WHITE SHOES Broken lines to clear. Values to $3.95 High Grades in Whites- Values to $G.OO THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISII COLUMBIA 95c Family shoe store ltD. The Homc of Good Shoes Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, limited, Third Avenue H. F: PULL EN Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City Delivery, by carrier, yearly period, paid in advance Paid in Advance, per month - By Mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, yearly period, paid In advance REVOLUTIONARY CAREER ENDS $5.00 .50 3.00 By Mall to all other countries, per year 9 00 ADVERTISING RATES Classified Advertisements, per word, per insertion .02 Local Readers, per line, per Insertion .2S The CaoadUa Prtoa U exclusively entitled to use for republication of aU uewa despatches credited to It or to the Associated Press In this piper and also the local tJtvt published therein. All righta of republication of special despatches therein are also reserved. Member of Audit Bureau ol Circulations MEMBER OF HZ CANADIAN I'KESS PMLY EDITION Thursday, August 22, 1940, EfflOWAlS The career of Leon Trotsky, the arch-revolutionary, who was one of the moving spirits in bringing about the fall of the. monarchy in Russia but who later quarrelled with the present Russian dictator and was banished from the country, is ended under tragic circumstances. Many attempts were matte on nis nie since ne locaieu m iucaiuj. Trotsky was an advocate of Bolshevism, closely relat ed to Communism, but he always claimed that the Russian Government had departed from the faith and, in tact, ha been traitor to the original aims of the. revolutionary lead- . j. i ii i tt ... ; ers in oilier 10 Keep inemseives m puwur. vu a jm; turesque figure, a great under-cover figUUr, with an unrivalled grasp of affairs. He was the worst enemy Stalin had in the past years. U.S. GETS BASES The United States will be given naval bases in Newfoundland and the West Indies. That will give them a commanding position in the Atlantic and enable them to co-operate fully in the protection of Greenland and of the eastern coast of Canada, For a country like Germany or Italy it would be tantamount to handing over the island of Newfoundland and the West Indies but we do not think the United States has territorial ambitions. No matter what party administers the affairs of that country the sentiment of the people of the country is opposed to expansion. A couple of naval stations is but small pay for the help the country is giving the Empire at this time. BUY EMPIRE PRODUCTS At a time like this we suggest that all ask for and buy Empire products and especially Canadian products. As the British Columbia Department of Trade and Industry ad wertisement states British Columbia thrives by its in dustries." Take away industries and we have unemployment. One example, we would like to quote. Ther e are a number of farm products that come to the city from Northern and Central British Columbia. The quality is excellent. Why not ask for them? There are vegetables and all sorts of garde'n stuff; usually fresher than that which comes from farther away points. Prince Rupert thrives by rea son of the hinterlands Summed up we have to suggest that, whenever possible, buy Northern British Columbia products. If these cannot be obtained, buy British Columbia goods. Next comes Canadian and finally anything of-British origin. That is good business policy. The Daily News is a, member ot tb Canadian Daily Newspaper Association, of the Canadian Press and of the Audit.Bureau.of Circulations. It is the only paper north of Vancouver and west of -Edmonton holding membership in these organization! Britain