fat I F .Tm i.ifv IB, 141. TH DAILY KZW3 PAGE THRFi HAVF Ynil HEARD sr " h.- l l - . oarricw iimi , airsctM by Mrs. H. M. A i Itkra. tamoua Coosln uabls rtclps ana ou FREE Writ now for lbs BooUtt iltuJT. Calais Yssr Eaeloss bu ' from any Cansda tftarch Pro. U and BddrvMlho (jbuu purcs tU m Sarvlr l)$t A, Dot 19, an in theM oon har' ri an( lis Seagram's Famout Brands f AVI-S -UNG I1ATT' 1 RAMI, -OLD RYE" si of bottltt range from $2.f to 5j.JJ MacKenzies Furniture 1 ll glamor " And now we have newt from New York that Patricia PJun kctt has been dubbed the No. 1 deb Jot Park Avenue because she the e andmai dav the Rirls ;"Ue wl thf, "mwL Plus " ttt'i ne lu ult onie Successive gener t ailed U charm " " Advening is an investment ment u not published ut duplayed by the Liquor Bourd or by the Oovernment of British Columbia JANUARY SOCIALS rce ( llf.STIJtl II I.1) SUITE Matelve tub chairs with roll OAttJ.UU SiCjOO Januar special Your Old Suite Taken as Pari Payment Phone 773 "! Uotlle and Nipple Both for ; Sir Itaby Talcum 1 Mex Nipples 'I l"l ... .1. lUhvs HaU, TliprtniiniPlork Kir ... ,fesh Local Raw and Pasteurized MlHc VALENTIN DAIRY 'HONE 657 Ormes Ltd. Zrim Pioneer Druqgiats The Itcxall Store Phones 81 & 82 Open Daily from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12 to 2 p.m. and 7 (o 0 p.m. 10c 15c 25c 25c Fresh Shrimp BOAT W.S.L. Dally at 4 P-ni. TKOTIGK'S DOCK Si P4 LULALo Olngham confetti -dance, Moose Hall, Friday night. (tf.) Tonight's tram, due from the tut at 11 o'clock, was reported this afternoon to be on time. Miss Rose Labelle is salllhe this 1 1 f A Vf'f "li'T' fc A hrvl l n V I r m a a K. B. Sheriff's Sale Blrkeland Timber Company I Anglican Tea, Mrs. Crlpps', Jatfj uary lo. LOU.A. Dance, Metroiwle Hall,! January 17. Toe H Dance, Seal Cove, Jan. 19. , Eagles Bridge January 24. Presbyterian Burns' Tea, Mrs. Lakle's Jan. 25, Burns' Day Banquet . Jan. 25 'Oddfellows' Hall. Sonja and S.O.N. dance Jan. 21 1 Masonic Ball' January 26. United Young Ladles' Tea, Mrs. I 'Clarke McLean's February 1. Catholic Tea Mrs. McCatfery's February 1. oooooooaooooHoooo0ooi00oooo0oo0oo00oo0O0O0OOOOO0o no8pltal reb 2t Legion Valentine Tea, Mrs. D. C. Schubert's, February U. Cambral Valentine Ball, Febru ary 16. 1 AngUen Spring. Bale, .AprUX? MRS. HILL PRESIDES"!" (Continued from Page One) discussion of commoft problems, r COUrUOtU . - . co-operation between home and PhPnT?d, 7;!chool, these and many other ,w ice Phone II Taxi. ; mterert were developed through the agency of the Pareht-Teachers' afternoon on the Prince Runert 11 Moore. wm iiiauposea yesieraay and was not m his office. Vice-President, 2500 school children British Columbia coast I versus J, Randall Black and Robert Armstrong, and National Aeroplane l Lumber Company. Incorporated Boston I TAKE NOTICE that I have selz- Rangers 'ed under Writ of Execution In the Toronto above action, and by virtue thereof Chicago 11 : oooooooooooooooooooooooooococoooooooooooooo wUj jjj a public Auction at my Canadlens SPECIALS FOR BABY Announcements AU adertlstmedU Ut thu cot kmB will t ohtiged tor a fui month t 31h rri 8 otflc. Court House. Prince Rupert, Detroit 7 U. C , on Uie 22nd day of January. Americans 8 Mrsv, Q. for a trip t0 Vancouver. I Secretary, W. W. C. O'Neill. t . j Treasurer. Mrs. D. R. Barclay. Public Meeting of Unemployed, prgram Convener. Mrs. O C. L. D. L Hall Fridav. 8 n m tn Young. 