CARNIVAL PROGRAM .chililrms' Races p m, and Display' t p Til iRacc base nuuult rar p.m. Soflhall, teml-tln-al for Northern British folumbia Championship.. hm. Football, Northern B.C ieml Finals. HUESDAV EVENING p.m. I'oors uicii.,- CARD OF THANKS- mm iwrB. uosnen and child-, - rrn wisn toman all hose who ex ended sympahy during heir re-J cent bereavement. -. The following cent flowers: ALBERT & McCAFFERY I'lOXF. lit LTD. Complete Line of Lumber, Sash antll Doors, Cement and Insulating Material PHONE 117 RUPERT BRAND" Smoked LACK COD ' Rutierl Smpked Daily . 1. in a. sv si tin. nadian hsh.& told Morage l. BULGER' Ptometrist Co. Jitd. ttai Bam aids. - i British Columhu Frealt Local Raw and Pasteurized Mirk VALENTIN DAIRY TUONI.I57 FLOWER; ' II i! , I WINNERS J , . Port Simpson J Mrs. Sarah Johnson, Mr. and Mrs Naml"' ' F'ne Specimens Shown J Wm. Johnson and family. Eveline At Carnlva Show In Ehibltlon areen..Sam Dennett, Uncle Pete i IlaU k"1 Niht ,,Wllda Ryan, Mr. and Mr. itvnrvi il'ERDAl AreutMHJK 1OTrnv1i..-adIe''WlnnleWattesandaugh.' Mr and Mrs peter n During , the early part of last ev- At Acropolis .'till i t. lamiiy, w)ULsa MrKav Mr. cuuik me nower HJiow was tne McKay and the Lydla and centre ot attraction for the many iva jvirn.av. Mr. and Mr Prorf me carnival nan. An Campbell, Kitty Green and Family, 0UtstandIne attraction therewhlch Mm. Ifonrv nn... .. elicited, most comment vsi tJie I " : " ivy uuna, BYhlhlf . . -" ,. Mni's Track Sports, the. Port Slmoson Athletic Club, the , , u decratd and Ladles' 1. shown by Mrs. Thomas Aid YPE.A u.i throwln v,a,ia MLw PvAiun baU ua" r : J WleV Wesley. Mr Mr. 'oL and Mrs w '.EIe,rn Pst of ' Graham ranam Avenue- Avenue. These lese running. decorated by f. Australian Australian J famJ;rl".,a"k.. Georee Sank we coUected and and ry family Mr and Wrs e .stunts, etc J 1Mln and faml,V- nZnl Henry V. A T"' I MSt.of the " aaaea val- Every group that irpnn . xtzrv z .w z. I famllv Chief J A?n(-s Brentzen. scenes deDlc- ..." J trA and pora Wesley Mr and Mrs 1 1Xal scenes t3rpIca, of the 1 hua M-.KSM and" rlu ' n?r,th. country; this glring them fort Esslntton The gladioli exhibit was ex Mr..and,JHrs. Matt Wesley. tremely colorful, some, splendid Prince Itupert specimens being shown. The rose J Aunt Fanny, and Uncle Jeff, Mr. 'collection was small for various snrt Mrs. 8. Sorensen and Brenol. reasons- One spray of seven pink iimnastlc.Dlsplay.'J Mr; and Mrs. Louis Edar and Ma- roses 01 ine va"ety Souvenir de p.m.-Cronlng of queen., jjoaen. N. Kmava. Cousin. NrtrPPn : tlon shown by Mrs. H. Formanwas . .. nt... n n . p,HI. ias iiu Jng. i ALSO EVr.llY NIGHT Eer Show, Photography lay, Special Exhibits and Othfr Attractions ptbinr ot Interest .and Enlrrtalnment for All ri, Hulomie Wesley. Mrs. Carl h.' r8es "rn not lor competl Coupi ooaooooooaoooooooDOadaoooooDaooDaacooanaoDooD' Brst Rose In Show F. J. Fuller. Sweet Peas pthtopp ""Ikes T. K. Murray. Twelve Soikes Mrs. G. P. Tin Phones 18 & 19 P.O.Box 575 NATIVES! Get jour WINTER SUPPLIES at our store and save money. Call In and get our prices. MUSSALliEM'S Economyv Store "Where Dollars Have More Cents" HOLIDAY5- took Vour Iteservatlons at SANGANRIVER! HOIlIDAY GAMP Now Also for Full r-artleulars WrlU M!tS. DUNN Massett Queen- CharUtU; Is.. B.C. Our Famous fdson Albert COAL Bulkley Valley Coal Nsnalmo Wellington Coal Bulkley Valley Wheat and Grain StEDS and FERTIUKKS PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Phone 58 and 558 ' T2 OAILT.KIWl Chas. Balagno was an outstanding. branch. ,exniDit.,Mr. Balagno has had this J, piam ior tne yea past