PAOI TWO THK DAILT NEWS Saturday, July 6, 194 1 i Campacs and Sun Rays SPORT SHOES FOR VACATION TIME The Height of Comfort and Wear in Every Pair F DAILY EDITION PENMAN'S HOSIERY AMILY SHOE STORE LT The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN Managing-Editor ADVERTISING RATES Classified Advertisements, per word, per insertion - .02 Local Readers, per line, per insertion 2f Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 News Department Telephone 8G SUBSCRIPTION RATES City Delivery, by carrier, yearly period, paid in advance . $5.00 Paid in Advance; per month . 50 By Mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, yearly period, paid in advance 3.00 By Mall to all other countries, per year 9.00 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations MEMDEK OF Till: CANADIAN PRESS The Canadian Press la exclusively entitled to use for republication of all news despatches credited ito It or to the Associated Press in this paper and also the local news published therein. All rights ot republication of special despatches therein are also reserved. Saturday, July 6, 1940. EDITORIALS ANY MORE SURPRISES This war has been full of surprises. Who would have thought a few weeks ago that France would be found fighting the battles of the German and Italian people? Any person suggesting it a month ago would have been thought crazy. Nobody today knows where Russia will stand a month from now. Then there is Japan. That country is a very uncertain quantity. Other questions asked are as to how Germany plans to invade and try to destroy Britain. Doubtless, the plans have been made or are in course of preparation and the element of surprise will not likely be lacking. HUGE PREPARATIONS If in the next 100 days, to borrow an expression from one of the trans-Atlantic commentators, Britain can hold her main enemv down, the Emu ire will ho. nhlp t.n thrruv kv into me sen a sunn vnsr. resnnrrps nr .urn . hips, rnna nnr guns as to make a totalitarian victory next to impossible, says the Victoria Times. Thus if Hitler is compelled to go through another winter without a decisive victory over Dflfoi'n in "PnHln nt D:n!" . vwl U ...ill ?. xji 11.11411 in mc jjcilwc in ijij iLcwu ami uu win nub win it latent defeatism which the R.A.F. already is beginning U stir up among a large part of the German population may surge forth and seriously endanger the Nazi regime. Geni-j us tnough he is, brilliant strategist though he has proved himself to' he, it should always be remembered that Hitler does not possess a temperament eual to reverses. Napoleon stretched his communications too far; look at the map and see how extensive is the coastline over which the Swastika is flying. HITLER'S VIEWS It should not be imagined for one moment that Hitler is unaware or not apprehensive of his developing weakness, says the same paper. He is afraid of the consequences of mass air attacks on the vast collection of factories In the Ruhr and at those points at which he has stored fuel for his airplanes. Despite all the glamour of victory to date the middleaged German may be far from convinced of the certainty of ultimate success. He remembers that highly-spectacular things happened between 1914 and 1918 but that in the end German envoys were compelled to assume the role in which Hitler cast the envoys of the Petajn government the other day. Jt is conceivable, therefore, that the Fuehrer's beset ting fear is his inability to divine the quality of civilian! morale wnen those who went through the first Great War are confronted with large German cities laid waste as they will Se if the expected mass bombing on Britain is launched. It's interesting to know when reading the Daily New that the people of the whole district are doin the game. PLAYED FOR 'SOFTBALL Jtupert News. It what vnn Sport Events FOOTBALL 2:30 p.m. TOMORROW Dominion Day Final VELVET vs. NAVY Acropolis Hill SOFTBALL 7:00 p.m. TOMORROW Dominion Day Final GROTTO vs. 3 SISTERS Gyro Ball Park CU'siiED j FOR RENT WANTED Complete with cushions paddles all like new. Phone Blue 153. (158) PERSONAL NOW IS THE TIME TO GET A GOVERNMENT Job as Clerk, Postman, Customs Clerk, Steno., etc. Three Dominion-wide exams held since war began. Free. Booklet. M. C. C. Schools Ltd., Winnipeg Oldest In Canada. No agents. 