jring we wimer oops sre tt through r'ic front close pursuit - i turd punishment- The Finns an-' unced their forces had pushed the back 28 miles In this reg- :n ibove the Arctic Circle. The temperature Is fifty-four be-;w tero. While the Finns, clad iinr.;.T in 'heir Arctic clothing and iwjuatf' supplied, continue their ii!- i w rk as usual, the Soviet rr- iiiout proper clothing and tod. are uffertng severe hard- T-r r supply lines have been ,t b? '!( Finns. It U the most lit; 1 wave Finland has had a cuar1: of a century and It is ro..:,i ; man useiui weapon to-1 i? f Finnish high command i the' against the Russian In- lOn Kalian Isthmus another tf. timent was routed da;, .'avini Its weapons and srr bfi.md as It fled. EUe- h?T l';e old weatlrer has slaclf- nt1 1.) tht righting with the pur- u'.' by !'.t Finns of the fleeing Rus- firj ifcV the only activity. rianei Shot Down OtuWrrable activity In the way of aerial combat continues with bath ldrs reporting having shot in planes of the other. A (mmanlque announced that the Finns had shot down eleven Rus- Nin bombers yesterday. I'revl- r It had been reported that 'Ictfn of elf hteen Red Diane had shot down In a raid on La-Jfnranta, Southern Finland. On the other, Moscow claimed ev-1 llnnlsh planes had been brooiht down. MUI'ar observers believe the pis for Finland will come In May Mi the snows have melted and the ftMlk.. L. I tit. PEDES TO AID FINNS rioin Statesmen Urre Closer I Military Co-oneratlon Aralnst Russia STOCKHOLM, Jan. 18s (CP) Sweden's outstanding Social- P't leader, Frederick Strom, to- urged creation of a northern Wenre league as the movement Mined ground for closer Scan- E'Unavian military riiltihoratlon I1" face of the Russo - Finnish Ir, Richard Kanrilrr. Inrmrr Sunt. IJ'h foreign minister, urged mlll- co-operation of the countries In continuing l'n drhala In l,. IMkolav I'SwedKh budiei, Parliament) on tho Pljlng. Premier Ilansson 'ld the lite, nf nnrllirrn rnl. ration was "by n0 means ,h,P recked." RESIGNATION IS IN VICTORIA Jan 1B ir.m fhlcf Justlrn ArrVinr Mnrtln nf vatVa IOUI V a British Columbia Court of Weal announces that his rcslg- pauort effective Mnv A hn nl- eily been forwarded to Ottawa. War News Oltm.ltS FOR MORE SHIPS NEW YORK Great Britain and France are about to place orders for 8000 more war planes for quick delivery. Of 1000 previously ordered, 1000 have been completed. rUS'LS FOR AIR SCHEME OTTAWA Great llritaln has given orders for 850 planes and 700 additional motors to be used In connection with the Empire air training scheme to be inaugurated In the Dominion. This Is announced bv the Canadian War .Mupply Board. It Is part of Great Itritain's contribution to the training scheme. ARTILLERY IS ACTIVE PARIS An artillery duel, with field pieces and heavy batteries In action, rocked the Western Front for several hours today after a quiet day on Wednesday during which there was some minor patrol activity. Unfavorable w heather held aerial action down to a minimum today. llltlTISHKIlS TO WORK LONDON Great Britain Is opening more shipyards and putting more men to work on war as well as food supplies. There will be a general intensification of pro duction. At time Ing limited so as rcornn spnnguw. uy tnat, s mUfh "ms h.uic ciitxiiTe ouisiae asstsv- may have arrived. Shipments' arms and ammunition to Fin-, ,c by France and England are EXTENDING DEFENCES PARIS France Is extending Its defences to the north by opening djkes and Hooding a large area. AIR STII.L TENSE BRUSSEI There is still an air of tenseness