luuiM-cii fourteen yearsi jreursi LOCAL NEWS NOTES XJeuL Colonel S. D. Johnston re- Tonight's, traiii Ooo from-the turnedon the Prince George yester- .. . m a ... n.AnW r day. auernoon irom u www furlough In the south. Jack: Hopkins, son of Mr. and Mrs. ft. O. Hopkins, saJWd yesterday afternoon on the Princess Louise for Vancouver. Mrs. P. W. Orlmbte and daughter, Miss Joari Grlmble, returned to the city on the Princess. Louise yesterday afternoon from a visit to Wrangell, Provincial" Constable Charles Bennett of Atlin was a passenger Aboard, the Princess Louise yesterday afternoon going through to commented on the beauty Mr- ana ina"" lujwam ipf r i t , ipi U)ul U Starr, Mrj. of this nartieiilar .Vhihit 'returned tn the eltv on. th Prince i Oeorge yesterday after spending the summer vacation in the south. They motored as far as the-Mexican bor der. O. R. 8. Blackaby, manager of the Bank of Montreal, left last evening on a three weeks' holiday. He and Mrs. Blackaby and three children Uncle Pete. " Mr. a.n outstanding exhibit Another went by train to Hazelton to pick and Mrs. Jamp Bacon and Bill. Nell attracted much attention was.up their ear there and. drive, to llarlan, O. Kttagaua. !. airPIane made of flowers by southern British Columbia. While CARD OF THANKS ... . nc. n ui ui uie vai;- Mr. uiacKaoy ij away u,T. German lety lilllum auratum shown by will be aptlntr manner a fho , ! . . and faml,y wUh t0and lt bloom regularly although' Dr. R. O. Large. I .u thank all fHends.fnr ..... . Ihplr VIllHnocu thl. I. T1... ni.Jl.1l W n ,rrr - -..v.. uiu jcai ji a earner man usual, t uiauiun -mis. n. wuiv ana ior uorai mDutes during their slow. recent bereavement. "Gone But Not' The' ud?e of the Howers was Forgotten.' A fittv cent cfHSMUii-o nrt often make you many dollars fc0OO0OO00OOO OOOfifi WO0O0000OO0OO0 OOO 00 0000 .ast Shipment of New Cars We Have Just Received a Carload of Chevrolet Coach and Special De Luxe Models I'effrongly advise buying .before the promised- sharp increase in prices LONG MOTORS Mr. Clarke, of Abbotsford who has visited Prince Rupert before; His iplaclngs were: wh Roses Red Ross 1. C. J. Norrlngton; 2. C. P. Balagno. Pink Roses F. J. Fuller. Yellow Roses F. J. Fuller, Mrs W. O. Fulton. White Roses Polvantha Roses F. J. Fuller, Lavender Dr. R. O. Large. Yellow W. W. T: Way. Salmon Mrs.. J. K." Murray; W. W. T. Way; Plcardy W. W T Way. White Mrs. R. M. Wlnslow. Any other colorr-W. Wv T. Way, Dahlias Pompon-C. O. Ham, T: C. Wlld- , S'ntle IrH11 M W,nC" Decomtiw P. Balagno; Mrs. low: Mrs. W. O. Fulton. o t wi Coltness. one color C. P. Balag- no. Mrs. J. K; Murray. and all rarttee having claims against Murray-'lie said rotate are hereby required to. j furnish some, properly verified, to me the estate are required to. pay the ammuit of their Indebtedness to me fortnnth. flATED the 8th day of August, A,u. 1940. NORMAN A. WATT Official AdmlnlsratoT, Prlnre Rupert. B.C. Coltness, mixed : colors Mrs. J. K. Murray; C. P: Balagno. j. Dwarf Hvbred C. P. Balagno r,,adloU 'Mrs. R. M. Wlnslow. -Three Snikes Mrs. J. K. Mur- Best Dahlia In. Show-C. Pv Ba- . . lagno. i: iiik si ritKHK roi'KT or iikitisii Annuals roi.r.MitiA CalenduLi . lemon IL F. Pullen. in numm: Dorothy . Stvles In the Mmiw f thr "AdmlnlMratlan , oyies. Aft" Calendula, oran?e Dorothy And Styles. Mrs. O. P. Tinker. i-mK-rk-k Jooin. ir.d Calendula, mixed Mrs. T: Priest, TAKE, NOTICE, that by ordr of His Dorothy Styles. Honor, H. a. Roberuon, made the Marigold Mrs. Q. P. Tinker, Mrs.1 aopoUited. administrator of the eatat of ctuiea Frederick josiin. deceased. Asters C. G. Harru' Mrs. J. K.i One Aster C. G. Ham. ' on or befrre the 8Ui day of Beptemher, six Annuals Mrs. J. K. Murray A. D. 1940, and. all parties Indebted to irinHool Dorothy Styles. iNasturUuma). Perennials Phlox F. Rlifou C. J, Norring- Pansies P. Rlffoui Mrs. OUlett. Three Blooms C, P. Balagno1 ILellum Auratum). House, Plants , I Geranium!