Saturday. July A, W: TBS DAILY KEWB PAQF THRO ! Booth lln Halibut Sales Summary American- 43,000 pounds, 9.2c H 7 5c. ranadlan - 15M0O pounds, 9c and 7c to 10.6c and 7c. American Thflma II, 17.000. 9.4c and 7.5e. Storage-Mary Booth. Swift II. 14.00. fl.2c and 75c, Storage. Canadian Oony. 14500. ,90c and. 7c, Booth. Aiken,, 11,000, 9.8c and ajte. Dovre From 2,000. 95c and 7c, Roval. Csne Snea 10R00, Edmunds & Walker. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE IS EXPOUNDED Lady, Lecturer From Los Angeles Explains Inner Truths of Bible According to "nivlne Science' Mankind is faced with problems today that need to be solved, ac 7C cording to Florence Mlddaugh cf Los Angeles, member of the Board r w., 11.000. 9.2c and 7c. Part-'0 Lectureship of the Mother Atli. 11.000. 95c and 7, Pacific. Zapora. 19.000. 9.8c and 7c, At- !in. Parma 17.000. 9.7c and 7c, 8tor- I, II., 4 500. Or and 7c. AWn. Mtrnlfp 13,000 9.0c and 7c. At-Un. Vr.nme. 9.500. 97c and 7o, Stor age. Nentune II Storage. Kalen, 10.000, 105c and 7c. 8tor age. Embla. 1Q000 Church, the First Church of Christ Scientist, Boston, Massachusetts, speaking in the local Christian Science church last night. Christ-1 lan Science explains Jesus' method of solving them by recognizing divine Mind as the only intelligence and that Truth succeeds where error must always fall. Nothing can bring right results but right motives, spiritual consciousness and a complete- dependence upon God. The world is asking for a way out of Its difficulties and it Is asking for something that only the under- lOJc and 7c, At- standing of God can give. B.. 2 000, 9.6c and 7c, I 10.6c and 7c. LONDON SILVER Benj. H. Harry m.i). EYE DISEASES Lenses Carefully Prescribed til Wrks Itldf , Vancouver, B.C. Mrs. Mlddaugh, who Is 1 ' ' ' a1ai t rnaftVAn nrtrl Vina ai InlAPAct- In? and attractive personality, ex-nlalned that Christian Science is teaching mankind the difference , between material development and 1 sylrttuai growth. It Is turning thought from the contemplation of harmony In Spirit. The pursuit o Phone BLACK 324 THIRD AVENUE Next Door to B.C. Clothiers CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS Steamers leave PRINCE RUPERT for VANCOUVER on Saturday 4 p.m, calling at Ocean I alls. Monday 3 p.m, calling at Ocean I alls and Powell River, Trains leave PRINCE RUPERT for the EAST. Monday, Wednesday, Friday, G p.m. Friday at 11 a.m. Air-conditioned Sleeping and Dining Cars For Fares, etc., Call or Write CITV TICKET OFFICE, 528 THIRD AVE. Agents for Trans-Canada Air Lines mental process, Involving thoughts, not things, and can be realized here and now. Erroneous Conceptions Mrs. Mlddaugh went on to say that because of erroneous concep tions about Christian Science, some may hesitate to accept its teachings. One may have formed a false concept by accepting a prejudiced opinion that would misrepresent the teachings of Christian Science either through Ignorance or malice. Then, too, because the name Is new. some may believe that its teachings are uic new, new, and ana different auiereni from irom the met physl-1 thousanas of hom cal senses, that testify to a material personality and mind in matter. Spiritual growth is not dependent upon educational, vocational training, personal Influence, oppor- LAJCAL, INCWj 1NUXE.J Canadian Legion B.E5X.. Executive meeting Monday. General meeting Wednesday. (158) Mrs. Richard Long and son. Bobby, sailed lastjilght on the Princess Adelaide for a trip to Vancouver. Andrew Thompson and daugh- Christianity presented in the Blble,1; Miss Jean l j n ht " andteughtbyJesustohlsdlsclples.! lr Many of the vital elements of thU la,de for a WpJoVancouver. " demonstrable Christianity had been . . lost to the world or considered im- Mrs- M- sln&" ,afd.fs; Tu Donoho, after a brief visit to tne Eddy has restored the healing of cll$ are s?lllng by the Prlnce disease, and has revealed that it Charles tonight on their return to was a natural, spiritual law which Masseu- governed the so-called miracles of , . , ... Jesus. She proved, and students of' Slster t w Mary Joseph ?l s,mltners Christian, Science all over the world 0SPliai a wv"'B " tt Acinar nn 4lst nftftKMnnn'o are proving, that this divine law,l"V J ,., governing Utraln and w111 ?ait on the PrIncess every activity of man, Alice for Victoria. hist as nntnt t,,1,., I vuuaj, I1U JUAV UO ever-operative, as In Jesus time. One may ask, said -the lecturer, "How can I know that I have found the truth in Christian Science?" Obviously, by its frulfe. One has but to look about him today to see Capt. and Mrs. II: S. Lamb sailed last night on the Princess Adelaide for Vancouver. Capt. Lamb has been stationed here In military service. resuiIs 01 Christian Science. I Mrs, A, J. Edlund and daughters, wc Ldiinot iaii 10 see the fruits Mr. A r. ThMv nnrl Mis Trie TA- if he Is willing to look, and wanU to iund, left this morning on the Car-see. Thousands of testimonies, both dena for Vancouver and Victoria, verbal and printed, every day pour Mrr. Edlund is planning to live in forth from grateful hearts, for there the south while Mr. Edlund is away is no part of the Christianized world tn the Yukon. today where the light of this truth does not shine. The Bible has been Dr- P. A. T McCoJi is returning LONDON Julv O.-Thc price of matpriardevelooment comes from a L t ,. p,, , ,v,,ro. f,h. silver on th London metal market i false concept of God conceived by.. hrouah, lntn a(. . there The nrcsent medical officer ....... IhA matflrlal tha f . . v v . . . .11 11 tl the material sensethe tDnct five v nnvc t ,1s leaving to take a post-graduate When oue earnestly and honest- course, ly seeks to know what Is his part , -in helDine to imorove national nnrl Mr. and Mrs. International affairs, he must real- J. R. Drysdale and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. W. H. ize that first and last, Just as In his Pettman and daughter -of Premier I . . . I ... J I 11 . 1 "What shall I do to inherit eternal life?" Jesus gave' him -hi$ tufcwer In the first two commandments er. Islands, to spend a holiday. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert O. E. Simpson. T. M. Miller. Mr 'Thou shalt love the Lord thy God and Mrs. A. C. Thody. L. Heldere with all thy heart, and with all thy and W. Boughton, city; Florence soul, and with all they streneth: Mills, M. R. Laldlaw, John Oberg. and with all thy mlndj and thy J. H. Byers, C. G. Weleer, T. S neighbor as thyself"; bu.t to this al- Mackay, Elof C. Rosenberg. Peggy so he added another resDonsibllltv Bni1 ana rounaer, vancou D. P. Miller introduced the speak- Pundas; Gustav Higgem, Seattle Announcements Ml advertisement In this ciU a ran will be charted for fnU month at 25: wnrrl L. O. B. A. Red Cross Tea. Met ropole Hall, July 12. L.O.B.A. Bazaar. Octooer 16th. CHIROPRACTOR Stanley W. Colton. D.C.Ph.C. Vallace Block, Phone 640 H. G. Helgerson Limited 21G SIXTH STREET Prince Rupert, B.C. We have on our lists the following good buys: 412 EMERSON PLACE 7-room house, 2 lots. Lovely garden. Fully modern. Furnace. 4 bedrooms. Concrete foundations. Cash $3150. Terms $2000, balance In monthly payments. We Have Several Furnished Houses for Rent for the Summer Months C-UOOM HOUSE On Taylor Street. 3 bedrooms. Fully modern and sewer. In good condition. Cash $1600 or $1800 on terms. Florence Mlddaugh and P. W. Ebbs, Los Angeles; Mr. and Mrs. Krantz, city. Central Mrs. Home, A. Smith, E. Simp son and J. Nolts, city; J. Sadllsh and C. Krause, Port Albernl; J. Brown, Vancouver; Helmer Anderson, Digby; J. Prlssant, Frederick Point: D. Grundy, Barrett; T. Regalney, Port Hardy; Mr. and Mrs. O. Brown, Skldegate. I Royal Lutheran Tea and Sale. Rev. E. Ronludn. E. Sandland, J. H. Myrwang's, 4th Ave. East, July 13. Currle and C. Richardson, Van- couver: George Oaky, Butedale; E. S. O. N. Dance, July"l8. n. clark. Frederick Point; H. G. .""t . Barnett, Eugene, Oregon; C T. .r n. S. O. N. PicnlcJuly 21. Jnman and s D RomanSi Barrett rofhnii,. paMflr ootnhPr 2 and 3. Point; R. E. Wilcox, Frederick ' m , A n , , 9 n T 1 Point uscar Koain anq n, nuuriu, Seattle; C. E. Akehurst, Dundas Point; J. Home and Bobble Hutching, Prince Charles. POUND STERLING NEW YORK, July 6. The British J pound sterling closed at $3.72 on the New York foreign exchange market today. THE SEAL QUALITY mm mm GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon racked by tbt only salmon canning company with in all tbe year round payroll In rrtnee Roycrt Cash for Old' Gold. Bulger's ' tf. Miss Betty Wll'dnson and Miss Helen Brown sailed last night on the Princess Adelaide for a trip to Vancouver. The full passenger, train from the East, due at 3:30 this afternoon, was reported this morning to be on time. C. A. Brind, local manager of the Imperial Oil Co., returned to the city on ihe Prince Oeorge thii Oeorge Matheson, well known pioneer ef Stewart and Alice Arm, arrived in the city on the Prince George this morning from Stewart to enter the Prince Rupert General Hospital for treatment. S. P. Fitzgerald, well known mining rn'ari of Stewart, is a passenger aboard the Prince George today going through to Seattle. Mr. Fitzgerald is recuperating from a long illness. J. C: Brady, district engineer for Tea And Sale Successful Affair Held Yesterday Afternoon At" Home. Ot Mrs, le Stegaflg, Hayt COve Circle The home of Mrs. Ole Stegavlg, 134 Hays Cove Circle, was the scene yesterday afternoon of a successful tea and sale of home in order to really find the answer ver: w- PaSe- New Westminster; .cooking by the Women of the to his question: "This do, and thou Maciniyre, ban trancisco; o. u. shalt live." Sessions, Terrace; J. Thatcher, Moose. Favored by good weather, there was a large turn-out at the affair, the many guests being received by Mrs. Stegavlg and Mrs. Sam Hougan, the senior regent. The latter was also general Mrs. Sam Haudenschlld was con vener of the tea room, being assisted by Mrs. A. B. Storrie, Mrs. W. R. Qverend, Mrs. W. Field and Mrs. P. Peterson. Servlteurs were Mrs. Richard Glske, Mrs. Thomas Morgan, Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. R. Ad-cock and Mrs. P. Dolron. Acting as cashier and also in charge of raffles was Mrs. Harold Davey. Mrs. Hugh Smith was convener of the home cooking sale, being assisted by Mrs. W. V. Tattersal. Tn rnfflps n hostess set. donated by Mrs, A Peterson, was won by J jaciue iiuugiui aim a vuomuii, donated by Mrs, Richard Glske, was won by Mrs. T. Q. Morgan. J. H. BULGER Optometrist Roval Bank BM. Night or Day Phone 112 Taxi Prompt Servlce-3 Heated Cars PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Shipbuilders and Engineers Iron And Brass Castings Electric and Acetylene Welding Specialists on Sawmill and Mining Machinery All Types of Gas Engines Repaired and Overhauled torn run IS ACTIVE A large number of Prince Rupert i women are doing their bit of Red Cross work. The last two weeks! have been very busy. A real effort is being made and gratifying cooperation is being shown by the public generally. New units are being formed to! affiliate with the local branch not only In town but in outlying dis tricts. I The local Anglican unit which i William Campbell were responsible for 41 pairs between them. The local Japanese Mother's Union has made 33 pairs of socks. The work returned by both of these units is of very high Word has been received from the , Are Married At Cathedral Well Known Couple United When Miss Mary Raabe Becomes Uride of Desmond Robert Agnew has only been functioning for eanor Moxley was the bridesmaid about three weeks has produced and Sergeant Leonard Raabe wa 71 articles. In these were Included eroomsman. The bride wac elven. morning from a trip to Stewart on Jnm,, dressine crowns of exeellent'in marriaee tav her brother. Pari company business. IworkmanshiD. i Raabe. Peter Lien nresided at th &ianteeim Slow Burning CIGARETTE PAPERS NONt unit MADt I 'l HI A quiet but interesting marriage took place at 8 o'clock last eyenlnf in St. Andrew's Anglican. Cathedrat Very Rev. James B. Gibson, th