office and money will be Vancouver -- B.C. returned when goods are not en- tirely satisfactory. Our illus- trated catalogue is the great me- dium between our store and the buyer. Write for it; it will be mailed free to your address. “FROM HOME TO HOME.” ; staked off lands for them. They/flunkeyism. For honesty and|crea supplementary estimates had even gone so far as to send| progress vote for Alex. M. Man-]| would be necessary. HO I E | E ] YSIUM letters to various persons asking] son. . tf — 19 OS 0 OOS 000660090 000000 006 0000005000000 00S 090 000 090090 090 0000 09 000 090 000 08. that their names might be used ——— Are you playing fair with a ee ane ee Sid. Sykes, Manager The Finest, Newest and Most Up-to-date Hotel in Vancouver. Excellent Cafe. Moderate Prices. in connecton with this wholesale Commercial Union Fire Insur- yourself? Judicious insurance = disposal of crown lands. ance has always paid dollar for]is the first law of the game. To | sAND PURCHASE NOTICES. “We have good grounds for} dollar — assets $111,000,000.| get proper insurance of anything ikl sihitaiaibacabadilic kee aac suspicion when they do not want} Mack Realty and Insurance Gom-|you must see The Insurance For Quick ‘ uIC e , Skeena Land District—District of Coast 1142 Pender Street West - - Vancouver, B.C. an opposition,’ claimed Mr.| pany, Agents. tf |People, the Mack Realty and In- 3 hangs. Smith, “ If everything was sailed gala call ata surance © pe Take notice that 1, CAROLINE JOHNSON Phone 8500. hapa : of : = i surance Company. tf see j of Vancouver, B. ¢., occupation married straight and above board they Every appropriation by the while ha ca aet Owner will dispose of the following | woman, intend to apply for permission to would have no reason to fear an} government is made with a view What has Wm. Manson done . . |p" Commencing. at a ‘post planed at the opposition which might ask/of strengthening the power of for Skeena? Nothing when you Lots in Section 2 30 chains “thence east 30. chains, thence — ————=_| questions.” the two-man government. tf : : edie sta) Fig te aed north 60 chains to the southeast corner of ae a de a m i: Vote an ae iia is Bauity ieee oe; imenee west 40, chains slong ee a man who will do things. u 0 : ric uity |South line of Lot 3062, thence north 90 THREE WERE KILLED athe ok i | 44 or oe chains along west line of Lot 3062, thence youl cross after the second! 1 and 2 16 $2100 $787.50} west 40 chairs along south line of Lot KAIEN HARDWARE COMPANY a i en oper “See Ee Main apn ax "ad ragga for Alex. M. Manson and your|57@ 68 12 2250 750.00 ' CAROLINE JOHNSON, ; sancti ovke: ‘ockslide ee ' RK. Carr, Agent. THIRD ANENUE P.O. DRAWER 1524 PHONE No. 8 y SIDEWALK own interest. tf | Dated Dec, 28, 1914, ——— Pub. Jan, 18, 1912. (Special to Daily News be can offer good terms on the Equity juilders’ Supplies Sheet and Plate Gi te y : uilders’ Supplies eet an ate Glass ; . ca or Call and see us akeens c ) rs’ Plate GI Mi Sand Point, Idaho, March 25. pie ae Skeena Land District—Disirict uf Uoast Plumbers’ supplies a ass Mirrors oe : f | sin | ‘Take notice that Kathleen Agnew of Mon- Paints Stoves, Ranges Three of the train crew were| Too Literal Exclusiveness Threat- |treal, occupation spinster, intends to apply Oils Tinware, killed today when the Limited ens the Club de Luxe of Prince fe ea ee purchase the following arses Graniteware “Treight_ of the Great Northern] Rupert. — Mambers Petition _ R. Naden Co., Ltd. iiss. a am 288 ) sala ”? 