8c conditions. LIBRARY VICTORIA, B.C. is likely to be stationed on Britain s at the hands of Nazi plane.s last Singapore naval base a move night, vital war supplies are still which some observers thought may. being handled through the west lead to a show-down. 'coast port of Bristol without ln Signal victories by the Axis pow- ers in Europe, it was believed, would have immediate repercussion In the Far East. One would be Intensified Japanese pressure, through the Ja- pan-sponsored "National Govern- ment of China" In Nanking, on British and American interests in the International Settlement here. DESTROYERS F0RBASES Deal Between United States and Mexico Is Reported to be Under Way WASHINGTON, D.C., Dec. 7: (CP) Negotiations are reported to be under way whereby the United States will exchange over aae destroyers for naval base sites In Mexi co. GIVES AID TO GREECE President Roosevelt Pledges United States to Aid That Nation in Resisting Aggression WASHINGTON, D C. Dec. 7: (CP) In an exchange of messages with King George II. President Franklin D. Roosevelt today pledged United Stated aid to Greece in the war against Italy. Answering a message from the Greek King thanking the United States for aid already received and urgently appealing for more assistance. Mr. Roccvelt said: "The settled policy of the United States government Is to extend aid to governments and peoples who defend themselves against aggression." The exchange of messages . between President Roosevelt and King George was effected yesterday as U.S.S. Tuscaloosa, carrying th President on his cruise of West Indies and Caribbean Sea defence, was off Porto Rico. United States Navy planes flew messages between ship and shore. ASSEMBLY OF PLANES Enormous Bomber Plants Are Planned For Kansas City And Omaha WASTtINfiTf) Iin Dee. 7 (CP)-Plans are under way. it Is revealed, for the establishment of great 10,030.003 plants at Kansas City and Omaha for the assembly on a mass production basis of bombing planes for the United States and Great Britain. The uarts would be fabricated In the automobile manufacturing plants of the country. Each of the as- sembly plants would have a capa- city of 1200 planes annually. There may be two other such plants west 0f the Mississippi, one pos- iblv at Tulsa. Oklahoma. I BRISTOL IS AIMAGAIN West Coast Port Functioning Nor- mally Although Bearing Brunt of Nazi Onslaught LONDON. December 7 In spite 0( another heavy bombing attack terruotlon. Bristol Blenheim bomb "ers are still being turned out steadily and the port Is moving supplies from abroad to the In- ustrial Midlands. The attack on Bristol started In the early hours of evening but ended before midnight Once , again the port bore the brunt of, the Nazi onslaught. Numerous fires were started and a number were killed and injured. Damage to buildings was considerable. Eight persons were killed when bombs struck a public shelter In a south coast town. There was no bombing of London last night, despite one brief alert, and today enemy aerial ac tivity over Great Britain was : light. i It Is officially announced that Windsor Castle has been subjected .to a second bombing attack, mis slles landing in the gardens. The Royal Family was not there at the time. War Tomorrows Tidet I High . 8:51 am. 13.7 ft. 21:18. pm. 18.0 ft. Low 1:55 a.m. 8.4 ft. 15:10 p.m. 85 ft. monvVNTFII)E0 T0I)AY 'h auxiliary NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER nor...-- . - ,e nere late today to uder- to repairs to damage. A A wireless mMMte yesterday from the Carnarvon Castle said that, after a battle at long range the raider, due to her superior speed, was able to escape. Exact extent of the damage to the Carnarvon Castle, which I, not believed be heavy, and the number to of casualties will not be known until she arrives. This information was not disclosed in ,mes-hages from the vessel. The British freighter EI Aarentino, after tailing from here, has returned to port. EIGHT ITALIANS DOWNED LONDON The Ministry of Information announces that eight Italian planes were destroyed and others damaged in lighting with the Royal Air Force over Albania on Wednesday. So British, planes were lost. BRISTOL BOMBED AGAIN LONDON Bristol was under heavy attack by Nazi raiding planes. Friday night. A number of fires were started and a number were killed and wounded. In a south coast town a hospital and several buildings were bombed and a number of persons were killed. Trouble in the vicinity of Bristol disrupted Western Union cable service between England and New York for six hours last night. It is believed