r " v PAQC TWO "Hartt Shoes" Do you share with many the habit of cataloging people by the appearance of their Tootwear? We can think of no better way to spruce up for spring than to'order a pair of handsome new Hartt'g Shoes. Priced from $7 TO 12 EXCLUSIVE WITH Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes EDITORIALS MUST BE LOSSES So, far the British have suffered scarcely any losses except that of a lew ships. Gains have far exceeded the losses. It must be expected that there will be these tosses from time to time. However, the British have a way of profiting by their losses, so we must not take them too seriously. We have never made light of the strength tf the enemy in this fight! OUTLAWING COMMUNISTS It seems to us time that the Brirish government was taking steps to curb activities of communist? in that country. Doubtless, very soon Canadians will follow suit tsbut tin down on all subversive activities, especially from peoole who are not Canadian eltjzeris. It is rumored that there are men In this district who are sympathizers and more or less open supporters of the enemy and who declare that they are preparing to step into positions held by young men who are enlisting for overseas service. This should not be allowed. The closest scrutiny should be kept on the filling of positions of this kind. GEKMAN PROPAGANDA One of the propaganda schemes of the German high command is to set the terms by which they will make peace with the Allies and to set it so high as to be Impossible of acceptance. It must be remembered that neither the British or the French are asking for terms. They are prepared to fight on until victory i; secured. MacKenzies Furniture $ce MacKenzies' for this Mattress No Advance in Price Phone 775 "RUPERT BRAND" Smoked BLACK COD Smoked Daily J: !? l o P11 p. LaiMUtiffl riso a toiu oiorag Prlnc Rppert: Co. Lid. e British Columbia After Orimslon Jiad saved igilen-didly twice from E. Pierce he was beaten toy the same player. Mc-Grelsh equalized with a good shot AUSIES ABROAD CANBERRA. April 26: (CPI-Too many specimens of extinct Austral- Ian flora and animal life are scat tered aboard so the federal government will adopt the suggestion of 4 naturalists" club that fossils be kept here. HONOR OLD. STRIKERS LONDON. AdtU 26: (CP Three hundred and thirty-three survivors of tfie dock strike of 1889 are ein presented with Jubilee medals ov the-iTraasoart and General Workers' Union. fjoon old.mI'les! DELHI. April 26: CP Animal Transport i.MuIe) units of the Royal Indian Army have arrived In France uj De usea wiin tne British Exnedl- tlonary Force as In the First Great War Softball Meeting CITY HALT., MONDAY 7 p.m. All Interested, Please Attend CftSSIFjES FOR SALi. FOR 8ALB Baby chicks from vigorous new blood leghorn breeding stock. Unsexed $10.00 per 100, put' lets (97J $25.00 per 100. Also Rock and Bed chicks $12.00 per 100. Appleby's Poultry l'arm.Alls-slon City, BG. tf. FOR SALE--Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned up to noon on Friday. May 10th, for purchase of two lots and cottage belonging to Estate of Mary Dorothy Holland, deceased, and situate Port Esslngton Townslte. Tenders should .be marked Tender" and addressed Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, B.C. Highest or any tended not necessarily accepted. Terms--2S cash and balance spread over two years. OFFICIAL ADMINISTRATOR, Prince Rupert, B.C. dlO FOR SALE Five room house on two lots. Eighth Ave. East and Alfred Street. Phone Green 505. HOD WANTED I VACANCY THROUGH DEATH ' Rawietgh Route now open In Northern part of British Columbia. Dealer -who recently died sold there 17 years. Trade well established. Exceptional opportunity, Write at once. Raw-1 lelgh's Dept. B. C.-166-202-E, Winnipeg, Canada. THB DAILY NEWS Ar 'FiVF AUSTRALIAN FAREWELL llCTti a a BEST GAME ft TIRED FEET TRAMS J CANBERRA. T,- CANBERRA. April 26: CP)- Great Briuin STEP flve special trains carried -'wolfram and mi,,, OFSERIES FOR SOCCER se-2 the Australian Imperial1 unrtant to tin- Force on tl lhlr last Innvn h ttr . . . m'fnr , .... lis - " IIHb U V V f - Will U U I it 1 1 1 , J Wanderers and Heavers Play Three Irish Fmiliers. Canadian ScotlWi, barking for overseas. All soldiers J fore the wm Into With Spring All Draw in King Edward Ury Imm-k, vrivet ana rxavy wnc (imura a lux-uuy vucuiniu u irsuaw oew Football League Entered su luit'well duels In the best game to late of th series In the King Edward Slv football .league the .first nd second place teams, the Wanderers and the Beavers. played a three all draw. SPORi CHAT and then put his team ahead. The lead war not held J or lorn as Dav- JlaMut Jot DiMaco surreader-les