635, Range 6, Coast district, distant 13.73 plunged into a rock slide and Council—Ald. Webster’s Stand. MONARCH MALLEABLE The “ Stay Satisfactory ;}down the embankment into the rele HIGH “CLASS | Range. iriver. The main line is blocked Members of the Prince Rupert seen aed saints i by the slide. Club have petitioned the Council SIGN WORK ee or Walle Rives Bisush aiaaee take | > y ¢ . ' ide lowing bank of Falls River Slough easterly ——__—_—____—_ - requesting that the plank side- OUR SPECIALTIES and fiortherly to point of commencemeni, walk on Second avenue passing 5 to coatain 40 acres, more or less. en KATHLEEN AGNEW. SECOND AVENUE chains south from the northwest corner of the said lot, thence west 40 chains more or less to the east bank of the Hocsall River, their entrance be completed as Augustus W. Agnew, Agent. Dated pee tte 1, 1912. (S) Pub. i] 1 Mover ; thence north 60 chams, thence east 30 Advertising acquaints youw ith Clover and ‘Grain | chains, thence south 60 chains, thence west a /the grading of the lane at the B back is now being carried on so} SILVERSIDES ROS. rt Lod 0. 0). F. (e as to obstruct access to the club P.O. BOX 120 PHONE 156 GREEN ‘Prince Rupert Lo e, |. Prince Rupert Land District—District of inte jell ive rese ferre oast. e ;TOOmSs a al pre Be nt. Re ferred ‘ Take notice that 1, Lemu Freer, of fj} ito the Board of Works for con- Second Avenue, near McBride | Meets in in catgenon Block vant to aialy for perEntaslian > paninans | enc 0 or ie C. (re) | emenssion and report. ——-— Every Tuesday Evening the Tollowing described lands: aN . J ebster ;. s Ae ae ; Commencing at St nted on the Where Do You ee alte oe wo en ae Se | a s ste 1a e recommenda- . are re aste risi Nelson Cannery, marke . F.’8 5.E. corner, (es sa kes added that this work be Li h d P CW sane th ae to visit thence ae chains orth, thence 2 ebpins | tio . ; i 8 ) e lodge. west, thence 20 chair uth to shore line sh > fe) not carried on until earlier peti-| Lif. t an ower thenge east along. the ‘shore to point of | ee ere. commencement, containing 40 acres, more |} tions for other sidewalks have | é- DOUGLAS, N. G or less. : Op . el been granted. For all coming soon. Estimates . G. BARRIE, Sec. Dated bdo, 2: doaqe es FREER. fa); Alderman Morrissey pointed | pap direc ‘She wiring and tse for Pub. Jan. 5, 1911. zs . , | electric Mht, power, bells, ph ; (rl lout that this work came in under | waiay aati gy oe “ acl’ wigan tania: hips 1 tcl> « + 1 | oan : 7 ess a ™ $ 4 . eena Lan istrict—District 0. 10as O you shop ina brisk, active store, or in a dull |Section 4 improvements, for} Stock of lamp shades and gen SONS OF NORWAY is Range 6. y > fe {which there is a balance of funds, | eral electrical supplies carried, I Take poten: SnAt AUSUSTUS Wie Agnew. of “ | . so cael ‘ 4 3 7 7 | Prince Ruper . C,, occupation ¢ - storer (el and was only delayed for want of | Me ets 2nd and Ath Sundeys at ‘| gineer, intends to apply tor ermission to I ber It has preference over W. R. LOVE |p. m., at 319 3rd ave. Ali Nor- purchase the following described lands: ’ umber, as | Electrical Contractor wa *e weloome Commencing at & post plafiied at the a 3 : (rel) lother sections Alderman Bul- Fulton 8t. and Srd Ave. si lp sshd asaerehapel hh id So retsieo tae atu ant Ab abaied cies A S ~ - | ; 2088 pict, ence cl 3 Advertising makes bright stores. Failure to ad fe | lock-Webster withdrew his sug- P.O. et ae Rhone At | ° or less to