PAOE TWO VWVWVWVyHW'W tor 5 i WATCH OUR WINDOWS For Broken Lines Week - End Exceptional bargains Family shoe store ltD. "ITie Home of Good Shoe THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News; Limited, Third Avenue H. P PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor By mail Jo all parts of British Columbia, the BritUh Empire and United States, yearly period, paid In advance .3.00 By mall to all other countries, per year Classified advertising, per word, pr insertion Local readers, per line, per Insertion . Advertising and ClrcaUilon Telephone 98 New Department Telephone - 86 Member of Audit Bureau ot Circulations TAILY EDITION IS IT A CRIME. Evidently it seems that it is a crime for any person in any way related or connected or even friendly with the government In power to secure a contract at the present timey IJ seems that some member o a irnj handling eon-trrcts for rovernment WP'k in this city once played a game jof golf with the minister. THE DEEP SEA WATERWAY While we do not feel verr favorable to the deep sea waterway whejne which Js proposed t,o be a joint operation of Jhe United States and Canada, we feel to at if the carrviny out pi the scheme is poinjr Jp improve the already .dose retationshin pel ween the two countries, we are for it. We want the United States to finance .the Alaska Hifhwav which would benefit Brjtkh so .V" must be prepared to give and take. CANADIANS OVERSEAS The ihixA oniincent of Can-a'la ? fpTes reached Britain, travelling .on fine passenger steamers under pleasant modern conditions. Spmeiof .'Jhef.e .were. French Canadians. Thev were well supplied with warm clothinr and everything possible is being done to make their life pleasant and comforl- iyONDEItFUL KECORD The Finns are .creating for Friday, February 9, 1940 EDITORIALS themselves a wonderful record in the defence of their country against the Russians. Day after day they have .driven the enemy back with fearful losses. Pretty soon they may have made such a name for iherasejves that the Russians will refuse to engage them. That, would mean the end of the war so far as the Russian campaign is concerned. 'OUR HOME TOWN Prince Rupert is the home town of a large number of the readers of this paper. It is where they have their homes and where they make their living. Their work and interests lie here. Our first duty today and always is to be loyal to our own home town; What applies to Prince Rupert applies just as much to Smith-ers, Burns Lake, Stewart other smaller places. We speak of ourselves as a community, which implies that we have common interests and .common benefits .to he derived from acting not necessarily in unison but harmoniously. If each has an eye to the common good we make progress. If there are discordant elements in which tome members of the community have nothing in common with ihe rest and no interest in its progress,, then we are in danger and cannot hope to make proper progress. RUPERT BRAND" Smoked BLACK COD Smoked Daily Crniadian Fish & Cold Storage Prince Rupert (Qf Llfj . British jColumbla Turn Are Back and - Forth League Slaudinr THE DAILY NEWS Pacific Coast Hockey Close in Portland. Feb, 9: vy) The Pacific Coast Hockey League competition continues to be cjose attd exciting. The game between Part- NO LONGER HAS ALIBI Port Simpson Sends Good B-vskflba1! Word It Has