m PAOE FOUR THE DAILY NTW8 Expert Optical Service Watch, Clock and Jeweler Repairing, Hand Engraving CHAS. DODIMEAI) Optometrist in Charge Licensee for Numounts The very latest In eye-wear rhonc 261 for Appointment Max Heilbroner JEWELER THE STORE OF MANY GIFTS Just Arrived A Large Shipment of New China and Glassware Visit Our Basement Floor for China, Cut Glass j And Novelties of AH Kinds i (Meet Her in a Meter Cab) DE LUXE METER CABS PHONE 13 4 Can Ride for Price of One iWHjofloaooDOOtHsooooaGooaoowocHS "RUPERT BRAND" Smoked BLACK COD Smoked Daily Canadian Fish & Cold Storage rrinctf Rupert Co. Ltd. COAL British Columbia NANAIMO WELLINGTON ALBERTA SOOTLESS BULKLEY VALLEY Albert and McCaffery Ltd. PHONE 116 PHONE 117 2U MINISTER IS HEARD I Hon. W. J. Asselstine Discusses Gas Controversy, Tells of Oil Drilling and Trade Promotion Activities pert Gyro Club at luncheon last 'week, Hon. W. J. AsseUtlne. minister of mines and trade and Industry for the Province of British Columbia, discussed, from the orovlnctal government's standpoint, th? recent (Controversy with the oil companies rpenrrllni th flrlnir nf on ni-1c I in British Columbia, described the Kuvciiiincui 5 on aruung program In the Peace River Block and also took onnortunltv tn t1l nf I the steps which the DepartP.nt of I Trade and Industry was takintr. even In war time, to bring" business to this province. I ; At the outset, Mr. Asselstine made It clear that the provincial govern-I nient had no Intention of going Into the business of retailing gasoline. The purpose of legislation passed at we recent special session of the Legislature was to rjut the ment in a position to be able to meet, u necessary, such a situation as had arisen of tat ., the oil companies had refused to HOW MODERN IS YOUR PLUMBING? I! Q&S81$B g 0 Is your bathroom a model of convenience and beauty? ..Are ypu proud to show it to your guests? g g ft . u g lou can achieve both these alms by having us modernize it with g g quality fixtures and fittings. 5 I" Sec Our Latest Models of Kitchen Sinks j3 g a SMITH and ELKINS LIMITED i' g Phone 111 PLUMBING and HEATING We have in stock a well prepared carefully screened Coal to suit your individual requirement. Ai in coal, to procure the best In Lumber and Building Supplies Phones 651652 SAND CEMENT P.O. Box 271 S 2 Easy Terms Arranged If Required p Your Coal Problems Solved We re's A ess err jstiL 'you sAeact tern, fgjj Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. GRAVEL i tort. ipHakl on t hn!. wtt ,!0th. .nd PPlr tltlr Ttr7 Wdhl will Ugofc Handyman Home Service Painting, Repairing, Gardening Light Deliveries Have that neglected Job done how Phone Green 620 for the Handyman. SHOOTING GALLERY Adjoining IDORA ROLLER ARENA Fresli i,ocaf Raw and . Pasteurized Mirk. IALESTiN DAMlV pnovr s: CENTRAL HOTEL STEAM BATHS Make Appointments 200 Rooms, 50c and up Hot and Cold Water, Shower Baths Mrs. C. E. Black, Proprietress IDORA Roller Rink Dally Sessions as Follows: Monday and Thursday Pal Nites, 7 to 11 Tuesday, Wednesday, 7 to 11 Friday, 6 to U Sat. Children 10 to 12 a.m. 2 to 4:30 p.m-6 to 8:30 p.m. 8:30 to 11 p.m. 8peclal Arrangements Can Be Made for Private Skating Parties THE SEAL QUALITY mm SI GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon racked by the only salmon canning company with in all tilt year round yayroll la Prince Rnysrt I RELIEVE SUFFERING QUICKLY WITH KELLOGG'S RELIEF days that would be required to .make representations leading to a new order The oil supply had been cut off so the government decided to call the special session In j order that It might obtain legislation enabling It to go Into the oil business in the event of emergency 'It had been the refusal of the oil companies to sell gasoline that had made the government action nec- pecart