8chool. Mrs. T. Boulter; King Ed ward School. Mrs. J. C. Ollker. j Social Conveners Booth 8am Houiran nnrt nn, "Ial High School, Mrs. R. Wood Jack, are sailing this afternoon nhd Mrs-11 prklns; Borden Street un me rrincess woran for a to Vancouver. , trip School. Mrs. Barber. t Past President. Mrs. R. M. Miss Frances Cummlngs is sail- President Apprertated Ing this afternoon on the Princess Special appreciation was ex-Norah for a two weeks' vacation l)rclBfiPd of the very successful work trip to Vancouver. (Of Mrs. R. M. Wlnslow, president . . Jof the Association for the past A. C. Small Is maklne the round three years and symoathy was trip on the Prince Rupert today expressed with her In her bereave-to Stewart. He lelt yesterday af- menl through the death of her lernoon and will be back this eve- father. ' nlng. J A discussion took place about . - the desirability of holding., the Mr and Mrs. L. M. Mumford elar meetings at four o'clock are sailing tonight on the Prince 111 the afternoon Instead of at Rupert for Vancouver. They are "ent o'c'opk In the evening. This to take up future residence In the'matter will be voted upon at the south. next regular meeting. The secretary was asked to Mr and Mrs. A. Dingwall are ackn6wledge with thanks the re- j sailing tonight on the Prince Rup- celpt of a cash donation from the ert for Vancouver where It Is their Japanese women's Association, intention to spend the next few Following the business meetlne. months. Mrs. John McRae's house Alex Turnbull. Inspector of schools,! on Fourth Avenue East, which showed three reek of beautiful! they have been occupying, has colored moving pictures descriptive! been taken by Dr and Mrs. H. L. of the May Day celebration and I A. Tarr. the ceremonies arranged by the! schools of New Westminster for the recent visit of King' George' TOO LATE 10 CLASSIFY and Queen Elizabeth In which! t(Ek took part ST' Rurt, Ltd ApSln StJLS? tU9 i ... . . r',.r lU y jr TurnouUs Inspectorate and scenes' Lt & m the CanaJS Rockiest the" J aallj- uva w.. ' Hockey Standings , National League W D L F 18 3 6 88 .15 7 4 82 15 3 9 70 1 2 3 1 13 16 16 18 50 58 41 54 A 45 40. 57 75 76 C9 77 A. D. 1940. at 3:00 o'clock In the Parlfic Coast Leatue afternoon, approximately 2,000,000 Portland 10 2 10 55 80 feet of spruce, balsam, hemlock Vancouver 10 1 10 71 72 and cedar saw logs and felled tlm- Seattle 10 1 10 CO 64 ber now lying In and along Big . Falls Creek. Ecstall River. B. C. DATED at Prince Rupert. B. C. thU lClh day of January. A. D. 1940. fl. A. NICKERSON, Bherfltf. On Leavnig Prince Runert I.en Mumford wishes to thank friends and customers for their valuable patronage. In future phone A. DAVEV, BLACK 396 For Fuller Brushes NKW CENTltAL HOTEL ANNEX Second Avenue Housekeeping Apartments (Hot Water Heated) Mrs. C. E. Black, Proprietress (Central Hotel) J. H. BULGER Optometrist Royal Bank Bldf. NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates S1.M up it Room Hot tt Cold Wittf Prlnct Rupert, B.C. rboae 28! P.O. Bog 111 P 39 37 33 2? 18 V 17 22 21 21 BEAVERS IN SOCCER WIN Defeated Maple Leafs 3 to 1 King Edward football or In Association. j rhe Beavers won their second The election of officers for 1040 eame n the Klnr Edward School resulted as follows: Football League yesterday when t-resmeni. wirs. ueorge tijii. they defeated the Maple Leafs by First Vice-President, Mrs. N. M. three coals to one. The latter uarter. Second played shorthanded. From the start the Beavers attacked and Holkestad scored easily from close In. Beavers had the better of the exchanges and T. Ormiston added a second. The Leafs had a grand chance but dltcuas ieeent relief cut. 15): Membership Conveners Booth Arntsen shot past. Memortol H3 Bcht?01' Mrs In the second half D. McOreish my commissioner W. J. AJdet"1?" fu,uc D' adderi 0 thlrd Ior the Beavers. Play became faster and, from Wil son's pass. Pilfold scored for the Leafs. Soon after the same player shot over. Pierce