this may have been due to bombing in the vicinity of Bristol. The Nari attack last night extended as far as Wales. London had one alarm. ITALIAN RETREAT CONTINUES ATHENS All along the 100-mile front In Albania the Italians continue their retreat before the victorious Creeks who juterday captured Porto Edda and were closing in on Argiro-castro. The Greek occupants of Koritza, which was captured over two weeks ago, have found thousands of tons of Italian war equipment concealed underground. TROUBLE IN ITALY ROME The resignation of Marshal Pietro Badoglio as chief of staff of the Italian Army indicates a serious internal lituation in Italy, It Is believed that his resignation was in pro-ttit at political interference with the army. Another suggestion it that Badoglio has been made the goat by Premier Mussolini for the bungling In the campaign against Greece. A further stnsation was caused In high Italian official circles today by th? resignation and replacement of the Governor of Dodocanese Islands. GERMAN AIRDROMES BOMBED LONDON The Royal Air Force Friday night carried out bombing attacks on German airdromes In France and the low countries. LABOR TO BE CURBED !ht To Strike In Arms Industry May Be Removed WSHtNOTCS. Dec. 7 The test Judiciary committee has Kf'ly started machinery deft t impose legal curbs on ltrfi rlsht to strike In national !! industries. tl in decided at a meeting of U froup to appoint a sub-corn- nlHee to explore many weapons i American people In the steps ta-tornujh which It la believed in-1 ken to relieve the sufferings of tostr!l peace can be maintained, people In war-ridden countries. Including one used by Woodrow Wflunn A, 4V. WnrlH War ! Threaten Workmen The chairman wrote strikers at e Remington arms plant Bridge-Port, Conn., that unless they relumed to work under an arbitration award they would be barred Iron employment In all defense toctorles for a year. He said also the draft board would be Instruc ted to waive their exemptions based on "alleecd usefulness in r production." Before such action could be ta "n In this emergency, however, rbltratlon machlney would have to be set up and the conscription w amended. Forsee Wage Demand Defense plants have been com-paratively free of serious labor discord since the multl-bllllon dollar preparedness program was Initiated, Congressional moves to-wd restrictive measures arebas-el largely on the anticipation that trades unions will demand higher wgcs to meet the rising cost of llv'ng under the re-armament boom, FARMERS TO JAIL T11 Is Tenalty in Italy for With holding Crops From State ROME, December 7 Under i nw decree. . vear's imprison m?nt is provided for any Italian Iarmer whn withholds his crops from public storage. All food forces ot Italy are bclns lncreas lnly conserved In view of block WINDSOR IN K Anil ) I A I K tlsh p,anf5, ai1 f whlch returnd I Italian reports of a counf;r-nt-Expresses Appreciation to People of j tack resulting In the regaining by United States for Efforts to the Fascists of a number of posl-Relieve War Sufferers itlonr. In Albania are denied. The I Italians claimed to have machine- NASSAU. Dec. 7: (CP) In his gunned and bombed communication first radio speech since the historic and supply lines with three or four one on the occasion of his abdlca-1 Greek planes being brought down. tion, tne uuiceoi winasur ia.u nigut expressed gratification and appreci ation on behalf of the people of Great Britain for the efforts of the Bomb Vesuvius, Say Londoners Slight Make Italians Feel Sorry That They Ever Went Into War LONDON, Dec. 7: (CP) People In air raid shelters In London have suggested that the Royal Air Force bomb Mount Vesuvius near Naples and see what happens. It might create a disaster that would mane the people of Italy sorry that they went in the war. YANKS PLAY THEIR PART Ten Thousand Have Applied For Enlistment In Royal Canadian Air Force NEW YORK, December 7 (Can adian Press) In an aaaress before the Association of Life Insurance Presidents here, L. W. Brock- Ington K.C., special assistant w Premier William Lyon Mackenzie King of Canada, told of the im portant part American Vihu..