east bank of Hocsall River, thence ° . ° BY eaaiia "14 following said east ba northerly an 5 é d ll d ic ation. westerly t Ns or patie niver Sonan vertise fOeS hand in hand with u ness an stag- ce | EE than following bank of said slough easterly ; ed | Liberal 7" cue er to point of commencement, to contain 60 nation It Is nol a q iestion of iberal- acres more or less, es , “0 seu iia 8 18- AUGUSTUS W. AGNEW. z } ism or Conservati a i is a se ; Ci , Standard Dated February 1, 1912. tion of rgeh le =6pe oY es u Feb. 10. fel} | rights. Dressmaking and Repairing | Advertising brushes away cob- Shop where your wants and a rete MONTREAL. Cleaning & Pressing Work Done skeona Land Disirict—pisirict of Coast, webs and dust, smartens shop needs are uppermost in the mind a Dunedin Block Again. SOO HOPE |, Take notice that i, aiichas Beqants, £90k, , , ; ! : ; ° arise on evitiistaies oa see spy | of Victoria, Be C., intend to @ or - windows, quickens the intelli- of the merchant. Shop in the a That gaut Id spectre, the THE STANDARD ig the National |533 8th Avenue Prince Rupert} fission to purchase the following de- - . ; : , plac as ») again in| Weekly New > s | seribed lands; gence of salesmen, and lets in the store which reflects you, which Dunedin block wa ve Par at sa) Weekly Newspaper of the Dominion | | “Commencing at & post planted on the 5 : . — . , couneil ist Linnt as ¢ waked A br ° i | nor side of Will 8 Creek, W le sunlight. you dominate. Shop where ey it was reported by the fire chief} : ae 1 So eee Sh ae He Kitunad ‘branch Of the G, T, P. iy. crosses A . | ast uims. | Williams Creek 1 about ten ¢ . your money returns to you in fe) i that the building is a menace, and | It \uses ‘the pat ‘enbansive enemy aren is ons “alae, iaeiee south % » “ se 2 is “xpe ve =| : 5 ance @ * 3 Advertising makes the mer- better goods, better values, bet- fe once grain the Council has de- lings procuring th ee cae ae MA KE } Chaitin Aenee won a0 a ig rand rs, proc | e ( r enceme ¥ chant think of you—of your ter service. a cided to consider its immediate We tian snc Seine ht | of commencement, containing 120 acres, ) . wie akac ; 1\ demolition at city expense if the da " : ec ore | MICHAS BEGANIS. wants and needs: makes him 2 SE will it demolish it Its articles are carefully selected and | f Fred k, Cowell, Agent. anxious to serve you to your |" | nol donate tts le ceduorel Gee eee san | Pased,omn.t4, 4884, liking and advantage. Shun the shop that is dumb eco. il tna nit eee and dark and dreary ; keep away fe) PRINCE RUPERT FEE FEED C0. subscription to The Standard MONEY | kee on Land —- —bisurict ae Coast. i : notice that aul Curtiss, cle Advertising keeps stock from from the shop that never speaks el) ae costs $2.00 per year to any addrese in | | of Victorla, iwiend to’ apply for permission - > to se the following describe ands: having birthdays. to you, never smiles at you, (ce) Big stock of all kinds of Canada or Great Britain. i :Acromenciag att post planted on the * b h = b : ", | WOR |east boundary and about five (5) chains never bothers about you. a Garden Seeds, Timothy, TRY IT FOR 1912! ae from the southeast corner of Lot 4484, fe | 2 fel ed | [2] tends to apply for permission to purchase the followftg described lands: |} thence west eighty chains to Yoint REAL ESTATE? 