PAGE FOUR 4 I STtAMSlS I CCMMUHtCATaXj .'oaTeartvTl l fattft JswY EXPERT Optometrist & Watch Maker Now in Charge of Optical Parlors and Repair Hcnch Max Heilbroner JEWELLERY DIAMONDS For Finest CHINA, GLASSWARE and NOVELTIES Visit The Basement Store HOTEL ARRIVALS Petcr Loa- SeatUe; W. H. Jackson, , Dundas. Royal i Trlncc Rupert J. B. Soaton. O. Sweder ani r. l. W. Hargreaves. Victoria; M. Moxley, Barrett; A. J. Hipp and A. Gauthier, Stewart; C. II. Sawle, W. Bray, Port Edward; R. J. strong, Frederick Point;; Mr. and Ormes New Hazelton; W. Smith. Shirley; D. Campbell, Vancouver. Mrs. Pilsudny, Kitwanga; Bill WU-i iiams. Luscar, Alta.; Mr. and Mrs.' Dally advertism rr. die Dallj E. J. Haughey, Prince Rupert; , News is sure to bring Charles F. Benson, Hazel ton; suits yift Pioneer Druggists The Rexalt Store rhones 81 Open Daily from 8 a.m. till 10 o.m. Ii 83 Sundays and Holidays from 12 to 2 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. dally re- O n YARDLEY OFFER doth iT- 3 regular Tablets of YARD LEY'S famous English Lavender Soap . . . and a bottle of YARDLEY Lavender Perfume ... -, . ' 5 s m CANADIAN PACIFIC Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-Pacific To Vancouver via Ocean Fails and Way Ports S3. PRINCESS ADELAIDE every Friday 10 pjn. To Vancouver Direct S.S.Princess Norah April 8th, 18th, 30th, May 10th To Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway April 4th, 14th. 25th, May 5th, 16th, 27th Connections at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services Tickets and Reservations from W. L. COATES, General Agent. frlnce Kuoert. B.C. Your Coal Problems Solved We have in stock a well prepared carefully screened Coal to suit your individual requirement. As in coal, to procure the best in Lumber and Building Supplies Phones C51 G52 Were'fdesson ' you sAoftct tern, Woititf tot" Me test- . in ltd r ycwt '.- jam Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. SAND CEMENT GRAVEL IBARE KNEES ' NEWST YLE Short Skirt and Woolly Jackets In 1910 Out-of-I)oors Costumes By ADELAIDE KERR NEW YORK, April 26: CP Bare kry?e fashions are the newest thing under the style sun. They're the fashion mart s latest formula for comfort in climbing fences, bowling, golfing and tho like. They combine a short skirt cut off three inches abov? thr knee cap and long socks cut off two Inches below it and they leave your knee as bare as your face. "Made up" too with Just as artistic a touch. They're going tn give men a new reason for interest in women's fashions.. As a matter of fact the've been swiped from a page in the book of men's styles Men in Scottish kilts and Tyrolean shorts have been leaving their knees exposed for a good many years. So tilt your kneecaps, ladies, and step into spring's new kilts. They're ! meant for any woman with a! good trim figure, not lust thei youngsters. The skirts are of two kind a pleated version in men's wear grey I uannci or a circular cut of two-j toned beige checked tweed. Thevi That assembles the costume purse isniri. I Soecltlcations Include don't !l laugh a beauty spot, star or .crescent shaped, set to one M lof one knee cap. Now go and fall over the fence. OLD SHIP WASHED UP Timbers on Manitoulin May Those of LaSalle Phones 18 & 19 p.o. Box S7S ' Ice Cream Soft Drinks Tobaccos, Candy Mussallem's CONFECTIONERY Opposite Canadian Legion Night or Day Phone 112 Taxi Prompt Servicc-3 Heated Cars Dry Wood FOR SALE Spruce, Hemlock, Cedar PHONE 459 THE DAILY NXWS "I feel moo-ved to talk about KUM", aaya ELSIE, the Borden Cow. "Klim Is whole milk with all the cream left In turned into a fine toft powder by taking out all the natural mouture. Simply add KLIM to cold water whuk with a beater and you have a foaming bowtul of ddiciou natural-tasting