A m tnVrttx'm Ku trl nf TV1 1 C O'Neill: nirirti itrvar ah. nMdiucu School Graduation Diplomas rvirn Aflimi. mi Amian. Baker, Delphlne Balagno, ; Barker 8upp. in Social Stu- Englna Chrtstenen, Jack aid, Harry Daggett. Spencer; J-hn flomi. Melee HollteSUd ' Hopkins. ClUford Johnson. Judge. Joey Kadonaga. Ituj ! Jean Krause. rem i . tl,.t ii.ltUn fv4rt f. Prnil Min)!M Hfltv Mil- T i Moore, Mary Nonayama. O'Neill. Helen Ormiaton. r" '. inruirinn i :nrn i if iwpr " w .n rii inn i nun uiuiiria and Shirley Hague have exam- e uiueit. cimore jianKinsun. Helen Leslie. Don McCouver, n MaeKay. Frances Moore, Isa- Mar.Donald, James McKay, numo, uuviu uianu, wanci Koichl Sakamoto. Ruth rse'h, Jim Stuart. Guy Tliome, (conditional). Jack Wcar- Jth Betty Wilkinson lam. wiiiifim n.iicpr. In urinum rinrl TnrV Parson. ck Eastwood. Fay 7ngelcke. Joey (Continued on Page Two) APAN'S 4 John Emtly WARNING fowers To Make No Move TOKYO. June 29: (CP) Foreign mister Hachlro Ar!ta "warned "stern powers today to make no wes which might upset '.'status u in east Asia or inline eouin a8 He also emphasized the l"re of the regions was a "mat-r of grave concern to Japan." Approves Sale Of City Lots CLOSING EARLIER Halibut Season in Areas 1 and 2 to End on July 13 SEATTLE, June 29: (CD The International Fisheries Commts-ion announces the closing of the Pacific Coast waters as far north as Cape Spender, Alaska, to halibut fishing at midnight July 13. The closure of one and two areas is sixteen days earlier than that of last year, owing to increased i catchesjbeing, lapdrdrnare boats J,,, engaged in fishing and higher trip limits. Move From J Hong Kong J HONQ KON'O. June 29: (CD Families of Americans . engaged In naval, military and diplomatic services In i Hong Kong will be removed to Manila on Monday because f - . . . ILt. juiuica 10 uraae ah mai- ; -k. Allen. Amy Armstrong. Alex trouble between arcai uniain -r n.tt.. tx.t. n.i.u nn.i.n( ,4 anrt Janan. w.t,y uiaikc, uckjr wHajiuti- Jean Forrest, Alice Frlescn. I Acting Commissioner Appoints New Pound Keeper at Session This Morning j Assistant Commissioner Mathe-son. sitting as the city council, this morning appointed J. E. Unwln as pound keeper in succession to W. L. Sandtson, resigned. He also approved the sale of the city's tax sale richts In the following properties: Lot 24, Block J3, secuon.e, wurc assigned to Hans Undcraam wr Lot 23, Block 28, Section 7, sold to F. Rlffou, $142.50. IM 21, E 14 of 22. Block 1, Bccuon 8, sold to Agnes and Taul F. Nielsen, $82.50. Sales of tho following were confirmed: Lots 17 and 18, Block 1. Section 7 to Roderick McRae, $115.00. Lots 9 and 10, Block 22, Section 7. to rtev. R. C. H. Durnford, $90.00. Lot 1, Block 10, Section 1 to ii. a. Nelson, $750.00. . Lot 3, Block 29, Section 8 to James Arsencau, $300.00. LONDON, June 29: (CD The Channel Islands were strafed and bombed by Nazi. airmen Friday with a death toft pt twenty-nine, nearly equalling the Mai air raid victims in all England and Scotland since the Germans began their night raids. The victims were civilians, among the few remaining after the Islands had been demilitarized,, "of en towns" having been declared .and the majority of the 90,000 population being transferred to England. Scores were injured and hops, hotels and dwellings were laid in ruins. The attacks were centred on Jersey and Guernsey Islands. There was not a single defensive gun so It was a field day for the bombers which were also able to swoop down without opposition whatsoever and machine gun the people and the buildings. An ambulance was also attacked. A German communique In Berlin said that important troop concentrations and forts had been sirucK cut this, of course, false. TODAY'S iOmirvr 8-T' Vancouver Big Missouri,' .05. Bralorne, 7.70. Cariboo Quartz, 1.60. Dentonla, .01 Falrvlew, .OOV4. Oold Belt, .16. Hedley Mascot, .32. Mlnto, .01;. Pcnd Oreille, 1.35. Pioneer. 