LONDON, Feb. : (CP) Bri tish fighting planes Intercepted ind shot down one of several Gtrman planes which raided VI 1 1 . .1 t 1 1 1 J . - . " 4 a l Minting ana micniin-junmin ifwli offshore. The Air Min-kir annnunrrii that a German . t i i t . v -, l. IWiirk an th touth shore of lfc Ilrth of Forth. , ships were reported lost al liMth semal were attacked. Tt men were lost when a Hfe boi lim one of the atfactfetl ttssth, Ihe 800-ton dredger Fwrrawt, was swamped. Seven urtfinj said the dredger was rrtidrrrd unmanageable by a torn. The French ship Marie Dawn is rrportrd to have been sunk by I mine tilth on of lirr crew. tly Senegalese, lost. 1 I II 1 1 V.i I I llnhmshincr 'whiles reveal that the average Fredericksburg bride Is 27 and i'he groom 30. I But the unblushing brides are jiionest Willis says they give their i"1- WlinnUt fldHltlnn nr i,Mrii- - - "v ,114 kj V U V t W "On, EVCn thnso Uhn nrn flvn in ln year hMaf iuj. - kllAlt tllUil WUUlU" e mates admit their ace. ThoUgh Willis doesn't subscribe i theory thal marriages nrc maae n in heaven, he takes every reasonable nrcenulinn in h h.l h. i . " nvuuill&a UIV "oi the nrodnpt f in, i n "fuses to issue licences after four J'."!, Or hofnr ..f .- .. link -wvi.c nine ii.m,, in com ,p with hU' edict: "N0 wait ss you're too late." SEARCH FOR l Four More Men. Missing From hclticr Varsity. Are Still Being " Southt Survivors In Hospital ' PORT ANGELES, Washington. .Feb. 9: CP -Although HtUe hope ts hld for their survival, search contlnuas undr way for four misting members of the crew of the ; seiner Varsity of Tacoma which ' foundered on the rocky West Cokst 'of Vancouver Island early this 'u-ub D a, , i, , mil I ii li btm pkked up off Pachena Point I i Three survivors Hubert Urslch, . llluber Anclch and Anton Mavler Iractiru u tuuiu mnic iiiiicw FREDERICKSnURO. Va.. Feb. 8: lng rescued from there, told how CP' C mrt Clerk Mason 11. Wtl- the Varsity had lost its course jS Vnnn.a Ka muVl ftn4 nAnO nn n TV-pf fniflnff the i . . r . i-1 I I i . UmAAm . M lu. i m Vuf ArHatf thn i . i . . i - -a . . k . i m.aa nrnimni nam ann . 1 " v. mm w...w.vv. v v. ...v.. - - o aur are now in hospital. E January. 1939. rher. Fred- The trio reached shore safely af- 'k -burs became the quick- ter their rowboat had also wrak- sr Mffm w ik.t Ana f 'l r fc a t...t v riir nunnrwflrni. 1 1. 1 . -i in r m r r Ar. I nn n 7 I ii n I , ,.i.n " tit W H UtUtC kllUM iVWi ' 9 1 1 V MUfl J :.-ts a Diush. i Mary present-day brldca actu- 7 'ake Uie leading role in pre-, t.'a! arrangements. Nine time Jt ct 10. Willis avers, it is the Re elect who writes or tele- ' "trie iui lUOb-linilU tltiWi- nba on Virginia's marriage ' And Just as often she an- B"J all the questions Willis U re- 'nce ven those pertaining to he f ame, age, occupation and 'armtage of her Intended. And, don't you know - said WIN B'-'. CVerV nnv nnrt thn thn u.-n. nn pays for the licence." WUIls only explanation nf this fanriformatilon Is that most wo- ?nen who clone to Fredericksburg. POLES TO AID FINNS Expeditionary Force of Volunteers Leaves France to Fight Against Russian Aggressors PARIS. Feb. 9: (CP)-An expeditionary force of Polish volunteers i.rt iv.nKo far Finland to 1 1113 IClk II"" - I fight against Russia. Tne numocr' is not disclosed. Britons Leaving LONDON, Feb. 9: (CP- That itrinch volunteers were preparing C 1AL u F KY B B.C. Here ta a ad of the gl'iii fciu.ue: of Fu. . .rmy with the weapon that has proved to be w jit.' w gh! tn gold against Soviet Rufslan tanks. Thl ia an anti-tank gun and its crew. T" du'r K' i.e have taken a terrible toll of Red tanks. Sunk in hidden gunpits and camouflaged With .snow by Mother nature, these 1 ttle weapons have stopped repeated attempts of Red army mechanized might to crash through FtnnUh defence. ooooooooopooooooooooouoooooaooooooooooooaoocoaoaooDoo Iff T 3L T o mf 19 11 ir-vnr A-rr 