i ? e. ics refusing; to sell to the retail trade nrw fi v jf ordered by the fuel control board' ac;i! puniL p wiy running down their stocks at the. r prices, Pi..ifce Rupert motorists re faced today! he possibility of having to tie up their cars and tak- r nooi. iihh was ine situation as n appeared this l LUOOCiO r fininn a t 11 III t I VJUSkWAIAA aa i i ':- ame time. ulleti ns i i-v rviirn iMPi'vuiTitft' tit ef Great Britain and TOTU FOR WOMI1N town- m 1 lip IXII1IJIIIC "tu ui ipproTta ine diii oi , "urrjffura itouDoui gram- I I4f 'n.ii hle to women and 101 IjllSrMn ffn lnwal - 'HMWl If It VI MB t " DVnvriiv t i.i.-i. ' h led the Social Credit -r in inr tasi i-ariiamrni, ai fi here yesterday of ten n, i named leader of fw Tl. I 1 1. . - - 'MinnmrT rrnuu ill nic Ill 1 I l.K.t -w,jcr irom iiaiy, u is u, bit. . .T7T - " ii.i.i.i.ii iir.i.i.Ai.w HATTI I' t.n... r i.i. . . - hiu iu .i9if. in tiitf ar Janesu' with wife and seven ins oeen released on ii .i . . . -j landing Hearing or - ui laiunr to semi nis "i k scnooi, i,ocal nhysl- n. I . ..... . - tesiiucu mat ine am "Iflrlently sanitary to house IS T 1TAI.V fAUlS-Premler "nta '"a sni tnat France had ex- It they were not, It ull te Italy, fault. "SSKLSDefeated I" Par-'mfnt on an Issue concerning . '"""""I policy, the cabinet ' rrrmler Plerlot reslrned. Pler- hs been asked by King io rorm a new ministry. M l'AIS HOME GUARD Katmandu Hrnnl Anrlt Oft r i 'v. . . . . WO Dnenriea nt Npnnl snlrl I" offered Britain for wartime use r.vuuuiT reiievn rrnona in Tn. to serve overseas, A similar ar- mPlil n,0 WJ. In Ik. TTM.t r, , 4itvii; ti fciiw rush rt&tWar. ' ui morning roiiowing the going Into clfect of the lower gas prices. Of cour, there may be new developments at any time. , Last night the four local oil com-' panlej received telegraphic lnstrue-' Hons from head offices to cease celling to the retail trade. Before' t? Sit Transports and Supply noon today some of the city retail j snd 200 planes Lost in pumps were reported to oe nearly, Norwegian Campaljn lory. A few had already erased sell-1 lng. Others early thU afternoon' tftrt till ifra KiictnsM m iimal . flX'l April 26: CPi- Ac-, , -1 official estimates Just l"c rems,mn swc ve who. British naval quarters. ut at 26 cents for white gas and 28 had 28 transport and ce,,u SoT KM four cents lower Inj Mch M,c tha" ywterday. mink since commence- campaign In Norway.' Wholesale purchasers of ga are' jvo been hit and dam- 41111 ab'e to Bet their supplies and stations had been suspended. The j Cariboo Quartz, 2.65. Dentotna. .01 V. ilrvtew, .01 Vs. Gokl Belt, .24. Hedlcy Mascot, .43. Mtnto. .02. Noble Hve. .00ft. Pacific Nickel, .08. Pend Orlelle, 1.90. Pioneer, 2.20. Premier. 1.22. Privateer. -M. Reeves McDonald, .18. Reno, .23. Relief Arlington. .06. Salmon Oold. .03. Sheep Creek. 1.07. Cariboo Hudson. .03. Oils A. P. Con., .14. Calmont, 36. C. & E, 2.01. Freehold, .02.-Home, 2.60. Pacalta, .04. Royal Can., .18. Okalta, 1.10. Mercury, .06. Prairie Royalties .18. Toronto Aldcrmac, .25. ,07. ,,d' and Interests of Medl- 1 Ontrnl rentrnl Pi Pat.. 2.20. 'can peoples could be har- ' Cons. Smelters, 43 .u East Malartlc, 3.65. Fernland, .03. Franco'cur, .43. Gods Lake, .424-Hardrock, 1.01. Int. Nickel, 40.00. Kerr Addison, 2.48. Little Long Lac, 2.70. McLeod Cockshutt, 186. Madsen Red Lake, .42 Vi McKenzlc Red Lake, 127. Moneta,- .67. Noranda, 70.50. Pickle Crow, 3.00. Preston East Dome, 2.11. San Antonio, 2.30. Uchl, .65. Bouscadlllac, .03 Ji. Moshcr, .07, Oklertd, .06 W. Dominion Bridge, 35.50. Frr . the Wr Ulat K-v- s tn addlUon to the lh"e 1 no change In the price of nineteen cents to boat of warships as a re- RfII T I he German Navy has Vancouver Statement i I VI 1 1 I .!! AMP IIVS r has. in addition. lost A statement Issued In Vancouver in the Norwegian y the Petroleum Industries Feder-rough oombat and as Hn. representing nine major Brl-1 Allied raids on Nail air U1 Columbia oil companies. said t-- -y British planes were lnal gasoline deliveries to service Regime . action was taken roiiowing Attorney General Oordon WUmer's an- WASHINGTON, April 26: (CP) nouncement yesterday of a price cut conquests abroad are calling to effecUve today since the validity of the attention of