was dangerous and, with Ormiston and Holkestad, showed good combination but Bartlett and Blake defended strongly. Arntsen also showed up well. Malrs saved splendidly twice with the Leafs trying hard to score but Unable to get the ball through. Teams: Beavers Mairs; Menzies, C. Pilfold; L Husoy. D. Murray, T. Ormiston; Haugan. Kiwahara, R. Holkestad (captain , E. Pierce. McOreish, Johansen. Maple Leafs J. Prince; Blake; O. Hansen. Bartlett, Roth well; P. Wilson, Orimble, Arntsen leap-tain i. Sheppard. T. Pilfold. The league standing: P "W L Wanderers 7 4 2 Maple Leafs 8 4 3 Beavers .7 2 5 D Pts 1 8 'I 9 0 4 It's the cumuiatrvt etftct of advertising that counts. a..iu w ' r - ! ix Till: sri'Kr.MF. coi kt ornKitisii i-oixmiha In ITttbatr In the Matter of the "AdmlnlMratbin Art" And In the Mailer of the folate ot Edward lercUMin Jon en. Irerd TAKE NOTICE that by order of HU Honor Judgt W E. Fisher doted the th dy of January !M0 I was appointed Admlntotrstor of the EsUU of Sdit-ard Perguaoa Jones, Deceased, late of the City af Prince Rupert, British Columbia, and all person- baring claim against the said EM&te are hereby required to fumifth the sara to hie properly verified on or before the 28th day of FVbruary 1B40 and all per sons Indebted to lite said Estate are re quired to pay tne amount or their indebtedness to me forthwith. NORM A. WATT. Official Administrator, Prince Rupert. B. C. Dated the 4th day of January, A D. 1940. IX THE SITREME TO! RT ItF BRITISH roi.i:iii. In Probate In Jhe Mailer of the -Administration Arf And In the Matter ot the f.stale of Blanche Hart Deceased TAKE NOTICE that by order of Hl Ilouor. W E. Ftelker, made btt the 39th day Of December, A. D. 1939. I aa aooDlnted Extractor ot the estate of Blanche Hart, Deceased, and all parties haTlne claims againfit the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on br before the lOUi day of February, A. D. 1940. and 411 oortlea Indebted to th estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me fortnwun. DATED ti 3rd day of Januart AD. 194U. VHJJAM O. FULTON, EiecuUTi Prince Rupert, B. c. IDOItA Roller Rink Dally Sessions 3:00 to i:S0 Children 6:00 to 8:30 Adults 8130 tQ 11:00 Becinners Given Special Attention DrMcD. Hunter of this city has I sister. Mrs. Barbara Burnett. The received word of the death recent- deceased years ago paid a visit Iy in filora. Ontario, of hi eldest of several weeks in Prince Rupert. LINZEY & DAVIES Butler First grade 3 fbs. for Brookfield Per lb. Sausage Pork Patties They ar tasty. Per lb. Cream Cheese 2-lb. pkg. Llbby's Prunes Per 2-lb. pkg Baby Beets Per Un PHONES 5S5 586 95c 25c 25c 55c 20c 15c Stilton Cheese l's & 2's, each 25c'nd-50c Lettuce California. Per head Oranges- 20c -Per dozen- 25c- Rome Beautys Per box B. C. Furniture Co. 8c 30c $1.85 c?K20c"-25c Sprouts -Per lb Bananas Per lb. 15c 10c Local New Laid Eggs Aft Wearmouth's. Doz. New and Used Furniture For reall) low prices it will pay you to come in and look over our large stock of household furnishings consisting of Kitchen Ranges, Bedroom Suites. Dinettes, Cheslerlields, Healers, Beds, Springs and Mattresses, etc. I Singer Sewing Machine I good shape 2 Sessions 8-I)ay Chime Clocks-Real-snap '. 1 Phone BLACK 3M 87.50 Next Door to B. C- Clothiers LAI CARD For All Occasions ) ANNItKAjy PWENpjtJIP WEDDING fOfUME CCNVAlCtNT 314.50 $9.95 ? Vacuum Cleaners g1 gQ t Kitchen Ranges In first class condition. 20.00, S22.50 824.50 and ,527.50 New Furniture 1 5-PJere Chesterfield In latest style, fine $98 50 1 Chesteriletd'Bcd At . - -- and 2 - Easy - Chairs - $S9 50 5 ChiCna fr""T S6.95 10 89.50 THIRD AVENUE CONCI!A"U LATlONSl tXPHESSlCSS af SYWPALW oMcuMm.M