dean, officiating, when Miss Mary Joanne Raabe became the bride of Desmond Robert Agnew. Miss El- j Metlakatla has turned in 78 1 organ to provide marital music. pairs of socks, 7 sweaters and 2 After the ceremony, the occasion, pairs of knee caps. Of these ar- was suitably celebrated. The couple tides Mrs. J. A. Prevost and Mrs. are well known and oonular and will have the hearty congratula tions and best wishes of many friends. Red Cross overseas committee to I, Norman Storvlk, wish, to, an- the effect that the Society Is re-jnounce that I will not be response ceivlng requisitions from army of ficials at Aldershot for Red Cross supplies and that the men prefer Red Cross socks to those of any other society because they1 are more comfortable even more comfortable than army socks which' are machine knitted. Included in the second shipment of last month to. the provincial warehouse which w"ent for ward on June 21 were 161 articles the provincial department of public :0f hospital supplies, 116 knitted i works, is sailing tonight on the 'articles and 61 refugee articles, Prince Charles for Port Clements. He Is to make an Inspection visit t. the Queen Charlotte Islands. tunlty. prestige, or wealth. Itistheinu own business, his work lies in arnveu oiy on me rruici-r.. . j. r lunfoldment of spiritual ideas in hu- his own right thinking. His part is George this morning from the north I IVlOOSe LSdlCS ' i ..Un..t .a ti ...uu nnd will sail tnnlffht nn the Prince! I man consciousness. it is me ( 'u u iuuhuuc wiui sticuuuc 1 awakening from material beliefs to "8ht thinking within his own con- varies 'r lieu, wueen unarwue ' an understanding of God. It is a'.sciousness, B. C. Furniture Co. 12 Complete Steel neds-Good strong cable springs, high quality felt mattresses. Sizes 3-3, 4-0. S25.50 Special 20 Sprlng.fllled Felt Mattresses-Of the very finest Q j2.95 v quality, all sizes. Reg. $17.50.' Now 8 Mahogany Finished Full Tanel Beds-Of the very latest Styles with strong solid springs and spring-filled mattresses. Sizes 3-3,4-0,4-6. Reg. $42.00. 34.50 Now 3 4-piece Bedroom Suites Waterfall design, consisting of chil- fonler, bedstead, vanity with round mirror and stool. From- - $72.00 TO $92.00 8 Studio Couches Of the very finest quality, can be made into double bed or two single beds. In rust, green and Argonne red. 3 spring-tilled cushions. Regular 36.50 $45.00. Now Coffee Tables In solid walnut. Very latest styles. From 9.50 70 9.75 4 Kitchen Ranges-All two-tone 'finish, coal and wood, very fine k 64.00 TO 94.00 From 24 3-piece Chesterfields In latest styles and newest colors with high grade materials. 00 TO SI 25.00 Concluding, the speaker quoted , the word of the lawyer to Christ: The following donations for re fugees jiave been received: Edward Llpsett Ltd., 2 pairs new double blankets. Mrs. H. T. Cross, 2 pairs used double blankets. Mrs. W. H. Goodsell, 1 used single blanket. Dally advertising m me Dallj News Is sure to bring dally Announcement ble for debts incurred by any otheV person than myself. c". Judge W. E. Fisher sailed, last night on the Princess Adelaide for; a trip to Vancouver and Victoria.' Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Irvine left yesterday for Lakelse Lake where they i will spend a two weeks' vacation. ' ; HOLIDAYS Book Your Reservations at SANGAN RIVER HOLIDAY CAMP Also for Full Particulars Write MRS. DUNN Massett, Queen Charlotte Is. B.C. MacKenzie s Furniture 500 Square Yards PRINTED LINOLEUM QQ 400 Square Yards INLAID LINOLEUM gA At .. 250 Square Yards FELTOL 4t)C At Phone 775 H0 HjOOOMtHWHKHroHMrtPVW 5 Cherub Baby 40c Oil j Excellent for Chafing, Chapping and Diaper Rash. A Baby Feeding Bottle Free with each purchase Both for Ormes Ltd. "Jhtt Pioneer Dnu&tets The Rexall Store Phones 81 & 82 Open Dally from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12 to 2 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. If you have something to sell, a classified advertiaemeni In vnio paper win Duuii ic jfwu v.. T the city, . s