PAOS POUH Max H CIIAS DODIMEAD Optometrist in Charge I'honc 2fil for Appointment eilbroner JEWELER DIAMOND MERCHANT Visit Our Basement Store for Fine China, Glassware and Novelties ACTOR IS NOWHERE Prank Morgan At Present Cruising Hereabouts, Featured In Current Capitol Theatre Picture Frank Morgan, who is at present cruising In waters contiguous to Prince Rupert, is starred as a timorous tenderfoot in "Henry Goes Arizona," an hilarious comedy of the old cow country, which is one of the pictures of a double bill program being shown t.t, the Capitol Theatre here tor ;ht. The other feature of the double bill is "Seventeen," starring Jackie Cooper and Betty Field. In "Henry Goes Arizona" Frank Morgan plays the part of a nervous vaudevillian who finds him self heir to an Arizona ranch and the target for a band of plotters who killed his brother and "framed" another for the crime. He cannot fight western style but uses guile and his ertswhlle vaudeville tricks to escape a lynching mob and turn the tables on his enemies, capturing the plotters, unmaskias the real murderer and becoming the mayor of the cow .town. Little Virginia Weidler Is the heroine and other well known members of the cast are Guy Klb- bee. Slim Summerville and Douglas Fowley. , "Seventeen Is a charming story of first love adapted from a novel by Booth Tarklngton. Advertising is an mvestment GEORGE JOHNSTONE Announces the Opening of the CENTRAL NEWS AGENCY In Premises Next C.P.U. Office Across the Street from Ormes Agent For THE DAILY PROVINCE and LEADING MAGAZINES and PERIODICALS LUNCH COUNTER CONFECTIONERY ICE CREAM TOBACCOSJ Call Blue 595 UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.8, CATALA EVERY TUES- T.S.S. CARDENA FRIDAY, DAY, 1:30 p.m. 10:30 p.m. Due Vancouver. Thurs. p.m. Due Vancouver, Monday a.m. If Convenient, Please Purchase Tickets at Office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets From FRANK J. SKINNER, Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 568 (Meet Her in a Meter Cab) DE LUXE METER CABS PHONE 13 4 Can Ride for Price of One "RUPERT BRAND" Smoked BLACK COD Smoked Daily Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Prior Rupert (), Ltd. British Columbia In spite of unfavorable weather conditions with rain an' v ind, sockeye Knclie); or the Skecna N;ia-Rivers for the first oek of Se l'UO fishing searon hsve iveraged fifteen to twenty fish per boat, according to usheries department figures. High boat on the Skeena River is reported as having taken 110 fish in a single day while the high boat for the Naas " t. iu.. u-.-j.-j occurred due to excessive fishing ' during the last few years. boats are operating on the Naas River and 800 on the Skeena. All Canadian National Steamships canneries went Into operation dur-, officially deny a rumor that the lng the first week In July. If weather should turn fine, It Is expected o,uoo and 37,000 pounds respective- The International Fisheries Commission reports that American and Canadian halibut fleets have land ed a grand total of 28,862,958 pound.i from the start 'of the season on April 1 through to June 30 at all i ports on this coast from all areas. , The catch for the same period last year was 25,943,079 pounds. In explanation of the International Fisheries Commission announcement that Areas I and 2 would be closed to all halibut fish- j lng at midnight of July 13, sixteen days earlier than last year, It Is ex-, plained that the earlier attainment of the Area 2 quota (22,700,000. pounds) and the consequent earlier closure of Areas 1 and 2 In 1940. have been caused by an Increase in ' the rate of landing due to several factors. Twenty-five to thirty new vessels have been added to the ' Area 2 fleet this year. A number of vessels that In previous years left J the halibut fishery In June ha ire elected to continue halibut fishing to the end of the Area 2 season because of higher halibut prices and uncertainty regarding the profitableness of the salmon fishery to which they normally turn. A