PAOE FOUR , SERVICE Prompt and Efficient Service in Watch, Clock Jewelcry and Optical Repairing, Hand Engraving EXPERT OPTICAL SERVICE Llcencee for Numount Fullvue Frames The Latest In Eye Wear CIIAS DODLMEAD OPTOMETRIST Phone 261 for Appointment Max Heilbroner JEWELER DIAMOND MERCHANT Visit Our Basement Store for Gifts for Every Occasion Church Children Enjoyed Outing St. Andrew's Cathedral Sunday School Picnic on Thursday land. There was the usual good at- the full. The Sunday School sup enntendent, Frank Skinner, con- THE OLD GARDENER FERTILIZER An Entirely New and Different Plant Food Contains Vitamin Bl The new remarkable Plant Stimulant In the proper proportions, a mild Insecticide and further essential elements for a steady growth and a healthy plant life Try a Packet Today 10c, 25c Wholesale Distributors W. H. Malkin Co. (P.R.) Ltd. I STtAMSWH I COMMUNICATIONS 1 ,.vfL .ducted the sports, the chief of ! which was the running of races. The winners were as follows: I Girls 6 to 8. Donna Qurvlch, i Connie Pearce. Boys 6 to 8. Donald McWllllams Billy Watts, Jack Sharp i Boys a to 10 . Hill. vn inursaay auernoon &i. An-. drew Cathedral Sunday School A SISTT" ,, ln 'I , S' . W,llet held lts annual picnic at Digoy !s- j ASL Xj. Ladies Mrs. Fitzgerald. C. V. Evltt, Mrs. L. Mens Mr. J. Clarke. Mr. F. ner. Girls' Three-Leesed CANADIAN PACIFIC Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-Pacific To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Ports Si3. "Princess Adelaide" every Friday 10 p.m. , To Vancouver Direct fffSl,. PrlnTcess Charlotte Princess Alice June 1st. 15th, 29th June 8th, 22nd June 26th To Ketchikan, WranEcll, Juneau and Skagwav June 3rd, 10th, 17th, 21st. 24th, July 1st.. 5th .,. uonnccuons at Vancouver with Canadian onti 1 " Hkitivi ociVKcs licked ami Rpxprv-iitn. rw..i..... ' "" inn "f. IUAILS. fiPnrrnl Airnil - i rnifp iciinpri n n . Skin- PREPARED TO SERVE Volunteer Registrants Meet Large Numbers to Organize Activities Tlanned An attendance that filled the ! Canadian Legion clubroom last ev ening went on record as favoring the formation of a local corps that "WkW Girls 8 to 10. lone Jacklln. Joyce tlonal restoration can be organized. Watts. Herdls Holgestad. I local registrants expressed their Billy Gurvlch. Mark aMire 10 something mwMnir 4U The committee, prior to disbanding, had considered In what way the people who registered miaht h . . Miicnen. wen snpnnnrrt orownv man hm nr tii.. k..i. m rai .minln .. i"inee in me city at present. Dally advertising r News ls sure to brln ults. I'll w niTT v uviw Waterfront Whiffs First Fish Run Through Local Cannery Today Halibut Landings Much Heavier This Year Sockeyc Fishing Starts Tomorrow ad would engage In learning or re- ..... , , learning the various drills of anuy . ,v r ,rsf fish was run through the new salmon cannery of e activities so a to equip themselves Nelson Bros. Fisheries Ltd. on the. Canadian National for service to their country and be Railways ocean dock Prince Rupert this afternoon. Thv m7ghtrariser emcrgency that consisted of 5,000 pounds of cohoes and 300 pounds of The meeting was called as a re-'?? "T fTM" VpW0"8011 abo,ard J10 suit of the local registration of vol- Mnmle from the "flats fishing grounds. The plant untary service.' More than six uUoned completely satisfactorily t - : hundred had registered at the time an? ls ln readiness to get Into full ! salmon In the Skeena Rivet opens but. with the advice that the gov- Pefatlon with the commencement . tomorrow evening, all salmon can-ernment was introducing national of tne Kkeye fishing season to-1 nerles In Prince Rupert district be-compulsory registration, the local morrow evening. ling poised to start packing opera- committee felt that its duties were ' . lions co-incident therewith. Al- over. Accordingly It placed the records at the disposal of the Dominion government. It also advised the government that it was willing to carry on the work of na-Uonal registration without remun eration. In the Interim. hfnr Sbuthboand after a cruise ln Al- tnou8" P' MottaUons between canners ana ru&eimen are - - not en- - rtnvwo, tiB jrttlJib 1 HA III . with Mr. narrows. San Frnnri. U'ely settled upon, there Is atree- co chemical manufacturer and!ment uPn ""disturbed operations party on board, called here yester-1 and thfre are " durturblng ele-day, spending several hours ln port,mcnU ,n th tuUon anywhere in while Uktoc on fuel and supplies. the dUtrtct- Unlon steamer Rantona Pant I The double Dominion Day holi day week-end will w" attract ""in a num num Tne MmR I . .... unimuiuiliai III UVIt It ll.Iil 1 m . . , and saUed at 3 a.m. on her return to ' , v. ..