- Mrs. W. O. Fulton, Mrs. R, Lane. Begonia, Tubet'dus Mrs. R. M. Wlnslow,. Mrs. W. O. Fulton., Begonia Foliage Mrs. Essen. Mrt If TLTHti Fuchsia Mrs, W. O. Fulton. Cactus Mrs. GlUett. Anf other-FlowerlngPlantJ-MrSh Ki MUler; Mrs. A Lauei Any other Foliage Plant- Mrs.. W, O. Fulton. rtlt HnnA.' Plfl nt In. ShAnrMM Iti Mj WltlSlOWi ' Mlsrellaneaais i uouquet' as- table centre Del- phine. Belagno Mrs. R. Ml 'Wlns-jlowi f Corsage Bouquet Mrs.- Olllett Mrs. T2 Priesfc Collection 'of . Oarden Flowersr- iMrsA Ri M. Wlnslow. Arrangement, of Berries Chare (lotte. Balagnoo Flowers,, berries and foliage: In; fiinlqu- srraneement lit prize, j Mrs., mT: Lbctj 2nd prizes cnare lotte-Baiagno., . NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll. rroprietor "A HOMK AWAY FROM. UOUET Rates 754 Mf: 50 Roomc Hot Si Cold Watsr Prlrici, Rupert, BX3. ! rfe9. esi this afternoon to be on time. Visitors at the, Carnival building 1 Rbss Laid At Restt Afternoon Floral Offerings. The funeral of the late Charles all old timers of the north as .officiated, organist was Peter Lien "Klondyke Kate." was in tne cuyjw" ui.uiiijjanicu uc ujumi aboard the Princess Louise, yester-;"Rock A?es" and "tead Kindly day afternoon returning to Port-iLlnt,' I land after avlsit to the Yukon. Pallbearers were: D. Cavalier, A. A general information quiz con ducted by the President, Q, A. Hun ter was the feature of the regular weekly luncheon of the Prince Rupert Oyro Club yesterday. The winner was T. W; Brown. Miss. May Bell R.N, of the supervising staff of St. Paul's Hospital, IMontesano, u. uecmo, v.uaiearone Fred Lanza and John Basso. Sending flowers were: Louie and' Angelo, Mah Wing, Mussallem's Economy. Store, Frank and Billy Roma, Mrs, K. Moen, V. Calederon and Mr. and Mrs, Santerbane, Johnnie and Bill, Warren Scott, William Miller, Rupert Bakery. Fe lix Reda, Fanny. Naurlne and Geo.j ' WVilto .Tarlr Mnrnat .Tuna Vrarl ih. PHnVJ nrl. ZorZ trr T Lanza, Dominion Cafg, Bill Schrei- T vS ber' Joe snd Vancouver r and ano . u paying a visit Mltchell, Nt Kuproski, Andrew Pe- l,gMw M"-ldersen knd Gowlett, Mr. Wm. C. Berner- Hhth Avenue Kavner, Louie and Angelo, Mr. and (Mrs. R. B. Skinner, Mr. and Mrs. I The return movement pf Interior jMontesano and familyi Mr. and. natives who have been employed at Mrs. Ciccone, Mr. and Mrs. A. Do-Skeena River canneries during the Ulnato and family, Mr. and Mrs. cockeye packing season which Is now ended has commenced. Some two hundred left on Monday evening's train for Tazelton, Kitwanga and other points and more left last evening. Many, however, are staying over until after the carnival. Many useful articles of household and kitchen use. have been added by local business firms to the pres entation list for the bridal couple! at the public wedding to be held on Friday night In connestlon with the fall carnival. Among those making such donations have been Thrift Cash & Carry. Thompson Hardware, Smith & Elklns, Copeland's Market, Bulklev Market, Mussallem's Econ- omy Store. Overwalte. Ranee & Hardy, Chris Mill Bakery, Sunrise Grocery. Dominion Dairy, Linzey & Davles. Q. and S.. Tom Lee. H. K. Yamanaka. Alberta Market and prince Rupert Fishermen's Co-op erative. , CHILDREN HELP iS WAR LONDON. Aus. 22: (CP) Unde-the