United States of-the Fuel Board had been held by ficUU an Impasse created by the the Supreme Court of Canada. The United States' doctrine of non-statement did not say what further recognition ot territory acquired jetton the oil companies planned through tore, but It said the prices ordered were The doctrine enunciated by tor-below the cost and services hadjmer Secretary of State Hjnnr L. been stopped pending consultation stlmson Is piaetng the, United with the government to avoid pros- states in the position of refusing I euUon,rhCiSl&tenjent.s5ald esen- t reeofntt n erer-expditdtffg lu no demands to make mrmm wouia oe proieciea. TODAY'S STOCKS (GmnJ B. O Jahrwtoo fv) frltndlv hand to Italy. I nPnttlp. 1.1 Vancouver iki fc . . i 1 1 iff MKcniiri i wm --'1 IIU(J i, i BLICKMOKF. I.ILI)i:R portion of the world's area. At According to Canadian Press present, the populations of coun- shortages are reported in several tries or former countries tm- braced within the doctrine total 'around ISOjMO.OOO persons. j I The Ust follows: Manchoukuo.) 34JOO; Ethiopia. 7.900.000; Al-j Ibanla 1.003.114; Polan 3T347J0O; ! (Chechoslovakia. H.OOOjOOO; Chlna- under-Japan. 60.000,000. I Stlmson. Secretary of State un-' Jder former President Herbert i Hoover, staled his policy In Janu-' !ary, 1932, when Japan seteed Man-, Ichurta, and set It up as a so-; called Independent state named Manchoukuo. saying: "It (the United States does not Intend to recognize any situation,) treaty or agreement which may. be brought about by means contrary to the covenants and obllfra-l Jtlons of the Pact of Paris (the Kcuogg Anti-war racu. Monthly Plan Of I Collecting Taxes jls Being Proposed T-ONDON. tCP) The Montreal nripe of bar cold on the London iLnr Pnrarri c i 1 Tomorrows Tides Rupert and Queen Char- High 4:32 ajn. 19.1 ft. ,,U"t, inds Moderate to fresh ' ' j .Im.J,. .-..Ill, 17:55 pjn. 173 ft. Low 11:20 p.m. 4 3 ft. In temperature. i hange 23:35 p.m. 9.0 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITIS H COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER XXIX No 99. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, APRIL 26, 1940. PRICE: I CENTS r V Faroe! With Prnsnprt FRENCH POILUS MAKE IT TOUCH FOR NAZI TANKS Royal Air Force Bolsters Up s rp: - - -,.v Cars As Result Of V nment's Price Cut Order )ir 3 ?. meers are shown at work on one of the glsantic ditches they have constructed along .7 Frciit as a barricade against Oerman tanks. The ditches are Am w.in teep waits -.ait a droa of about 15 feet and a.aice-lhem easy prey for the anti-tank guns. Of Force For lSO.OM.OaO In World Today 00O03CKKfa0O0O00OOO0OO0CKCH300O0OOEWSCfmMJOtJOO0OCKMJOOOO ON WESTERN FROTN r.niS Allied artillery brckc up German workin; pafties tntrnctint breastworks In the Saar Val!ey. accordin); to an official French communique. A German pjtrol frll into a trap in the Yusse Mountain sector and suffered heavy casualties. The lrench clal.n naVal and land successex over the enemy. INVOKES NEUTRALITY ACT WASHINGTON President Roosevelt has Invoked the neutrality act against Norway, admitting that it Is in a state o war against Germany. This places Norway on a eash and carry basl like Great Britain. France, Germany and other bet Ilzerant natmns. A'Sio.wojros loan wnicn was xo nade to Norway is cancelled. Bank advances to that country are made illegal. Recruiting in this country fot the Norwegian army ir forbidden as is outfitting of armed Norwegian ships and travelling of Americans on Norwegian ships. NAZI SHIPS liLOW UP MAL.MO, Sweden Two German freighters between Malmo and Copenhagen are reported to have been seen blown up. DENIES STATEMENT WASHINGTON Senator Key Pittman, chairman of the United States Senate foreign relations committee, denies having said that "The Allies must chase the Germans out of Norway within thirty days or lose the war." The newspaperman responsible for publication of the statement insists this was what Pitt-man said and that further he authorized publication ot Ketchikan Uses In an address before the Prince q 1 1 Rupert Rotary Chib at IU weekly trCCt OPfinKier luncheon yesterday, with coionei j. W. Nlcholls presiding, R.S. Gilchrist. city commissioner, stated that Necessary to Lay Dust After Warm he was working on a plan whereby i and Dry Days taxes could be paid monthly ln-i 'stead of yearly as at present. He) felt that such a scheme would maKe aKe HUGE WAR ORDERS WASHINGTON, D.O The Allied purchasing mission announces that, during the last two weeks, contracts for $100,. 