aura Speen een nae Sate, St Sea The Daily News Shalibebeare Was Tos High fos the City Editor —Drawn for the Daily News be 2 “as 2p e Zea Teer cr on THE | cry = Trom- Ten tena To" GO TO” amo ee , “es See o = S+-=s >to — Dw DOXT GET ROuUss-) a ro . . o ~e DoO™ : | THATS 2 ceeet Wee ' } im & GREAT Lover o- / | @ Tue SENSE OF (-—sustT sao’ GO To") AVANT THOuR | AVE Prerrr | | ore CORTE Fee S a * : ( QUVOTAT O~— SL . RING ORGAN’S MAY ENLARGE = MARE’S NEST RUPERT DOCK | “The News” Classified Ads. CONTRACT - IN DISPUTE Rie. Ganson ond Ov. Glagten|Pemiaien Gest Mase Becks on iat eee eemeet anat Gee This Coast Capable of Accoom™- il i nt q in oe te Oe OO Cre re ee ee ee ee ee ee et 4 | | STARVED OUT STRIKE =One Cent’ A Word For Each Insertion ZF Mess-s Rosang ac Olsen Send in Their Statement of Ciaim in Detail Without Prejudice — ARE MC Engineer's View. [| COULDN'T DO IT AGAIN The Faicon got in just be- fore 3 this afternoon, and as | she was tying up Joe Scott anc Joe Merryfelc hurried to (she Gock to see the captain ee. they did mot succeed in & again commandeering the = government cruiser for po- 4 litical purposes. PEELE IEEEELELEEELEEELEREPEEEEEEEbES OE LEL OL ELEEEPEOELEEELEOEOEEEEEEOEE | "ALEX. MANSON ADVERTISE IN THE NEWS Viesit Coast of Queen Charicttie islancs Will Give tym Large Majority—Conservative Leader Concedes This at Meciing Planks in the Liberal Platform Abolition of the poll tax. Exemption of improvements on all lands paying taxes to the provincial government Readjustment of taxation. The raising of the exemption of incomes limit te $2,000. Provincial department of labor and free labor bureau. Thorough inspection of all industrial premises. Complete prohibition of Chinese labor. A comprehensive system of industrial insurance Extension of the scope of the workmen's compensation act to cover al! hazardous employments. Compiete prohibition of Griental labor. A minimum wage and an eight-hour day for government anc government-2idec work immediate construction of railway to Peace River, — island and the interior. Construction of government-owned elevators. No public land for speculators. improved methods of preventing timber waste. Motors, Mining and C3 1iractiag Machiacry Bhectrical Apparatas of every description Graham Kearney, Mer. —CATERER __ DELICATESSEN The Tea Room 2 Special feature. lee Cream and Ices, Light Lanches TRY OUR BREAD IT’S FAMOUS Phone 190 95 feet on Second Avenue at Junction of 1st, 2d, 36 and Park Avenues. The most advan- tageous corner in the city. Be- Special Offerin ig | Se months. This price holds for a tew days only. “CONTINENTAL 17 TRUST COMPANY 617 Second Ave. « Jeremiah H. Kage li i IN THE LEAD | SEES ASE" Special Sale of Comrie aoe | FRIDAY AND _ French Fox’s $ Tail SAT., ONL Caught in Machine At The Big Furnitare Su Feguler Rascals, Youthful Des- peracoes and Young Tornadoes Generally Are the Boys of Ru- pert. Say the City Fathers. Westholme Lumber f COAL, Soi Jews $8.50 Per Too, De Lumber and Monies Business Chances AB Gaeds of Buikdims Sapoies Pace 18 First Avemse We Offer For Sale Clapp Block Safe. EORDEN STREET SEWER After a Year and a Half City May Act in This. Continental Trust Ce, Real Estate tor Rant : : Safety Seppe: Sone Bastng for Scandinavians. th at he Bali @ en for Business ' zB. ROBERTSON = Herseshocimg & Genera! Blackswaet x Corner of Tth St and ard AW Tuesday Mar ina ” Paone PON Y EX PRESS. eT Se o Soragy , :om in town at the Savoy. | Se Seo Gs Seventh Ave and Py .Grand Hotel. LINDSAY'S ° ‘onal Workingman’s Home G Poe Free Labor Barras in Connection Phone 178 Ist Ave. and Tth St GEO. BROWERIUS, Proprietor railway men sco | M45 ACRES pper workers 7.814.000 Orders prumpciy tient JOHN DYBHAVN OFFICE—B. B Rucbesser, Ome