w a ! Mi mail nii' "v Planes Downed, Equalling Record BRITISH SHIPS HIT nvnnv. July 26: (CP) Heary Nazi planet were tempered 1 A -..1 -1 1L. an. .. a .J l. . 1" . A a. 4 a at at I kM il trawlers Kingston. Galena Rod fn a had been sunk by -J f 1. 1 a I J.. j-i t t i j a f . m mm B wun loss oi oi men ana iTinrrr nuu iueu wax inu nunrni. i iir ivr-i iiiaiii iiieii nand claims that eleven Brl mtrrhantmen were mink and I Vat nnf fVt rtf nrqva1 wave of Nazi raiders which) turned turned oacK DacK, , 1 1 Tli. 1..- "ia t - . - GET PLANES IN STATES Uncle Sam riaclng Every Facility At Disposal of Great Britain WASHINGTON, D.C.. July 26: (CP Secretary of the Treasury Henry Morgenthau said yesterday . . tarv nlanp a mnn t h In -fV..c rnnn. iry in aaauion to nuge previous 23: (CP) Theder. Hc lhat lack of monev mat ground defences ana tain nad promised to pay for the g pUnes had brought down erectlon of new factories which the ruurc uerman piai.es par new order will require as well as to 'lng in raids which centred on DUV their oulnut; - " on a merchant con vqy off th-j Nfrnrb' Kv I it east oast yesterday. Attacker V 11 UL1- DV, VU drivin off by fierce anll-ia'lr- f T ! ,f j lire and fighter planes which '..UniUcnUIlCU d them back across the Eng- -. II VillUII SO 1bUU " ne iww oi uriuai. inane i-. i vortivor uciiuai uuouuai. u aci& of ..11 at least i two of , these .. are . . , the identity of f tt, the woman m... 'i io nave Dcen savea. far, according to a close accurate Royal Air Force -uu, m nail manes uatc Drouth t rinun lnri June IK I ralders which dropped hund of bombs on British shipping the southern coasts. Antl- diL iirp vfli men jtrrArrivp to get as far as western Eng-or Wales. one of the first enemy vlc-of the day was a plane which brought down in southwest killed. Enemy Also Attacked into Germany and German- nirt tffifft AafAix4i air . - V J J SJ f docks again being bombed. night l had not been established. Scottish Leaving - '"V i mawa w Aiirn lLTir anri lTni-Ii(ina flo-ht ra I mm a busy day in battling the! Company wwen lias ucen nero Since Start Of War Departing For Vancouver .... ' ! , r . ...... ,tnnA tVin tin. r i mi i iin rtnaw i a..., n n nnn. n . I 1 1 1 1 r ilii 1.1 . u w.v. - and fighters were among theginniag of the war, D. Company. V nlanao mhUU a,,-- Hmnnafi .fiPPOnfl liaiiailUn. VailUUiau uwb- i . it. ' itniA nnm rti ;i riri ii ui i, damage was done by the V tllln. n n .1 n.. I . r n fn. tilAfA Direct Hits Upon Tobruk Confirmed British Bombing Planes Had Success at Libya Port, Royal Air Force Officially Announces kh isn nnimj pound f..u , ...Jintr trading Dases Storage uepuvo sterling was , MHin .im i.ib- 1.85 on the New York foreign ""-'".:" , . Yu LONDON SILVER INJ I If 1 riT T..1-. na mi 1-., w M4J U, X All. r price yesterday was 22 S-13c a" - "unvvi y i uiiu ... - -l' - the Air Force claims. Considerable damage has also bee:, done to Italian planes. . From one particularly successful raid, all Air Forcd planes safely returned yesterday, a Jlff.'M.jflft ly fifteen each while more complete arate state of Brittany. A gover-organlzation is being proceeded nor will be appointed. with. Norman A. Watt presided over last night's meeting, the purpose of which he described In brief opening remarks. The idea, he said, was to organize a local defence corps which might be able to meet emer- that the United States has pledged . gencies arising out of the war in I "every facility" to enable Great Bri tain to buy three thousand mill cluding subversive activities which there was good reason to believe existed even In Prince Rupert.' The community should be on the alert and prepared for possibilities of "fifth columnlsU" whose technique wag to undermine defences, paralyze war efforts and destroy morale. It was not hitended Ahat the, local defence 'corps should interfere In , any way with enlistment in the ac-, j tive services. Those who Joined the ' (local corps would be free at all J. S. Wilson declared that the possibility of even Prince Rupert being bombed was not entirely fantastic. After all, It was up to the civilian population to look after the town and their homes. It was 1m- portant that there should be traln- lng and organization. Although far I away from the present scene of hostilities, Prince Rupert should be prepared to do its part. Mr. Wilson suggested as other possibilities the financing of a training airplane and the fostering of the sale of war certificates. Mr. Wl son After having been stationed at savings which had already been taken to wards the organization and operation of a civil defence corps. In ad- uumoers were acuve ana a r . , ,t. iti .fmht. rtriii-iirh artivl- sans tonigni, on uie,""" .."