000,000 worth of United tales airplanes and engines have been made AMERICAN KILLED ALBUQUERQUE, New Mexico Harry B. Wilson, who served with the Princess Patricia Canadian Light Infantry in the First Great War, has been killed while serving In the Norwegian war, according to word reaching his home here. KETCHIKAN, April 26. It has; Francois Lake Man Fractures Leg By Tractor FRANCOIS LAKE, April 26. John Its Strength In Norway War; French Foreign Legion Lands Struggle For Control of Area Between Oslo and Trond- heim Continues With Latter Port as Main Objective j LONDON, April 26. Greatly increased activity of the Royal Air Force and landing of crack units of the French Foreign Legioa at Namsos to fight alongside the British and Norwegian forces are thp latest developments :in the Scandinavian war. Control of the key port of Trondheim on the west coast of Norway still appears to HAVE LOST WAR TRICK IN NORWAY Great Britain Freely Makes Ad-mission But Is Confident Of Ultimate Outcome Of Battle For Trondheim LONDON. April. 26 but expressed confidence in the New York Stock Values Are Off Industrials Morning Trading I be the principal objective of both sides. Heaviest fighting continues in the valleys between Hamar and Trondheim and Roros Is reported today to have been recaptured by the Allies after having been In the hands of the Germans for a few hours yesterday. The Allies also Claim a victory at Storen south of Trondheim. With the co-operation of pursuit j planes, British warshipa were to- Ma rpnortprl tn ha fnrrpH their way into Trondheim Fjord past German batteries. There was also further bom- CP) Mill- bardment of Narvik to the north qckh30oo.kkkoockk?okkohkkkkwiuc tary sources today conceded the and Oslo to the south. a a 0 the "first trick" in Norway1 involved! War News o A British statement said that flprtnan hnrntwri orp trrlnir f r o cutcome ot a decisive battle for find that they are not entirely o Trondheim for which both sides Immune to resistance from British g are concentrating men and guns., fighter planes." The British planes n At th same time the War Office are reported roaring away in large said that Allied troops, heavily en-'numbers from aircraft carriers in pH-m south of the key Norwegian' addition to which a base has been railway point of Dombas, had been established on a frozen lake. A forced to make "limited with- major improvement all around in drawals." 'the Allied position was reported The Air Ministry announced that today following yesterday's re-British planes and anti-aircraft 'verses although further Allied re-suns downed eight enemy planes treats were later Indicated. Oer-and damaged nine others in Nor- man attacks on new Allied posl-way yesterday. It was stated that Uons in the Steinkjar area have five British aircraft were missing been successfully repulsed. :and others damaged in bombing Today's Later Reports .attacks. . Late today the Norwegian front haVebcerT ' "!oav ac Knouns.iiv a -reporrea-naa Become quieter with both mat aniisn troops were moving siaes aigging in ror a major battle south to meet a mechanized Oer- involving communication between ,'man column driving toward Tronfi- Trondheim and Oslo. ,heim. I British military authorities are Advices from Roros, reached reported to have admitted that yesterday by the Nazis, said they the Germans may possibly suc-had been held up and had with-1 ceed in Joining up forces at drawn to a point ten to fifteen Trondheim with those driving up miles distant where they were dig- from Lillehammer. This admission ging in. came in connection with the of- I Reports reaching Swedish news- ficlal announcement by the British papers In Stockholm late today in- War Office that there hat been a dlcated that Allied - Norwegian third retreat by the British forces .forces on the front below Trond- today near Dombas after a sharp ,helm had inflicted considerable engagement with strong enemy losses on German