page roui reduction' plarils,1 the bait requirements having been, put up earlier in the ! I 0 Vitamin Conditioned by an Exclusive Process The nmturat "Bwr Vitamin" rftorl, for real palatabilltyt mrlloonrss and moothnr. IUre, truly, U a balanced, COMPLETE brer a beer that It good . . . and good for you. Enjoy thU extra alue today at no extra eot. CAPILA.HO BREWING CO. (.TO. VANCOUVER. B. C. PhoTTCal for Free DeliTery r INB-C- ctmimsN I vrrMim l ITS VG ASSOCIATED MtWIMU OP CAMAOA (JMlTO 2i2 . j .aaaBBBr rm aiaaalaViM 'V'aaaaaV Mm mmmmmmmSSS I'SfKmam Baaaaaaaaaaaaaxjia 'aSI This advertisement ts not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia Whiff lets From The Waterfront B.C. Missions Is Subject Of Rotary Address The Prince Rupert Rotary Club, at Is regularly weekly luncheon yesterday, heard from the superln-t ndent of Home Missions of the . - n TnMt V a united cnurcn. ev. v. r. ouut, annual 1 story of the work or tne cnurcn in was w thpt thpre was no Individual who the mission worker. So In the marine missions the lighthouse keepers and their wives looked forward to a visit from the missionary. Thomas Crosby was probably the first missionary from the Methodist church. There was successful mission work among the , this provlrtce. He regTeWed the "Back to " Japan" " movement ' " which I Monnan eiuii aim . Mr Brunt aUo spoke of the chln. Clarke of Nelson Bros. Fisheries Ltd. . ese mlsslonSf the work among - are leaving hi o. '- Indians, the Doukhobors. the hos Good Herring Run in Harbor Now- ny boats for Old Massett to make- ,u, and mar,ne worfc and fmaUy ...Transferrin): Cannery Machinery arrangementc for the moving oftne home fQr glrffc AU thes(J wfre From .Massett to Prince Rupert machinerj' from the cannery there dlstlnct and valuable. t0.MCun!T P.unt Wh Cli lsJt bC " Amon the were Rev. J. C dock here. tabllshed in the ocean jackson Rev PeterKellv Rpv Mnr. All this week herring seiners and rK D W Z R SU packers have been busy In the har- Indian Department cruiser Nas- Hartl.v vaw ' bor catching' and delivering fish keena is on a trip today to Port sta"iey Beverrid-e Rev ? C c' " which has.been keeping the Tucks Simpson with Indian Agent James .M rpV n , ,,-rvlni.ii xfr. Inlet and1 Port Edward reduction Glllett and Dominion Constable A. ar;iev " Rpv h,, nS plants operating to capacity. Earlier j. Watklnson on board. L wamSLJJi in the week the seiners were taking iTtVSZn' ' herring up the harbor towards C.P.R. st&mer Princess Adelaide,!.! ' Tucks Inlet. This morning they Capt. Henry Anderson, arrived In,' At the Prince Rupert Rotary were fishing In front of the Can- port at 3 oclock this afternoon! luncheon yesterday afternoon Hu-adlan National wharves. All the from the south and will sail at 10 bert Ward rerorted on havlner at. fish ush Is ts-inow; irtow; going going into into the the reduc- p.m. on her return to Vancouver i tended as a deleeate the recent and waypoints. season. The presence of the her- A fifty cen: ciassiiieo ad. ring has; brought sea lions into the often make you many dollars. UITS (Extra Pants $1.00) 10 .00 Saturday 30 Pairs 20 S1.15 30 only Sweaters J QQ Sport Belts All sizes Scarfs, Sport Shirts 20 Pairs Dress Pants 69c 69c S1.95 $1.50 20 Pairs White Flannel Trousers CI DC (Reg. $6.50) Canadian Legion War Services cam paign meeting. He told what was done and was asked to carry on as the representative of the club. , FEBRUARY CLOTHING SENSATION! CLOCK SPECIALS t One Hour Only 10 to 11 aim. 1 130 sip mi 11 $ I ONLY 