2 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOCKKK)OOCtrOOfQtHOOOOCiaoOOOOOOO LATEST IN Rl'SSO-FIXN WAH lli:i.SI.S(il OKS Continuation of Russian assaults on the the Mannerhcim Line in the Karelian Isthmus, despite heavy Red losses, is reported by the Finnish command. In the Summa sector, where the Russians claimed capture of eight of thirteen Mannerhcim Line forts during the last few days, Finns said that the invaders had been repulsed with heavy losses while a number of attacks on I'unnumjokl and Panuri regions had been beaten off. the enemy losing about 00 men and 12 tanks. The Finns denied that the Russians still held any forts. Saboteurs landed behind the Finnish lines by parachutes are reported raptured. General Gregory M. Stern is reported (o be replaced by Marshall Iloyeni, famous cavalryman, as Russian Commander-in-chief. Moscow claims that the Russian Navy had driven British naval vessels out of the Baltic. FRENCH WAR CONDUCT PARIS The French Chamber of Deputies went Into secret session today to discuss the government's conduct of the war after Premier Daladicr disclosed recent raids on Gestapo offices In France. Daladicr said that the raids disclosed an elaborate questionalrre asking agents about the Premier's prestige, his friends and adversaries. The Premier requested a public debate but the House voted for a secret session. DUKE OF WINDSOR AT FRONT PARIS The Duke of Windsor, as a major-general In the British Army, is on a three-day tour of the British Expeditionary Forces on the Western Front. Today he lunched at the Welsh Guards officers mess and later visited the Royal Air Force. SOI.MHItS' I'AItCKIS FKEE LONDON Arrangements have been made for parrels to and from members of expeditionary forces from the British Dominions and colonics to be exempt from duty. ' LAROR MEMRER DAMNS RUSSIA LONDON A Labor member of the British House of Commons, bark from a trip to Finland, condemns Russia for its aerial bombing of open towns. There seemed to be no reason for the bombings other than that they are open towns, says the member who saw at first hand what was going on. New York Stock t inln In (hr m 'beyond the blushing age.' His " ' teamed; Mo r rt Q StrOIltT "substantially correct" in author!-. Ultlve fluart Wa;-;fl Largest Turnover In Weeks' Busl-able to be called up for actUe ser- Trading On Wall vice with the British forces how- J ThJ ever are not being permitted to j loin un. I NEW YORK. Feb. 0:-Tradlng The first contingent of British on the Ncw y0rk Stock Exchange volunteers for Finland may leave jyeatcrday totalled 870,000 shares, next week. Hundreds are register-tne heaviest turnover In weeks, lng for service. at the Finnish le-jxhe industrial average at closing gatlon. WHEAT PRICES WINNIPEG, Feb. 9: (CD-Wheat Uc lower with nrv t RSHc. In New Yors ! May was up lie to c at 99c was 148.40, up 1.77: rails, 31.46, up .63, and utilities, 24.95, up .16. BAR GOU) LONDON, (CP) The Montreal price of bar gold on the London market was unchanged today at $35.54 per fine ounce. Germans Removed From Portuguese Ship By French . PARIS, Feb. 9. The French cruiser Cape Nord Intercepted a Portuguese ship and removed two German seamen who had boarded tho vessel at the Azores. Hockey Scores National League Toronto 1, Rangers 2. Detroit 2, Canadleris 1. Americans 2, Chlchago 3. Weather Forecast Tomorrows Tides Prince Rupert and Queen Charlotte mm Islands 8trong southeast High .... 2:39 ajn. 20 i ft. winds or gales at night, mild and 15:35 pjn. 20.8 ft. Low 8:45 ajn. 5.8 ft. showery. 20:59 pjn. 3 ft. j NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITIS H COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER (Vol, XXIX No. 34. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 19407 PRICE: i CENTS V3 "V Sam Interested In Europe i mi a ni L' Anl Alii Aliii WELCOMED bird Contingent From This Dom inion Gets Fine Keceptlon on Landing In England SOMEWHERE IN BRITAIN. Feb. IC'P Crowds waved and cheer- ri .Td, At first the crowds did not lici 'hey saw they were Canad- f erecting rolled across the water i'h a chorus of "Well done. Can 's., and Bravo, nravo. The ' resent was soon settled down at AZ1 PLANE SHOT DOWN r,trmn Bomber imposea ui un l firth of Forth Today During !UM On Shipping I 'j TIME OUT FOR FINNISH TANK BUSTERS PROTEST Conversations With IGNORED ki wi t. T. France Refuses to Reconsider Ac i tion In Raiding Russian Trade Office in Tarij sp cial train for Montreal to receive further treatment with facilities there The train had been held in readiness since early mtrnin- to carry His Excellency to Montreal hospital if his condition permitted. A bu'Jetin from uome at id: 15 a l Standard Time had reported the condition of Lord Tweedsmulr as "more critical" and said an operation had been performed. An announcement, issued by five doctors in attendance, said the operation had "temporarily relieved the increased intracranial pressure. Last nitht's report said that the condition of Lord Tweedsmulr, Governor General of Canada, wbi(h was reported yesterday to be grave Jt unchanged although a report issued earlier by his physicians last night said he had rested more easily during the afternoon. Judgment For Plaintiff In Timber Case VANCOUVER, Feb. 9: (CP) The Supreme Court action of Elk River Timber Co. vs. Bloedel, Stewart & Welch, arising out of disastrous Vancouver Island forest fires last year, ended yesterday In a verdict cf the Jury in favor of the plaintiff. Chief Justice Aulay Morrison will award damages after an assessment has been made. i PROGRESS ON SPANS New Hays and Morse Creek Bridges To Be Ready By April, It is Expected Satisfactory progress is being made with the construction of the new city bridges across Hays and nrppke nnd thf pxnpctntlon Is that both will be ready for traf-J flc by April. Work Is being carried out concurrently on both spans by the contractors, Bennett & White, under Superintendent Burnlp. Demolition of Hays Creek bridge, City Engineer F. N. Good said this morning, had shown conclusively that Its replacement was fully Justified. Westvlew Bridge was even worse, Mr. Good said In warning the public that there should be extreme care In crossing the old structure. Meucrai Mdiiuns io Get Under Wav PARIS, Feb. 9: CP The French ' government is reliably reported to . , hav: ret. i- ; n-; a i soviet Under Secretary of State Sumner Welles Being r. Sent to i protest against police raid on the Italy, France, Germany and Great Britain by Russian commercial office here. President Roosevelt Three Russians were arrested in the pan off cam wiendto wT Tt WASHINGTON, D.C., February 9: (CP) Secretary W Pe U communist propaganda. State Cordell Hull announced today that conversations Russia protested u, France at the 'of informal charactei" have been commenced with neu-office-. being searched and docu- ral governments "in view of evident desire of all neutral ment-. removed therefrom. Return nations for eventual restoration of world peace." He said oi papers was demanded. .t ihe conservations involved no plan or plans but are in tne nature of preliminary inquiries" n m -v rriTv m - liJ I V" 1 I V Y JLlU r I I III relating t( the international econ- X J omic situation and world-wide re- -i . u-r--t .tm ductiort of armaments. IVll IN I Hb A I Easier In the day President AllVll JLiVLjrlLi Franklin D. Roosevelt had an- nounced the sending of Under Sec- 01TAWA, Feb. 9: CP) A few hours after an operation. Lord oi uanaua, was DUced on a COURT OF REVISION t.ovcrnor t.entrai liemoved From ttary of State Sumner Welles to ouaa To .Montreal By Special Europe for a oersonat survey of Allowance Made on Some Building Train Today Following Op- conditions In Italy, Fance. Grmany Valuations But None on