PAGE TWO IF You Are Looking for a Walking Oxford With Style, Plus Quality, At a Reasonable Price Try a Pair of "Miss Atlanta" These shoes are built to our own specifications and we can guarantee absolute satisfaction with every pair. Priced $4.45 S3.95 Sole Agents for Hartt, Onyx, Jack and Jill Shoes Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News. Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor Paid In advance, per week Paid In advance, per month By mail to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, yearly period, paid In advance By mail to all other countries, per year Classified advertising, per word, par Insertion Local readers, per line, per Insertion Advertising and Circulation Telephone News Department Telephone Member of Audit Bureau ot Circulations taily edition DISSOLUTION BOGEY 98 86 3.00 9.00 25 Wednesday, January 31, 1940. EDITORIAL Whifflets From The Waterfront Island Hotel Arrivals Organi politics, not business. The opposition parties find it a ,. c..PffMnt are as Tanin- good time to make spectacular appeals and demands and ( lock, fire chief: Health, a. Fiaten; see to it that these are relayed to their respective constitu-, schools, j. s. Wilson r "engineering encies. Instead of working for the good of the country 'temporary, j j Little: decontam and of themselves individually, Often it is somewhat of a wasted session. To offset that, the government decided to practically abolish the last session by reducing it to a few hours. That was why Dr. Maroon stormed and Mr. Woodsworth raved,, Many people, led by the powerful chain of papers to which the Vancouver Province belongs, were asking for no election until the end of the war. That could be secured only by consent of the two great political parties and it would have meant the formation of a national government. Such a national- government would have meant the infusion of several members representing the bifj financial interests of the country led by the Montreal Oazette. the Financial Post and the Toronto Globe and Ma'l. These are the interests that have favored the fusion of the two great railroads and the holding back of any reallv demo-j cratic leo-islation. ror the tinie beino- they would dominate Canada. Instead of being a national government it would have been a government representing money. It would have been the antithesis of democracy. GOVERNMENT DISADVANTAGE It seems that some people thought this quick fire election campaign was: a scheme of Prime Minister King to take the opposition at a disadvantage. As a matter of fact the government is sadly handicaped at such a time. The Prime Minister has alreadyannounced that he cannot take a very active part because of the need of being close to his home base at Ottawa. He capnot tour the country and neither can his key ministers. He niust be ready at a moments notice tp consult with London on matters of Empire policy. If he is defeated, someone else will have to da the consulting without the benefit of the background of the.past few years of which the present war is the culmination. ; DETERMINED ENEMY That the enemy to the present government is a, determined one has been seen in the campaign during the past months against the former minister of defence and indeed against.the whole government. The chain of Maclean publications, particularly the Financial Post and Maclean's Magazine,-have- taken advantage of their position to make the late minister -of-defence look like a criminal and yet thev have-never suggested that there has been graft of any kind connected vith -the department The main trouble seems to have been that the big interests which they represent have not been given contracts they think they should have had. So they s6t out to "get Mackenzie" and they got him so far as his department was concerned. From THS DAILY NEWS , . Wednesday. January :u Royal O. C. Lumm and C. F. Irwin. Dundas; Mtss C. Harrison. Tyee; W. Augagltls, Queen Charlotte Islands. Prince Rupert W. E. Walker, Vancouver; Dan Main, Sunnyside; J. II. Parks Calgary: A. Jacqbsen. Shirley; J. J. McKenna, Stewart; J. S. McAuley, Prince George. l n nzea ror An Emergency ..i On a recent visit of Major S. F. M .Moodle, provincial Air Raid Precautions Officer, a meeting of several citizens was called and selected by, the major to consider 02 the forming of an organization to nave pians prcparca mr an J. J. Little was appointed chair man with sub-committee chairmen' under the following heads: police; ( ifire; health, first aid, etc.; en ''MOOSE IN 'LIONS ON i VALLEYS TOP NOW Driven Down To Lower UveU lit Vancouver Defeats Seattle c N. R. steamer Prince Rupert, Kinkier Vallev Due To Snow t .Usume First Place $FOR SACS-- Cary safe In Rood condition. Apply Daily News tf HOUSE FOR SALE 5 lanre rcoms and bath, full basement, harbor' view, garden. Phone Red 412. tf. ; FOR SALE 28 ft trolling boat with ! gear. Cheap for cash. Phone i Red 412. tf. ; LOST LOST Green side phone Home Oil. gate of WANTED WANTED Live marten. Quote gineering, to study and organize WANTED Furnlshtd house communications, lighting, blackouts, water and sewage, decontamination and demolition; and schools. , These, committees are now functioning to prepare an organized plan to care for such an Tlio finnl coocinn nf Pnrlinmont io ncnnllv rlpvntpfl tn' Tne chairmen of the sub-corn I truck. I 2G mlttees .follows: police, HOW TO GET. A GOVERNMENT fire. H. T. i price. 