i Si ' i: FOUR 1 CIGARETTES C 8 i Howard Phillips, son of B. T. ArmmnnnirH hv hpr mnt.hpr Mrs Waterfront Whiffs New Cannery Work Here Starting Preparations for Halibut Season Heavy Tourist'Traffic Anticipated Nelson Bros. Fisheries Ltd. are about to start instal t, ru tQOu ilng arrived on the Princess Adelaide at Old Massett which is be- to' cannery F. H. Legh, who came north meet her, Miss Legh will proceed Tuesday afternoon by the Catala to her home in North Vancouver to recuperate. PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK Shipbuilders and Engineers Iron and Brass Castings Electric and Acetylene Welding Specialists on Sawmill and Mining Machinery All Types of fias Engines Repaired and Overhauled ing dismantled and some came from Vancouver. With the fishing ordered closed both in Prince Rupert Harbor and Laredo Inlet, down the coast, after heavy runs, herring seiners are' now scouting around in search of new fishing grounds and are picking up a fpw fish At sen t.tprpri nninr! Romp a Kfr ni imTT 1 nri ' AINLI Orilr I AIU;have shown up at Butler's Cove. It ! is expected that all herring seining j in the district will shortly be ord- I ered closed. The reduction plants have put up a good yield and, ap parently, are about ready to close . down as far as herring is concern ed. Preparations for another halibut fishing season are getting well under way at Prince Rupert. The International Fisheries Commission lj S P flE? 1 Clearance 2 Only Flat Top Maple Desks jg Qg Clearance 2 Only Writing Desks 19 QC r, Drop front. Each JJL.7c) Clearance 3 Only Chiffoniers QUI QC Walnut finish. Each Clearance I Only Six-Piece Hrcakfast Q-fl CA Suite eJU Clearance 1 Only Six-Piece Dinette 00 Clearance 3 Only Tabic Lamps Glass CO fi)ff base, cdmplete with shade. Each . . v Clearance 2 only Linoleum Hugs Q17 Aff Size 7x9. Each .. V O0 Clearance 2 Only Fcltol Hugs 7x9. QA Off Each , JitiJe Clearance 1 Only Inlaid Linoleum QQ ffZ Size 6x9 $0.Je ELIO'S FURNITURE STORE Green 916 THIRD AVENUE Store Hours 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Coal! Coal! Coal! Winter winds awn &rechillijig. nna your co&Jbin needs refilling Foothills Bulklcy Valley Nanaimo-Wellington We arc equipped to supply any of these coals promptly, carefully screened and graded to size rhoncs C51 652 Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. NEW CENTRAL nOTEL ANNEX Second Avenue Housekeeping: Apartments (Hot Water Heated) Mrs. C. E. Black, Proprietress (Central Hotel) SHOOTING GALLERY Adjoining 1DOKA ROLLER ARENA 1 MB1 ,11 ii H He will be the has not officially announced the h has been TJl0 nnPhnrinHpi active manager of the new cannery date but there appears to be little when 11 into this City Hospital, arrived in the city fes operation on the Prince John this morning. I eason; Somf ?f e machinery to I oeing Drougm irom ine company s doubt that It will again be April 1. With market conditions favorable. there Is reason to believe that 1940 as far as prices at least are con- cerned, should be a very good one. This, of course, will tend to make for intensive fishing by possibly more boats than usual, thus cutting down the production per unit for" the season. With the war eliminating European travel practically entirely, It is expected that there will be a bumper tourist movement to Alaska this summer. The number of people being handled, it is expected, will be limited only by the ability of the steamship companies to provide accomodation. The Canadian Pacific Railway, It is reported, is arranging for a number of extra voyages. The Canadian National Steamships will be handicapped through the flagship Prince Robert having been requisitioned for war use. The steamers Prince Rupert and Prince George will be operated as usual on the Alaska route. The Gait freighter Salvor, Capt. Albert Georgeson, which was due here this week from the south with general cargo, dropped her rudder