HURCH NOTICES ?r. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH Corner 8th and 9th Ate East J, II, MrrwanK. Pailor Res. 237 4th Ave. E Phone Black 982 Inge Valen, Orcankt Sir. J. II. Myrwanr, Supt. Sunday School tMrs. J. II. Myrwanr, S. S. Superintendent Mr. I. Feness, Organist SUNDAY. JUNE 30 11:00 a m.-Dlrlne Services In English. All Invited 12 15 pm Sunday School Meet This I, the last rally of Sunday g( hooi before vacation. AH children and teachers roust be present. Plan kilt be made for Sunday School picnic In a.m 7:30 p.Di Hervires In Norwetlau ST. ANDREW'S CATHEDRAL (Church of England) Very Rev, J. B. Glbn, Dean Choir Leader, A J, Lancaster Organist, Peter Uen PATRIOTIC SUNDAY 10 a.m Sunday School Morning Prayer and Sermon. Preacher, The Dean. Subject, "Thli Canada." Anthem "Ood of Our Fathers" 30 pji. -Evening Prayer and Sermon. Preacher Rt. Rev. O. E. Lloyd, t,, wm uke up future residence. t I Mi ... Hodgson t having been traiuier- rf-u there in the service of the Can- .rtian National Railways. I. numerous functions were held ri s honor H. G. Helgerson Limited Jl SIXTH STREET Prince Rupert, B.C. We have on our UU the fol. lowing food buy: 4i: EMERSON rLACE 1-room house, 2 lots. Lovely garden. Fully modern. Furnace 4 bedrooms. Concrete foundations. Cash $31J. Terms ttooo, balance In monthly payments. We Have Seteral FurriUhed !loues for Rent for the Summer Months C-llOOM IIOUSE-On Taylor Street. 3 bedrooms. Fully modern and sewer. In good condition. Cash !H0 W 11100 on terms. Prince Kupert WSaS, f ttUVUUItl , tf. W. AUard, Dundas: K. Atree and C. M. Shelf ord. Barrett Point; W. NUelson. Terrace; W. C. Water- iman, Seattle; W. Barclay, Port Rer A. L. Ajiderson, transferred Edwara; A. oaun', Arrandale: unnea nurcn pwr irom Margaret Noonan. Joliet. In S"fwart to Cumberland; Vancouver r,(rl I: a;id, a passenger going south j R,chardson, L. Harrison and fc.ard rin RuPrt 8. Hcbb. city; O. Phillips. Wlnnl- Itoyal D. J. Hawkins, Chris Abelson. Seattle; A. M. Isaksen, Tacoma; F. Fredln. Barrett Point; T. Krlst-manson. Osland; Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Dudoward. Port Simpson: N. Zunei, Magnes Rabeler, city; Ken Honkawa, Port Esslngton; Miss R. Ertckson, Vancouver. Cane Town Group Joins Canadians Women Of Dominion In Southern Union Active In Service CAPE TOWN, June 28: (CP) Canadian women of the Cape Peninsula district have formed a group for nerlodlcal meetings and actl- Miss Marjorle Shlel Is sailing by the Prince Rupert this afternoon for Vancouver. Miss Helen Kaspar arrived In the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from Stewart to pay a visit with relatives. J. C. Brady, district engineer for the provincial department of public works, sailed on the Prince Rupert yesterday afternoon for a trip to Stewart on official duties. Grand Assembly sessions of the Re-f bekah Lodge in Revelstoke, also visiting In Vancouver. DD. Late Blsnop ox sawatenewan. wswent of tne Nonnwest nesu r ,uv,r' ni rk JM (,rnvm wwt. Association. Subject "lloww a Shipload of People Became Two Vancouver, is. c intend io apply for DloceseO Mt and Mrs Herbert Hodgson nd son and daughter left on yet- terday train for Jasper Park where HOTEL ARRIVALS itnA natural" ;. n-r and up n tlw f'lllowlrHC dMrlbd land: Uin itut-U in lh vlclultjr of T1 n nr. rrtaat of flrnharn Tal- nn4. MrliUh iViluinMa, known a Ii ral-d ai Pr'.nrr Hupert. ff. C. tbl X'.tlc uf Ifclnoiion la. apply for LOCAL NEWS NOTES Cash for Old Gold. Bulger's tf. Miss Lydia Pettenuzo is sailing