1.45. -Premier, .76. Privateer, Reeves McDonald, .25. Reno, .15. Relief Arlington, .06. Salmon Oold, .02. Sheep Creek, J&O, Cariboo Hudson, .OUi. Oils ' A. P. Con.. AO.' Calmont, .22. C. & E, U0. Freehold, .02. Home, 1.51. PfiAta, .03., Royal Can, .14. Okalta. .70. Mercury, .03 H . Prairie Royalties, !l4. . ' Toronto Aldermac, .13. Beattle, .82. Central Pat., U2; Cons. Smelters, 32.00. East Malarttc, 2.20. Fernland, .02. Francoeur, .18. Gods Lake, .26. Hardrock, .56. Int. Nickel, 32.00. Kerr Addison, 1.58. Little Long Lac, 1.90. McLcod Cockshutt, 1.05. Madsen Red LaV. .26. McKenzle Red Lake, .88. Moneta, .37. Noranda, 43.75. Pickle Crow. 2.18. Preston East Dome, 1.39. San Antonio, 1.40. Sherrlt Gordon, .52. Uchl, .22Vi. Bouscadillac, .04, Mosher, .02JJ. "" Oklend, .03V'j. Smelters Gold, .OOVi. Dominion Bridge, 24.50. was Miss K. Fortune Is .leaving on' W. Dickson, station agent thfi Prince Rupert this afternoon to return to her nursing duties In Victoria after .spending two weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Theo Fortune Pacific, after a vacation' trip at to Vancouver, arrived In the city on the Prince, Rupert yesterday irom the soulh 'and proceeded by train to the Interior, 1 ubraBV LADY .MOSELY ARRESTED LONDON Lady Mostly, wife of Sir Oswald .Mosely and sister of Miss Unity Freeman Mitford, Mend of Adolf Hitler, was arrested today. CANADIAN BULWARK LONDON Major General L. R. LaFleche, Canadian military attache at Paris, has- issued an earnest call for conversion of Canada into a strongly fortified bulwark against Nazi domination of the world. He told Canadian Press In an Interview that Ihr Dominion should look towards arming an1 defending the great coatline without delay. -Forecast I -Tomorrows Tides ts "Sigh, 9:51 a.m 15.2 ft .Mr.. Hi ,i and Queen Char 21:59 p.nv. 18 J ft L xZ&f Light winds shifting Low 3:30 a .nf. 7.2 ft. - -... niat nd freshening tonight 9.0 ft. HJU''""" 15:11 p-iii. j j nrinrgu v warm innav NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRICE: i CENT3 XXIX No. 153. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, JUNE 29, 1940. xis Powers May Take On Soviet l r M x M a a a m m w Italo Balbo, Loses Life In Fight Over Town Of Libya ROME, Juno 29: (CP) Marshal Italo Balbo; M-omnr nf I.fhv.1. was killod vnatpiflnv while rtilot- V --- - ' tf " a ??!!-. . a. . -.1 rpL, Tho swashbuckling, bearded Balbo had long nmc. Former air minister for Italy, Balbo in 1933 leu spectacular mass flight of Italian planes to Can- An -nri thn TTturrwi stntna CCttDtU IN STUDIES High School is .uinoiincfa i;c u? iluucum in iMuiuia- f Khe Doolh Memorial Jun- COWARDLY AIR RAID I Twenty-Nine Killed When Nazis Strafe Defenceless Channel Islands Had Been I)e- ) militarized Bulletins ALIENS MUST REGISTER WASHINGTON ttodaevelt has signed into law a bill requiring the registration and finger printing of appro: '500,000 aliens in States. kimately 3,- the United SUICIDE VICTIM Worker At Allford Bay Air Base Hangs Himself, Police Here Advised J. A. Swong, a civil worker at the Royal Canadian Air Force base at Allford Bay. Is dead by hanging .himu'J, acco.dlnsr. to brief message received at division- Many Lives When H.M.C.S. LONDON. June 29: (CP) The sister ship of Ihc Canadian destroyer H.M.C.S. Fraser eam-Wnri arrainst thi rhnnrp nf drawin? the enemy fire STOCKS w 'L m rwrfnrmineua.mlracle of navieationio snatch. .w-l' r cr . - - - 1 Irom neain mosi 01 me ouiccrs anu men i'ui-vived the collision off Bordeaux. The second Canadian warship ploughed alongside the section of the destroyer remaining afloat and took off about fifty seamen. The vessel then flooded the seas with full searchlights, despite the danger of drawing enemy aircraft and rescued another forty men who were tossing on the waves. The heroism of the seventeen-year-old A. L. Jones of White Rock. British Columbia, saved scores of lives. The. hulk of the destroyer would have been blown up, if he had not rendered a load of depth charges harmless after the