has mustered her amateur yachtsmen and experienced rlvermen to form a river home guard maintaining patrols constanUy along the inland waterways. The purpose of this home defense unit Is to comlV, parachutists and landings by enemy seaplanes. In the; above Lt. Com. G. L. Cock-burn is shown issuing instructions to one of the i loUllas before starting them on patrol. The boatmen are proficient In use of small arms, observation and night sailing. Steamship Sailings , GREETINGS For Vanfoum Monday S3 Prln Tuesday Catala George 3 p.m. 1:30 p.m. Friday Ss. Prin. Adelaide 10 p.m. Ss. Cardena 10:30 p.m. Saturday S3 Prin. Rupert 4 p.m Aug. 10 SS Prin. Louise .5 pjn Aug. 17 SS Prln. Alice 5 p.m. Aug. 21 SS Prin. Louise....5 Aug. 24 SS Princess Charlotte 5 p.m Aug. 31 S3 Princess Louise 5 pm From Vancouver- Sunday ss Catala p.m. EXTENDEDi Good Wishes for Success of Carnival From Premier Pattullo and Gity Tennis Norrinitan Beats Lam bit to Enter Final of Men's Singles in Championship Commissioner Gilchrist 1 C. J. Norrington won over Wllllan Messages of greeting expressing Lamble 6-2. 6-2 last evening to enter honp frr succe of the event wer the men's singles final of the clt7 received yesterday from Premier; T. tennis championship tournament n Pattullo and Cltv Commissioner aeatnst A. M. Borland. Other final - p m' R. O. Gilchrist prior to the opening jallsts are: men"s doubles. Norring- last night pi he civic centre cam- j ton and Fulton vs. Jurmaln and ival. Mr. Pattullo'e message waijLawford; mixed doubles, Borland accompanied by a donation of $50. and Vera Tinker vs. Norrington and ! Mr. Gilchrist's .message was as Mrs. Miller. The final In the ladles' follows: 'singles between Vera Tinker and "I hope the carnival Is a huge Elsie Davis Is being played this af- Wed. S3 Pr. Rupert 10 aun. success towards .putUng the civic ternoon. Friday SS Prince Rupert 10 am. centre across, certainly it war-; SS Prin. Adelaide 4 pjn. rants the support of every one in j BAR uoi J Ss. Cardena pm. Prince Rupert and district. I regret LONDON. rCP The Montreal Aug. 12 SS Prin. Alice am. inability to be. present at the open-! 'rice of bar gold on the London Aug. 16 SS Prln. Louise .... am. Ing. Here's for good weather and market was unchanged today at Aug. 19 S3 Prin. Charlotte am i large returns. Oopd luck." . 7 54 Der fine ounce. Aug. 26 SS Prln. Louise .... m. ' ' Aug. 30 SS Prln. Charlotte am. " For Stewart and Premier Sunday ss. Catala , 8 p.iu . Friday Ss. Prince ' Rupert 12 noon From Stewart and Premier-Tuesday ss. Catala .11:30 am. Saturday--SS. Prince Rupert 11 am. For Alice Arm, Naas River and Port Simpson -, Sunday ss. Catala 8 pm. From Alice Arm, Naas River and Port Simpson-Tuesday ss. Catala ... 11:30 am. For Ocean Falls Monday S3 Pxlnce George 3 p.m Friday SS Piin. Adelaide 10 pm. Saturday SS. Prince Rupert 4 p.m. From Orean . Falls-Wednesday SS Prince j, Rupert - 10,am. Friday ,. SB Prince Rupert .'. 10 a.m. ' 8s. Pr. Adelaide 4 p,m. ss. Cardena p.m. ELSIE F. HEAPS A.T.C.M. Teacher of Piano and Theory. Experienced in all Grades. A,T.C.M. Successes. Special Training in Beginner's Class Work. Phone BLUE 997 Classes Open September 3rd. It Buys One Stamp ...and 16 Stamps Buy ONE $5 WAR SAVINGS CERTIFICATE Quarters, dimes, nickels even pennies tiley all help to fill Canada's War Chest when used' to buy War Savings Stamps. Use War Savings Stamps as prizes as presents . as gifts to children. When shopping, take your . ' change in WarSavings Stamps. Alwayi jemember the more you buy, the more you save THE ROYAL BANK CENTRAL HOTEL OF CANADA STKAMiBATUS W" ST,n", Sump' " 'M " eTe,7 DraruJi of thU Bank Make Appointments 200 Rooms, 30c and up - . Also , ' . central apartments wmmaBmmmmBmwmwtmmmmmmmommwmmmmmmmmtmmmmm Mrs. C. E. Black, Proprietress , UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Everything in Novelties $ " steamer Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: $ At J T.S.S. CATALA EVERT TUE3- TJ3.8. CARDENA FRIDAY, ! DAT, 1:31 p.m. 10:30 p.m. i 17 ' ' M ll $ Due Vancouver. Tbarsl ua Due Vancouver,-Monday a.nv X ClVfl S-W0VcllY I' " Convenient, Piae.Purehai Tickets at Qfflee, ; J- SHOP ,,urthor 'nffrmatlon Regarding Reservation and Tickets From. FRANrKlNNER, Prince Rupwt Aent. Third Ave. Phons 88 f v 625 3rd. Ave. West Mail Schedule For Alice Arm, Naa lllver and Port Simpson Sunday " P.4L. From Alice Arm, Naa Rher ' and Part Simpson , Tuesday . 11 30 tnir lor (JuM-n-Charlotte Island- Aug. 17 and 27 7 p.m, Kriiin t)urrn rtnrt.itte Minds Aug. 16 and 27 a.m. For Alaska Wednesday ...... 12 pm. Au. 12, IC, 19, 28 and 30.. a.m. From Alaska- Thursday 9 p.m. Thursday, August 22, PAQl'TWO TSS DAILY HKWt ENGLAND GUARDS INLAND WATERWAYS TRY IT THE "SAL AD A" WAY Week End Must 6 ht.pinj Unpooni of SUd BUdc To Vm(cl frtth, boilin, After 6 minute strain liquid Into 2-qur conUlntr; while hot, dd 1 to 1 of suur and luict of 2 Itmoni, ttuin.d, stir until tugtr ii diSold. Ml cont, with cold water. Do not alio tea to tool beOrt adding cold w.l, will become cloudy. Serve with chipped let. The above mlts J b SPECIALS SALADA This is Your Opportunity S(S!EB For a Real Bargain in TEA ., j'J Aug. 10, 17. 21, 24, 31 For the East Holiday, Wednesday, and Friday . . iin the Kat Sunday, Tuesday and I Fhur&dayj, ..." For 'Vaurouvrr Monday" Tut8daj.... 12 Saturday,... Aug. 10, 17. 21, 31 From Vancouver Sunday,'-. Wednesday Friday Aug. 12, 16. 19. 28. 3Q PO. 11 pill. 2 pjn. 30 noon 3 pjn 4 pa. 4 pjt. 10 an 10 an in. Used Furniture fi Kitchen Ranges for burning coal or wood; 2 Ranges fitted with Imperial Oil BuVner; 12 Brick-lined Heaters; .1 8-piecc Dining Room Suites; 1 Kitchen Cabinet; 3 China Cabinets; 3 Buffets; 3 Morris Chairs; 1 Radios; G Gramophones; G Dining Room Tables; 2 Kitchen Tables; 12 Kitchen Chairs; 2 Pianos; 1 Organ; 2 Chiffoniers; G Bedroom Tables; 2 Large Glass Cases; 2 8 ffet long by 27 inches wide Mirrors; 1 GGxGG Mirror with Frame; G Fclt Mattresses in all sizes; 1 Spring Filled Mattress, size 4.0; G Steel IWds, 16 6 Springs, 'all sizes; 2 Single Beds, complete; 2 Davenports, open to a bed; 1 English Prams; 3 Wickers; G Wash Stands; 1 Bassinet Crib; 2 Tricycles; 2 Doll Buggies; 1 Small Row Boat; 2 Oil Burning Heaters, wickless. Used Furniture Departmtnt EUO'S FURNITURE STORE Moose llulldlng, Third Avenue, Prince Rupert Hours from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. fhone GIUEN Ml CANADIAN piONAl RAILWAYS Steamers leave PRINCE RUPERT for VANCOUVER on Saturday 4 p.m. calling at Ocean Falls. Monday 3 p.m. calling at Ocean Falls and Powell River. Trains Leave PRINCE RUPERT for the EAST. Monday, Wednesday, Friday, G p.m. Fridayatll a.m. , RAILWAY I LINES (.IMIItll Air-con'ditioned Sleeping and Dining Cars For Fares, etc. Call or AVrlte C1TV TICKET OFFICE, 528 TlllKD AVE-Agents for Trans-Canada Air lines CANADIAN PACIFIC Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-Pacific To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Ports US. "Princess Adelaide" every Friday 10 p m. To Vancouver Direct Princess Charlotte Princess Alice Princess Louise Aug. 3rd, 24th, Sept. 4th Aug. 7th, 17th Aug. 10th, 2lst, 3lst To Ketchikan, Wranxell, Juneau and Skagway Aug. 2nd, 5th. 12th, 16th, 19th, 26th, 30th Connections at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services Tickets and Reservations from W. L. COATES, General Ajent Prince Rupert,