this afternoon on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver. Mrs. O. A. Bryant returned to the city on the Cardena last night from a brief trip to Vancouver. Mrs. A. J. Teed arrived In the, . . thlsl Mr. and Mrs. William Lamble are city on the Prince Rupert morning from Stewart to pay a t sailing this afternoon on the Prince visit with her parents, Mr. and Rupert for a trip to Vancouver. Mrs. George R, Casey. , , commander George Borrie, local Mrs. J. S. Irvine returned home commanding naval officer, Ls sailing on the Princess Adelaide yesterday ',thLs afternoon on the Prince Rupert afternoon after attending the for a trip to Victoria. Mrs. John Gurvich and UI In fhirltihlo nnr! other rotn- mrnefaar at a no I on III mil wai and lnd fHatrtct. nd th Ind R , . . 0 .l. unrleraliil "f '" Pnaa. and matkd Q. P. O. Witltw IMrln .f Princ nupart. work. One of the leaders muhlty i"'pNoitTii west mimm dated Tak nn.- that Qu.n rharuti the group lS Mrs. J. C. MaCglUlV-! Mav tl. Thnr- .iRhty (Id) W !rndlct. Hsd Ofric. Ml Van- row ray. wife wne oi of the ine Canadian wnaoun KOV- bt eh1" lhy ( rhlna at. wir Rl ck. 7M nranvlll 8trwt. ( Vmimw. n. r. mtenJ. t apply for eniment Waae commissioner ,l;u rhln wl and containing U Hcn to pmpct coal, petroleum Whose home is in Kenllworth. nearthundd frty (4 acr-a marc or lurl Ka. ovr and upon tha here The Canadian women of th district were entertained by Mr B. C. Furniture Co. New And Used Furniture 1 ROYAL TYI'KWRITKR In good 22.50 condition &ci S( I MONARCH TYPEWRITERS It REMINGTON TYrEWRITERS-In 12M carriage All reconditioned. w 5Dt 6 COMPLETE BEDS 12.50 l 15.50 1 lWNlMOWER-In good i' wndHlon, large size. 8.75 5 ItSniTIONEU KITCHEN RANpES--Of various makes, from 28.00 10 35.00 NEW FURNITURE 2.45 6 END TABLES Walnut finish - ; on ffA 12 COFFEE TAUI.ES-In walnut, of various J.DU "" " cry Eft 24 FELT MATTRESSES $I.UU In all sizes - 4 DKESSEHS-WaterfaU design and large round 22.5U A mirror 8 STUDIO COUCHES-Very modern, three spring gy.OU nA filled cushions. Reg. $45.00. Now 21 3-i.lece CHESTERFIELDS In new colors and P"".' modern style. 75.00 10 125.00 From . THIRD ' AVENUE Thone BLACK 324 NexiDoor to B.C. Clothiers I, a per rKcteq. ( h k uenr-v . fatd at Ttlnc Riifcrt. R. Ihla t-inda ilutcd In thc vicinity of thlrith dy r Mv 194 A. T. Tlan Ikvy. w cnat of Graham 11- nKOROK XV. KKRR nt ltrlttah Pi.IumNa. knewn aa It Aitpt for th ald Queen J. Chariot t Oil Syndicate. Dated t t'rlnc Rupert. R. P. thla thirtieth day of Mr.y. 1M0 A. r. -OKORflK V. KERR AMI I'rrriUM.KrM APT Agnt for the raid Queen oilf. u Intuition to apply tor CharUtt Oil Syndicate l.ici n,- In. that (Jueen Pharlotl. Itl-.od ln.l IMrtirl. and the lnd Re- r.llnit l)ltairf 1'ntnce Rupert . i. . I'lrrniu.rcrM act Notice of Intention to apply for Llcenrea In the Queen Charlotte 11. and Uind TJUtrlct and tha Ind Recording niitrl.-t of Trine Rupert. Tak notice thM Queen Charlotte Oil Syndicate. Head Office. 601 Vancouver Rlrck. T3 Oranvlll Ftreet. Vancouyrr. R. c intend to apply for a llcena to propect coal, petroleum and natural iraa, ovr and ipon the fnllowlnr drrlhed land: tinda situated In tha vjelnlty of Morgan Point, llalnea River. wet ooat nf Graham Iland. Rrltlh Col-iimUii. known a lot HIT. Haled al Prince Rupert. R. C. thla thirtieth day of Mf.v. 1940 A. n. nrconnii v. kerr Agnt for the nld Queen Charloltr Olla Syndicate. Benj. H. Harry M.D. EYE DISEASES Lenses Carefully Prescribed C31 Blrhs Bldr. Vancouver, B.C. unii, I'lrrnni.Ri'M rr XaHe nf Intention tn apply for Tak rutir' that Quaen f'harlotte Uccnte In th Queen Charlotte 11 Ill ly nd lea Mti Hand Office. 