milk. The Ideal milk eupply for every occasion. Stock up with KLIM at your grocer'a or drug atore." Idim 11 Whiff lets From The Waterfront come in a lot of gay colors-sun ' union stetfmer Cardena. Capt. yellow, tanager red. hunt green !j0hn Boden. is due In port at 9:30 and a soberer navy blue. TheyYe tonight from the south and will sail all worn over ribbed wool UghU : t 10:30 on her return to Vancouver of the same color as the skirt. so-and wajDOlnts. up wciiu-juriH over mac fence you have nothing to worry! C.P.R. steamer Princess Adelaide, about except the spot where you Capt. WittUm Hughes. Is due In Dort at 2:45 this afternoon from S.ocks c t, t To Match . tne vesse, j, at 1Q The socks 0f cable-knit wool ar v.. ... dyed in colors to match them knit and wavnotata. with elasticized tons to do awav with the problem of garters. Head- The boat Lorelei sold 3.000 pound, unes are small brimmed nnrt w.i.u... -4 tr-.-un . hats worn far back on the had- ., .... footnotes are oxfords with enrk u. w. t u and crepe rubber soles. at auction here for $4312. 1 except for beautiful knee.. Knee, DUNEDI uuriEDIN- V 12 z Arjril April 28 28 (CP CP have tQ be glorified if they're no- . ing to be so" much in vSTw. soo Tll 1T take ear nf thm . --. V a wealthy Scottish banker In soec al makeun tnr th.m . aold to a returned caterer t !. U VWU away in a bright little flannel dyed to match socks and MOUNTER MINISTER BRISBANE. April 26: (CP -The Australian Minister for the Army. O. A. Street. Inspects troops In the grend manner on horseback. H aopean at camp In unconventional dress for Inspections. I University of New Mexico, an expert on wood, is in charge of teats being carried on u Identify the wreck. Dr. Hawley is comparing 'pieces of wood taken from the wreck with wood from the Niagara, lie district where the Oriffon was I built An lrOfl hriif f tVan t i w rnnvu A I will WlC OTTAWA, April 26: (CP) More wreck hv Mr ... j.. ,i ... u uciiuuciy than 250 years ago, the Griffon, an identified in Paris as having been exploration boat sent out bv Rteur rnannfartiirA i ev,.. ... louwc uuvr mj de La Salle foundered in Lake Hur- ' the 18th century. The historian v.. xoaay nisionans stUl said a movement Is on foot to build are trying to identify the hulk of an a protective stone wall around the d vessel washed up on Misstate hulk. This would guard against the Point, Manitoulin Island, as the. Great Lakes storms which batter remains of the French advfmtnnM-'. the vmir ship. i. , oue waa noi on board the I unnon wnen she was lost. His explorations were ended a few years later when he was attempting to form a French colony in Louisiana. iRoy F. Fleming. Ottawa historian, said Dr. Florence Hawley of the tm' M'im'.MK col KT OCIWtlTlMll (OHM lilt IS I-KOIlATi: In the sutler of the -tdnilnl.lrallon Art" , And In ll.r ' Mall,, f of lrry TAKE NOTICE Uiat by orter of HU ... u., ui Apni, A. D. 1810. t waa -tea havins otaama again the aald JJt e required to furnUh anc. property verttlrd. to me on or Ml Parte, Indebted to the etrtate riL.T1 t Pr the a.iKmt of lnlWdnu to mo forthwith. wJo th tUy rf Ar,, A D-NORMAN A. WATT. Official AdmlnlAtrator. Prince Rupert. B. c NOTICE OF SALE UNDER MARINE ' MORTGAGE TAKE NOTICE that by virtue of the provision of the Canada Ship-Ding Art and pursuant to a certain Marine Mortgage duly registered and given by Nils Robinson to John for-fcon thc 5tn day February 1838. 