....-.-. for.C. Stephenson, rp:rnnslhl " responsiDie ior - f . Hp n f rst nld and slenalllnem eht Cardena ior ncauquarveia un - - - - couver Island. Another company is, be taken up. coming north to relieve B. Com-1 Col. J. W. Nicholls suggested that Danv J In the local garrison area, i . there may be no delay In organiz- . ..I imi ii i..n ing ana getting utinuig ui nip um defence corp3 under way. Developments In the international scene had been moving fast and it was no time for complacently sitting by. By Christmas Europe would prob ably be overrun with starving and dlsease-rldden hordes, Inspector C. O, Barber spoke of the organization of a special police reserve which he did not wish to Cairo Julv 26: (CP) British 'conflict wlCh the civil corps. J bombing planes scored direct hlUJ At the close of the meeting, tak en a jetty at wnicn some - inz of registrations for the civil de-ines moor In Tobruk harbour, itaj-. fence proceCded with the re- !S& that sixty-five names were tak-dav. Four explosions followed. en. By next Tuesday, when the V M ii Ua Kfini-i fnrtVlPT tl I t..U lU. A.HA4ntUM STERLING AT NEW YORK blnce inerB. m Ttal Vn' ' w vnnw nn . rr Tun I i)t.inj bvvv.v. Lmml lihx iiuiiiuci win nave aw . j - ,k.cfn1r 1. . i . Himfi j i j n nnil and hum a nlmtqna rn ane . .... least been doubled. BAR GOIJJ LONDON, tCP) The Montreal price of bar gold on the London market was unchanged today at $37.54 per fine ounce, War NeVs .... . . I omic blockade of W ..B.... ..-V. ..V domnate(, rauut ior anus. J. J. Little outlined organization activities to date of the civil pro- tectlon committee which had al-' readv held seventeen meetlne.i and sue ssiuny VANCOUVER, uJly 26: Struck had formed committees on police, l the day The bag of twenty- health,! b automobile near the corner fire, schools, engineering, K...v ... , of glxth Avenue and cambie i gas proiecnon, transportation, tne -prevlOUS record Of . . .... , aa 'Kl-irlr-mit mmmiinli9Hnns demoli tion, signalling, etc. BATTLE OFF IRELAND BELFAST Heavy gunfire was heard off the northern Irish coast today and flashes between ships and planes were seen from shore as German air raiders attacked a convoy. British planes sped to the weniv' REINFORCE BLOCKADE LONDON Great Britain today to reinforce the econ- Europe by rationing PROVINCIAL LIBRARY Weather. Forecast ! Tomorrow sT ides prinw Rupert and Queen Char- Aj lotte islands-- Moderate to fresh ',7V XXIX No. 175. NOICTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, JULY 26, 1940. all German- trade of neutral countries to the "bare minimum necessary to their distance," it was reliably reported today. It was said the plan would make it virtually impossible for Germany to obtain goods" through neutral countries. REFUGEE SHIP LEAVES BKOOKYLN The American steamer American Legion left Brooklyn yesterday for Petsamo in Northern Finland to pick up American refugees from Finland, S'brway, and the Baltic States. Mrs. Daisy Borden Harriman, United States minister to Norway, will be among those returning on the American Legion. GIBRALTAR RAIDED GIBRALTAR Slight damage and no casualties resulted from a thirty-minute air raid on Gibraltar yesterday. ON GERMAN TERMS BERLIN Dr. Walther Funk, German minister of economics, warns. United States that it must be prepared to trade on German terms after the war. There will be no gold standard but trade will be on a barter basis. AH the gold it has will be of no benefit to the United States. DUTCH ARE ARRESTED AMSTERDAM Hundreds of reprisal for alleged Ill-treatment being accorded Germans in the Dutch East Indies. KING IN SHELTER LONDON Inspecting a naval camp on the southeast coast yesterday, King George had to take to an air raid shelter. Ten minutes later he emerged, nonchal-ently smoking a cigarette, and proceeded with the inspection. ALEXANDRIA BOMBED ALEXANDRIA The Italians used incendiary bombs on Alexandria for the first time in a raid yesterday. One person was killed and several Injured but there. was no damage to military objectives. Plans Under Way For National Registration In Trince Rupert While no. definite dates have for the government na- reglstratlon and the local under way. The initial muster for drill and instruction ofiiciai have