-.,, .mJ " ' U'aji nn uilh Hant rvl Bkw duuml icnaance ox cnilaren and Darents. f v, aim oai r. "T" uuiuuii. "' - "derail rnipr pn- h i nun, .. . nh.i . ..j .... n..i all of whom enfovPrt thcmo.1, tn uir15 16 ana over. AUce Barbe. wisnea to ao what they could and ' 'Z 7.i -.nw new seineDoat and packer Thel- ' SnXoTl.!0 Mirgaxet Smith. .various outlets for their activiU ?e of Ue rteamer Princess Alice. ma S. heading for Leverson Uke. Prlncv.Kupm .Rupert British Columbia UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD Steamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver- ' T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUES- TAB. CARDENA Fit! DAY, imi, 1.30 p.m. 10:30 p.m. Dae Vancouver. Thurs. VJn. Due Vancouver, Monday a.m. If Convenient, Please Purchase Tickets at Office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets From FRANK J. SKINNER. I'rlnr nnni . . could be found. As-a result of the I ZZTX . 11 A,a5Ka run 01 ine, arke Canal. meeting, a resolution was n,,nu ?r,th Cbla Coast Steamship' mously endorsed asking the tenta- nJr,, m !, ,Canadlan Pac"lc tlve committee to carry on and take "" on Pnnu- steps to organize m th. He Succeeded by Wil- Smlth and Irene Norden. AriPn It Is assumed that artivitiP. .k .! wock. at present chief of ntzgerald and Alice Barbe. i dris. signalling, first-aid rifle- v J , Haine on 1116 Va"cou-Boys' Three-Legged-Bobby Mlt-1 footing would be among the items nITJ . Dnald Mc' chell and Peter Good, Frank James taken care of. Ralld. now on the Princess Adelaide and Glenn Spence. Another resolution, to bo nt ! .lalso weU knQwn 'or years on Transportation , to vu the .Ilc nlrni,. ijicmc, both the provincial M"itai ana nri Hm.n.- aominion l"CTn run 8 the Princess grounds was made possible by Cap. governments, was that the lobs and Z L j , ,xander , DoeU trans- .. Arf.iaM- Decoration Day (Jay Ru) tain rain Shennnrri Bfteppard and onH t Dr. r j . who'P051" of " c Mary to the Cade aue who ' men who uo left ji to io ,. enust that we are nw fi.hi- meir boas. the Unome and 4De KePt open for them when they ie Prf , i,,e .g,necr on T"1 nt be one of the thomhts laac. for the evasion. tojjy.r viceand that tLy WrJX eome U, mlnd , thlSf "7""-" lu " seniority that w,c uecoratton Day , , The shnrn f -m.r service Most rtrnn; rrrao -lic.tfi.j i would have been theirs had h c.r' c.n,ei enPneers be- to be held In th. ads. "When we forget those who did that we mkaht live, then Indeed shall we deserve th uin Atmrh . uuo. " wew enipr mrix... . . . Do you? ru i yed with their civilian work. ' , " B"reUTe mediately. the Falrvlew Cemetery on Suay ' ' TV. ft. 4 I 1L.1 . . "RUPERT BRAND" . omoked BLACK COD Smoked Daily Canadian Fish & Cold Storage "iciiiMunn mat me local com- ., i ine responsiwutjr of UUs eere- "al it,iih i,Jt. ' tmlttee had considered was recruiu1 ... b.Bt Vfnd,n" ,,eaTy monv has be aJ.m h. oL ing for all branches of His Majesty , PCe Runert forl ifJ0 ' Ktary ChaPter' lm Order. Forces. In this connection Captain 2L " W" DlUlhler, 01 P1"- J. T. Harvey and Sereeant-Maior tv m w increase ch year falthfutlv nulrm nil iL Brown were present at the meet- "men,. for the 'service All d - me 6jaiiu loiai fall. tiiv ar- ar rnrrtiiiv ii.r,.ii nionnui i . e vaywui narvpv Tj-iii rr ih ..... - jjuauuru una r- ltHfOTpBtfryiSecnna&arrl,iiw fFiraxsetoncr,Bcarchlleht af I: . . V.. j " '-'v.u Pounds ""- n Uoverk overlooked. The service l im.,ir , ry. Irish siliersmlnster -7, ! 7l'i! 8U,tab,e a, Pe. As o,e ; Regiment, Machine Gun. Second inflin. .