shortly after leaving Vancouver and had to return to that port where she was taken on dry dock. She is expected now to arrive here about the end of next week. The American fish packer Magnolia has been at the local dry dock 'for the past week undergoing tem- .Ketchikan to Seattle. The vessel I was in a leaking condition after) striking the rock and was given as-i sl-lfance by the Armour Salvage, Co.'s salvage boat Bonilla which! brought her into port. Following the temporary repairs, she will resume the interrupted voyage to Seattle. I It appears that the Magnolia fail-' ed to give advice that she had put1 received here last night. Union steamer Notice THE DAILY NEWS Saturday, MarcK 9, Letter Box 1 WORD OF THANKS , Editor, Daily News: A friend of mine has shown me I your editorial protesting the recent attempt to ship Canadian wheat to 'Vladivostok. I desire to send this i word of thanks and commendation 'est and Masters and owners of all vessels under 120 tons nett are advised to apply for RECOGNITION NUMBERS at Harbour Master's Office bringing Registration or License Certificate. Any vessels not Registered or Licensed should ap- iply immediately to Customs House Iporary repairs following a strand- if or1 naners. Vessels will not be Der ing in Grenville Channel late last mltted to sail .unless papers are ih week while she was enroute fromiorder. I J. R. ELFERT. Lieut-Commander R.C.N.R. Chief Examining Officer Prince Rupert, B.C. '!Vi:UNMi:XT I.KJIOK ACT" (Srotlcn 28) Notice of Application For a llocr l.lceiKp Notice Is hereby given that on the into Prince Rupert. This led to 20tl fay f March 1940 the under- alarms and reports being sent out TPL S that she was missing. Inquiries were of premises being part of a building 1 Known as Skldegate Hotel, situate at ISlcWeate. Graham Island. British Ool-I lar but, because United States does ft it, is no reason why Canada snouia follow her example". I suggest j that, in this respect, the average X American agrees with you and to that extent Is superior to his gov- ernment. As I write, I see the fol- lowing item in the news-columns datelined from New York (API J FVh 26 "Martin Thomas Manton, 'who a year ago occupied the high--J most venerated judicial from the other side of the coun- post in the nation, short of the Su-try because I am very certain thatpreme Court itself, probably will the suggested "deal" would cer-ienter prison within a week to tainly have materialized, but for serve a two-year term for. selling the fact that Canadians thorough- his integrity for cash." Phillips, Indian Agent for the! lation of machinery for the salmon cannery the concern isily disapproved of the proposed some far day, Mr. Editor, the ... . . . . . .. , . . . i i i iM! V!.. !.. jt 1 1 i r mi 11 1 j -. l a t u i Queen Charlotte islands, arnveain esuiuiisning in me ocean (10CK at rrince KUpert. Tne in-: transaction ana ine iurmer lati. same coae win wiaen out to imer the city on tne ranee jonn mis morning from Massett. sr.nllntinn work is tn hp riirprtPr hv H Athicnn whn rrmiof a free press with free men on national relationships. a 4.1. s- 1. C it ... 11 it,., , the editorial front. Toronto. J. 11uik.11 who iwik iiuui 1 oiikuuiu lui LUC UI IV. JWLIUti U Nelson, one of the heads of the firm, is also on hand, hav- Just a further comment: Your editorial says "That may be all right for a thoroughly commercial CANUCK. ' I j When Captain Howard Fairbalm of the Fisheries Patrol, ooat 111a was ized country whose god is the dol- in port at Queen Charlotte recently S ' itn jLjl 3 TONIGHT ONLY 3 Shows, 7:00 and 9:20 Warner BAXTER In "Return of the Cisco Kid" (At 8:07 and 10:27) PLUS Jane Withers In Chicken Wagon Family (At 7:00 and 9:20) Coming MON. TUES. WED. Errol Flynn, Bette Davis in "PRIVATE LIVES OF ELIZABETH AND ESSEX" (In Technicolor) he reported that lately there had been a very heavy run of herring in the vicinity of Pacofi and that