not been given any wm laice place next Tuesday even- l - ing in the armory The initial set-up of the Prince Rupert Legion Defence Corps pro vides for Norman Watt and J. W. Nicholls associated as commanders of the unit. G. P. Tinker and Hu bert Ward are associated as seconds in command with JJ3. Wilson as adjutant. Section commanders are Alan Hill-Tout. Peter, Lakle, Alex Mitchell and Weldon McAfee. The sections will consist of approximate Britanny To ! Be Separated more details than have appeared in the newspapers, a considerable amount of preliminary organization has already been carried out in Prince Rupert as well as elr- where. As there are upwards of one hundred and twenty polling stations In the federal constituency of Skeena, It will be seen that the organization Is a large undertaking. Moreover the registration calls for the registering of all people over sixteen years of age. It also applies to all people lr-ret pectlve of nationality. It is probable that in the city of Prince Rupert the public schools will be used as registration centres. Special provision Is being made to" have centres at the various fishing camps, canneries and logging centres. It is emphasized in every case that the responsibility of r;Herlng lies with each Individual and not with the registrars or voluntary helpers. Quite a number of peoole. have l; DATESoSsTRATio? eis, secretaries of organizations and those familiar with office and clerical routine are specially suitable Tor the work. The local officials are anxious to have a record of all who can assist and those deslrious of helping should notlf T. W. Brown or J. S. Wilson at onie so that 'distribution of the work may be arranged efficiently. When registration does begin it will be carried on Jor three days from eight in the morning until ten at night. It is expected that at least fifty voluntary assistant deputy registrars will be required In Prince Rupert city. Cuba Favors Taking Over HAVANA, July 26. Cuba is strongly in favor of the United I Dates of the national registration have been definitely fixed for August 19. 20 and 21, local registrars were advised today. GIRL CYCLISTS HERE On a cycling trip through British Columbia, two young ladies in the persons of Miss Lillian L. Taylor of Elgin, Illinois and Miss Mildred' Hubbert of Portland. Oregon, arrived in the city on last night's train and left today on the Princess Louise for Alaska. They have already been through a good deal of the interior of the province. They got on the train yesterday at Hazelton. Last year Miss Taylor cycled 16,000 miles through England and Scotland. VELVET BEATS DOCK Velvet defeated Dry Dock 3 to 2 last night in the second game of the Gilhuly Cup football series. Velvet led 2 to 0 at half time. ' States plan for1 a protectorate over, Scorers were Dickens, Cameron any possessions of European nations , and Ritchie for Velvet, Morgan in the western hemisphere which and GHHs for Dry Dock. ' might be threatened with a change i I of ownership as a result of war.. Under the plan American armed , forces might even take occupation. Several other nations at the present Pan American conference also Idiui liic Jiaii. Secretary or state uoraeu nun of the United States, still deter (mined to place a political and 'economic barrier around the western hemisphere as a protection against totalitarian influence, offered a resloutlon to the for closer economic collaboration lnf Amprlpnn naMrm n pnmmlttpA I conference which would provide i Dutch people are being arrested jto uke charge of dtoputed terrl and will be taken to Germany in ., , h-mih.,. until final satisfactory settlement had been made ana lull co-opera i tlon against subversive Influences. I Argentina continues to be a stumbling block to the United States alms for the conference. It t thas expressed Itself as being opposed to Pan-American trustee 4 ship of European-owned colonial possessions in the western hemisphere. The future of these colonies, Argentina holds, should be a matter of self-determination. Argentina also hesitates to pre iudlce trade relations with Euro pean countries which might be the effect, It believes, of an economic barrier around the Americas against totalitarian political and DEATH BILL PASSES OTTAWA The bill providing for imposition of the death sentence for treachery passed the House of Commons yesterday and now goes to the Senate. UNITED STATES WARNED TOKYO The Japanese government warns United States against "very great reactions" which may result from the embargo on the shipment of scrap iron and oil to Japan. APPEAL TO ROOSEVELT WASHINGTON New appeals are reported to have been made from The Hague by the Dutch peace committee asking the President to use his influence towards High 6:35 ajn. 15.0 ft. 19:05 pjn. 17.1 It. Low 0:32 am. 7.8 ft 12:15) p.m. 8.0 ft. PRICE: I CENTO alkans Are Again In Limelight AaIj AKL Trince Kuoert Organ zes I n 1 1 . l i a 4-1 mi cm iihhi "s UUUiii v i n l i . .i It Clra anrf KlfHIlnl? Effective Against Enemy Attacks LONDON, July 28: (CP) An Informed British source said yesterday that the continuous hitting by the Royal Air Force bombers of Important military and Industrial oblectlvM in Germany and German-occu- pled countries has been mak- lng It extremely difficult for the Reich to organize mass at- tacks on Oreat Britain. Corps For Civil Defence; Sixty-Five Men Enlisted Ranging from sixteen-year-old school boys to season ed veterans of the First Great War. sixtv-f ive men enlist ORGANIZE ed last Slight at a meeting in the Canadian Legidn Hall in been set ta local defence corps, organization of which is how well tionai r LOCALLY Pressure On Roumania Continues; Conference At Salsburg Now On Iron Guards Say They Will Resist Any Incursions By Hungary or Bulgaria King Carol May Flee to England, It Is Suggested LONDON, July 26: (CP) The Roumanian prime minister and foreien minister arrived at Salsburg, Ger- for conferences with German Foreign The general plan is that regis- many, yesterday tration centres win be established Minister Joacnim von KiDDentrop. from mere me nou- New state For This part of where polling stations were in manian ministers will proceed to Rome to meet Italian France Agreed To By Germany operation during the last federal Vnrpirm Ministpr Count Ciann. Rultrarian representatives VICHY, July 26: Germany has agreed, it Is announced, to a sen- Al.MAn election. A Un.A r o ... . o 1 . , , Bulletins IS BOUND OVER Ole Osberg, charged with man- sslaughter as a result of an auto- $2000 by Magistrate McClymont In city police court today to appear again it required in connection with the case. Sergeant C. C. Jacklin acted for the prosecution. T. W. Brown appeared for Osberg. twiii dp in saiSDurg aaiuraay ana the Hungarians on Sunday. Meantime, according to reports from Bucharest, the Iron Guard government is reported to have told King Carol that It will resist surrender of territory to either Hungary or Bulgaria and will fight before giving it up. It Is reported that King Carol might come to England to discuss mobile accident last week which with the British government the caused the death of Olof Nygard, j situation arising out of the present was bound over in the sum of i diplomatic pressure. It Is reported that Carol has already quietly sought approval of the. British gov ernment to take at least temporary refuge In England should that become necessary In "view of the situ aUon in which he has been placed. Adolf's Name Too Much For Ottawa Skunk OTTAWA, July 26: A skunk found its way into offices at' the Parliament buildings yesterday and for a time distressed some of the workers. One of the clerks said that when the skunk came across a paper in which the name of Hitler was headlined it mads off. ' Y.M.C.A. Man Is Coining North Norman McEwen of University of Manitoba to Take Charge of War Services Program Locally " "A1?,G 8""?.Mi. I VANCOUVER, July 26: struck at Chile's nitrate coast to day and first reports said it was feared 100 were killed. The landslides followed torrential rains which are unusual in the area. ITALIAN CROP LIGHT ROME The Italian wheat crop' is 28,000,000 bushels less than last year, the minister of agriculture announces. (CP) liiuuuau miunviit wiMvmj w 'Manitoba graduate, is leaving) to night for Prince Rupert to assume charge of the Young Men's Christian Association war services program there. Halibut Sales Summary American 81,000 pounds, 10c and 7.5c to 10.3c and 7.5c. ; Canadian None. American Tordenskjold, 39,000, 10c and 7.5c, Storage. Middleton, 25,000, 10.3c and 7.5c, Atlin'. Balder, i7,000, 10.2c and 7.5c, Stor age. peace. "In the name- of humanity," the appeal Is purported to say, "we beg of you to save from destruction one Or two brother peoples. BELFAST Important developments in Irish defence plans are expected to follow a secret inspection made by Secretary ot War Anthony Eden, Capt. Eden" left today op bis return to London.