put the teams level with a fhie ed uncendltiormlty l. the late Col. long drive. They got the ball Jaocb Ruppert. ownrr of the New ihrough again but off-side nullified York Yankees, two yean aui yes-the score- Then Pierce put his team terday. signing a 925.800 ewttract ahead after a preat -scramble but, when Ktmpert MM hira to "go with two minutes to go. McGreWi ahead and tR ." None of the converted Ormiston's reutre to We tyjiral Ruftmt Tanfare attended the score acaln. tfie siwln. and the beIHgerent Teams 131 Mangle was almost meek as he Wanderers-tJerstad: Teng, Dlx- confessed be had not not a bonus on: Elliott. Davies, Hebb; Bugg, e cemoa. Matrumoto, Hemmons. Bud Pierce. - Leland, Zbura, Scherk. "nrv- Ftlewx s Tbed through Beavers Ormlston: Bond, JIusoy; to a 12-0 wn ever the Swedish C Pilfold, Holkestad, Merudes; un to capture the Olympic Haugan, K. Pierce. McGrelsh. J-ckey chamnioFwhlo at Antwerp Wasch. Johansen. Murray. 20 Jfars ago today In preliminary The Wanderers' best players were SJn, Canads' standard-bearers Teh. Dixon. Elliott, Davies. Habb. walloped Chechoslovakia 15-0 and nd Bud Pierce FOr the Beavers Ormlston kept a irand froal. Bond and Husov were afe at back. McGrelsh. Holkestad, E. Pierce and Menzles were the best nt the remainder. The League standing: Wanderers 8 5 Beavers 8 7 Miple Leafs . 5 9 shut out the United States 2-0. NEW N.Z. PRIM ATT CHRISTCHURCH. N. Z., April 26: CP -The Bishop of Christchurch. the Rt Rev Camnbell West-Wat-l9 son. has been elected nrimate of the 17 Anll-vp Province f New Zea'and 12 "Tjffretilnfr a W Avei-iJ Ar h bi-hop of Auckland ViTS. y""""Tisssfcisfc",,,"1""k Five teams Irish Fusiliers. Canadian Scottish. Dry Dock. Velvet and Jtfavy-Jiave been entered In competition for the Senktf Football league this neasuH. M was announced fdiewlnc tlie -Vwtne law iiIrIU of entries. There wiH le a wrkHt hee on Sunday of feotaall eathustasts to set the grounds marked out and etfterwise in ha4e for play. ' The first competition this sea-kou will be the Stuart Shield series and it is expected to Ret under way May 7 New Folder To Be Put Out On Prince Rupert At a meeting -of the publicity committee of the Prince Runert Chamber of Commerce held last nltht In the office of the Chamber In the City IlalL a final revision was made of the matter to be Included in a new folder which Is being prepared for the purpose of advertising the city. The supply of the old folders has been exhausted nd the Chamber is being oniant-ly asked for information In regard to the port. Mrs W. K. Owyer. who has been ' lending the past few weeks In the ctty. sailed by the Prinee Oeorae iusf ni?ht on her return to Van couver Rinse them in BLUE to make them White Your wliite tiling wJU never turn eIlow if umi Ka)t uw lllne in the Utt rnie wsirr. Its .'!. S. II.. - I . . If" ! ' " make tlnte If & I "Iohjt while. LINZEY & DAVIES 1 Pke. Jif FlaKes, 1 Larte Bowl 1 Large Ulnso and 2 Lifebuoy Soap Castile Soap 10 cakes for Soap Hakes 3 lbs. for Laree 50 oz. Grapefruit Juice Malkin's Best Pork and Beans 3 for 25c Grocen FREE DELIVERY Phone S85-586 29c 34c 25c 25 c 24c L. & D. Tea- Is going Af over hlir 1h UUCf Corn Flakes 3 pkgs Wheat Puffs 3 for Malkin's Best Red Pitted Cherries Per tin 15c Nabob Baking Powder 12-oz. tin Nabob Tomatoes 2's, each Rice Puffs 3 for 25c 25c 17c 11c 25c & FOR WANTED MIWV MPK iiwwnnii pcti noiHbl Hh I Ht1 ' i vrrt ment ncii publ thcd 1 lye i ' vat mi Board Of by the Govemmem of Br i Continuing ANNETTE'S CLEAN-Of 3 3-d E SUitint I riflav. April ZUlh, Annette i OMrrint llrr PaMi. eiojs Value in Ia4'k' Wearinc Apparel. BHow tt Utifd a lew f tlw Many IUr:lm on ThU Sale Dresses Dresses Dresses Jacket dresses . crfe. nheer. prints, pMelt. whiti- 4 colors from 14 to 40. Values to C9 Of Clean Up Sale ?,UU SUITS -Mannish tailored soft, Uaes from 14 to 4 novelty stripes, trleotlne. series and worsted CIO Value in Mm n... it. cu jM.OtVi COATS All Sorlnit coaU lem,2S cent BATIIINO SUITS- VVomcit'aand tl'. e tm 14 t : 14 Values up to $3.M. Ci flf) V1,UU Clean Up Sale BLOUSES -Satins, sheen, all colors and all sixes Ql 49 Hex. values to tlSi. Clean Up Sale OX.i ITItSI S All colors Ineludlnf white. QP U Clean Up Sale HOSE Chiffon. aeml-ervlce. In all rolars. Hee vain. - gQ(J to 85c Clean Up Sale, per pair .. MISCELLANEOUS -Flowers. ooragc, brooohea. earrm 1 Q(J combs, powder puffs, etc. Clean Up Sle BEDROOM SLIPITJIS-Regular value to $185. u fJQP Clean Up Sale J ANT EN BATHING SUITS All half price. (Oct hi d;. 1 with a famous Control Laslcx Suit Annette Ladies' Wear Company 530 THIRD AVr.Mli: COAL NANAIMO WELLINGTON ALBERTA SOOTLESS BULKLEY VALLEY Albert and McCaffery Ltd. PIIONK 116 PHONE 1"