3625 Nelson Ave., New Westminster. B.C. (27) our mine To your bin And the whole District benefits or a- par.ment.. Apply Lieut D. S. 011- Hs. Fortress Headquarters. 26 WANTED Furnished or unfurnished house March 1st. or later. Rev. J. 1U Myrwang. Phone Blue 699. 30 PERSONAL JOB as Letter Carrier, Postal Clerk, Customs Examiner. Clerk, i Etc. Free Booklet. The M. C. 0.! Schools Ltd.. Winnipeg. Oldest' In Canada. No Agents. I MacKenzie s Furniture FEBRUARY FURNITURE SALE 10 PULL-UP CHAIRS Regular $12.50. Sale Price :' Get one while they last and watch, our window Phone 775 89.75 UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. t Steamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.SJ5. CATALA EVERY TUES- T.S.S. CARDKNA. FRIDAY, DAY, 1:30 p.m. 10:30 p.m. Due Vancouver, Thurs. p.m. Due Vancouver, Monday a.m. If Convenient, Please Purchase Tickets at Office Further "informaUon Regarding Reservations and Tickets From FRANK J. SKINNER, Prince Rupert Ajent. Third Ave. Phone 5C8 Bulkley Valley COAL J -1 Acaln In Capt. H. E. Nedden. arrived In port In Hills 1. Hockey at 12 noon today from Vancouver. Powell River and Ocean Falls and SMITHERS. Jan. 31: The deep VANCOUVER, Jan. 31: CP sails this afternoon for Ketchikan snow In the hills has driven down Portland Buckaroo. Vancouver and Stewart whence she will re- to the valley many moose and .i0. nnd Seattle Sea Hawks are turn here tomorrow evening rhy seem to. be quite plentiful, stni waRtrw a merry battle In the southbound. Among the passen- Eleven of these anirmls were prifie Coast League. A 4 to 2 vie- gers brought north by the Prince counted In one bunch on, the Jack 'tor of the Lions over the Sea Kuperi were a large pany o tog- McNeil rancn m me waicoji a- Hawks at Seattle Saturday night gers for reopening Moresby Isl- trict a few days ago. 'Rut the Vancouvertte into a tie and camps who are transferring Something not often seen at this wjth the Puget Sound representa-here to the Prince Charles to leave time of the year was a lone- tiVVes for second place but one this afternoon In continuation of grouse sitting in a poplar tree point below the leading Bucs. their voyage to Queen Charlotte right in town on Monday morning. Mouday night the Lion defeated He was apparently Iooklnsuhe sea Hawks here 4 to 3 and around to set If winter was nearly 'wen; int the lead. The two teams over havta no doubt been fooled py again tonight In Seattle hv he extremely mild weather and , The standing to date: brisht sunshine on Sunday Vancouver 13 1 12 84 83 27 ,POR SALfi. i Portland 12 2 13 62 71 26 Seattle 12 I 12 71 73 25 I BROKEN REST Up time and again because of kidney and LLkler weakneu. Take I'-in IUU to muhe aod tone up the kidney -enjoy a good night ' stevp. In the United State ask for "Cino PHU". 1 lMt la Canada anJ h I S. R(uUf mml mw, largt Imamy tit, NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarvlli Proprietor "A IIOMK AWAY FROM HOME" Kate $1.00 np SO Rooms Hot tt Cold Water Prince Rupert. BC. Phone 281 P.O. dot 1M NEW CENTRAL HOTEL ANNEX Second Avenue Housekeeping Apartment (Hot Water Heated) Mrs. C. E. Black, Proprietress (Central Hotel) IDORA Roller Rink Dally Sessions 2:00 to 4:30 Children 6 00 to 8 30 Adults 8 30 to 11 00 Beginner Given S peril I Attention Our Famous Edson Alberta COAL Bulkley Valley Coal Nanaimo Wellintton Coal Bulkley Valley Wheat and Grain PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Tlione 58 and 558 THE SEAL QUALITY ii GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon canning company with an all the year round payroll to Prince Rupert LINZEY & DAVIES PHONES 585 58G COFFEE Fresh Ground mllZ 40c Wc lUught on a low Market You Get the Advantage SOMETHING NEW Tenderlied Wefnen, Qn Per lb. UC Pork l'atlle- OK Meat Loaf QA Per lb. ."V Pit lb. . wC 30c Local New laid Kf A(n Per dozen "UL Lejar Kjuv-Medium ike 9f Per dozen ii-T- AoL Brookfield Sauute OCt Per lb. wt Smoked Black Cod. OAn Per Ih UL WEDNESDAY FEB. 14th. IS St. Valentines Day and this is leap year too St. Valentine makes a pleasant interlude for young and old To help you make the imt of it we have a large stock. CARDS Seals Cut-outs Decorations Tallies Doilies Napkins Party Goods Coal! Coal! Coal! Winter wJnctsdfdin Arectiiltpg An cf your coAlbin needs BIT Foothills Hulklcy Valley Nanaimo-AVellinRton Ve are equipped to supply any of tlioe roal promptlfi earefully reenol and traded to vle riionr CSI-C52 Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. REDUCED WINTER FARES TO VANCOUVER Calllnr at Ocean Falls and Powell River $36 RETURN Leaving , Prince Rupert Meals and. Iterlh Included TT II mnr a vp u-ut InU SOUr I O gouthbouni Rate Kffecllve Now Until February 28 Return Limit, March 31 Canadian National Steamships If you lose anythlruf, advertise for It. V-2-39.