with fear of German Invasion In Belgium and the ' Netherlands. German troops are setting up seven-foot barbed wire I barriers along the Dutch fron-I Her. BIG SHIP stranded; i Canadian Liner Duchess of York Forced to Return to British lort mtnnu Ton IB: CP Hcf rudder and one propeller damaged f. fcovinir run aerouna vn a 'sand bank off the Scottish coast the night after she had sailed four days ago In heavy ton Canadian Pacific liner Duchess ,...irHi returned to northwest coast port for dry dock i,. Ts,oh.vir nulled the liner 1 1 UtUIO. a wis r' clear and she put into a i . . . i rpnnirs ueii i port lor icinju4"j -i returning for dry flocKm. and none of There was no panic the passengers were Injured. There accomodated In no arc now being u nri nn nthor ships pending starting out again on their voyage. HOVNCIAL LIBRARY ilVKSTORlA. B.C. Wea&Forecast Tomorrow's Tides Prince n & Queen Char- High 8:35 a.m. 18.3 ft. lottte Ma ong easterly 21:35 pjn. 155 ft. winds, clou. 5 lid with oc Low 1:30 a.m. 9.4 ft. casional rau 9 15:10 p-m. 7.8 ft. """" ? NORTIIEItN AND CENTRAL BIUTIS H COLUMlilA'S NEWSPAPER aA " krol, XXIX,, No. It " PRINCE It U PERT, B.C., TH U US DAY," JAN U All Y 18, T94Q" " PRICE: S CENTS m I ritish Arms Factory Is Blown Up ORDES OF !: REDS NOW i IN FLIGHT Canada Sells Russia Wheat OTTAWA, Jan. 18: Observer estimate that Can- (CP- ' USE OF GAS IN WARFARE IS SUBJECT forty Thousand Said to be on Hun ada ha sold about a million Timely Discussion At Gyro Club From Arctic Hnund worst Cold In Years bushels of wheat to Russia , during the last two days. The plan Is to ship It to the Soviet port Vladivostok on the Pa- Luncheon Yesterday By I)r, II. N. Brocklesby r. t.i .u I -1 i I 4 HELSINOFORS. Jan. 18: (CP)- elUe In about four Mrco. The V""Z'"? '.' k,nM llhnf hnM. " . . " . . oi me use ui uaa in warjare, itui .uii-v. - ifv t poMiDuiuea oi ii oeing irans- r. I me uism u.u , Amnncd lo oermanv are con- II. N. Droeklesby expressed the opinion at the regular weekly Five Killed And At 0 Leasi Fifty Are Injured In Gunpowder Plant MC bS0U St Silt. UIVflVM Bf .1 . J ,1 . , " for explosives, it was known that miles, DHnging mousanas lUmDling into tne Streets De- against gas. Anti-aircraft activity sank off the southwest of England reported today to have killed would frustrate the possibility of after striking a mine. fifty persons and Injured 160 of fectlve lkvlnir Qas was alsn sub- The Danish steamship Olga, 893 In the Nigde district, 200 miles Ject to weather conditions and was tons, was wrecked south of the Nor- southeast of here. Tremendous diffused by wind. . weglan coast. " unaer?rouna rumoiings . . 1 -1- I I A -1 1 Dr Droeklesby discussed other Tne aerman sicamsnip August compamea me jwiocsjs, weapons of aerial attack such as'Thyssen, 2342 tons, bound from machine guns, high explosives and from Sweden to Germany with car-incendlarv bombs. Although, Ro of iron ore. sank after striking the same ra . i me saint ,,.. .. ni,n.. o mlno hplleverf to bi Swedish off tlonlng will be Increased and buy- ""r . '".rn: Aai.H t.u7. in hP nU r I. trurn mnnrli icuuia set it iiiuusiuiu iuca Koiiiii . lo lessen imports J lnfhnia tv, tvlc n ih Ufa in uinuaii at one iimc, cajjchcui-c va In Spain had shown that tnese Doais. bombs were not so effective as had once been thought. During ,thc early bombardment of Madrid In 1938 a large number of incendiary bombs were dropped but only twenty-three buildings were destroyed. On the other hand, many hundreds were destroyed by high explosives. High explosive .bombs appeared to be the most dangerous form of aerial attack. They caurd their damage by splintering and blasting. Splinters i from a medium bomb could go I 'through a six-inch brick wall' I within one hundred yards distance. The blasting bomb converted the obiect which It struck Into projectiles which would kill and destroy at great distances. It also developed damaging concussion. Westham-Southend Wii) Soccer Games T.nNDON. Jan. 18: (CP) West- ham United defeated Crystal Pal ncp three to nil and Southend United whipped Tottenham Hot spurs four to two in English soutn A. Division games toaay. Today's Exchange United States funds Buying, spot, 10 percent premium; selling, snot. 11 rierceht premium. Sterllnf?1 funds Buying, spot, $4.43; selling, spot, $1.47. Norway was the heaviest marl-tine loser for the day. Today the Qreek steamshlo As-terl. 3313 tons, was sunk by a mine in the North Sea. Bulletins PRINCE JOHN TO RESCUE VICTORIA Capt. Nell McLaan of the steamer Prince John notified police headquarters here of the rescue of the yacht Merama and her crew of three In Queen Charlotte Sound where the vessel was having engine trouble. The Trlnce John towed the Merama to Hardy Bay. ORDERS POURING IN ac- MRS. HILL PRESIDENT Annual Meeting Hears Reports On j Work of Parent-Teachers t Association The regular monthly meeting of the Prince Rupert Parent- Teachers' Association was held last evening In the Auditorium of the Booth Memorial High School with Mrs. George Hill, vice- president of the organization, in the chair. As this was the seventeenth annual meeting of the Association, reports covering the ac tivities of the past year were submitted and officers elected for 1940. The reports submitted by the president, treasurer and secretary disclosed that the past year had iitihm tiikn...!. It to lrov Ihorn nr nf the mnst successful in uiaiiii iniiK'iiftii . . v j , - twenty-five per cent oversub- the history of the Association. The a' a at at A A.V 10fl Vi had A rl IsAAM been nllFAH In to 4 the Vl ft scrioea, applications continue 10 pour In for Canada's first war loan. DUPONT TLANT BLASTS GIBBTOWN, New Jersey Two were killed and five Injured when 500 tons of nitroglycerine exploded In the Dupont explosives plant here. BAR GOLD sum of $130 given schools during the year for the purchase of sport equipment and urgently needed books for the school library. A project of special Interest carried to a successful conclusion was the providing of one hundred auditorium chairs for the Borden Street and Ktngl Edward Schools. Thc Association was assisted In this matter by a "donations of $100 from City Commissioner W. J. Alder. Interest in LONDON. (CP) The Montreal , child welfare; dissemination of price of bar gold on the London i the most recent knowledge of pub-market was unchanged today atjlte and individual health methods. $35.54 per fine ounce. (Continual on Page Three) NAZI TRAIN IS WRECKED Eleventh Serious Crash Involving German Railways Since October ZITTAU, Oermany, Jan. 18: (CP) A passenger train and a Heavy Damauc Done liy Disturbing Blasts in Outskirts bus collided at a grade crossing of London Today Police Say Incident Was Due ftere tw- twelve persons ana injuring twenty. Tne "c ' To Accident 1".. - LONDON, January 18: (CP) Five were killed and at mi m w a . a , ... . -r aiUrrra ycry remote oy Krain i.,..!, ,. trin. n,,f n'icT titrv tniuron in n sprtpa or rorritic orn ncinn: in rha r railroads since October 8. reported In general re- trade experts. .. -,.. ,u, ' i r-.:.....