Hall Now i The Port Simpson Athletic Club KING EDWARD FOOTBALL STANDINGS , Wanderers Maple Leafs .Beayers W 7 .5 3 D 1 1 0 CHEST COLDS Easy to Relieve Misery Without Dosing When yoy have a miserable chest cold don't risk upsetting digestion with internal dosing. Just massage Vicks VapoRub on throat, chest and back. VapoRub acts on the skin like a warming poultice at tbe pame time gives off soothing medicated vapours that are breathed direct into irritated air passages. This simple DIRECT treatment . . helps millions ben WICKS and abroad. Try it. VaoRus I'KOTKtl ION' ACT 1 It, s. v. oupicr no Tbt PrttUh .CciluoiW fttclters Lim-Ked terobjr give notice thmt they have, Wder &$.tm 1 of the taiO. Act. M-poUe4 Uh tbt Mlnlatcr of Public WwkJ t Oi.wa tod in the ofOre of tint Di-tUM Jteetatrar of th Land Kt&Alry District Cf Victoria at Victoria, v.- aacipUro jgl the a'.te and 3Uo ot the aiktHlcn to the existing a-haf prxpqecil to be cciuUuctwl cm &iojk A U Watr tot 1MJ. Bat 3. Cooet DMrict 0 Namu, BrKio Coi-umlili. And take notice tiwt atier the expiration of one month nam the date of the 11m publtcsMsa gf tain notice, the BrltUrli Oulumhla Paolurs IJiaited (under aoUon 7 of the aoltl. Act FPly to Ui VUulaUT tf PuhUc Work' ot hta office In h City of Ottawa. e-ftrrxmal cf the aald a!U nrul 5 pun. nd lor ieave to otmjrtniqt the ald atldltlon to ihe .exlattn; wharf. 5 KUed this 2nd day of February 1940. BRITISH COLUMBIA PACKERS V JUNEKAlV ACT .Xitlre To netinqurnt Co-owner KETCHIKAN i IS COMING "I in .onn n. Altfrn and (londrr IJIrk-lahd of Seattle, Wanhlngton, V. 8. A. whereas there are owners other xnan myself to the extent of more than .one .quarter interest In each and fell ofth SVer No. i. BUu No. 2. .Star .Ho. 3, Star 0, 4. fir No. o, gtar Jio. , Star tio. 1, SUr No. 8, Star No. 9 nd Star No. 10 Uloflral Claim situate on j JaoeUi aide of Porcher bland tn Chlmore PaMaga about SCO Xet from the beach in the ken Ulnlng JOlrlalcm, prormca f British ColumbU: TAKJS ilOTICE iiMn uoiae yqu da Par within 90 day from the date here-pf th jauu ot S1S3740 being your proportkxj of tba expenditure required for p year lim, 1238 and J 939 Jay pocuoa as of AA Ulneral Act, It. 8., . fi. vm, hasr 161, together with aU jooata of UiU notice, to Uvt under-,! lgned, th registered owuer pf s&ld itUMTal Claiisa, your Interest on aald MlMraJ jdalto haU be forfeited And' fjooxne vetted ;n the t Inderal gned who ha mad the required expenditure. DATD at Pf1oc ftUpert. B O. bt tb day of July, 1639. E. a. BErtNlST. .lot Bowling Standing Ladies Big Sister Rex Knox Hotel Annette's Maple Leafs Merchantettes Bluebirds Rangers IDORA Roller Rbk Dally Sessions 2:00 to 4:30 CbUdren j6;00tg( 8:30 Adults 5:30 to 11:00 Begiuiters Given Special Attention NEy CENTRAL HOTEL ANNEX Second Avenue Housekeeping Apartments (Hot Water'Heated) Mrs. C. . IJUck, prppririresi . (Central Hotel I i ' League I W M 9 IV 10. 