1 Van- and tiod nirlr'ct. and the t-and Re- rouv.T III ck. (leanville Mreet, erdin ittrict or t-nnce nupert. Vnniiir II " Intend in annlv fnr Take notice lh.1t Queen Charlotte ll,...n in nroanect coal netroleum Oil Syndicate Head Office. (01 an- fnllowlnic. derlhd land: Vancouver. II. c. intend to apply for tind ituted .n north hore or lleenae to propect coal, petroleum "haatl Inland. Skldea-al Channel, nd natural icaa. over and upon the Quern charlotte !land. R. C. com- follawlna: deecrlbed land: rncnc'n at a pom one (I) mile ret tf Canoe r. ami marked Q..O. O. R. NORTH EAST CORNKR dated May 27. ISIfl. Thence elrhty (SO) chain outh. elBhtv (10) chain writ eighty i0) chain north, and eighty (10) rhaln eat. and contalnlnR lx hund red forty 1110) acra more or le, ai per ketch. Haled "t Prince Rupert R. C. thll thirtieth day of May. 140 A. D. rjEORnR W. KERR Agent for the ald Queen Charlotte Olla Syndicate. Lnle altuated j ma vicinity or Otard Ray. wt cnat of Oraham 11- and. R. C. known a IM !TJ. Dated at Prince RufwrL R. C. thl thirtieth dav nf May. 140 A. D. OKOROK W. KERR Agent for the aald Queen Charlotte Oil Kvndlcate. cni. ami rirriioi.c.rM act Notice of Intention to apply for I.lrenaea In the Queen Charlotte Inland lind ni.-trlrt. and the tand Ra-pordlng Hlnrlrt of Prince Rupert. Take notice that Queen Charlotte Oil Syndicate. Head Office. $01 Van. rouver Rlck, 73 Oranvlll Street. Vancouver. R. C.. Intend to apply for a llcea. la pro pec t coal, petroleum and natural g. over an.l upon tha following described land: Iinda altuated tn Tne 'vicinity or Tlan Ray. weal vwit of Oraham 11- nnd. RrltUh Columbia, known aa It S437. nated at Prince Rupert. R, C. thla thirtieth day of Mr. 1940 A. T. nEOROK W. KERR Agent for the aald Queen Charlotte Oil Syndicate mil, AMI I'KTUOI.RVM ACT Notice of Intention tn apply for t.lcenea In the Queen Charlotte and lind District and the lAnd Re cording Dllri't nf Prince Rupert. Take notice that Queen Charlotte Olla Syndicate. Head Office. S01 Van couver TlUrk. 13 Oranvllle Street Vancouver. 11. c Intend to apply for a Ilrenae to proapect coal, petroleum and nAturnl gn. over and upon the I follow Ing described land: Inda altuated In the vicinity or Tlan Ray. wt coaat of Oraham Inland. Rrltlah Columbia, known a Iot 3793. Dated at Prince Rupert. R. P. thla thirtieth day of Mar, 1940 A. D. OEORC.E Y. KERn Agent for the atd Quern Charlotte Olli fyndlcat. The first full passenger train ol the season, due here at 3:30, Is reported to be on time. Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Nlckerson are sailing this afternoon on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver. f George Dybhavn-left yesterday rooming on the train for Smltheo on furlough. Miss D. Cavalier of the Booth staff Is sailing by the Prince Rupert this afternoon for Vancouver. Mrs. John R. Mitchell and Miss Irene Mitchell, are sailing George Maddrlll of the Northern this afternoon on the Prince Ru- ( urilisn uoiumoia rower vu. i ou- w .w.v. ing this afternoon on tne prince I Rupert for Vancouver. T. A. Bryant, teacher of the na- !. riTriioi.i'i M act Uve school at Medakatla, U sailing Sm t- uf intention tu apply fori ..... ... , u... in ib g ( hn.4i i.i. Miss Molly Wlnslow is sailing thU ims aiicrnoon on. ine rruice uuperi ra it. j a, a ft . f f f AmWin r 4 Vin DrlnitA DnnAl (n ' sails tomorrow night on the Catala for Stewart where he will spend the next week on