-r tnkini? in the building op of Canadian Air Force. the Royal ilt ho said, tin thousand young Americans enlistment in tne.nuj'" Ala TVt A Of the total or men m u"o for the Royal Canadian Air Force saW even percent were Americans, came from Mr. BrocklngtonThey all parts of the union. , "vol. xxixNor287r PRINCE RUflEJIT, B.C., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1 1)40. Mussolini HELLENESE ADVANCING ALL OVER Albanian Oil Fields Being Menaced Jfew Base of Direct Attack On Italy ATHENS. Dec. 7: (CP) Italian forces were resorted today to have abandoned Arglrocastro, leaving part of the Important Italian Albanian bae In flames. Dispatcher from the front said that Greek troops were advanclne on the Arglrocastro front '.n several directions and had established contact preaa--atory to occupation. The road be tween Porto Edda and Delvina and Rauad. south of Arglrocastro. ra already oMuplcd by Greek for es, it was said. Dispatches from the front I said a least three thousand prison lerj wcie captured yesterday along with more than one hundred how itzers. 1 Meantime, alone the cow the Greek advance has" reached twenty rnlle north or Porto Edda towards Chemara. Capture of Porto Edd brlngc the Greeks to within eighty miles of Italy across the Adriatic Sea, making a posslbls base of attack on Italy proper. In the Interior the Greek advance 1$ commencing to menace Alban- lan oil flcMs which have been of . vital importance to Italy's fuel supply. The Italian port of Varona lsr-- TENSION IN EAST Amerlcans Being Subjected to More Inconven SHANGHAI, Der. 7: (UP) Am- erlcans in Japan are being subject- ed to increasing Inconvenience be cause of Japanese Irritation over the new United States "war loans" to China, according to private messages reaching here. Additional American families are planning to leave Japan for the United States shortly. Censored telephone dispatches from the United Press offices in Tokyo hinted at Increasing tension. It was generally believed the U.S. Asiatic fleet is being quietly rein- forced and sooner or later part of it Facing IS NEARING MONTEVIDEO British Auxiliary Cruiser Enters Mouth of River Plate to Receive Repairs and Land Wounded MONTEVIDEO, Uruguay, De- cember 7 (Canadian Press)- 7 British auxiliary cruiser H. M. S. Carnarvon Castle made the estuary of the River Plate at noon to day and is expected to retch Mont evideo about 5 o'clock this evening, Cities of Milan, Turin and orders Rioters Are LONDON, December 7. inn- here there are indications , Amngements have been made to solini is facing the most serious internal crisis of his re-dock the vessel for repairs follow- "u u f:i oo;, ; r: ing ner brush in the South Atlan- tic with a German raider and hospitals are ready to receive the wounded. Although suffering damage as a ' T.nilt of th? battle two days ago , with the German surface Talder. ' the Carnarvon Castle was reported j to be making toward the entrace of Montevideo Harbor at moderate " speed and apparently with no difficulty. Welders have been called to docks by the British consulate to make repairs to the vessel whose battle with a German auxiliary cruiser ended with the flight or the German. Meantime, with details lacking, speculation is rife here as to the exact nature of the engagement In which the Carnarvon. Castle engaged. It was rumored here that it might have been the German pocket battleship Admiral Schesr which' she-encountered In London, -however, it is not believed that it was a pocket battleship but more likely an armed raider su:h as the notorious prison ship Altmark. It is the usual function of these raiders to prey on unarmed merchant vessels and to avoid contact with warships. The return here of the British freighter El Argentlno soon after the battle In the Carnar- von CastJe was engaged became k"own was ken to suggest that the ralder was believed to be still nearbv th American coast. In New York the captain of the British steamer Hatchby, which was captured last spring by a Ger- man raider, suggested that the vessel which the Carnarvon Castle encountered might have been the same large German vessel on which he spent some tlm after the loss of his ship. He described the raider as equipped to stay three years at sea. The vessel, he says, is capable of much disguise, has a telescopic funnel, can change her superstructure, has appeared under flags of many nations and carried a crew of three hundred men. She slipped out of Hamburg on APril 8 last sPrlnS during the Nor 'weglan campaign. DEATH OF WAR HERO CorP ra"l Reynold Scott of Port Coquitlam Victim of Tragedy In Alberta EMPRESS, Alberta, December 7 (Canadian Press) The father from Port Coquitlam, British Co-, lumbla, has identified the body of one of two men who were found i dead from carbon monoxide pols- i onlng In a railway refrigerator car ; .near here on November 21 as be- lng that of Corp. Paul Reynold Scott., who, as a gunner with the Royal-Canadian Artillery In Eng- land, was credited with having been the first Canadian to bring