DriA. V-. & ' t . . . i to put the law Into effect unless the gas companies refused to sell. I Mr. Asaelstlne reiterated ment of Premier Pattullo that the FOR government had no Intention of O.. entering into price fixing activities or interfering with private endeavour. However, when private endeavour became a law untn it.w ! and rode roughshod over the rights ana requirements of the public, the government, as the representatives in oeople. must protect the i"e5 interest, some persons were inclined to crltlcix th I ernment for moving on occasion i--v. . w uie ieu. ue. however did not feel there had hen a. .. VVS. Si this direction. Peace River Prosram Speaking of the Peace River oil drilling program. Mr. Asselstine IN THE M l-HKMK f'OCKT OK IIKITIHII roi.tWIIHA , IN PKOHATE n tlif Mailer or the .trtmlnl,trll.,n Act" TAKE Krrrimp . . . . Honor Juaje pixhw uUl 1.U1 liin i wM jJ "7. ment i ...... ......iiHnviawf wim tlu, .Will aiuttxnd of th Emli t .w' ..1 ...,,,, rvrKu.i(7II. imniMl lit. n.,,. . ' , i"tv. rrorinr oil --7 uimi w PHY LntMP rim ma rnHk.li. '" . . . . . clalnM th mid Ett mn T . T"-Hli.' with me on or before the 30th day of June 1940 falling which L niAke dtatrlbuUon of uch fh . v:n rrd 0"Ur to cUlnul DATED i-t Prince Rupert. B. C thla " lOtli day , f May A, D ,94 NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator. 1 THE OLU GARDENER FERTILIZER An Entirely New and Different Plant Food Contains Vitamin Rt The new remarkable Plant Stimulant In the proper proportions, a mild Insecticide and further essential elements for a steady growth and a healthy plant life. Try a Packet Today 10c, 25c Wholesale Distributors W. If. Malkln Co. (P.R.) Ltd. Night or Day Phone 112 Taxi Prompt Scrvfcc-3 Heated Cars took the view that the government .,. c-tinir rntlrrlv within Its func tions tlons and ana In in the me public puutic Interest In gave CI s s ifYI 0 FOR SALE j.. 4 w lllc acaamii uj uie Legislature, however, a settlement roR SALE Trolling boat about 29. 1 1 , i .... . , l n-i i . . - I iiau Dcen reacnea on me oasis of a . 0 rainier engine. wui two cent reduction. Two measures sale $250 cash. Enquire FUher- had been passed at the session one men's Co-op. Store, Cow Bay. authorizing the government to en-! U30) ter the petroleum business, the oth- er authorizing fh- . Fon SALE cAI Fom,,i Small piano. Phone ! take over gas supply in the event of ' I refusal of companies to sell. The TOR SALE Large He crib. Com-! whole purpose of the legislation plete 10.00. Meruit. Hays Cove was to make provision for the gov- Circle. ernment to provide a sunnlv nf ! '" gasoline. There w nn iiti PIANO Ior Good condition Nice tone. S100 for aulck sale. Mrs H. O. Johnsen, 446 4th Ave. East I Phone 109. UJSi SALE Trolling boat Tekta complete with t rolling aur- dies, trolling gear and dinghy Boat can be Inspected at the Fishermen's Floats. Sealed bids will be received at the office of the Prince Rupert Fisher-, men's Co-operative Association until 2 p.m. May 31. 1540. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. i 127 Daily News. FOR RENT ROOMS For Rent - Washington Building. Second Avenue. (12Si FOR RENT Fully furnished house ' I J"y and August. Phone Red 441. FOR RENT-5 room fully furnished house, July and August. Ap-ply Dally News. (126) FdtitfiY FOUND-Upper set of teeth. Can he obtained by calling at Dally News and paying for advertise- LOST Lake, lady's gold Reward. Leave' t (125) LOST-Glasses In case. Inside case Is C. H. Bristol and Dr. Harry Please leave at Dally News. U30) PERSONAL WANT NORMAL PEP AT i07 MEN Women! Try Ostrcx tablets of tonics, stimulants, oyster elements to aid recovery normal yim, vigor. Oet package today. If not delighted, maker refundj its low price. Call, write Mc-Cutcheon's and all other good drug stores. Stanley W. Colton CHIROPRACTOR Wallace Block Phone GI0 1" M pj I - - J. H. BULGER Optometrist Boy a! Bank Itldj. would soon be such a to permit of ! an assay plant being put In here, j Mr. Asselstine v.ii, referred wv..v.. to how I thus assisting In opening up the the present situation due to the war Here . . awln he In Europe was affecting govcrn- Mutntrv a 1 resources. 