50 SHIRTS Fused collars and separate and attached. $1.00 REMEMBER! ONE HOUR ONLY 10 to 11 A.M. SATURDAY The Above and Many More Bargains on Sale at William F. Stone Clothes of Distinction -4 ujfjJtU-" i 1 t THE DAILY NEWS. PORT SIMPSON CONCERT BAND !Paul E. Price Is Named President I Of Active Ortanization For Coming Year PORT SIMPSON. Feb. 9: The Its many and varied activities In fof the enio!ng ar as foUowB:- British Columbia. He expiainea at Honorary prctWent. Philip J. the outset that he was telling of the Green work of the church to which he be- prejs.dent Paul E Price longed because that was what he F;rst Vice-President, Robert knew. Other churches, doubtless, smith, were doing Just as good of better Treasurer, Peter M. Wells, t work than the United Church. Recording Secretary. Alfred Mr. Bunt made the statement Price, that this country believed In Christ- Conductor, EL F. Dudoward. Ian values. The churches believed First Leader, David Muiwave, Crood Show At ?ort Simpson PORT SIMPSON. Feb. 9:-A very tn C-rAct Inrr rlmm ittie ervn daia Japanese, the church having seven ,a;t wpek . port ordained Japanese missionaries In Players' Club. The program con PHONES 18 and 19 SOME ARE DISMISSED KELOWNA, Feb. 9: CP Magistrate T. F. McWilliams dismissed conspiracy charges against nine mmnaniM and five IndlvlduaU af ter having committed eight of the fnnr nt the indivtd Port Simpson Concert Band, at IU " LTWe of taklnt meeting recently which . n fln lUecal comblne. Mag- en aucnaeo. eieciea omcers - - . . lUtrate McWilliams ruled some of the proposed evidence In writing as inadmissible "SMTHERS At meeting of the Smlther Association was held in on Tuesday evening to eleet of ficers for the coming year and for Second Leader. Simon Auckland, the election of debates to the different narts of the province In and social evenine with almost the ney M.L.A. of Terrace arrived widely scattered fields. Many out- ntire population of the village allying settlers were glad to welcome tending. The weather still remains exceptionally mild and fine for this time of year and with the winter now so . far advanced It is not likely that very mu:h severe weather can oc-, cur to spoil the good record already , sisted of songs, sketches, dialogues, established. harbor in substantial numbers and "7 5" VT" monologues etc. The crowd In at- w .ajt.nK away a numDer oi me h..j ; there are also the usual large He - W nt 5M PUILS. .. .. .... ' - I I inai me numan approacn 10 ail problems wa the right one. ann tne entertainment was very enjoyable to aiL In The old timer of the district are hard pressed to find a paralle- to the mild weather J which has been experienced this winter HP 'A L i I iU y LIBBY'S TOMATO SOUB Gentle pressing gives fine flavor Order by the dozen tins. ' Per dozen Libby's Grapefruit Juice A satisfying drink 1Qp and mixer. 2 tins Aylmer Sweet Corn-Ready to heat and serve. 17 oz. 2 tins economical, 'j-lb. tin Mb. tin 23c Malkin's Best Clams Just compare the quality 1 EJp and the cost 1-lb. tall Red Seal Cohoc Salmon Solid meat- -no waste QQi Lushus Jelly Powders Assorted appealing flavors, sealed in the bud. Cn J-?)L 2 pkg 15c CARNATION MILK World's largest selling brand. Per dozen Per case Dest for Dablcs A CANADIAN PRODUCT P.O. Itox S7S Mussallem's Economy Store "Where Dollars Have More Cents" 95c Itoyal City Plums-Choice fruit, all ready -f jjp to terve. lg-oz. tin Koyal City Pea Sieve 5. Packed at the peak of flavor perfection. 