The Daily News pile Stop Got Hii Number—It Was 83, 736, 492 a —Drawn for the Daily » ews L. = . UF — 2 Custer ees come ast OMe STs et CREEPS |} TE SPEED wert Ont S-ee |. ai. ona oo oT on 5 tf “Fi : “The News” Cl ! c t e News” Classi ! ij if ge Mr. Ang ii nee i : ij ee w -*. ~—_ ——— 3 i TOr = |] i; 2 : a ij ‘> THE2 RE NO NES HE® +2 g e ; if x Mel Se oe —+ Foe Sts - . - i; ; ‘ . Silent William Was : For Rent : Heard by Silent * ony at : 1 os Audience Too : = ' ce > ~—+ i “ z FOP ShLE ¥ =z ’ z pi ids N re Vat ae ‘ ‘ FoR RENT j ‘ j 1 Help Wanted —{ | Not Courage Enough ‘: 4 to Take a Lamb - ws mime . Montgomery's Socialism . , McBride > ee sac om. * Suse what expecs by the Tail : s have Jeremiah H. Kugle lid i ira ree PHONE PT ——— “e i < es f ss - wanes aces Bainter A Canadian General Electric Company, Limited , . ; ra Motors, Mining and 291!racting Mic acry a : z a Electrical Apperstas of every description e ss iis : F Pane 245 Graham Kearney, Mer. wn S74 : ~~ 0 R SALE aus j o : +” . The Silent Supporter i R ee nag === renew ener arene earn Seine: ? : v. t - a + KNOTT’S BAKERY | ; ee ete > i ee 7 cy we ; OE : ad ee i . Q ‘ j : - : — - Business Chances The only thing | er Ue q = > —_ . - a . ’ : f x ‘ . & = S y= e~----~>»~- ~+- - ~~ > > ~~ spu - Zz uw — ok Pr ce Utena ai: . w= SY” | WANTED — Restaurant outit. especially 14) amb by the tail s A Be . Y zg renge, & ae 4 cheap furniwr ts ; " i t f s tor ab : rome PO bet 105. Alex. Manson's Bright Sayings. S R ; s te aes Mans I i AL TEY OUEZ BREAD IT'S FAMOUS » © Pa Son ae his z Zz : E s 4 . ‘ © . 7isH8 f s =* Z BA : A —THE : : 3 : : ae : D : Fesicbee Loker (| MSACRES [nee mneneee |S i pa ai ae . x 1 = = a a 4 B = _ i g . ALMITED : ei : i ve - pa s dis er tact a, A ASE fone . ‘ h g SUICIDE AT OCEAN FALLS L s COAL JOHN DYBHAVN : a sing ag g : S : $6.50 Per Ton, Delivered . r : Man Kills Self with Rifle After » . s agains Taking “Pain Killer.” , . Grand Hotel. elect fap : ie ee All Kinds of Building Supplies *# Otel... : > : ect voun pRopexty Wms Workingman’s Home e ” i . ighting j ; cing First A 7 af : ae Phone 186° Free Labor Barean in Connection : : paign is William M vith a wire attached|— 4 ————— | Phone 178 Ist Ave. and 7th St : t : = and : a "Camel > . GEO. BRODERIUS. Proprietor cps : and ‘ s back. Constal W Of F Sale Special Sale of Comforters. Sn a yi : 1im wanting. *, who was near Ocean Falls e Uiier ror FRIDAY AND f oe Bove ea eT in'v se Sass mene et a ee 2s SAT en for Business Gemeniary Salen ; bie . CHELOHSIN FLOATED : is 9 ONLY : gs WV : z : om. % nh — ; ee : J. B. ROBERTSON aod ‘“ fl a ow at 4 I naines) Goat That Went Aground Near At The Big Furniture Store Horseshocing & G | Blacksenithi 2 , ; I oe ol 5 $8 3 Dominion Cannery Floated a Entrance 2nd Ave., cor. 6th St . th & ‘ . s ¢m leas = - : . at High Tide. ’ vee j Corner of 7th St and 3rd Ave. i sitia It ‘ If i had ¢g t an is if A and Tom b i 3 : : vid ” Fe ission appoint . . j 2 ' a " ia. in Dr. Cla nh @ po! hose f j Libe 5 . f r ate " 5 [ would have be gis i ere hi nM » go0d fellow. But I didn't. I) voters ; : his x e@ 7 : : 4 ee 3 sai F Z sh ar a Der acute 95 feet on Second Avenue at aaG seenvons. ane — rt rs of Kispiox as - gers g 2 e ] Junction of 1st, 2d, 3d and Park hem, and Ih ackb 189) wi Mans for a ete . Avenues. The most advan- jo it again On tb ns {s How a tageous corner in the city. Be- ses W am Mans a t hey were aske is low grade, no excavation neces- rhe Sat Mh wes a wee $2 Too Dig | ruoxe an Po. Box 8M ' sary for building. cense, but very Bard to take!an appropriat for that many Offerin Price $18,500, terme $6,000 away. No doubt he was think-|,qien"? gnc the, desieka or'tts| PONY EXPRESS cash, balance 6, 12 and 18 g of the Prudhomn case He ‘ and yet your x-mem SYSTEMATIC MERCHANTS DELIVERY SERVICE . tal T (0. ey months. This price holds for a chi Sis; eee k , > : at Kitsumkalum | Beeeese. owas 90 Forwarding Agents. Ves Continen rust yimiT few days only. ns ¢ sparring at his oppo-/ ‘ i not be fair oi Rigs o¢ Motor Car day of night ate Ase ee BLS DURE ents Alex Manson and Dr.\,,. a 5 - " ee ap. | Seventh Ave and Fulton Phone 321 gesene fie 7% mathereeemaprermer >tewreinerenaersesemsguependiana seein ‘a : h ay th ante od # Real Eomiy Deposit Boxes [6 ; istrccare AL 6 Soon eirteen Pre. LIND CARTAGE end) T TR ST COMPANY ‘ pra ‘ n a : say ans \ aw the Skeena ver there SAY STORAGE : ; . ending! ex ASO! ju he gid say tw & app 3 = @ ae } we , 99.94% 617 Second Ave. that he had aceused Doc Claytor N na itactens | eitiating G. T. P. Transfer Ageats M . temp f switching hie politics D th get licenses or not a . ‘x ; Clay n had said that was nothing: afte electior ep pir Orders promptly filled. Prices reasonable. ©’ oFFICcE- H. B. Rochester. Centre St. Phoac &