1 have taken possession of and hereby offer for sale sixty-four-sUty-fourth shares of the vessel Toj-berg..' Official No. 158260 No. 41935 of the Port of Prince Rupert .British Columbia, which said Vessel lx now In mu Kinlmln v. - floats of Armour Salvage it Towing Comnanv Limited In the harbour of Prince Rupert, and which said vessel will be sold by auction at my office at the Court on the 29th day of April 1940 at the hour of three OCIOrlc In lh a Homn PATIiD at Pr,nce Rupert. B.C.'thls, 16th day of April 1940. I 8. A. NICKERSON. Sheriff of the County of Prince 1 Rupert and Marshal in' Admiralty. i 5. I LOCALS f Mrs. R. F Benson sailed last night on the Prince Oeorge for a trip to Vancouver and Seattle. Mrs. A. Antonelll sailed kit night on the Prince Oeorge for & trip to ' Vancouver. I C. H. Sawle. pubUfther of the Om-j lneca Herald, arrived in the city on jlast night's train for a brief burin -ess vUlt to towru Mrs. Oeorge Eckerroan sailed last might on, the Prince Oeqrgc for at trip to SeatUe ftnd eteewjiwe In! ithe United State: I It U announced at Victoria Uiat W M. Cummtngs of AHee Arm has been appointed a " JutUee of the peace. i Dugald Campbell. renraentative or Canadian Linotype Co.. after a i brief visit to the city In the eourm of one of hU perlodtaal Uivd j through the district, leaves on this evening', train for New Hazelton. and will visit Smith. Print Oeorge and other interior points on his way back to Vancouver. DOimi.N TROTS AOAI.V 1 OTAOO. N.Z.. April W: (CP-The price of petrol has been Increased six times In New Zealand since the outbreak of war. and stock and station agents here have put the cl k back 25 vear by using horses LAST TIMES TONIGHT 2 Shows. ?:00 k 9:00 Thrilling ami True! . . . How the Miracle of the Telephone Really Came to Pass . . . "THE STORY OF Alexander Graham Bell" With LOR ETTA YOUNG HENRY FONDA, DON AMECIIE (At 7:21 and 9:21) World News and Cartoon COMING SAT. ONLY Lionel ttarrjmore In "Secret of Dr. Klldare' Columbia Market Grand Opening TOMORROW 3rd Avenue. Opposite Sterllnt Marketllenry Joe, Proprietor Groceries We Speclallre In Fresh Fruits and Vegetables. Citizen of Prince Rupert arc invited to call and give us a trial ordrr THE OLD GARDENER FERTILIZER An Entirely New and Different Plant Food Contains Vitamin m The new remarkable plant Stimulant in the proper proportions, a mild Insecticide and further essential elements for a steady growth and a healthy plant life Try a Packet Today 10c, 2Jc ... Wholesale Distributor v. ii. .Maum Co. (P.R.) Ltd. I ii ka SMMBWHaSM r Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized Mirk VALENTIN DAJRY PIIONK U7 NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates 75c up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prlncs Rupert, R.c, Fb 21 P.O. Box 1 Quality That Satisfies SALAD T&A Baseball Standings National League ' W U Pet. Brooklyn & 0 1000 Cincinnati . ..' J l .750 PitUburg J 2 .830 New York 3 2 .600 CilleasjO 4 S .444 St. Louts 2 4 J33 Philadelphia . .1 3 50 Boston 0 4 .000 American League W L Psi. Cleveland 5 I JJ33 Detroit J 2 .114 Boston 4 2 .687 New York 3 2 .800 Philadelphia 3 4 .429 St Louis 2 5 a Washington 2 4 331 Chlcag,. j 3 1 lBH JAKINOOOIILI bm PERTH. Au, Jatlngoorli k. Yowaroo tnbe c Iglnes. U dead, T chief was 00. a i flru white m-.j rn Auntralian t;: D 1 ii r nt 4 I American Lttrit Detroit 4. 8t i Chicago 1 Ci-Ph'iadelr i w New York -B- - National Lrj--, Brooklyn 3 1': . Cincinnati 2 ' 8t. LouU to p Bos:..n 1 N a y t-J Seagram's Famous Brands SEAGRAM'S "VXX" Frkn fit if a. SEAGRAM'S "KING'S PLATE Iwtl'i rr SEACRAM-S "OLD RYE" from It al) This adverUsement is not publisher or d:p:r" 7 viimoi uoara or oy me Government of BrttUj C : u (Meet Her in a Meter Cab) DE LUXE METER CABS PHONE 13 Can Hide for Trice of Ont Attractive Pictures At Reduced Prices A wide, variety of framed pictures that we arc clearing out leforc new stock starts coming in. Limited quantity only featuring many different subjects and sizes. Just what you liavc been waiting for to brighten up thc odd corners 20 to 40 per cent Discount Sec Them in Our Store and Window