official business. mm. W. A. McLean, who has been on a trip to Vancouver and else-, where In the south, returned homei a at J.I-IJ. ,.Uatat-l V on me iTincess Aaciaiue 7. A regular meeting'of the Ladles' Oranre Benevolent Aajoclatlon wa held in the Metropole HaU Thursday evening. Plane were laid for the holding or a tea and sale of home cooking on July 12. proceeds to be donated to the local Red Crcsi Society. The annual fall bazaar will be held on Wednesday. October Dominion Day Sports Celebration. July 1. Big Dance in the everting. C. N. R. A. Excursion to Terrace. and naturni over and upen the enorer HI ck, TSC Oranrllle Street.lJUiy irsi. tare United Strawberry Tea. Clark's, Pacific Place, July 4. Queen Mary Hall July S. Mrs. dance Oddfellows' Moose Tea. Mrs. Stegavlg's. Hays Cove Circle. July 5. 134 Hospital Auxiliary Bazaar, September 18. Catholic Bazaar, October 2 and 3. L.O.B-A. Bazaar. October 16th. Anglican Fall Bazaar, November Night or Day Phone 112 Taxi Prompt Service-3 Heated Cars Handyman Home Service Repairing Stoves, Roofs, Electrical Appliances, Oil Burners Cleaned, Plumbing and Painting 224 Seventh Ave., W. Phone BLACK 735 Are Married At Bishop's Home MUs Mary Bridden of Masse tl Beeome Bride of Lloyd Wolfe Of Moose Jaw Miss Mary Bridden, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Bridden of Massett, became thi bride of Lloyd Wolfe, son of Mr. and Mrs. Erwln Wolfe of Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, at a quiet ceremony yesterday afternoon at 5 o'clock at the residence of Rt. Mad. i ..nd ruiri.-t. and th Lni ru- afternoon on the Prince Rupert to to spend the summer vacation at lar in the district Mfdtnc IHatelvt of I'rtiM-r Impart I A, . ,.., Tak WH iIvdi queen I'harUtl . - ... .. . . . . . . i nitir. ir ill iu ui i un. I'rrna to pri'Htf rail. ptr4-um Bishop of Northern British Columbia and the Yukon. Soon after the ceremony the couple left for Moose Jaw to pay a visit to the groom's home after which they will return here to talc up residence. Until recently, the groom has been at Big Missouri. The bride has lived all her life on the Queen Charlotte Islands and is well known and popu- spena wie summer vacaiuui at vau- '""' i C0UVer- I AVrhnnlZfT. At the conclusion of the piano ' ;r :; . 'xr.:r. ,rrt;T:.:ciui Thursday night m w. a. AUAAAUUJA U C W jyo. saiira jwieraay uiiernon - each with 7,V jw presented a very on ine -fruice rwupcrt tor a tih - ai iataviuu vair with friends at Stewart. couvcr and Victoria. Miss Tekla Fulton is sailing this. Miss Mary Easthope sailed this airim nay or njr. inn A. i. , ori.mnnn nn the. PrlnP T?mvrt fnr mnmlm, n lh nirrfti'i fnr Pnn! " - " ' , U1UWMU v... w. BT- QKnflUK W K K H T Ar.nt for ih "ai4 Qufn Vancouver to spend the summer va- wood where she will pay a visit be mantt on. Hyndirat. cation. fore proceeding to Vancouver to i i spend the summer vacation. Cameron, principal Of i.irn. in ih Qu-n ,hrioin- ii-ithe Stewart Superior School, and and ind ihj lml DlalHrl. miHr. and and th Ihr land ijmd n the Misses Irene Brucey and Jean rordinar Itlairlct of I'M Tak nolle that OH Hyndlest. Mad nnr Ml rk. lit 'm - d Inl.ul V.nprTri.ii. in1- lluprt Cameron, members of the staff. offie. i van-; were passengers aboard the Prince j da v. Dominion Day. ndnTo,lppyrfr.Ruprt ftm todaJf . Bolng tFall in at Legion. 