THE DAILY NEws. v1. | MAY HAPPEN | "™rs"2* * rome Arcnitect avoy | Hot e Rechshie, My Masts | Offer My raver Bl Second Ave. TO RUPERT Feed a at bert t nna | Cor. Fraser and 5th Choiee Wines and,Cigars 1 pa Ney ; ind care for ang en 1¢@ day's . le ‘“ W. Nicholson Lailey| RUPERT’S PALACE OF COMFORT ———- one providing 1 ‘ tt Then . Gord , it Vilh shelter, MUNRO & LAILEY How Wm. Manson’s Promises of 4 clean dry bed anc stall wide : Servi Lab B fit Soci New Provincial Buildings for encugh for me to ji down in Architects, rvian Labor ae It Society) This City May Be Turned confor Talk me “ ur Stork Building, Second Avenue. No. 195, Down After Election. voice often mean ht ah ee . mucn a) e ~~~" | Meetings held every Ist and 3rd Sunday of the Ke urns Mi: bas 9 ‘ oe ee eee TEWART month in the Cerpenters’ Union Hall \elowna, March 24 Disap- Pel me sometinu hat | may ‘uART & S 0 nh ¢ disgust are e \ { Bi > ain AUDITORS G. VUKOVICH qT. magtom, | POlntment and disgust are ex-| serve you the more gladly and are B ilding Phone No 980 | Secretary P.O. Box 991 President | Pressed here at the attitude of{learn to love you Butler Building 7 the Bowse ‘Bride-Ellis »j- 0 ” ont Shell P.O. Box 351 1 1 7 . a se ih on tri Do not jerk the reins, and do Be tients WG tr

| of Victoria, B. C., intend to apply for per- 3} 8th Avenue Prince Rupert | mission to purchase the following de- | —oe lands: encing @t @ post planted on the north de of Williams Greek, where the | Kitimat branch of the G, T. P, Ry, crosses | Williams Creek, and about ten (10) chains from the creek shore, thence south 30 chains, thence east 40 chains, thence north 30 chains, thence west 40 chains to point of commencement, containing 120 acres, more or less. MICHAS BEGANIS. Fred E. Cowell, Agent. Dated Oct, 31, 1911, Pub. Dec, 9. MAKE YOUR MONEY WORK FOR YOU Skéena Land District—District of Coast, Take notice that I, Paul Curtiss, clerk of Victoria, intend to apply for permission to purchase the following descr: Commencing at @ post planted on the east boundary and about five (5) chains from the southeast corner of Lot 4484 thence north 60 chains, thence east 30 chains, thence south 60 chains, thence west 30 chains to point of commencement, con- taining 180 acres, a or a. AUL CURTISS. Fred ih Cowell, Agent. Dated Oct, 34, 19141. Pub. Dec, 9. Skeena Land District—District of Cassiar, Take notice tnat James Ewing Macrae, or Vamnenear, aT ation real estate agent, intends to @ or permission to pur- chase the fol Reins described dis ; Commencing at @ post planted about seven miles Sustant and in an easterly direction from the Naas River, and about eight miles north of Alyansh Indian village, thence north eighty chains, thence east eighty chains, thence south eighty chains. thence west eighty chains to point 0 commencement, JAMES ure MACRAE, P, Rutter, Agent, Dated Oct. B81, 1011. Pub. Dec, 14. I HAVE a" LAND LEASE NOTION = BARGAINS eegee Lane asi ae eet neaeed EVERYWHERE 3 '=.Sresh0 cena | Commencing a* this ppreniad 1-4 mile east | of the Tyee Station, G.T.P.Ry and approxima 271-4 miles east of Prince Rupert, 40 chains, thence pat chain's thence th 26 chains (more or ) to railw westerly 25 chains (more or jess) ollowing rede to point of gommeneement and con) acres more or less. ALFRED CHRISTIAN GARDE Date Jan. 31, 1912 Pub. Feb By Buying Lots 1 to 5, Block 41, Section 7; $3,500; 426 feet frontage. REAL ESTATE? GEO. LEEK 618 3rd Ave. Prince Rupert 8, 1912