-u v. nM m tne glorious setttna or thP """""on wanaaian Scottish and the B. C. Regiment (Duke of Con-naughfs Own Rifles). Then th. were-the Home Guarrt, Z responding u "8 aa dat In m 19 to ex-service mpn n mV" II"' endings s amounted amounted of age. The recruiting icesTor " 17 T? f 332'4 all of these units was!n th i!.h ? "ury on sixth Avenue, it was ex 1 plained that category A. B. and C aggregate of 5iei(5nn Z? "Hn mu ana "ten to th 1939. During s ' 71.:"' . " Pav Ir " n-i j... . . . . . . . (vinr hi 1 - wo UAIM UIC 1 lr' 11 1 iin U'P 4 iu, were not slow to' answer. An added significance thl. year' Is the fact that once again w- an although showing I Jl V V1' Vth lhe forcM ot a slight tendency toward, towaA;:, famn.rf ,L"L : lCi .evl1 r"" .nd tructlon with evil em- r c toa medical s Qetermined by ' the medl-!flf "".or thP me weeic IV ZT us inal no reward for vie in every case: week wa, I0.7c and 7c naid the Mor- Zl':.?. ? .tnat or mrr-ii. " v""T waa n to see ""4U"1,n or or,Q nomination oommaiion Surri rls IL for 14000 nounri. immri. n h T Surriy lh.a man wa Ped where ,ow 9c and iHSj! 0ur hcart wl to those wh "UT" . ine reatt value. , and Hellen II. t tnZZ: "ow er?e a we v,v.c ce again uKuiii remem closed wUh the Nation, Natlonal i f ,and Ame,rtca the high price of the Anthem, week was was 10 2e and 7Jc which the uuioanit. wau, ii is ann trip in. n j l. . .. ' " ",u '-ac . , , 1 . wnicn tne - - the ony one of tne ofJgJnal com ts Dailj dally Pioneer pounds. III. received for 19,000 With advance 'indications good .... w uuw.ivnn Liiii run nnn tifMik. re- conditions very favorable, the sea son tor gui ner fishing for sockeye MacKenzie's Furniture Excellent quality at a medium price. Easy Terms, Your old Suite taken as part payment. 1 j 1 1 nuiarneu H'.ih ki Pnmmt -lot iht RttT " " mi) lohtdM a fitirtr (null I'. ) fonirl(d txl mjllon.iuai Pik fof lh ilim piwti S135.00 Phone 75 I- 4 rcmrm- ber those who have already served . me going down of the sun. 'And ln the morning, 'We shall remember them." Five thntMHr.r "op1p read the nay to let them have to sell Dtlly News. It' Vnnw what yo . Open Till 10:00 n.m Ice Cream Soft Drinks Tobaccos Candies MUSSAI.LEM'S CONFKCTlOXKltY PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Shipbuilders and Engineers Iron and Ilrasi Castings Electric and Acetylene Welding I i Specialists on Sawmill " and Mining Machinery AH Types of Gas Engines Repaired and Overhauled HI JO TONIGiix OXLv 2 Show. 1:M .,. SNRY AUTIIUK, "RQAD DEMON 'AN VALKRIK in ut i n . " - plus - Jones Family in "On Their Own1 Starts Monday FOR .1 DAYS Wllh HOLIDAY 3IATINEK MONDAY At 2:30 Kvcnintfs ":00 and 9:05 :5c IxlM $1.00 Atl Scats Uescnred $1.89 PHONE GREEN CIS a'l Orders rromptl)- ruled IXCIW AT AOVANCIO MlCU UNttt OI At 7:00 and n. TTX ftATUHI IN TICHNICOlO dl :ir lIIOEEllo0 COMING SOON ?V orfw'! Ihan "V''-l King fieorge. queen Klliabcth . ,v,,r ,!n fc,'ef SO minute fcalure-ltcd Cr, d;' 0"' Auspices O-fNINO MONDAY AFTERNOON July Hth 3 p.m. IlCl t ti Hi GONE WITH THE WIND SEATS ARE NOW ON SALE AT THE BOX OFFICE nox OIHIE OPEN It NOON 1U);M f u AITEItNOONS lVivIscl .n.y.HU MA11 osnrBt. III.. 1 - r ' Illl Ll SI M All Matt Rfwm4 Mon. Tnrv Wed, Tim Julv t - II U CUT-RATE'S (t.1 CLEARANfR OF -P1- Women's Spring And 1 I Summer Shoes r I While They Last $2.95 Values to $U0. Includes whites black, brown, clc. Hurrr down. Iluy for lhe whole famljf. All the. All itjles. Two price iroup $1.83 and ZJ3i. While They Last $2.95 Children's ami Men's Special Too! ALL SALES I'lNAL MANY OTHER nAHC AINs The Cut - Rate Shoe Store CI1 Tllllll) AVIM E V Open 8a irdii 'ln' l -gm,--. 1 ' T-1 'Tiff Our Famous Edson Alberta COAL Ilulklcy Valley Coal Nanalmo Wellington Coal Ilulklcy Valley Wheat and Grain SEEDS and FERTILIZERS PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Phone 58 and SS8 NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Propria "A HOME AWAY FK(I HOME Rales 75c up 50 Roorai Hot St Cold Witer Prince Rupert. D.f Phone 281 r.O. not Its interesting to know when reading the Dally Neff that the people of the whols district are doinK the woe-