THE DAILY NEWs, —=— = ane ———— ——— —_——- conc a VF. 6, GAMBLE CONSPIRACY. HOLLAND WILL SMITH & MALLETT IS CHARG fem are WANTED: Plumbing, Heating, Steamfitting and Sheet Metal Work mue arrison 0. | — Phone itd" 2nd Ave. bet. 7th atime We have an immediate purchaser for one or two good lots in Sections Five and Six. Submit your listings. |Suffragettes in London Are Ar-| Latest Development of British al Estate and Stock Brokers | Paigned on Very Serious Charge; Postal Telephone § SS Lot 40, block 16. sec, 1, Price $6000. $2500 cash, balance Re | Now—Avalanche of Evidence} Cut Phone Rates by Mall, i For Sale 12 and 18 months. Look this up. APPROVED 4 AGREEMENTS | FOR SALE PURCHAS SED | Against Them. is Said. Change of Address Prince Rupert . and - Stewart Mr. and Mrs. Pethick Lawrence, Postmaster Samuels, speaking —— Second Avenue — | joint editors of Votes for Women:|at a dinner ; . onin on ‘ Telephone 83 : of the Associated SILVERSIDE BROS. hee to in- | Mrs Emmeline Pankhurst and|Chambers of Com in Lon-|form the public that they have as | Mrs Mabel Tuke were brought] don recently, Confirmed the re-|changed their address and are at r § up af Bow street police court on] port that he would shortly reduce| present to be found at 209 2nd]* _ — : = = s ———_—= 2 _marmeemsmsrmarmarmarmaty mstiprmnirmarnsrmmarmesrnearmarmarnes rmaemcrmeags ||! charge of conspiracy in con-j|the telephone rates by tween Eng-| street, between 2nd and 3rd aves a salt jnection with the recent window]land and France by half He is ; 4 oe ; ;smashing campaign in the streets} looking forward to ec ea ; tablishing of London. an Anglo-Duteh telephone serv. Paperhanging and High Class Archibald Henry Bodkin, coun-Jice, and through Holland he Sign Work a Specialty. sel for the treasury, produced ajhopes soon to be able “to be on Seen mass of documentary evidence,|speaking terins vith } Birk's Beautiful Cut Glass — which he declared unvéiled such fe aan deena Wh Cee and Pierced Silverware e 6 i] - re ae oy re a mischievous, extensive and de- 7 n ve ee et ee ee ee =| <3 i | General Merchandise - “ Largest Stock liberate conspiracy as must in- LINK UP FIFTH : “ie the j of the Is brought within reach of every as iaeieiieaiicinasliias . — sure committal ac- . z buyer in BRITISH COLUMBIA by cused for trial under the crim- | Light and Power -_ horougt “each ° I} Lowest Prices in Northern B.C. |)!" ian soovoo ae ac] AVENUE AT LAST) SES SSS 8 ss couch es? Hey Birks, & Sons /LYNCH BROS. | i} | | | | | | i less than $20, , he de { : For all coming soon. Estimates 2 8 6weddi asents f these clared, -had been paid by the de- elven vier canialiied atts edding presents rom ese 2 ‘ ae +++ _— —H fendants for hire of halls for|Wider Plankway Fit for Wheel electric light, Soeur bells, smal ‘ sao Y any ee ara Jewellers and Silversmiths at csehiaeltipewe wil meetings, the sole object of Traffic Will Be Constructed on water heating, etc. . Toren oe : a a nt . Geo. E. Trorey ~~ which was to instigate so-called] the Strip of Fifth Avenue Be- dn dosadict Ge ~~ = gen- ee erate prices. All goo is wil e Managing Director militant protests. He estimated tween Dunsmuir and McBride. ~ pe clescrinta pes re tat re Vancouver 3 B.C. Po the funds of the Women’s Polit- — W. R. LOVE Styrene Chon. Sie mOMey NT ee "8 : ical and Social Union, of which Tenders will be called for for Pulton Be and Ord A ‘ tioete adtiatad aa Gan thas: eo APAINA~F ihe defendants were leaders, at|the material and construction of P. 0. Box F eae ; aaa Sees : a $572,000. a plank roadway for wheel traffic} je ae 8) trated catalogue is the great me- “FROM HOME TO HOME.” continuing Fifth avenue on to ge dium between ee ayre and the 4 3 The people are awake to their]McBride street from the west a | a re ake for tao will be own interests. The end of ring|side. This strip of street has ¢, mate ree to your address. Skeena riding is in sight.Jbeen merely a foot passenger Che Stindard —_$ $$$ $$ track since the planking of Duns-| 6 muir street and there has been} an agitation on foot for a long} MONTREAL, HOTEL ELYSIUM Sid. Sykes, Manager The Finest, Newest and Most Up-to-date Hotel in Vancouver. Excellent Cafe. Moderate Prices, THE PEOPLE OF DREAMS. LAND PURCHASE NOTICES, time to have it brought into line| Pa ne - oH ——]with the dimensions of the reati THE STANDARD is tho Wational e I dream ay the nod days gone, of the street. | Weekly Newspaper of the Dominion Av the luck I still might find; Some amusement was ocea-|‘ of Canada. It is national in all its Skeons fand ee ee of “Coast i Take notice that L, CAROLINE JOHNSON, 1142 Pender Street West - - Vancouver, B.C. Phone 8500. But the lurin’-most times these]sioned in council when the report aims. of Vancouver, B. ¢., occupation twarried eyes look on of the Board of Works recom-| It uses the most expensive engrav- vena intend jo apply, tor SN enee ce ic ts g : : i (ire pr ‘ Be EU ee pee a urchase the Wid, eribe $ Are the years left far behind! a aca eee ne br ings, procuring the photographs from 4 Commencing at va) post “planted at nn fi passed, 1e Mayor said that the/ gy over the world southwest corner 0 0 » thence sou : } 80 chains, thence east 80 Chains, thence Aroo, how a Kelt heart clings principal reason for the widen-) fg articles are carefully selected and Lot Block Price | north 60 Chains to the southeast corner of fo the Dreamin’ and not the/ing was to let- the Anglican], : 4 and 2 16 89.400 acct Uns or tet sete, aun slong its editorial policy is thoroughly and 2 6 dz, south line of Lot 3062, thence borth 80 chains sone west line of Lot 3062, thence a o truth! Church have lumber hauled there ” . , ? Tees | Dk Mn independent, 17 16 $1,050 west 40 chairs along south line of Lot KAIEN HARDWARE COMPANY [)0° ‘atriaa’singe en eee iret nate” OF ee Rew Saal i pee wean weal ways and sings church hall. A subscription to The Standard Call and see us; we will give] ‘28 560 acres, MOre OF Ie88. SON, ‘ ‘ ; In the teeth av its wasted Alderman Douglas knowing | CSts $2.00 per year to any address in BS ae ae savin . KR. Carr, Agent. T NENUE JRAWER 1524 PHONE No. 3 ; ’ aes you a good deal on terms. ; , rr ee ee e youth! that Alderman Bullock-Webster | Canada or Great Britain. pet eee eT Q > : | has property more accessible by} ! srs’ Supplies Sheet and Plate Glass y| ! bE Sea Builders’ Supplies Plat at hi ec oe | We thravel too early or late this route than any other, laid| TRY IT FOR 1912 Skeena Land District—District of Coast Plumbers Supplies : ate Glass Mirrors Take notice that Kathleen Agnew of Mon- a HARDWARE Stoves, Ranges For the shpot where the sun-|great emphasis on Alderman} Montreal Standard Publishing Co, treal, occupation spinster, intends to apply Oils Tinware light glowed; Bullock-Webster’s supposed de-| Limi Publish G. R. Naden Co Ltd. ioe pone. redeeming: Pica Varnishes Graniteware And it’s niver the place where we|sire to aid the Anglicans by] ‘ imited, Publishers | ”? Commencing at & post planted at the The “Stay Satisfactory watch and wait pressing for this improvement,| | sree ever sian Posto San begun irae fe MONARCH MALLEABLE 7 ici ge That the rainbow meets the] But Alderman Bullock-Webster| a chains south from the northwest corner of rere road! quite vehemently deprecated any less to the “east bank of the Hocsali River, Irish Poems, by Arthur Stringer.