1 YOU can run a Home Kindergarten with our help'. Canadian, Kindergarten Institute, Wlnnl-peg. Manitoba. tf. INCREASE YOUR INCOME Sell shoes. Highest commissions. Free Selling equipment. Write The Ritchie-Bart Shoes Ltd., 455 Craig St. West, Montreal (115) BOARD AND'ROOM FIRST Class board and room. Reasonable rate. Phone Black 965. tf. Ufr onrl Mre Al1nt r rt.iA- I . i FIVE hours: schedule Brooklyn llodgcr Have To Flay Twenty Innings To Retain National League Leadership Tim Tables For Second Mall Ql Season Are Announced The following schedules for the second half of the Softball season BOSTON, July 6: (CP Brook- iar announced: lyn Dodgers retained the leader-! Seni-r League Hshlp or the National League yes-' iu-inree Bisters vs.urcmq; Iterday by defeating Boston Bees stones vs- Ir'sh Fusiliers. 5 to 2 lh a twenty-inning game j July 12 Orotto vs. Stones; Irish i which lasted for five hours andvs- Q- & s- twenty minutes. It was one of the' Juiy urowa vs. jnsn; tj. et longest games in big league his- s- vs- Tnree Sisters. tnrv. The sep.nnd-nlaep Cincinnati Ju'y 1 & S. VS. Orotto; Reds kept pace with a 5 to 4 vie-; inree osiers vs. atones. tory over Pittsburg Pirates. The1 Julv 24-Stones vs. Q. ft S.; third place New York Giants Irln vs- Tnree SV.ers. swamped the Phillies. Julv 26 Irish vs. Stones; Grotto The first and second place Cleve- vs- Three Sisters, land Indians and Detroit Tigers July 34 a & S. vs. Irish,; Stones in the American League were idle. vs- r')t'0' The third place Boston Red Sox flususi 4-rnree Sisters vs. q won over the Washington Senator? while the New York Yankees were defeated by Philadelphia Athletics. The Chicago White Sox defeated St. Louis Browns and ousted them from the leadership of the second division. The Washington Senators & S.; Irish vs. Grotto. August 7 Stones vs; Three Sisters ;Grotto vs. Q. St S. August 9 Three Sisters vs, Irish: O St S. vs. Stones. Intermediate League July 6 Dominion Dairy vs Honed into th tmement below y0Tin btar: Nortn star v- Fraser the Philadelphia Athletics. Five tnousnr.c tn.c people read the Dally nays to let them know havp to ell July 13 Fraser Street vs. North Star: Dominion Dnl North Star; Dominion Fraser Street. I St. Louis 29 Street Dairy Baseball Standings The league standings to date: National League FOR RENT-Central eight roomed, Brooklvn n house. Apply 324 2nd Ave. Phone ! Cincinnati I 44 ' "- New York 39 Chicago 33 GIRL WANTED For general hoaic-.Plttsburg 25 work. Apply Royal Luneh. 1 158) Boston 23 . l Philadelphia 22 LOST . American Leaeue LOST-Sum of money. Phone 227.11and " JJ (159) Boston ZZZZ39 FOR SALJi " lNew York 30 unicago 31 FOR SALE Stove and Oil Burner. tSt. Louis 33 Phone Blue 443. (160) Washington 29 PhlladelPh 27 FOR SALE-16-root cande-actu- 1 1 .. . . , ... 1 . . . ,, any ,usen oniy uuout ven monms. 1 1 22. 23 26 35 35 3? 39 4 28 27 30 33 36 40 44 42 'RECEPTION Communist Party vs vs. Baseball Scores Yesterday's Big League- scores: National League Pittsburg 4, Cincinnati 5. Brooklyn 0, Boston 2. Philadelphia 2, New York 15. Chicago 11, St. Louis 5. American League St. Louis 8, Chicago 10. Boston 9, Washington 4. New York 3, Philadelphia 0. .022 .657 .000 .521 .453 .3911 .371, .333 .611 .603 .565 .522 .463 j .452 '.397 .391 I sailing this afternoon on the Prln cess Alice for Esquimau, Mr- pavies having been called there for nav! duty. Other local naval men leaving on the Princess Alice for Esquimau on the same vessel are R. Mil? ligan, R. Capstick and L. Keays. IDORA Roller Rink Mondays and Tuesdays Open for Private Parties Wed., Thurs., Frl., 7-11 2-4:30, (Ml on Sat. Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MiHc VALENTIN DAJRY PHONI 57 TO HITLER Is LcsaIizetl Berlin Is En Fete as Der Fuehrer Returns To Capitol From Front Ciano To Fay Visit BERLIN, July 6: Chancellor Artlr T7U1.. rati, marl (n norlln tn-' 'daj from the front and was given a great; reception by nuge crowds which lined; the- streets to tender tt(r homage. The reception was organized by Nazi officers. ; Vlce-Chaneellor Herman Ooerlng ' and other members of the "inner circle" gathered with the populace to. tender their homage. Workers were given haif a day off to Join in the celebration. ' Count Clano, Italian foreign , minister, is due here tomorrow from Rome to confer with Der' Fuehrer in regard to the future. progress of the war. Clano's visit; is