advance units, forces. This retreat follows siml- , forcing them back five miles south lar strategic withdrawals from of Roros. Allied troops, coming Steinkjar and Lillehammer. The down, the Glomma Valley from a strong Gernyn forces at Dombas concentration point at Storen. received effective support from brought light artillery Into action artillery, tlKjhanlzed equipment and were aided by reinforcements and low-flying aircraft. I of aircraft. The German aircraft have been .playing an important part In the j enemy successes of the last few Idays and It is t0 combat this that jthe strength of the Royal Air j Force in this area is being .strongly bolstered up and more effectively organized. I In the event of the German e connecting between And Rail, Off This up In First Hour Of ,Ir?n(?el? 0n thAf Y!St 5st a?2 wsiu iu. uie souin ine nines wiu I reorganize the campaign with a . view t0 holding northern Norway . NEW YORK, April -Trading for the first hour on the New, MeanwhUe the startegy on both York Stock Exchange today to be ,n f amounted to 260.000 shares. The ouPtflanking movements with Industrial at closing average was, dM h m ,148.12, down .36. and rails, 30.79 . ",foraot' .u,m, t lng in alternate claims of I down .18. Bethlehem, declaring a vic- ., Hrv hP h i.et. Zelkle. tractor driver for the pro-i .u.j f.. lonws engagements, the payment of city taxes seem Jess to in!.ini.i,.i n.nr.r)m.n Department m- of P,ihn Public wnrv Works, ! .,. .L v formidable than at present. The scheme had not yet been adopted by any municipality In British Columbia but it was possible it might be arranged. The formal election of the newi officers of the club under ur. weai Carter as president took place but the new officers will not take over for a couple of months. Quests at the luncheon Included W. T. Moodlcrgencral superintendent of the C.N.R.. Norman Nelson, M, H. McLean and W. Llsson-Smlth officials of the B. C. Packers. BAR GOLD few days that it was necessary jvlnclal sprinkle the streets yesterday to, broke his right leg above the knee lay the dust. Halibut Sales Summary American 59,000 pounds, 9c and 7c and 9.1c and 7c. Canadian 17.900 pounds, 9.1c and 6.5c and 9.3c and 6.7c. . K. Y, market was unchanged today at Daniel S $37.54 per fine ounce. 6.5c. American while engaged in loading a disabled I tractor on a truck. He was Immed iately taken by Verne Taylor to the Burns Lake Hospital where he is reported to be progressing Weather Forecast Ilene. 37.00. Storage. 0c and 7c. I General Synopsis The pressure Federal, 22,000, Storage, 9.1c and 1 Is high from Vancouver Island 7c. I southwestwards but low off the Canadian north coast. The weather cbntln- Atll. 14.000, Storage 9.3c and ues mild in British Columbia with 6.7c, i?nn &Hln 0 1. nA fit. iivu, niuui auu u.uv;. 2200, Atlln, 9.1c and showers Inland. , West Coast of Vancouver Island-Fresh northwest winds, mostly fair and mild. largest profits In recent years. TODAY'S WEATHER Prince Rupert Overcast, south west wind, two miles per hour: vis Landings In Southeast It was reported last night that 'the British had been successful in landing mechanized forces to the 1 extreme southeast of Norway near the Swedish frontier to drive against the Germans in the at- Iblllty eight miles; barometer, 29.- tempt to foil their effort to sllci 84 (falling); temperature, 45; seajacr0ss Norway. smooth. I German authorities claimed to Triple Island Overcast, south-; be mopping up in the Bergen ar?a, west wind, eight miles per hour;! making further advances from visibility, 25 miles; light swell. Oslo towards Trondheim. Eleven Langara Island Light showers, British planes are claimed by the southwest wind, five miles per hour; Nazis to have been destroyed yes-vlslbHlty, 25 miles: barometer, 29.-terday. As a result of German 87; temperature, 44; sea smooth, j bombing attacks, It was further Dead Tree Point Overcast, calm: 'claimed that two submarines had visibility, fifteen miles; barometer, been sunk In the Skagerrack with 29.90; temperature, 47; sea smooth, a mine layer and transport driven Vancouver Raining, easterly ashore. A destroyer had been set wind, five miles per hour; barome- afire and another damaged, the ter, 29.76. Germans claimed, '