change In the regulations, restricting fishing to a single area on any one trip, has brought about the correct reporting of considerable quantities of Area 2 catches previously reported as from other areas. In addition to the above, the rate of landings in Area 2 has been accelerated by the Increased catch per coastwise liners Prince Rupert and Prince George are to be acquired hv the Canadian Pacific, and nlaredi there will be a considerable lm- i t,0 vanpniivpr.viitarin.R9.t.ii. provement in the run of sockeye. service. Judging from a communl- cation received from the company Just before July 1 there was quite , there is no basis whatsoever for a spurt in the run of cohoes at Dun-1 such rumors which were heard at das Island and on the flats outside the time the Canadian National re-of Prince Rupert. In a few days, linquished the Queen Charlotte Is- however. It fell off. The salmon lands service and the steamers run on the North Island trolling Prince Charles and Prince John to grounds of the Queen Charlotte Is- the Union Steamship Co. lands is proving very disappointing 1 this year. So far there have been C.P.R. steamer Princess Alice, practically no fish in the Wark Capt. Robert Thompson, south- Canal area. It looks like another bound from Skagway to Vancouver lean year for the trollers in 1940. after a regular tourist voyage north. is due In port at 4 o'clock this after The week Just ended was again noon and will sail at 5:30 pjn. heavy for halibut landings at Prince Rupert, a total of 837,000 pounds be- C. N. R. steamer Prince George, ing brought In 260,000 pounds Capt. H. E. Nedden, returned to from Canadian vessels and 577,000 port at 10:45 this morning from pounds from American. This brlng3 Stewart and will sail at 4 o'clock the total for the 1940 season to this afternoon for Vancouver. date up to 9,683,519 pounds as com (pared with 8,277,700 pounds at a .corresponding date last year. Can-1 'adian landings this year to date are . 3,912,919 pounds in comparison with 3,633,700 pounds at the correspond-. lng date last year while American' landings have reached a total of 5,770,600 pounds as against 4,644,-000 pounds. Prices were stiffer during the" week, with the high bid of the week fort Canadian fish. 10.6c t and 7c which the D.S.T. was paid' ior s,ooo pounds and the low 9.5c and 7c which the Margalice was paid ior 2800 pounds. For American fish the high price of the week was 10.1c and 7.5c which the Blan co received for n.OOO .pounds andj uc ww c ana 7.5c which the Eagle and Sunset were paid for catches of i TODAY'S STOCKS (CourvesT S. D. jMUiaton Oo.) Vancouver Big Missouri, .05. Bralorne, 7.50. Cariboo Qiiartz, 1.75. Dentonla, .01 (ask). Falrview, .004. ' Gold Belt, .16. Hedley Mascot, .30. Minto, .01' (ask). Pend Oreille. 1.25 (ask). Pioneer, 1.50.. Premier, .75! Privateer, .41.;' Reeves ".McDonald, .25 (ask). Reno, MlA. ' Relief Arlington, .044. Salmon Gold, .02. Sheep Creek, .78. Cariboo Hudson, .01 Vs. Oils A. P. Con., .08. Calmont, .20. C. & E., 1.21. Freehold, .02 Cask). Home, 1.48. Pacalta, .03. Royal Canadian, .14.. Akalta, .65. Mercury, .03 'J. -Prairie Royalties, .14. Toronto Aldermac, .lOVfc. Beattie. .66 (bid). Central Pat., 1.50 (bid). Cons. Smelters, .31i2. East.Maalrtic, 2.15. Fernland, .03 (ask). Francoeur, .18. Gods Lake, .27. Hardrock, .57. Int. Nickel, 31.00. Kerr Addison, 1,70. Little Long Lac, 1.90. McLeod Cockshutt, 1.10. Madsen Red Lake, .25. McKenzie Red Lake, .88. Moncta, .40. Noranda. .43'i. Pickle Crow, 2.15. Preston East Dome, 1.40. San Antonio, 1.50. Sherrltt Gordon, .51. Uchl, .26. Bouscadlllac, .02. ' Mosher, .02 VS. Oklend, .03. Smelters Gold; .00V4. Dominion Bridge, .22 (bid). Weather Forecast man per trip anowea one secuon oi General Synopsis The pressure the fleet under the fishermen's self-Contlnues hlgh off the Britlsh Col. Imposed curtailment program. This1 umt,ia coast and is relatively low program,, which limits the size of .over Manitoba. The weather is trips and -provides for tie-ups be-cooi