the plant there had been running day and night. No definite date had then been set for closing the season in that district, It depending on when the herring seemed ready to spawn. It Is expected that March will see an end of the herring sein ing there. WORK WANTED WORK WANTED Capable girl wants housework. Apply Daily News. .58) FOR SALfc FOR SALE Terms: strictly cash: Lots 9-10, Blk. 11, D. L. 369, Terrace, Hugh M. Adams Estate, $500.00; Sub Lot 1 of Lot 1429, Range 5, C. D. Lakelse Road, 10 acres, Peter De Boer Estate, Caraena Can umbla- "P011 lands described as FOR SALE 15 h.p. Vivian gas en- John, Boden, arrived in port at 3, Queen Charlotte Islands, according 8:15 last night from the south and 1, 94?V.J1 RTrt Regls: remained here overnight sailing at ' British Columbia, for the sale of beer 7 o'clock this morning on her re-.by the glass c by the bottle for con-1 turn tn Vnncniivpr orH ,olt., ' sumpUon on the premises or else-l ,, JJV,.,.V. where wnere The vessel had her calls to make In the Skeena River after leaving here. Having been delayed by heavy freights and extra calls, C.N.R. ss. THE SEAL of QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon cnnlnr company with an all the year round payroll la Trlnce Rupert Dated this 16th day of February 1940. F. DALE, Applicant. Notice of Intention to apply to I ; MINERAL ACT Notice To J)-llnitent Co-owners To John V. Alden Bud fl under nirkt-land of Srattle, Washington, U. 8. A.I WHEREAS there are owners other than myself to the extent of more i than one quarter interest In each and 'all of the Star No. 1, Star No. 3, Star No. 3, Star No. 4, Star No. 5, Star No. 6, Star No. 7, Star No. 8, Star No. 9 and Star No. 10 Mineral Claims situate on the north side or Porcher Island In Chlsmore Passage about 6C0 feet from the beach In the Skeena Wining Division, Province of BrlUsh Columbia! I TAKE NOTICE thai unless you do pay within 00 days from the date hereof the sum of 1537.50 being your proportion of the expenditure required lor the years 1937. 1938 and 1939 by Section 28 of the. MLneral Act. R. S. B. C. 1938, Chapter 161, together with all costs ox this notice, to the undersigned, tlie registered owner of said Mineral Claims, your Interest on said MLneral Claims shall be forfeited and become vested In the undersigned who has made the required expenditures. DATED at Prince Rupert, B 'C. th! sin aay 01 July, 1939. ' E. B. BERNKT. : CUllFiEO i : : it COMBINE Spring Hats SMARTNESS . . . The Latest Stylings COLOR ... All the Newest Shades DURABILITY . . . Made From Finest Fur Felts Mil By Stetson AT A PRICE YOU CAN AFFORD TO PAY The "KENSINGTON" fiP Unlined . O.UD ThcSCK:: $5.00 The "STETSON SPECIAL" jg QQ Watts & Nickerson HOSriTAL MEETING (Continued lrom Ptge One) Olive Gordon to act as lady taper- inienaeni during her absence The finance committee thrcag. t. A. MacCallum. ' renortprt r-, $100.00; Lot 20, Blk. 11 S. 6, this year whereby correspondence, hafJ h , hP"al ..fT'"" da3 T Prince Rupert. Oeorge Macklin instead of being read at the fVPhn,, II I ' "y " ")51 Estate $900.00; Lot 4, Blk. 37,'monthly meetings, would be re- " , p" ' da .90. Disbursement Is spr s PrinW Rrt T n Popi f0rrH Hiro.t tn hD ,mmi.t,in. t. Estate. $125.00; Lot 3053.' Cas-'terested who would report onsamc SJ-niS rZTf exPend'tu" of WIT. siar, 103 acres, situate near Aly-,to the board. It was hoped by this ca.pltaJ inn.'mDo Mfs- Landry reported for th-U- nnh wm RtPrt f.,f.. tn c, Hm anH v,wm nn- ii,hHiMH n,rti, T.t kc dlcs Auxiliary to the effect L - uo.wtoo. ,h, l,cr..0l V,l, U1 J ,,.v.. 2199, R. 5, CD., 142 acres, and cot- The fire chief, H. T. Lock, in his "r1""' . 