Land eration Condition Critical and Great Britain. Mr. Welles will No ON.R. Appeals leave within a few days. The Presl-, dent said that he was authorized to Court of revision on the munlcl- make no proposals or commitments pal assessment roll was concluded Tweedsmulr, Governor General ; and hU findings would be of secret thlj morning by Acting City Com- nature for the President and the mlssloner D. J. Matheson, the roll Secretary of State. When asked if being approved subject to certain pea:e procosals were involved, changes In valuations on improve-Presldent Roosevelt asked the news- ments. none of trie appeals on land papermen not to speculate on the being allowed. This was the first purposes of the mission. Ume in many years that the Can- . adlan National Railways entered no Military Dispatches to Paris Indi cate They Are Keeping Busy on Western Front (COuXwu) .i U jotmaua Co.) Vancouver Big Missouri, .10. Bralorne, 10.60. Cariboo Quartz, 2.52. Dentonla, .01 i. Fairvlew, .01 ft. Gold Belt. .25. Minto. n01s. Noble Five, .OH'-. Pend Orlelle. 1.90. Pioneer, 2.08. Premier, 1.35. Reno, .38. Relief Arlington, .12. Salmon Gold, .02 ii. Sheep Creek, 1.16. Cariboo Hudson, .04 '2-Hedley Amalgamated, .00;. Oils A.. P. Con.. .18. Calmont, .38. C. & E., 2.08. Freehold. .02. Home, 2.76. Royal Can.. .1734. Okalta, 1.10. Mercury, ,06Vi. Prairie Royalties, .20. ' Toronto Aldermac, .32. Beattle. 1.11. Central Pat., 2.40. Cons. Smelters, 46.50. East Malartlc, 3.90. Fernland, .04Vi. Francoeur,. .50. Gods Lake, .56. Hardrock. 1.23. Int. Nickel, .45. Kerr Addison, 2.46. Little Long Lac, 3.10. McLeod Cockshutt, 2.30. Madsen Red Lake, 1.38. Moneta, .71. Noranda, 74.87. Pickle Crow, 3.95. Preston East Dome, 2.14. San Antonio, 2.45. Sherrltt Gordon, 1.00. Uchl, .83. Bouscadlllac,, .04. Mosher, .08. . . Oklend, .13. Dominion Bridge, 37.50; . appeals. i,epriml iFrCnch Patrols ,aPS changes in improvement val- Jc- !Ic 1 -I - r- - Ba11oral3pwe4'brrVMathwo1 orty-alipwed by rVMatKcson Keeping Active were as follows: ' George Tyson, lot 3, block, 10, 'section 1, S720 to $400. S. L. Peachy, lot 22, block 24, section 5, $2625 to $2200. Mrs. M. Thompson, lot 8, block 33, section 5. $230 to $150. PARIS, Feb. 9: (CP) Steadily Fred Lanza, lots 39 and 49, block increasing French patrol activity 29. section 1. $2600 to $2400. on the Western Front Is reported in D. Campbell, lot 12, block 37, sec- military dispatches. tion 7. $775 to $500.. Mike Larsen, lot 26, block 9, sec-jtlon5. $1190 to $1000. j H. Simonson. lots 23 and 24, block 1 18, section 7. $1930 to $1800. S. J. Jabour, lot 23, block 9, section 1. $1485 to $1250. Ben Sampson (Littles Newsstand),- lot 15. block 1, PI. 1556, $560 to $400. Chris Berg, lot 11. block 14, section 7 5nnn tn tiinn I J. A. Clausen, lot 10, block 24, section 1. $1145 to $800. ! A. H. Hill-Tout, lot 12, block 7, section 6, $1695 to $1500. I M. Krook, lot 5 block 34, section 7, $1390 to $1200. S. A. Bird, lot 13, block 14, section 5 $1990 to $600. T. McClymont, lot II, block 27, section 7, $620 to $400. Today's Exchange United States funds Buying, spot, 10 percent premium; selling, spot, 11 percent premium. Sterling funds Buying, spot, $4.43; selling, spot, $4.47. TIGHT BOWLING RACE Canadian National, Recreation Association retained the leadership of the Commercial Bowling League last night by scoring a clean sweep three gamse to nil victory over Canadian Scottish while Gyro' Club kept pace one game behind in second place by defeating Angus Apartments, also by a clean sweep. Jack Paul of Canadian National Recreation Association wa3 high 'average scorer with, 198. Union steamer Venture, Capt. John Bodenj is due lrl( port at 8:15 tonight from the south and will '.sail at 10:30 pjn. on bet return to Vancouver and waypolnts. The; steamer Cardeha,, which Has been off for annual overhaul expected back on the run next week,