down a German airplane In this: war. He was on his way home to spend Christmas, having sought discharge or transfer to another unit. The body Is being taken to New Westminster where the funeral will take place, Demonstrations Over II Duce's Policy Break Out In Important Cities and the resignation of Marshal li n: Pietro j. Badoglio tj as chief of army staff. There are reports of a number of parsons Bulletins PHILLIPS AND MORGENTIIAU WASHINGTON Sir Frederick Phillips and Secretary of Treas-uiy IUnry Morgenthau will be in conference again Monday when rhillips is to answer' blunt ques-UoKs cl Mcngenthau in regard to Britain's financial position. CLOSER TO GERMANY VICHY A rightist reorganization of the Vichy cabinet to biinj Trance closer to Germany is a;ain foreseen. HOUSE PROROGUES VICTORIA The session of the Lijislalur prorogued yesterday af?erno$n jwith a from the Throne expressing hope of a victorious end of the war within a year. On rising, the mem-b-rs !an; "God Save The King" and "There'll Always be an England." TUG FOUNDERS ASTORIA Two members of the crew Julius Love and John Henderson are feared to have ncr'shfd in the foundering of the tug Tyee off Tillamook Bar. Fcur crew members have been landed safely. NAVAL SHAYE-UP LONDON There Is talk of a shake-up in high naval command. Sir Dudley Pound "may be replaced as First Sea Lord of the Admiralty by a younger man. Some dissatisfaction Is being expressed at the way the German U-boat menace is being met. AMBASSADOR TO MEXICO WASHINGTON John P. Kennedy, recently returned from the Court of St. James at London, may succeed Joseph P. Daniels as United States ambassador to Mexico. MEIGHEN IS OPPOSED OTTAWA Senator Arthur Meighcn expresses opposition to the St. Lawrence waterway project at a time when all available manpower and financial resources of Canada should be used for war work. TRAIL WINS TRAIL Trail Smoke Eaters de-feater Nelson Maple Leafs 1 to 3 last night In the opening game of the West Kootenay Hockey League. Weather Forecast General Synopsis A deeD de presslon is centered west of the Queen Charlotte Islands and is causing some winds on the coast, The weather remains unsettled and mild throughout British Columbia. West Coast of Vancouver Island Strong southeast -winds or gales shifting to south, unsettled and mild with rain. Prince Rupert and Queen Charlotte Islands Strong southeast winds and gales, continuing unsettled and mild with rain. PRICE: CENTS Crisis Trieste Scene of Serious Dis Killed and Injured According to advices reach- that Premier Benito Mus- being killed ana injured m demonstrations at Milan, Turin end Trieste. Rioters protested against the war in Greece and the Black3hlrts In general! Evidently, tlure is a definite lack of enthusiasm for the I war, the point of which many can-' not see. The enforced resignation of Badoglio Is believed to have been brought about so that the Fascist police might be in a better position to crush revolt In the militia. Bad-ogllo'g successor, it is rumored, is to have a conference with Marshal Wllhelm Kltel, Nazi chief of staff. J The close relationship of Marshal j Badoglio and King Victor Emman-'uel, who has never been very en- about the war with ithuslastlc Greece, U another significant factor in the situation. t Nazi' Ships" " Are Taken? TAMPICO, Mexico, Decern- ' ber 7 Reports are cu-rent.. here that British warships have captured the German steamers Rhine and Ederveld which dashed away from here a week ago in an enr?avour to make their way back across. the Atlantic to the Reich. ' AIR BASES ARE RAIDED A. F. Bombers Strike at Gcr? man 'Dromes in France and -Low Countries LONDON, December 7 (Canadian Press) British bombers turned their attention last night to Nazi air bases from which the German .air force had been attacking Lon--don and other English cltlis. The Royal Air Force roared ove. basgs In France and the low comtries, dropping incendiary and high e$-; plosive bombs. The attack began yesterday at nightfall, lasting until several hours past midnight. j Two British planes were lost. At Chateaudun. and at Melun, only twenty-seven miles southeast of Paris, successful raids wire reported. Chateaudun alrdrone was raided several times and explosions and fires were seen cn run-i ways and hangers. At Mclur heavy bombs threw masses of debris into the air and pilots clearly saw fragments of a building flying in every direction. Parliament Is Adjourned OTTAWA, December 7 (Canadian Press) Parliament adjourned last night,. the House of Commons until February 17 and the Senate until March" 4, H i it. "I ,