1 n ......... . rr. - m ..iri.u. rl a llronar to prmkvl 01. Mtrnlrum i"-"ucj ui uic suuiuici aw and naturni .r and ui n ih-jtjoh. Mr. Cameron has resigned rollnwin doorrltM-d land: "after nine mne vear Jn 01 of SCrV1Ce vrvlrp nt al . of.aIler Ijinda Mlual-d on north hor cviaii laiMd mc!dat- -hnni. Stewart and will be succeeded by k)Hn OaHoti. laland. B. 1.. ra- v Wll.on who has been at Alice rn-ln at a poat tbr-' S roUra , . wt ot fan pmM and marked q. o. Arm. Misses Bruggy and Cameron x .--oimi wkht coiixKR dta iwlll be returning to Stewart. . JIf.v JT Th-nra richly H, fHa'n aoinh lhiy -ha1n "T " " lh.y ir ahalna north and. lhtv ...... .... ....... ... Ml rhalttn M and rnntslntnc lis .. . "f . V '"' . "'!" - . " ", . . " " !"T htlMr-d and fortr M W. m.r . .N''" rw ' . 1, , n 0 ,fcl. nd In4 IHilri.! W5 lh Land K- ... V- ' Y, Tak that.iur,n Chariot t- I . "rl?. . RR.. Oil. Syndlra.. Il-d' Offkra. Ml Van- afternoon. I I r-K Pharlottr . . 1 , . Ai Oil 1 . a PyodU,t,. . ,Z... ror HI k. 7S !ranvlll Strt. y.,, !n,4, , Tr,y for m llavna to proapci aal. pvtrilrum t iMI. AMI l-imiliLia M ,-r tui Miural km ovr and 11 r n (h t ?(at1 of inl-mln 10 apfjy for follo-tn't( d-rrrbpd 1Wndi' Umiim in the gMn I'hariatl 11- Ijinda aituatd In thr Vlrinlty of and l-ad Itlatrlrt. and th lnd II- Mrun IN.Int. Main Qivvr. wwt mrdlns Olatrtn of I'rl Itnpvrt. iu f Otmhrnm lil.iod. It kaaarn Tali naitcw that Uumii irhariatt a I At ill. Oil KyndJcatr, lld Offka. Mi Van- Datad at lrlnr Rupert. II. f. thla rnur 111 rk. 7S Uranvillr 8trt. thirtlrtb day of Xlry. ItlA A. D. VanMUVr. It. . Inlanda to apply for, OROROK W. KKRR a llen la prwpet anal. ralrum Acnt far th aa't Qun and natural ajaa. oy and up a lh I'harlilt Oil PtrndU-at. fallnwlnw darrlhd land: ' " " UnU alliMtd on north hor r ! HI . 1'KTIHII.KI M T fhaa'l l.laad. Skidritala ( "ha tin I. Xolar of Inunilon to apply for Qun fhariott n. r.. com- Urnm- la th Qun fharlolt ll- CANADIAN LEGION B. E. S. L. PARADES, Sunday. Decoration Day. 2:45. Fall In at Legion. Mon- and medals. 10:30 ajn. Dress, berets Norton Voungs of the office of the resident mining engineer here, Way and Miss Swanna Olofson beautiful bouquet Carter. 16, followed In the evening by a; bridge drive. During the months of July and August one meeting a month any will be held, this' to be. on the second Thursday of each month, Announcements All advertisements tn this cil-amn will be charged tor full month t 2V a worn I by Miss June HOLIDAYS Boole Your Reservations at SANRAN RIVER HOLIDAY CAMP Now Also for Foil Particular Write MRS. DUNN MassetU Queen Charlotte Is. B.C. Memorial High School teaching ,Rev. e. M. Bunoz, Roman Catholic Hffi . -T " A Gift with BIG 5 takia al irt i v i ... . nin .iZici v.. i.r it tan tkrw Blee-DLe ttw Treat t!t tia, IM te r ale C. . ltd.. Ma.trttf. Art elea, Mr f al BIG FIVE CLEANSER eit ! tf ir. . Wur antr feltaUfltally. m,4, f nant laMltaU Waa t Site. - N. MII b Wjt. aaaUJat H t yt kaaai kecaata It aataral aa Clrwlia. UNITED CHEMICAL CO. LTD. 3833 St. Ambroise St. Montreal IDORA Roller Rink Mondays and Tuesdays Open for Private Parties Wed Thurs Frl, 7-11 2-4:30, 6-11 on Sat J. H. BULGER Optometrist Royal Bank Bid. LUMBER CEMENT, SASH and DOORS Complete Line of Building Supplies Albert and McCaffery Ltd. Phone 117 Phone 116 j Cherub Baby Oil Excellent for Chafinfr, Chappinj? and Diaper Rash. A Baby Feeding- Bottle Free with each purchase Both for 40c Ormes Ltd. 5rrt Pioneer Dnuzpt'sts The Rexall Store Phones 81 St 82 Open Daily from 8 a-m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12 to 2 p.m. and 7 to 9 p'.m. If you have, something to sell, a classified advertisement in this paper will soon let you know Jf there is a buyer in the city,