expected to extend over several days. Gas Association Convention Ends J. B. McNarj Of Hamilton Chosen President At Jasper Meet JASPER PARK, July ft: J. B. McNary of Hamilton, Ontario, became hew president of the Canadian Gas Association at concluding sessions of the thirty-third Street annual convention- nere. July 9-Fra.ser Street vs. Dom- p F'rS yk'ea lnion Dalrv: North lnion Dairv ' D- Howell of Brantford, Ontario, became second vice-president. The executive " Includes Julian Street Garrett of Edmonton, retiring July 16 - Dominion Dairy vs President: John Kelllor' Vancou-North A Uemle' Toronto; W. H. Star; North Star vs. Ftaser,!f: Street "JMunro, Ottawa: J. C. Dawson. QUebeC: W C phI11Pott- Toronto; July 20-Fraser Street vs Dom- inlon Dairy; North Star Is. dZ-K I?-,PtackS,L to?Uh?: J fR lnion Dairy McLlnden, Owen Sound, Ont.; July 23-Fraser Street vs North ,a" "arriS lr" wl,llPe and Star; Dominion Dairy l Fraser K" L" DaWSOn' HaIlfaX' N" 'S' Street. j July 27 - Dominion Dairy vs.l.-...,. .., NorU, Star ,North Star vs. Fraser WlHiaiB WllsOn July 30 Fraser Street vs. Dom- I I ' J A L D L Inlon Dairy North Star vs. Dom- IS Laifl At it.eSt lnion Dairy. 1 August 3 Fraser f Many Gather to Pay Final Tributes of Esteem and Respect to Memory of Deceased 1 Many inenas gatnered this afternoon at the chapel of the B.C. Undertakers to pay final tributes of esteem and respect to the memory of the late William Wilson, well f known pioneer resident and ex-service man, who was the victim earlier in the week of a tragic 'drowning accident, j Rev. W. Frlesen of the Pente-I costal Assembly officiated and Miss Ruth Scherk presided at the or gan to accompany the hymns. Interment was made at Falr- j ylew Cemetery In the Soldiers Plot. The Last Post was sounded by W. J. Ranee. raiioearers were David Milne. George Murray, Harry Thrupp, Frank Warne, William Miller and D. Scherk. Open Till 10:00 p.m. Ice Cream Soft Drinks Tobaccos Candies MUSSALLEM'S CONFECTIONERY CENTRAL HOTEL STEAM BATHS Make Appointments 200 Rooms,' 59c and up net and Cold Water, Shower Baths Mrs. C. E. Black, Proprietress Our Famous Edson Alberta COAL Bulkley Valley Coal Nanaimo Wellington Coal Bulkley Valley Wheat and Grain SEEDS and FERTILIZERS PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Phone 58 and 558 1 CANBERRA, Australia, July 6: The Communist Party in Australia ,and its organ has been legalized I by government, decree. .! rnone 117 Thij year of all years, you will wain radio with you wherever you go. So take along a new RCA Victor "vacation radio". in .pfiin ThtNIPPCRETTC The ideal battery radio for your Bummer home off the power linei . . fine performance. . low batterjr drain compltte with bat- tenet $26.50 Take along your own favourite prtml mutic on Victor Recorda and a new portable RCA Vie-trola. Model P-91 right, only . $19.23 Th DUCTTE Electric or battery operation light in weight) abort wave, too . . . $17.75 CLOSE TROTTER Excellent thort wave, reception in a cabinet of outMandini beauty ; many advanced featurea . . . $51.15 Have Your Own Concerts on VICTOR RECORDS Kitchen Cabinet-At ,. Kitchen Ranges And up ; H Spic Span Vacuum Cleaner .At ' Bicycle In first class condition English Prams. Dr. J. Munthe Successor to Dr. H O Tohnseu Wishes to Announce the Removal oi His Omre to Besner Rlock from 15th of tills Month KS'J LUMBER CEMENT. SASH anc Complete Line of Building Supplies DOORS "amm . Albert and McCaffery Ltd. rhone 116 RADIO in your Holiday Plan Whatever model you wish . . you'll find the most for you' moHty in these low priced RCA Victor Improved Battery Saver Radios. Come in . . . tee and hear them now! Model B-l Another great KCA Victor value. Supenen-titive. hat Inv roved Ba'tery S aver Circuit; lownlrain tubei : Vkrrola Attach- mrnt plug Vl'itb batteriet $52-25 Modal B-2 HiRbljr aenll tint tod tdo live, aupcrb in jppenrancc In cludet latetc RCA Victor advancel. Yet cottt only (batteriet in eluded) $101.20 McRAE BROS. 12-guage Double Barrel Ham-merless Shot Gun . . LTD. EIJO'S FURNITURE STORE Moose Building:, Third Avenue, Prince Rupert Hours from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Phone GREEN 916 USED FURNITURE Dressers CQ CA And up !C).aU Uuffcts Wash Stands Extension Tables And up $9.00 u" 10 $18.00 $1.50 u" t0 $3.50 '5. $16.50 $20.00 $6.50 $19.50 $8.00"" 10 $10 $20.00