1 " "",ua tage, Estate Neil McCarthy, report for the month, stated that $300.00; Assd. Lot A of Lot 5,,the fire alarm systems were in good J"?"' at of "f at A A of of Lot Lot 6, 6, order order and and housekeeping housekeeping conditions " ' ' " Blk. 2, and Assd, Lot Blk. 2, D. L. 45, Port Essington, satisfactory. Estate Mary D. Holland. $200.00; A letter from counsel for thees-Unsold portion Lot 3822. Cassiar,tate of the late Arthur Sutton re-( Alice Arm), and cottage, Estate quested the board to give consent Mary as administratrix of tf. the estate, the consent being given. FOR SALE Babv chicks from viz-1 Granted Holidays yielded a profit of $190 which n lot; mj piuvme aiA uvfiuru ta for public wards. The question of whether 1 T3nn tl T3i4 . ..... a 1. ' ;.. van a uiujr, A-IUV KZZlll. John W. Strombeck. $500.00.- to the making of Mrs. Katherine ShUfld ,be.u8lvfn 'V11 tlm'' e": ? Offiriai Official :Adminlstrator, Ariminicfrotnr tJrin... Prince u Sutton q,. . ji-i.hl4i- - nient at the hospital hospital was was bir; brer Rupert. B. C. up and referred to the ext:: committee. It was suggested to she might spend part of her t's orous new oiood leghorn breeding AIie 'aay supennienaent. Miss with x-ray work and par in to stock. Unsexed $10.00 per 100, pul- Harrison, reported the hospital 'secretary's office, lets (97) $25.00 per 100. Also falrly full and w0rk going along A $10 per month increaw ti Rock and Red chicks $12.00 per smoothly. Miss Harrison was given Kenneth Laird, one of che order-100. Appleby's Poultry Farm, Mis- permission to take her annual va- lies, was granted in view of hlsei-sion City, B.C. tf cation starting March 18, Miss cellent service gine in good condition $350. Apply boat Hekia, McLeans floats. (59) HOARD AND KOOM FIRST CLASS board and close in. Phone Black 965. Ltd. FOIINIV WANTED PERSONAL room, tf. . .. l ri"Le I FOUND Two kevs nn rlnir ntrw n-i t i n -. . . I in tne uuren nhnrlntit nittrl.t f . " o - w. v e -onn, uapi. ssen McLean, the f Reco; dTH News Stand. Owner may have, finally arrived In port at 8:30 this vision,. and situate at the entrance to same by paying for this adver I morning from Vancouver via the ?!ln. Harbor, b.c, taat of George Point, tlsemerit rt' Queen Charlotte Islands, between 2?&2 ft- two or three days late. The vessel summon, cf Naden Karbcr. b.c. occu- rOK RBN J' will sail on her return south over pftlc" "y Manager, lritends to ap-, , the same route at 6 o'clock tLe?- ,,- f fo"ow,ng M- F(?R REN,T" class slx-room enine. She has vet to makp a call oomendng ?.,t a veft planted a,t the noUi. three bedrooms, furnace. at Port Simuson to dlschartrR coal. ? 5rrfr- I43- 9- c- Isv thence. Modate rent. H. G. Helgerson " uii.uiifiriy iucTig jii'gn waiter marn to the I S W o-rni-r L-it 443; thense westerly to " " " . Low Water Marie: ithence northerlv ftloroj low wajer mark 15 chiln more or less; itr.ewe northerly to point m v..uiKiwi?pm--!iii and con,;alnlng 2 crt miore or le?s. SAMUEL LEONARD SIMPSON. uaitea February 21st, 194Q. (60) WANTED Small furnished suite or two light housekeeping rooms, starting April 1. Reliable tenant. Reply to G. J. Haughey, Room 3, New Royal Hotel. (63) , HOW TO GET A GOVERNMENT JOB as Letter Carrier, Postal Clerk, Customs Examiner, Clerk,! Etc. Free Booklet. The M. C. C.I Schools Ltd., Winnipeg. In Canada. No Agents. Oldest YOU can run a Home Kindergarten with our help. Canadian Kindergarten Institute, Winnipeg. Manitoba. tf. SAVE y2 On DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES If it's made of rubber, we have it li Price List and Booklet "Perfection tn Tli-ntAAHAnlf . . . ' in i lunuiun nee uu request, in Plain, Sealed envelope. IMPERIAL IMPORTS (Western) P. O. Box 227 Vancouver, B.C. EASTER NOVELTIES A truly fine selection of chocolate novelties. Never before featured in the city 15c to $3 Any item reserved till Easter on request. Make your selection while the assortment is complete SYMPHONY EASTER CARDS An excellent assortment, reasonably priced 2 for 5c 5c and IQc Ormes Ltd. "Jm Pioneer Druqrists The Kcxall Store Phones 81 & 82 Open Dally from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12 to 2 p.m. and 7 in !1 D m. aHllKHitaaiW0lKHWlHl