Fraser was sliced in two. DROWNED AT ITALIANS I Fraser Was In Collision NAAS RIVER: LOSE OUTS mandant, James Weir, Loses Ills Life at Mill Bay George Weir, elder son of Mr. and Mrs. James Weir, was drowned In a 1 sad tragedy which occurred yester-, day morning at Mill Bay on th Naas River. The remains were' brought to the city last evening by . Provincial Constable Alex Gaunt aboard the fishery patrol boat Mar-lssa, Capt. Ivor Wick, on which the youth was employed. About 8:15 yesterday morning the lad had climbed up a ladder to the cannery dock from the float at which the Marlssa and other boats were moored. A very few minutes later he was In the water struggling did not see It. Before a boat could put out, he had gone down. The tragedy occurred within fifteen feet of the dock. Almost emmed- ines Are Destroyed CAIRO, June 29: (CP) In a naval communique it was an nounced that three enemy des- I troyers had been sunk in a naval I engagement. The report also stated that the British had received no casualties. An Admiralty communique announced in London that two more Italian submarines were sunk. MOVE OUT OF SYRIA and calling for help. A rope was; thrown to him but, evidently, he Polish Troops Have Crossed Fron tier Into Palestine cmnnllntr hut life was pvtinrt. iSvrian frontier and have entered There is a strong undertow at that 1 PalesUne to Join the British forces point. I already stationed there. The state- ' Followlntr an lnaulnr by D. John;nnt said that withdrawal was Macdonald. the coroner at Klneo. I ordered when It became apparent: Roumania Says Nazis And Italians To Halt Advance Of Russia Red Invasion Said To Be Going Past Line of Demarcation , King Carol Mustering Army of Four Million Men BUCHAREST. Roumania. June 29: (CP) Germany ai headqmrters of the proving jj are gai(j on authority to have assured Rou- pollce here. No detPils were Piven . , nrvpnf nnv fIlrrw nrlvanr-Pa infn An is being held but the " ' 1 ' inquest iT i i"I . Kiner T. , ... fnnVi Carol's" 7 kingdom. iMnnrlAtn j rnu Thus This intimation f ' n 1 1 rrt o T 1 nn V followed T n lrii?'l earlier nirhfll" message said there were no cir cumstances of suspicious nature. NO PAPER MONDAY reports that Soviet and Roumanian troops were already i in battle after Red forces had advanced beyond Bessar- iabla past lines of demarcation 1 1 ' which Russia is said to have declar-1 i sne woiua rcspw in u,u- , Monday, being a public holiday for the celebration of Dominion Pat,on- . I " , XCoanUmo Ronmanlan troorvt nave I Day. there will be no Issus of the;been hun1cd laUj mobuization andl n.ll.. XT - t nr r4 1 Til. AM . . A A . . 1 ' I udiuy c t-ijuj. an army 01 awu,ow men is oeing 'fnilar edition will appear or. mustered to resist not only the Rus-Tuesday. slan Invasion being-carried beyond I , I hnnnrt. but to check a Hungarian! Canadian Heroism Saved "movement Into Transylvania and ' Bulgarian Invasion of Dbruja. Russia Is also reported to have I designs on the Hungarian Ukraine. I fThe whole situation la quite con- iurea fiia aeep iningue eviaent. It would appear probable that1 the dogs of war may seem to bei llfj... XT I nar news i 1 MAY START MONDAY LONDON The Rome-Berlin axis powers may start a blitz kreig against Great Britain, the defender of democracy, on Monday. Whether It will be against the British Isles direct or in the Mediterranean is uncertain. From Stockholm come reports of unusual troop movements off ,reieaseflinautnelrIurylntneBal-I the Norwegian coast. Develop-Vkans. 1 ments In, the Balkan area may I -' 1 ..' I complicate the situation In the WOMEN ON INSPECTION Splendid Showing Made By Local Companies of British Columbia Women's Service Club J official guests and friends, local companies of the British Columbia Women's Service Club turned out at the Armory last night for ln-.SDecUon by Col. s. D. Johnston 'M. C-, V. D officer commanding. Prince Rupert garrison area. About fifty strong, they presented a highly creditable and smart appearance and fully merited the j complimentary remarks which were made by the Inspection officer. Mrs. G. Wharton, chief com was In charge and Ser- W. A. Akehurst of the Ca-i jnadian ScotUsh conducted the ln- Ispection drills. Col. Johnston was accompanied In making the in- spectlon by Lieut. Col. J. N. Bur-. nett of the Irish Fusiliers and Col. .J. J. Burton-Willison of the Royal Canadian Army Service Corns. 