6 JP 9 6 9 8 7 .8' .v J 8 7 :;r1 V 1J 5 10 5 Our Famous Edson Alberta COAL Bulkley Valley Coal Nanalmo Wellington Coal ihdkley Valley Wlieal and Grain PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Phone 58 and S3! SPORT CHAT Th Smithers Curling Club U1 '.wnd a rink u Prince George at !. eMthe end of this week to take part February !1 and 2! Subjrrt To final Confirmation It was announced officially this JUi the tournament which will, be carried on there over the wees- end. . L. MeEwen and Ole sor-vick left for Prince Oeorge by land Buekaroos and Seattle Sea . Tuursday mornings train -k. at Seattle Wednesday nteht. AH,"1 W of the others littt wttl be have invited the Ketchikan which ended in a scoreless overtime 0 . .. . . ,, ., (onig Jo J drM; was a fitting example. So ,, '' .,., ..' . (h,W W t FOR SALE Sllehtlv used eiled range. Apply 112 Avenue West. MUSIC in ad aver Ahe sHuatton acquainted aUi (Mr was List night's game In Portland Sixtn AvMme toUI jowwMU. when the Bucs beat the Sea Hawks fmAs 5 to 4. As a result, the Bues are now AOrd received rom the The Smithys W Club wttl hold on top with a half a game margin Alaskans to date as to whether ( carnWal of rack and Jumping over Ihe Sea Hawkj with Vancouver tea arp sble or not al- on February 15 and 16 and K tH Lioiy half a game below Seattle. though H is generally understood he -climaxed hy the usual big The league standing: that they 4i accept the oiler dance on Friday night Jt is ex- Portland 14 3 15 80 80 86 86 31 ani sHq- h. tvtMl that ouite a number of Seattle Vancouver . 14 14 13 14 87 89 83 97 30 . , ,. . outside skiiers rom nearby pUoU 29 A game between the Oilers and m w tournament the Old Men's team is to the mg adding to re ports The yet- back hi the days xUy sport erans have been taking .the meas- t m rte-buggy era ure of me nf the Intermediate SuBtvan ,emerobef. Joto L outf.u and on that account wish Pftldy Ryaa to Uie a iry-out tne lewor nth d t MUitolpai ptty. this so-ealtcd band of oldsters are Mi&. vfar& ae4i WdnWilair a",V H?!! Tu ttoolsl,Itbe hav ing UUe. He late, won unive, not been actually cleaning up on altioo by AmUm , JC0-the younger opponent Their Itoe- a ?5.round epk al Riefeburg. up consists of some lormex star, , Mte e v i.u. ui uiru uar, luttuc vxlt iru hit It nan, Villi nnm m n i n . . n ' hou'd should . . ...... . . . .MIWMC I J Uil-S. 9.00 r ue. teams, uon Arney and JacK Lind- 02 " S T u BasKeiDa11 anc say both played for Premier when J5 w0"thal PrInce HUP"1 hoopsters tne Miners lost the Northern Bri- Keen un to dale will have nothing to complain Columbia Championship to laxJv make excuses about in future vis- the present champions, the Oilers, its to the neighboring village. Al-jin 1937-38. Bill Lambie and John- though the building is not en- .nv Morrison nlaved on Oia nld all. ureiy complete as yet, team that lost the champion-Is already being played on the ship to Premier In the previous floor which is an excellent one. year. With thes- four alone, the, i Practices have been resumed and team, on paper, looks equally as' .the Port Simpson players are look-1 formidable as even the Olfers and, ing forward to having another trylthev have an array of newcomers ! I U4 u.niajj wuuraua untie known to the nubl c that title. round out any occur. the sore ; pols.. A telegram has been received from New Metlakatla regarding a" visit here on February 1$ and 16. j This has be.en considered a little too close for proper advertising'1 and, as a result, the local authori- ties have informed them In this respect and asked them to hold over for at least another month. ' will be Jn bands of the sellers as soon as possible after the word hoi hun n .U 11 A( rKr reeu PERSONAL jMENI Want vim" Try raw oyster tonic. OSTREX Tablets, to pep up whole body quick! If