-- t.. 1 iu.i Nonnffir Knrah Finland from the . J w,u" j,wtua ivujrai uuiijunuci utiui v, an ai uiaiueiius jjiuiii, at vai- rwiauivr wauaa with Finnish ski uniUi x nam ADDey on me outsKirts 01 London, rnree tremen- t D J CL there was a definite limit to the lievrng mai a uerman piane was Suffering From Hemorrhage Of. were quite near that upper limit and actually there was no better high explosive than T. N. T. which had been discovered in 1879. Energy liberated by breaking down the atom had not even been accomplished until a few weeks ago In the laboratory, let alone in a bomb. Possibilities were slightly greater for new developments In Cariboo Quartz, 2.50. Dentonla, .01". Falrview, .01'i. Gold Belt, .23. Hedley Mascot, .55. Minto. .01 V. Noble Five. .01 ii. Pacific NlckeL .12. Pend Orielle, 2.03. Pioneer, 2.10. Premier, 1.35. . Privateer, .91. Reeves McDonald, .28. Reno, .46t2. Relief Arlington. .12. Salmon Gold, .024. Sheep Creek. 1.16. Oils A. P. Con., .18. Calmont, .40. . C. & E, 2.10. Freehold, .02 li. Home, 2.80. Royal Can .17. Okalta, 120. Mercury, .06. Prairie Royalties. .1914. Toronto Aldermac, .34. Beattie, 1.06. Central Pat., 2.45. -Cons. Smelters, 46.87 Y2. East Malartic, 3.90. Femland, .04. Francoeur, .62. Gods Lake, .60. Hardrock, 1.33. Int. Nickel. .44Vi. Kerr Addison, 2.51. Little Long Lac, 3.10. McLeod Cockshutt, 220. Medsen Red Lake, .52. McKenzle Red Lake. 1.45. Moneta, .88. Noranda. 77.50. Pickle Crow, 4.00. Preston East Dome, 2.21. San Antonio, 2.34. Sherrltt Gordon, 1.07. Stadacona, .08 li. Uchi, .90. Bouscadlllac, .04 Vz. Mosher. .08. Oklend, .11. Dominion Bridge. 3725. Weather Forecast General Synopsis Pressure ap pears low off the British Columbia coast but remains high over the In terior of this province. Scattered' ACTION IS POSSIBLE ON COAST Allied Warships Reported to be Lying in Wait Off California for German Sailors wrecicj OAKLAND, Jan. 18: (CP) Five is the eleventh involving German hundred and twelve members of the crew of the scuttled German passenger liner Columbus arrived hera this morning from the Atlantic Coast. They were whisked off into Internment quarters pending the boarding of Japanese ships on ! which they are to be taken to Vlad ivostok enroute home. Meantime, one Canadian and amount of heat or other energy n PITM!" oomDing me tanpire capitat Tne Brain, His Chances Of Recovery 'two Australian warships are report-that a given weight of matter can IN UINlV 'V PliC' ' nowem' lulckly circulated Are Considered Slight led to be patrolling the coast outside yield. Existing high explosives AKf -'Vai assurance that there had been no !of Oakland with a view to seizing DV MlrtTl? cnemyacuon- WASHINGTON, D. C, Jan. 18: 'the Nazi saUora as belligerents, 131 lYilllLl 0reat f,ames swept the Plant, (CP) Senator William" E. Borah J It had been Intended to send the leatisine heaw loss. Hu? hillnvs Tr4ahn vatarqn DannhtU n I c-r1 whiil trmtin In rT1 m chfn hilt In vIpW " w e- " -w w vn i - vv ts tk,iuwuvaii a.wh Belzlum Vessel U Victim of War- 0j black tracke ascended into the atlonlst and stormy petrel of Am- of the reported intention of the Al- faTe Norway Heaviest Loser sky' wlndow8 ,n hundreds of resl- erjean politics, Is reported t0 be In Hes to Intercept them, the plan Is dence and other factories were a serious condition with a cereb- believed to have been cancelled and Other Losses blown in by the concussion of the ral hemorrhage after a fall. Hopes It has been decided to divide them explosions. , of the recovery of the seventy- among a number of ships to