1 Following the Inspection, CoL Johnston, speaking briefly, re-1 f erred to the unique experience It 1 was for him to Inspect a corps of women. The organization of thej women In this way Indicated t" desire that all felt to be doing these times of crisis. The drill hadj been most creditable and It would, undoubtedly, have been even more enlightening to see an exempllfl- cation of the practlcnl work. "You are doing your bit, keep It up," exhorted Col. Johnston. Following the inspection, re freshments were served to the In-'vlted guests who included Col. and Mrs. S. D. Johnston, Inspector and (Mrs. C. Q. Barber, Mrs. H. L. west for the Axis powers. riinn n:hir r.f.ii sir raids by the Royal Air Force on Italian air bases, fuel stores and ammunition dumps in North Africa are reported. All British aircraft returned safely to their bases. -uw . "'- "asiLandry. Mrs. Ellis. Mrs. C. E. tralia, " ' Starr, , , , i, . been reported that six thousand ; defence of the realm laws. ' D Mrs w F Eye . . ... 'Polish Ylrt 1 i pK tsnft Vi have ft ah MwnnA9 Ik the lately, the body was recovered by troops crossed In the presence of a number nf Miss E. M. Earl, Mrs. Robert Gor don, Mrs. F. N. Good, Mrs. James Hadden, Mrs. H. G. Funston, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. MacCallum, Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Pullen, Mr. and llth, the body was brought to Prince that the French commander might Leod "Mrj p c Miller. Mrs. Oscar Rupert and Is now In charge of the B. C. Undertakers. Circumstances were obviously entirely accidental. George Weir was sixteen years of age and was born here. He was the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. George B, Casey. The family will have the deep sympathy of many friends In the sad bereavement. " inrow m nis wc wiui me uoroeaux Sather Mr and Mrs g c Thom-govemment. iSQn Mrs. E. Thomnson. Mr and BAR GOLD Mrs. S. E. Parker. Mr. and Mrs. Boardman, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Wrathall, Mrs. R. J. D. Smith, Mrs J. B. a. Gibson, Gibson, Mrs. Airs. Joseph Josepn Oaron. REYNAUD IS HURT BORDEAUX Former Premier Paul Reynaud Is in serions condition although his life is. not believed in danger following Injuries sustained in an automobile accident. BRITAIN IS RAIDED LONDON The British Isle I, including Wales and northeastern England, were again raided last night and earlly this, morning by Nazi bombers but little, if any, damage to property was done and no casualties are reported. AMERICAN SHIP SUNK NEW YORK The 6000-ton American steamer Edgehill has been torpedoed and sunk between the south of Ireland and Land's End, it is reported. The Edgehill was built at Seattle In 1919 and is registered out of New York. McNARY RUNNING MATE PHILADELPHIA Senator Charles McNary of Oregon was yesterday named vice-presidential running mate for Wendell Willkie, Republican candidate for president of the United States. FORMER A. D. C. ARRESTED LONDON Capt. George Pitt-Ivers, former aide-de-camp to the Governor General of Aus has been arrested tinder Halibut Sales Hannah, American 8,500, 10c and 7.5c, Royal. Canadian Clipper. 17,000, 9.9c and 7c, Storage. Skeena M. II, 8,500, 10.2c and 7c, Storage. T-wnrw. npiTh Montreal'J. aaron.istorane. Domino II, 9,500, 10.4c and 7c, price of bar gold on tha London'Mrs. D. C. Stuart, Mrs. S. P. Wood- Ingrld H4, 11,000, 10.4c and 7c, market was unchanged today atjslde, Bruce Stevens and Jack Mus-. Booth $37.54 per fine ounce. .sallem. J. R., 9,000 10.2c and 7c, Pacific 3 4i 3