over the coast and warm In tween trips, is designed to spread the Interior, landings over a longer season. The West Coast of Vancouver Island Commission recently received a re-Moderate t0 fresh northwest to quest for an Increase In the Area 2; west winds, mostly fair with not catch limit to extend the fishing much change in temperature, season. It was unable to grant the increase because of the unsatlsfac- WHEAT PRICE tory condition. of the Area 2 stock.. CHICAGO, July 6. Wheat futures Improvement In this stock has I were off 38c to 6c today with Deceased and some 'deterioration hasjeember closing at 78'4C. fu , ism-. t. Despite continuous bombing by Nazi planes, a refugee ship stops to pick up helpless victims of war (arrows', clinging to wreckage of their transport. The location of the action, was probably off Dunkirk during evacuation of the Allied army trapped in Flanders. RED CROSS "Add-A-Penny Days" During this 10-Day Sale we have taken om cent off the low price of each sale item. You may contribute this to the Red I Cross In boxes placed in all 3 Peoples Stores, If you wish. TO EACH PENNY YOU GIVE," WE WILL "ADD-A-PENNY" AND S DOUBLE YOUR CONTRIBUTION. 5 50 Dresses $3.3(J Formerly $5 to $12 10 Summer Coals ?g.9(J Formerly $10 18 Hathing Suits Formerly $3 to $5 25 Summer Purses QQc $ Formerly $1.50 to $2 J 1 White Coats . . $Q.!)J S $1.50 AND DOZENS OF , OTHER BARGAINS $ 5 Mall Orders Promptly Filled Open Saturday Night f RUPERT PEOPLES STORE ! "In the Heart of Prince Rupert" ,J TiiiKU ave. -- ftext to lielluroner S Phone BLUE 007 f TBI DAILY KFWJ Saturday, July 6, 1840. AIR ATTACK VICTIMS RESCUED EYES EYES Waterfront Z I' TONIGHT ONLY 2 Complete Shows, 7:00 & 9:30 Licencee for Numounts Whiffs V m JACKIE COOPER In Full-Tue Trames, The Newest ttCV in Eye Wear V - f ' ii SEVENTEEN" Sockeye Season Opens Up Well Troll (At 8:03 and 10:39) Fishing is Quiet Again Earlier PLUS Expert Optical Service, Watch, Clock, Jewelery Closing of Halibut Season Frank Repairing, Hand Engraving Explained Morgan IN Henry Go2s Arizona (At 7:00 and 9:30) STARTS MONDAY FOR 4 DAYS . . . "GONE WITH THE WIND" Lots of Good Scats for Matin ees and Evenings Now Selling C.N.R. TKAins For the Fast .Mondays. Wednesdays and Frl- - 8 p.m. Fridays .v n From the East-Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays n p.m. Saturdays ., 3:30 p.m. MONDAY AFTERNOON at 2 P.M. The Sensation of the Show World Shown Here Exactly as Presented At ItsFamed Atlanta Premiere and It Will NEVER DE SEEN ANYWHERE EXCEPT AT ADVANCED PRICES AT LEAST UNTIL 1941 DAVID O. SELZNICK"S projection MARGARET MITCHELL'S Story of the OIJ South GONE WITH THE WIND in TECHNICOLOR 4Hrring CLARK GABLE 41 Rbitt Bulltr IESL1B OLIVIA HOWARD De HAVILLAND ini pttttnting VIVIEN LEIGH tt Scarlett O'lhra ; , A SELZNJCK INTERN ATIpNAL.PJCTURI? DirecltJ h VICTOR ftEMtyQU J Screen Play by SIDNEY HOWARD Music by Max Steincr A Metro-GoIJwyn-Mayer Release All Scats Reserved PRICES MATINEES Orchestra and Balcony .. 75c Loges $1.00 .EVENINGS . . iSS..,. 'i.v; Orchestra and Halcony .. $1.10 BUY RESERVED SEATS NOW! KOX OFFICE OPEN DAIIA FROM 12 NOON TO 9:30 P.M. Matinees Start 2 P.M. Sharp and 8 p.m. Sharp Evenings Doors Open 1:30 and 7:30 Prompt attention to mail orders accompananied by checque or money order and self-addressed stamped envelope. Di, 2 SHOWS DAILY Mon. - Tucs. - Wed. . Thurs. CAPITOI Handyman Home Service Repairing Stoves, Itoofs, Electrical Appliances, Oil Humeri Cleaned, Plumbing and Painting 221 Seventh Ave., W. Phone BLACK 733 NEW ROYAL HOTEL 3. Zarelll Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates 75c up 80 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 1M n THE OLD GARDENER FERTILIZER An Entirely New and Different Plant Food Contains Vitamin Rt The new remarkable Plant Stimulant In the proper proportions, a mild insecticide and furthet essential elements for a steady growth and a healthy plant life. Try a Packet Today 10c, 25c Wholesale Distributors W. II. Malkln Co. (P.R.) Ltd.