en- Ambulances from all parts of the four vear old member of the Up- sure a better chance of getting city were pressed Into service to per House are considered scant. the field of gases but. if more German Vessel Sinks After Striking Dick UD the Injured and take them effective ga?s were developed, Mine in Gulf of Bothnia to hospital ') respirators would probably be de- No ofllclal 8tatement was Isstied them. New smoke LONDON. Jan. 18The 3422-ton vised to stop but lhe mce aCrlbed thc WastjI - a 1 S A W & Mat Jam tl.liJ am .a fn.li I at. FV n a . - gaaes migni pruTc uic mik u.- uriJ: yikai accident. Many people, of course lesby felt would be uneconomic. It crew but four are feared lost would be ex-emely expensive Some of the crew of the Norweg- and a dequate protection could be Ian trelghter Fagrehem' 190 tons. " quickly worked out. Poisoning of have been landed at Vlggo. Spain. nn J f I water supplies by sabotage was the following torpedoelng of the ship I UrKeV vjCtS most likely avenue of approach. In the Bay of Biscay, fourteen being J It was hardly likely that gas missing. More (Jliak(iS would be generally used in aerial The Enid, another Norwegian rif n-evViMhv KaIUvmi Tt jf.hln nf 1140 tons, sunk off the Shet- a btcawv vA wwiuvawj wavvvw r - kllllne Dower was too low in com land Islands and the crew was res- partson with high explosives, cued. There was! also the time element The British Calrnrass. ANKARA. Jan. 18 (CP) Turkey's second' major earth- 5494 tons. quake within three weeks was TODAY'S STOCKS tCouru S. O. JolutfVoa Co.) Vancouver gerous lor tnev requirea propeny lone sanic yesteraay atier sincing ;pccuiate upon possibnfty 0f Big Missouri, .11. designed resnlrators. Use of bac- a mine off the east coist.pt Eng-, -fi H. rm 1nr.ip,.l,iftw-ylfr. . terin in aertelwarfare'lvBroc!rtond;l?vrt I through. The Japanese liner Tatu- ta Maru, on which they were to have sailed, left today without them. I TWO YEARS INPRIS0N This Is Sentence Imposed Upon Manager of Clarion, Communist Weekly TORONT. Jan. 18: (CP) Doug-'las Stewart, 36-year old business 'manager of the Clarion, Communist weekly, was sentenced today to two years in penitentiary on three charges of printing and circulating or distributing a newspaper or periodical containing statements contrary to Defence of Canada regulations. NEW HEAD Fred Of OF MOOSE Cameron Will Be Governor Local Lodge For Ensuing Year Fred H. Cameron has been elected by acclamation as governor I of the local Moose Lodge for the . . i . i .i ensuing year, wueu uuuiuiaiums were received at a meeting last night his name was the only one presented for' the governorship. The full slate of officers will be elected at another meeting next Wednesday. The retiring governor, A. D. Vance, presided at last night's meeting. Following the business session, refreshments were served and music and Informal entertainment enjoyed. There were accordlan , solos by Jack Bond, piano selections by Fred Cameron, solos by Charles Taylor and story telling by C. R. Biggart, Ole Stcgavlg and uan Heaiy as wen as community singing. B. J. Bacon was In the chair. Pacific Coast Hockey League Race Is Close SEATTLE, Jan. 18: !(CP) Seattle Sea Hawks defeated Van-. couver Lions by a score of two to showers have occurred on Vancou- one In the Pacific Coast Hockey ver Island. j League last night and the two West Coast of Vancouver Island teams are how tied for second Fresh to strong easterly winds, part place but half a game behind the cloudy and mild with showers. (Portland Buckaroos.