3)°"°°°""Sinws wine mactan, | | | Dated Oct, 34, 1041, | 4. | g new things, and 1 brightens cm | Montreal Standard Publishing Co, | FO R nainite 480 conven, more or fess. ~ fe) your home, your life, your person. Reward by your custom the Mail Orders Promptly Attended to | Limited, Publishers Fred E. Cowell, Agent. ° i ate bt. Bi, 4041. 2 merchant who lives to serve you, ae a = YOU 3) pub secs’ at es : : : VU Advertising keeps a business and who is doing his utmost to (2); Agents International Stock Food : at [i gl oS a from growing lazy and stupid. build up this community ; who fal) —ALL KINDS OF FEED— Take notice tnat James wing | ered, ° ° c a a cupallo re e . Advertising injects good red blood takes you into his confidence by [| pees ew De tiinteie edie ane ag oe bat Hout to ent : . IPRA 1h {EP ’ | chas sseri into the arteries of a business, and means of advertisements in your (el LAND PURCHASE NOTICE 41, Section 7; $3,500; 426 $. “Commencing "at a “post “piauted ” abo t -¢ seve 28 stant an 0 n ei keeps it healthful and active. local newspapers. (2) | skeena Land District—District of Casstar feet frontage. | direction from the Naas Hiver, end gbout al Take notice that Clarence Bowen, of te 0 | eight miles orth of Alyansh indian ‘village, CC Odsman, or igh cha ie. attle, Wash,, occupation woods 1, iD | wpenee paren: oignty bran ‘ene euains, | | ws : : fa) lommencing at & post planted four Smile back at the shop which smiles at you. Ey ul gt ot, Maal Rivera, eb Hotel = eighty chains, thence south eighty chains, . . i it —— ‘ Ange 36 igh hat thence nor = Pub, Dec. 4 Shake hands with it—keep company with it—your p ERE? Gath iB! outta” commteneeet | ub. Dee ° LA c SON PONT ‘ | favor will be returned to you tenfold. Oe cet 01, ee ee ee, eee Sie Seerenens 1 HAVE a m| Pub. Dec. 44. She Nee Kies Bot © se See LAND LEASE NOTICE i Skeena Land District-~DistHot of Coast, fiprovemente siete BEDS 60c Ur AR A fa) Range 5. sete 2 cee B G INS Take ne a srt Auriol, of RST AVENUE, PRINCE RUPER1 Sk Land D —District of Coast Range 5 Advice capnnd ing your mhaartiving pretioms is epee sor a | Na Take notice that 1; Dagobert. 4 ithe a | | FIR E hk ween watts wnt ‘District of Coast R sist any good advertising a ency, or the Secretary O nadi mm to apply for permission to purchase ot ——— ~~ — *rince Rupert, occupation mining engin- ye Association, oon 503 Lumsden Building. Enquiry fe) RelloWing describe ‘ Most, ica ila a EVE pet I Ea permission to lease 70 — r 2] past corner of Lot 5430 (bel ) | Cor i t this post planted 1-4 mile east involves no obligation on your part— so write, if interested. i | sptisent (corner of at, $400, ,(eeinl AP | F. M. DAVIS BOAT HOUSE of Rots Blain: Ue" hand apron south ‘for ES | 2 l-4 miles east of Prince Rupert mee nor’ @] Cc rive, thence fal | Of Coast ange 40 chais 5, thence east 20 chains, thonee south 9 25 all | chains, thence we at forty chains, ulenee | General Machine Shop and Ship’ 8 | 49 chair s, thence saat £0 cheng, 1 - i 5, then eas orty chains} > ty = out ee conimengoment, containing 160 Saabs eae Also a = for Fair- | weaterly 25 chains (more or ie Fee ey said fal | aeres, more or less E Morse fine E nox Gesaline he e | grade to point of pommancesnent and containing = DAGOBERT AURIOL ngines. Gasoline Engines an c : 70 acres more or ral : . Cowe . | 618 3rd Ave. Prince Rupert ALFRED CHRISTIAN GARDE aaa; i a ee [ i a E, Cowell, Agent cessories carried in stock. Le a ai. 1908 Ww waT feo) fee) Fea fa) Fe eh Fea eae el (ee Ce To eee ee eve) | Pub, Dee. @ rae | Leaunches.and Boats for Hire N.E, end of What | Pub, Peb, 3, 1912 Peewee SASF AI eT yey