2 tins 23c Fort Gary Coffee Tops In quality. A flavor treat in the cup. 1-lb. tin 55c S1.75 $4.35 Paris-Pate Sandwich Spreads Keep a supply on hand for unexpected guests nen 3 tins UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. C ATA LA EVEItV TUES- T.S.S. CAKDENA FltlDAY, DAY, 1:30 p.m. 10:30 p.m. Due Vancouver, Tliurs. p.m. Due Vancouver, Monday a.m. If Convenient, Please Purchase Tickets at Office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets From FRANK J. SKINNER, Prince Rupert Ajent. Third Ave. Phone 5C8 GIRLS ARE FEATURED Hotel For Women" and "Charlie Chan At Treasure Wand" Double-Killed At Capitol Featuring EUa Maxwell, who is described ' as the world s greatest party-thrower, "Hotel for Women" is the feature picture on inc screen of the Capitol Theatre here at the present time. The story is a novel one, the picture casting Ml Maxwell as the big-hearted counsellor to a large number of girls on their own in the big city. The picture Is full of fun and glamor, many beautiful girls taking part. A fine cast, co-featured with Miss Maxwell. Includes such favorites as Linda Darnell, a new was not worthy of being saved for After the meeting the wives or nominating convention at rnnce aiacovery. Ann oomern. james tj-better things. The church believed the band members sprang a sur-; Rupert on February 14. Election lison. Jean Roger. Lynn Rarl. In that and worked on that assump- prise by arriving on the scene to .talk and politics In general are be-1 June Oale, Joyce Compton. John frhm.nii , .innin to come to life In thU vi-'Halllday. Katharine Aldride. Alan sions. He spoke of the valiant Since the annual meeting the cinlty and considerable Interest was work belne done bv vourn: men In band put on a fine concert party . shown In this meeting. E. T. Ken- RTTiJ . LAST LAST TIMrc TIMES T-f-. . . TONIf.iiT Lat Complete Show at l ELSA MAXWELL S "HOTEL FOR WOMEN" Wllh ANN SOTIICKN (At 7:00 and 9 j, PIXS "UUAKiilK I'll AT TKKAbUKK ISLAM) (At 8:10 Once OnN, FOX MOVIETONE NEWS (At 1:21, Once Only. COMING SAT () LY Lew Ayrcs, I ana T.trr, Thoe Clainou (,itl PLUS "Pride of the III ic (.ij. Dinehart and 8idney HUekmer. Double-billed with "Hotel for rtxt supporting ca.t Women" Is another of the mpuUr ung. Cesar Romno. J cnk.n nn Tiw,v mnrnitur to' aeries oi unarne i.nan rmiwnvp uu WlfliMIV.V W. HWUW V. ww 'attend the meeting and alto to ad- jstorles entltl-d "Charii-. Chan a a DumbrUle and . 8li i dress the annual meeting of th;Treatrr T'and " 8dny Toler .Omlneca Branch. Brltlah Columbia Maln nlavs the nart of the famom Daily oilven 4ti. rr. I Chamber of Mine Wednesday ev- i Actional ulenth wh fres a new News Is sure to bring icnlng. iklnf' "1 riddle murder by ghosts "Uiu WALLACE': FEBRUARY CLEARANCE SALE Of Coats, Dresses, Hosiery Elc. SEE OUR WINDOWS MacKenzie's Furniture FEBRUARY FURNITURE SALE 18 Fell Mattrew All sizes. Sale Price Phone 175 57.75 Bulkley Valley COAL From our mine To your bin And the whole District benefits ( PAR WAV I BTtAMlH'M m CANADIAN PACIFIC Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-Pacific To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Ports 8.S. "PRINCESS ADELAIDE" Every Friday 10 p.m. To Vancouver Direct 8.0. "PRINCESS LOUI8E" Feb. 15th, 20th, Warchth. 181b. $36 Winter Excursion Fare Vancouver and Return Tickets on 8ale to February 20th, 1840. Final Return Limit March 31st. 1010 Connections at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Servif's Tickets and Reservations From W. I- COATES, (iencral Acent Prince lliipcrt, n.C-