1 :suui tv. v v. hiiwmi - - COUult j assurance that the govern-1 menwu luncuons in me provinces, ment had no intention of going Into' financial relations were uncertain he reUIUng business. At present and It was difficult to know what there was no source of oil supply , assistance would be forthcoming, within the province. Mr. Ansel- Last week the Premier and the stinesald. He had every hope that ' minister of finance had, left Vic-oil might be found In the Peace torta tr Ottawa to meet the fed- n. I Aral mithnrff ( River Mr Awlntlnp told of the trade tj: xwiwiimhuv. oT The inct)wc.. speaker described the cir- ing to advantage aavanwge President a. A. Hunter thanked extension work that was being car- Mr AsselsUne for his address. . rted out bv his Department of Quests at the luncheon, beside the at the prices set h Dy were Dr. J. T. Trfldp and Indllitr, 0ne example Mandy and f local n.A interest imprest had n been the pUc- Norton Youngs' of Prince Rupert oi coiionwooa - ' ui Wivviinwu itsuvvuicr. had led up , io cumstances which Umber ffom pr,nce Rupert dUtrkt legislation being passed enabling on the UnUpd Klngdom markeL A-the government to fix gas prices. had aUo ,yen ,n wn First there had been complaint to necUon wUh markeU o En. the Legislature as xar oac as flmann Jpruce frQm lnletUf of gasoline prices in the province Mf Asjicljtlne also dudowi thal being too high. The MacDonald ,nc,al govprnment had . had been PPn' Commission tabllshed a repreentatlve at Ot-prescntlng Us report in 1937 Leg s- latlon had been passed unan mous y I ni,lhn.l.lnn Ida rrnvrnmpnt t fix r " , s , 7h,i ,n Brltuh Columbia. A share of k gas prices. This had k been chaJ- busIntM w K lnltt1he SW"inir? ne East had betn brought' held It valid. The oil companies nril,.u BrltUh nlrnMn Columbia, i had been given every opportunity before the price fixing orders went minister paid tribute to the( into enect to mane representations ; " ibut took the stand that the order Pr JosPh T Mand'- rWent mln-! 'should be rescinded and had re- ,ng en8nr. and of the importance 'fused to carry out the order of the of the local MmpUng plant In fuel control board even for the few a""n? sman mines tn the dis- inci. ue nopea mat condiuoas Mr. Aitine was here aboard J the Prince Runrt WMnAai. k.. a 1 1 . . MvH,wuaj iVUIlU for Stewart. He was to be th! until this week when h.. proceed to Alio Arm aboard the1 Catala. 8outhbound he expects to! dc here again this Thursday. It's the cumulative etttct of advertising that counts. Goose Down Pillows SH.00 per pair TONIGHT .n, (irinrf et. "t With 'AMIS STKWART JKAN A.1TUIR 'At MS andt:) "WOULD OF m CAHTOO.V LltKt MacKenzie's Furniture Restmore feathers. From, per pair Pillow, - All $2.00 Phone ::3 LINZEY & DAVIES Grocers FRIT. DELIVERY Phone SM-4M Ilulvon Bay Coffee 1Ap tUl Per lb. 2-lb. bos Gotden Loaf Chfre Each Blur Ribbon Cocoa '"t-lbs tin Malkin' Itnt Honey 4"s Per tin . . . I- k I), Tea Per lb. 65c 15c 55c 60c You will be Delighted First Grade Butter 3 lbs. (or . . . JOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM' 1 COTY "AIR SPUN" FACE POWDER With each purchase we offer a remarkable Coty "Tandem" Tester containing -a generous supply of Rouge arid Lipstick. A selection of seven shades of powder. All for $1.00 Ormes ltd. tti Pioneer Druqgiats The Itexall store Phones 81 & Open Dally from 8 a.m. till JO p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12 to 2 p.m. and 7 to .9 p'm. no- ... ArtoO wry