auspices of the Association of British Chemical Manufacturers, schoolchildren throughout Great Britain are being recruited to- aid In the war effort by collecting herbs BEE-KEEPING IN CEYLON COLOMBO. Aug. 22: (CP) Bee- I keeping has established Itself in Ceylon as a cottage industry as a result or the Agricultural Department's propaganda. More than 5,000 model hives have been brought Into use recently. t.naTJI.'HaT-Tm DOlBiE ABOOKlETC M. T. LEE ma jf a-- For Ladies' and Gent'cmcn's lllIUiillXU it- Experience : Quality "J nl.Ioc Tailor In Tnuin Uieanin;, 1'ressm; .Kcnairins T. A ,,,11 vuw A .v.w . w THL SEAL of QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Snckeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink , Salmon racket by the inly salmoa eaaaing eoenny with an aiT Uii i year, round ttayr!! 1st rrtnea Kivcrl' B. Sylvester and family, Mr. and Mrs. Basso and familyi Mr. and Mrs. Dick Woods and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. McDougall, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Frlzzell and Doug, Mr. and. Mrs. Roi Barnes, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. Carl j Zarelll, Mr. and Mrs. Sorrentl, Mr. L. Parmeri, Mrs. Mazzie and fam-1 lly and D. Cavalier. I , Announcements All advertisement in this cil-timn will be charged for a fun month at 25e a word. Eagles Bridge, August 28. Orange Ladles Bridge commencing September 4, Series Annette's Fashion Review 'and Cabaret, September 12.-Tea and refreshments. Hill 60 Dance September 20. W.'A. Canadian Legion Bazaar, November 1. United Bazaar. November 21. CHIROPRACTOR! Stanley W, Cotton, D.CPh.C. Wallace Block, Phone 640 Free FAOE THHEB interested in viewing the Ross, brother of Louts Ross, 01a Advertlswic a m investment Ford. Cu-aWay. Chassis exhibited by 8. E Parker Ltd.. which shows all working parts. Mrs. Kate Matson, well known to Empress Hotel, took place from the Chapel of the B.C. Undertakers, yesterday afternoon. There was a large attendance. Rev. J. C. Jackson, United Church, ' ' SHOT AT DANCE NEWPORT, August 22: (CP) Lillian Morgan. 18, was dancing in the YM.CA. here when a rifle bul let wounded her in the leg" It came ost at 11 o'clock, was reported' Many Attended Funeral Yesterday. fronl the basement where a soldier I was demonstrating gun handling to I Boy Scouts. You place your btt at the naji parade, Th race It on your fortune's made At your hone breaks through and makes the grade That's lucky. When next you drlnlc glaia of beer That's sparkllnj, dry, and crystal clear, And you atlc what brand It is, you'll heart ''That's LUCKY". Xalc or j LUCKY1 LAGER the Iteer with the 'distinctive' flavour sold at the same price) as ordinary Leers. You'll enjoy fiese other molt; . beverages t BUM! BEER Bl'RllTPAI.E f SILV tK Sl'RUvG STOOT COAST BREWERIES LIMITED jiu Vancouver New Westminster VictorUi This e'.? .tseracnt is not p llshed or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government ot British Columbia. j Qoatya HjooooooHKHraoooo)wrowov!j oooooo ooooooo owoooo Id Days Supply Cashmere Bouquet Face Powder With each 4 cakes Cashmere BoUquet Soap All for H9 Cashmere Bouquet Lotion 25c bottle only lc with purchase of A" p 40c size. 65r value for Colgates Tooth Powder 20c tin only lc with purchase of QAtf Giant Size. 55c value for UTU Free 25c Woodburys Lotion With each purchase of 50c Woodburys Cold or Vanishing Cream. UJJ ftp 75c value for Ormes Ltd. iet, Pioneer Drwzsrtets Tbe Rexall Store Phones 81 & 82 Open Dally from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12 to 2 P-m. and 7 to V p-m. ta(NaHiM