TSE BAT YEWS eee oe . —____ ——————_—_—— ———— : —— ——— ee THE Dai_y News a Se SS | : ' TRE PHMCE MUPERT HLL OD LTD. PRINCE aUPTRT EC. ; i PEASSIENT GP LAT £09 E27 St — et core per ets Tantimer ates wm wmppieation. SCRAP TIS Lares Ts Canmtin Cinmet Fmes ant Wet — Daile Bie gor ment. or Bi ger pear on ete Weumue. SL ger weer a1 Other Countess —Laiy & 8 yer pear Verkig. SLD ger paar erretit nb steers Dummer Eorruus a Tataeper. Mseace TS S441 OWEF SUT THE TO TING. he Lilteralie 4 us im suftag fave worked on riz ; aut ae certian 1 nung a ie cewardief by sing 2 Beh a8 Ser ese ote urge ote oiled ag Cur Gistuw ccanitisfiete Phe fimatvqitees unter “se were en mre it Boge epee mare? as clues a6 fia ie { “ar BS tL 1 lee Osaties were wear? 11s Py © Bagert w ; i "ee te for Lifveraliam Se ogi espn an =a — is ety a Hoe If you vote fer William Mamson you vote against yourself. To advance the coantr; oe ier is Mis cena Ties and your own interests you must vote for Alex. M. Mazsoz. the second mame on the 52!- aiue the gusple sand the svteses tomener mana ou wil lot. Mark your ballet paper just like this: ne aasascs i thew where our aueuey hus gone os al wth Wilkam Barratt Clayton, of Prince Rupert, Dentist a : 3 t wi le 2 ejpentamens Bi pire we Den Riee-w tert . me Lidersie Eeeee Geen : ele * ne t t t ee ee C tee ferevets TMLee wil ue Cgete 240! CNR Pera Pees Aa? wautgiel pa “ne Respert.. Sor on the ciectan of Bier Mo Mamsew we sid +: die t Ge ete ae MANSON ALE)? ce M. hgemmaded eal cagmaghasgan dose cage A. M. Manson, of Prince Rupert, Barrister-at-law wire we BY he press. Rin. Sor toc: tes tong boon a popeler expecesion 7 N, or pion, aninegecce tones: BS ee Wiliam Manson, of Prince Rupert, Accountant Maw . z Z eg “re y oe The £ spre -% wht we x 2G & SaAed, ’ % 4i0e8 ‘ ate aay Feri sits wus TH Le or ee re Lar? tate gist, ” with the B $ s wine” —TThe Laupure Age we agree with you most hear aud those & Seuwis hel ae en ; f le is ae ke Pay = Pe ree 7 t 1 ‘ ‘ Sitena. 0) wi x 134 : , a te mS ates ” a Chanting “Burren tor Asien Sse : aos LIBERALISM Fort George 145 ACRE Li we z Gied ihe ae j ¢ Rupert a care so ; ae : . ; F ae ag : ig ae eee ee ee . . IN VICTORIA ! | - t ome . . r? 9 oy 7 hs Smyare Rhee bef x ia a : : ¢ > ¥ g tt “rots be ce Wars mene J ates . » Mes —— Fg t > ‘ JOHE DYBHLVE me , . eee E 5 7 fi independert Conservatives De- 7 . on . : oe wees S 8 serting Their PFerty and As- ' ; ees ‘ z ‘ be ore bes , ee sisting to Return Two Libera us was tas ue i senate es ie 2 wan he became : Members to Mert Legislature ua , c t yore ine Smasiec — acaba Zaeal : : ge x : 5 a ms. Ho el. Spec ig. & Daily News : : : . —s a: : x @ wei 3 5 . : coneaiiie’ ‘Sanaaneie ine Workingms: : Hum airs ceptions = em Free Laber Berea 0 Lampe . : ss a 4 b _ a B » “ asia as < z = 2 = = ™ GEO BR Ee 7 ee e . hs z & =m 9s — 4 : 5 gillian tiie ; . TT NS She. cilcstio’ and TREAT M'BRIDE <= Westhoime Lami 22 Sys s f * < : i Be selling G * » ‘ * . 2 , bitk 24, wettion 5. 69 : ; ™ eogen to wulld ze aba ‘ = Mime - O A ; ras ” 27. c : : ‘f + northern por- esh bukemer ¢ amd 13 moat : a uly awailing a LG 4 ‘. sectboe $3.15 3 $E.50 Pe T Laeneret F e ‘+ ak t 2 years se 5 b a = i c ’ : ) Premier Failed to Warm Up eat a = a 43 a Lumber anc Youidimss Conservative Meeting at New een Banbe :"and 15 maths ‘. AB Cds of Samony Nannie: Siereit ees ee a. Westminster put Liberal Can- -2 cate, Bilamee 4 ane = 3 . _ S . Y x \ ‘ ’ ¥ ‘ ' S = % o " ® c =| ; he « i the north . t 7 io : : Gidate Was Applauded ah. balatee 6 and 39 “ pereapeneiticeiapean “ aa re ae Ppone 18 . “ Ua f * suggest «2 . = . . 5 v 25 33 First Avenue 7 f ee ” 7” ws Te, ce: ‘ , as - ¥ 7 hox MM ait. avs . ‘ . rvous and unjust ‘es nsier. March 2 : . @ bicisalieenets has , 4h ial wnemiesionera if gh Pre er McBride «nok sone ve — Bote itn. = ; 200 niMnissioners if ‘cDride Spox Th. COLLART 14 : 4 J a £ s ; P p ends Serva & Budience eee it late aflernoor vancouver Bul 1 ae t seduced and has become the was supposed to | ats Set ‘ 7 se ei ‘ ynlemptible ali, al machines N Westminster theat Natural Resowrees Secerity Co Lid eer 8 William Manson wae tried as member { Alberni and made 2 The « bas ihoen { bs sntry without any ast nigh his reception was &* 2 Sth Prone aot ss — fa ne $8 ne hat 0 weeene necessity of the same ar hout sufficient notice being (| inkewarm. whije that of M ; . eS kK William Manson fell down ase Magor f Rupert He did note Ko aud { the public a pnts has been made ARERR — = tes Ma : The faii- -s vel s heir cause ¥ ippea wery independent voter and § usias als audie “S* ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS ~: William Manson has been a complete failure as a member for} trving biain * . : r beer, nor e sul fn b mmer : of fo they consid i eressa n order secure YOUR sup- eat aiaee i R. Love, Prop., Prince Rupert” is port, to hire conveyance: to drive you to the poll. TI'S UP IMMIGRATION RUSH D-nte Mauipraee, Wet: ane TO YOU : Ee Score Prices Right. Engine Work “a J J One Line Will Bring Two Thou- and Genera! Repairing a ail sand Five Hundred Weekly. Peete: eo oor i a = ; 7 r 4 ! J SAMUEL HARKIZON v. . G GAMBLE : wl commen omenan i Special to Daily News Phone Bive 258 - P. O. Box 957 : wd a —— Mon a March 27.—As an |Sammel Harrison &Co,|° eww Rockers are amon e lat- ak APPROVED AGREEMENTS FOR SALE PURCHASED a ine steamers has been est arrivais at ’* Real Mitattinsint Qtech Badients . we . ae aes - ' _ les Grass Seda. Morris aie —— PrinceRupert - and = — Stewart |i means thas 2.500 witl ars At The Big Furniture Store = Sais One ine ' Entrance 2nd Ave., cor. 6th St. uty Tr iti,