| such idea. He frankly declared| mouth of Falls’ River. Slough. thence tol- that the plankway would benefit | | lowing bank of Falis River Slough easterly = : = = rl} % , id . lott } | and northerly to point of Comenenoeanent, 1m as 1 would a others hayv- | to contain acres, more or iess. KATHLEEN AGNEW. ! ing property In this neighbor- Augustus W. Agnew, Agent. E Eee hood, but maintained that he| 0x | : R ae ieee 1, 1912. would stand as stoutly for any | Prince upert Lodge L0 OF ra 9 eVele other improvement which he | = sic i a _ Ta hity RED IR | No. 63 Prince Rupert Lena are erT nent ‘ al and instanced the Borden street | @ Meets in the Helgerson Block valent sat pation broker a a sewer. | Every Tuesday Evening ici to apply, fof permission to pur O ern orce = F |BESNER & BESNER, Proprietors) All members of the order in the sn eS post planted om | she ; ee 0 rly THE M’MORDIE APPEAL | The New Knox Hotel is run on the European city are requested to visit Nelson Cannery, marked L. F.’s S.E. corner, ra] e | plan. First-class service, All the Latest Modern the lodge. thence 20 chains north, thence 20 chains e ree H | Improvements. oiele BEDS Sc UP rons, thence $4 ats Sout to eset : : i thence east along the shore to 0} Oty Raltitor Nomuranares 2 | FIRST AVENUE. PRINCE RUPER commencement, containing 40 sere tn more Defense—Some Claims Allowed. . ' 1 A. DOUGLAS, N. G. or less, casbsieeal ap ae = ———————= W. G. BARRIE, Sec. Dated Dec. 7, 1911. : a) City Solicit Peters is now Pub. Jan. 5, 1911 a DVERTISING has established a new preparing his fense in the Mc- F M DAVIS AT DAVIS’ ——— —— = ° . I h Mordie appea He has advised|* ° ° BOAT HOUSE F NORWAY Skeena Land Digeice psig of Coast gl order of things in commerce. t as the Council t ay into court as | Capea Machine Shop god Ship's s SONS O prpake Bpsice that fneustus Ww Adiaw. of fe) : © ° adinissible claims of McMordie’s | arpen ering, 80 agents Jor rair- |Meets 2nd and 4th Sundays at 7 ar. intends 0 aoply for peemleeiea: 16 usiness TO?- ag big ' eke | banks-Morse and Knox Gasoline | ~ ee ; oe gineer, intends to apply @ become a mighty power in b p g with the consent also of the C tity | Bhainea: Gasoline Engines and Ac- |P- m., at 3419 3rd ave. All Nor- Durchése the following deseribed lands: a Tess; a complex yet comprehensible trans- Hingineer sums amounting to| cessories carried in stock. wegians are welcome. southwest corner of Lot 635, Range |, ’ (mah RK. nit tine Coast distric ence sou S |e) . : . : $4,544.55 altogether, | Launches and Boats for Hire N.E. end of Wharf | or less to east bank of Hocsall River, thence fe mutter of many parts for the distribution fe The claims made by the con-}| 3 AB Spgs rE * ar Nae Sollowins., eid. enet Senh: ee e . : tractor which the city does not tee ee re then rollowing bank of said slough easterly = and selling of merchandise and service. Mil ctiow are $4,500, onsaboount .of| Cas A SPECIALTY === = @ , mum wage being made t AUGUSTUS W. AGNEW. @ ie th minimu vage be in mad | eorge own nehad Penruase fo 100n (a Its function is fivefold: bottle provides us with cold drinks i5 cents stead of 37 per| Saree Pub. Feb. 10. = with the weather at 90 degrees or fe} j hour, and $8,400 for neglect to S ill C Ltd Dressmaking and Repairing eg To enlighten or educate— to create gives us a warm beverage when Jack fa | Provide police Oe oat awml oO. * Cleaning & Pressing Work Done /Skeena Land District—District of Coast, } : es ; the amount claimed for toss of Take notice that 1, ‘Michas Be el new wants or to satisfy old ones— to Frost dips at 40 below. (es plant because the City Engineer'| hoe 800 HOPE of Victoria, B. C., intend to ap Sy tor Der? per- el protect and foster legitimate enter- sid not the: Anal cpetinvats Lumber 533 8th Avenue Prince Rupert mission | 16 | purchase the following “de- did not pass 1e é es ates. | scribe ands: fe prise—to establish a medium of yi | cc cing at ® post planted on the = Modern advertising has elevated | = = —= =! north side of Williams Creek, where the y @ understanding between buyer and the standard of erie ethics. It Even the holders of licenses are | kitunat begnch of the G. 7 we, Ay, expres : | illiams chains e) seller as a basis for mutual profit Alli tired of continuous threats and M wld; from the creek shore, thence south $9 el and advantage —to prescribe saat protects the: mimuurncepe, froKn: NPt- intimidation by the two-man gov- | o Ings cule Snes sss west 40 chains be calst me r , £43 ' ae 0 chains, thence we a nemnioal scien aa ro Sethian scrupulous competition and the con- fa] | ernment. hey are falling into} MA KE of commencement, containing 120 acres, = imitati ‘ . panks of the Liberals ever ee — more or less. fa of 8 Saad stantend of wuaiity, sumer from base imitation. It con the rank f the Liberal Me A large ateak of: Enis pMICHAS BEGANIS. fal serves trade—extends business—- day. t ing lumber on hand. Boat YOUR Dated Oct. $1, 191%. ’ fal None know better than the buying creates good will. It enables the cor- el lumber © Sema Delivery | a. ene Pub. Dec, @ al public how well these functions have poration, the manufacturer or private PRINCE RUPERT FEE FEED CO. MONEY Bisons’. Land Diderate—tstaikt: 6h Genie al been fulfilled. individual on trial to take his case al Our prices are as low as any. , hake notice that 1, faut (on peraissien z “ : | SS o ctoria, =) Mod a ‘ directly to the public, and to secure ian agatoes Call on us before ordering. to purchase the folowing describe lends: — : : : : ig stock o Commencing &@ inne a een hae Ce cag the publi’ judgment on his poticy FA] to mat, WORK — fa Aly hat a “a ) insl : arden Seeds, . Ue ee Sereaee rom the southea: corner 0 fal) eht into various manufacturing or character based purely upon their le ; Clover and Grain thence north 60 chains, thence east 30 g processes. The producer has taken respective merits (re) oT ae OFFICE; chains, thence south 60 mencemen = [ral] 6 * . * Seeds. F 0 R 30 ¢ bain. i 0) of . = , the consumers, into his confidence fe) : EMPRESS THEATRE BLDG. Van taining 180 acres, More or less. S and told us just how his mince meat, Modern advertising has opened up fe] | Mail Orders Promptly Attended to Cor. 6th St. and 2nd Ave. naied'oes Sa eee fel] : , ate &) his flour, his clothing, etc., is made. 43 fel} ae — YOU Pub. Dec. 9, a] ‘ , A new opportunities to the oppressed = - — el We know why certain things, should (2 ional Stock Food : ot a and poor of far-off lands. It has E Agents International Stock Food :- : ‘a mietsiad sinsenhia abt eae gl or should not be Advertising has ; : se ire) ’ —ALL KINDS OF FEED THE COUGH MUST BE CURED Skiake ‘notice that James Ewing Macrae, r pe ; turned an unceasing tide of immigra- =] if | or Vaulanver: cecupation real estate agent, 7) told us— broadened our understand- tion to new countries. It has de- i \- ni THE SYSTEM BUILT UP } By Buying Lots 1 to 5, Block’ 3 intends to apply for permission to pur- in i j Z J .N | ° . t a & and guided our judgment. veloped nations, and made the name EF LAND PURCHASE NOTICE | : , a, Section a $3,500; 426 secommencing, at 8 post planted spout al Modern , advertising has enabled of the New World a promise of better fa Skeena Land District — District ot, Cassia. eee ocr iki ee ge. direction from. dor Nyauth faaian L bout ; e thi north eighty chains, thence east us to unlock the treasure house of things among the people of the Old. attle, Wash., occupation woodsmian. | tn. | bar and Gna Tiwar Oil Spence Sore otenty « chai ae peter , fel] | tends to apply for perm a p Syrup of Ta ¢ thence west eighty chains “to of the world’s divinest melodies through ral the, following desc ribe “at ‘Slanted four, is to do this double duty. L ESTATE ? commencement. J the medium of the player-piano. All this advertising has done and al miles east of | the Meas duver and about | The Tar cures the cough. REA f JAMES ng macna, 4 e The motor car has lengthened the will continue to do. It is the ever- a tlenty chains, thence ‘fouth ‘eighty onan | The Cod Liver Oil strengthens 5 Dated Oct. 34, 1944, = . ; ; ¢ st hty chains ence ik =— I ; business day and brought the fra- increasing influence for the advance- a ence chains’ t0- olnt of commencetment, | the sy whee. is aia ; ind— Gq ; gents ¢€ | —— grant countryside to our door. Men ment of mankind—the most potent, ORT orn na Hutter, Agent. | 1. other combination is so success- | ] HAVE stan tale ae Shave in comfort in ten minutes where indeed, of the many forces influencing a Pah Des.’ 14. | ful as Mathieu’s Syrup of Tar | they used to take twenty. A magic human action. fay) | Scene Land District. District of Coast,! and Cod Liver Oil, BARGAINS a . ie naiets one, Me EDR Aah es| Se wondertul 16, thie resnety See a ie its lsd dando Advice regarding your advertising problems is available through is tO apply’ b. G., ocet on 10 purchase the that it is shipped each season in | EVERYWHERE eer, in aod tot vole for | pefnision 44 any good advertising agency or the Secretary of the Canadian fel} | rouowing described lands; ss as ine| Sat loads. Large bottle 35 cents. | Ons, Satan’. 10, Sere, Te aren oronto, En- er CONS at if Lot 5430 (be ) Sold everywhere. | Commencing at this {planted 1 1-4 mile east Press Association, Room 503, Lumsden Building, r d. fe Mication. to pur wane No 1083 ms District When headache and fever are present with of the Tyee Station, G GR P.Ry quiry involves no obligation on your part— 50 write if intereste (2 |} { st Rang Five thence south forty a cold take Mathieu's Nervine Powders to 271-4 miles east of Pri Foy. 0nd Se > | oe mane west forty chains, thence reduce the fever and allay the pain. J @ chaine. thence sant 30 ches enains. thence ‘ath pT fa) north forty chains shence © ast forty chains Mathieu Co,, Props., Sherbrooke, Que. | EK mains (nese oe dys velar, ieee fe] | 40 point of Comins neem Distributors for Western Canada. | e I E grade to paint of sommencement and con cres ae ee eee aT | ‘ : acres more or a | prbde ewe agent | Foley Bros., Larsen & Company, Inc., |$ 618 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert 3] |" "'* © ALFRED CHRISTIAN @ARBE Mea ae eae ee eae awe ee)2e/2)c) © ee nee | WINNIPEG VANCOUVER S8ASKATOOON) Pub, Feb 3, 1912 ,