not de lighted with results first package, maker refunds Its low price. You don't risk a penny. Call, write Mc-Cutcheon's and all other good drug stores. tf ! FOR SALE ...TOR the SALE Boat wKh 5 hp. Kel-' vln engine In excellent order and equipped with new skiff, going at ui wic wiuuiu ft bargain sailing date. As the games are spon-1 Phone 863. tf. sored by the 102nd Jleavy Battery, FOR SALE Stove with coll and 40 public support is practically as- gallon tank. Nelson's Barber sured and bumper crowds are toi Shop. 134) be expected for this annual Inter-i national tussle. enam-Eighth 35i FOR SALE AJodej h Ford in good! running order. Snap for cash. Phone 227 or Blue 604. tf. It PU FOR SALE Terms: atrictly cash: Lots 9-10, Blk. 11, D. L. 3C9,' Terrace, Hugh M. Adams Estate. $500.00; Sub Lot 1 of Lot 1429. Range 6, C. D. Lakelsc Road. 10 acres, Peter J3e Boer Estate. $100.00; Lot 20, Blk. S. 6,i Prince Rupert. George Macklln Estate $900 JDQ; Lot I, Blk. 37. aec. a, prince Rupert, J. D. Peel Estate, $125.00; Lot 3053, Cas-slar, 03 acres, situate near Aly-ansh, Wm. Stewart Estate, $100.-00; Vnsubdlvlded portion Lot 2199, R. 5, CD., 142 acres, and cottage. Estate Nell McCarthy, $300.00: Assd. Lot A of Lot 5 Blk. 2, and Assd. Lot A of Lot 6,j Blk- 2, D, L. 45, Port Essington, Estate Mary D, Holland, $200.00; I Unsold portion Lot .3822, Casslar , 'Alice Arm. and cottage, Estate ohn w. strombeck, $500.00.-Officlal ;Admlnistrator. Prince Rupert, B. C. tf. FOR RENT FOR KENT 5 room flat, fully modern, hot water heating, electric stoye, fine harbor ylcjir, centrally located. Collart U McCaffery Ltd. Phone 11. tf FOR JlENT - Furnished rooms Phone Blue j9C4 or eall 814 Sec-ond Aye. (34) AVANTED WANTED-HCoal or oil range in good condition. Phone Red 923, (34) l BUCKLEY'S cinnamated CAPSULEs' Clear Your Head of FEVERISH COLDS GRIPPY ACHES ami PAINS FASTER i 3 EEC A USC THEY CONTAIN PAIN-RELIEVING COLD-DISPELLING INGREDIENTS IN EVERY CAPSULE Plus OIL of CIHHAMOH LINZEY & DAVIES GRAHAM Per nkf Winter PHONES 583 5SG BLATJl iOD-oiokd Per lb. fiAKjiC Yr Vo AlSAG WAJJIKS WOOJC4CK Tt'lfNIPS 10 lbo for I'LAL'HIS Per un A7v chilling nna your CoAlbin; needs refilling. 20c 20c ISROOKHMi) SA1ISACJE Delicious CZr 1.1 J AC1 NEW LAID IXMS Pr doz CUOCOLAli: JXLAIltS jr Jb. 30c 35c 20c 25c 15c ( It GREEN 4U:ANS 2 for I'l'RITV 49 lbs ri.orit K d, ti:a rct ib. J'JIARS- 2 tins fir 25e S1.85 55c HADMl'K I.AYJJt ( AKtS. Fuey ing Each rni.sii GUot'ND CoffeePer lb MIELI.U) WAI.NI TS AprJcois Per tin 25c 40c 15c 25c Housewives Prefer EASY Because EASY WASHERS arc Kenuincly so much easierEASIER jLo own to ojK'rate and E AS1KU on the clothes And Do You Know? TACV WASHERS Arc Surprisingly Low in Price Genuine EASY m.xlels from S63.50 On Easy Payment Plan Arrange for. a Home Demonstration Coal! Coal! Coal! OS I Foothills Hulkley Valley Nana i tnd-WeJI in gton We art equipped (0 supp'f anyif these coals prompi'T carefully icrernml and graded to size Plumes C51 C52 Philpott Evitt & C6. Ltd. The X)aHy News is a member oi the -Canadfan Pa iNewsnanur AsuociaLion. nt 1 nnnr .m Prami nnn 01 u N..,CA' A" Audit Bureauof Clrc, ; U north uiuui uiiu vvuii .uccompaniment , tU uiv vmjjr iny- - can be had at standard rates o Vancouver and J west of Edmonton hold inc mcmbcrsn'P l i 1 . Ma i ! il .f l 9 . oy iuioninguiue uuz, (30) in inese organizanonfl. lM