4 PROVINCIAL LIBRARY VICTORIA, B.C. Aeather, Forecast I; Jfomor row sT ides prince Rupert and Queen Charlotte ill Islands Moderate to fresh High . 2.07 ajn. 21 ft. outheast to south winds, part 14:55 pjn. 20.0 ft. cloudy and cool with showers at Low . 8:45 a.m. 0.9 ft. night. 20:53 p.m. 5.5 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER , Vol. XXIX.. No. 158. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, JULY 6, 1940. PRICE: I CENTS CRISIS FLEET LONDON READY FOR FIFTH COLUMNERS NO IS AIR RAIDS BOMBING OVER NAVY, PUT OUT ON SICILY ENGLAND i trench Vessels Not Attempting to Russians Drive Roumanian War-1 . ii. .nrtrla Joining Un tlilna a .i r I With British ' stanta on Mack Sea R.A.F. Carries On .British Sink Destroyer-Warship Ite-ported to Have Escaped From Oran -Dl'NKERQUE" BOMBED 1 LONDON, July 6: (CP) British warplanes scored six hits on th irounded French battleship Donkerque In an attack today, th Admiralty announced. The vessel had been damaged and drlren ashore In the Battle of Orsn Wednesday. Two British aircraft failed to return from the slUck. LONDON, July 8. There Is no crlsi between the British and rrench navy at Alexandria, It was declared In Admiralty circles here today. Units of the French fleet there have not attempted to break sway or scuttle themselves but have been co-operating with the British. J At Portsmouth, It Is stated, thoiu-1 snds of French sailors have sworn tllegiance to Great Britain in continuation of the war against Germany. There Is no statement available here on Oerman reports that two British cruisers sank a Mediterranean, the survivors from the French warship being picked up three days later by a Greek ves- Vichy, seat of French government, said that the Frondeur was enroutc to a French port according to terms of the Oerman-French armistice when It was met by the British wrshlps. The newspaper "Petit Dauphln- ois said that the 26.500-ton French bittle cruiser Strasbourg reached Tomon naval base with five cruisers nd a number of destroyers, gun- Doats and submarines. Presum Wy these vessels escaped from the Bnttsh fleet at Oran and Mers El fablf in Wednesday's great naval BKUt. Wendell Wilkie To Holiday In Colorado State ' WASHINGTON, D. C, July 6:- wendell Wilkie, Republican candidate for President of the United States, following a conference on Monday with his vlce-presldentlal running mate, Senator Charles McNary of Oregon, will leave for Denver, Colorado, to spend a two weeks' vacation 'before starting the campaign. TAKES NEW PORTFOLIO H9n. J. L. Ralston Sworn In As Minister Of National Defence OTTAWA. Julv 8: (CP) Hon. J.1 L- Ralston, minister of finance, i sworn ln as minister of national defence last night at Government House after debate on the mln budget motion had been "ded in the House of Commons with the adoption of the budget by a vote of 151 to 17. t was the first ministerial Rearing in at which the Earl of Aihlone. thp npw rjnvpmnr Gen eral, officiated. Col. Ralston's successor as minister of finance will be announced Monday. CONSTANTA, July O.- Drivnn out by the Russian navy, vessels of thi Roumanian navy have left the port of Constanta on the Black Sea. I Two Roumanian Newspapers Are I Now Suppressed I BUCHAREST. July 6 Two dem- j ;ocratlc - inclined newspapers in' Bucharest have been suppressed.1 Jews have been excluded from the : press or from army service, CUT DOWN NEWSPRINT, i Australian Publications to Have Less Paper But Will Not Curtail Service CANBERRA, Australia, July 6: '(CP) Australian newspapers will have to cut their size as consumption of newsprint by the metropolitan dallies is to be cut by thlrty- p....,, five per cent of last year. Publish- wU1 around the curtailment e" eastern' cruiser oil Crete In the oy mure tiuticin use ut aputi; wiui smaller type and smalled adver- c.t Th. Mn I oV, IVin norm -ml COVeragC tlsements, giving the same news lut' .. . Z ... i. i7in-fl Gasoline rationing will start destroyer, French -Announcement - - -At Orenoble, France, the French nsry ministry announced that the French destroyer, Frondeur, was attacked and sunk "by two British eruliers off Isle of Crete In the Mediterranean. A dispatch from ('Australia next month. Bulletins In SATKOS LEAVE KETCHIKAN KETCHIKAN Paul Satko and his family left today for the north In the Ark of Juneau after a three weeks' stay here. Their next stop will be at Anan Creek, sixty miles north, where they may look for a cabin site. SUCCESSFUL ACTION LONDON The Admiralty announces a "successful action" against Italian warships in To- bruk, Libya, by naval and Royal Air Forces. No details were giv- I en but it was disclosed that naval planes had also attacked the airdrome at Catania, Sicily, leaving hangars and workshops in flames. MORE WAR ORDERS LONDON It Is officially an nounced that orders for war ma terials totalling many millions of an Ottawa statement sam treai Britain was placing further large orders for munitions in Canada. JAPAN BACKS BRITAIN TOKYO Leading statesmen ndmlt that Great Britain was in the right in acting as it did in i connection with the French neel at Oran. The Japanese Advertiser, Tokyo newspaper, supported the British action in taking over the French fleet, saying it was "entirely reasonable and justified." The armistice between Germany and France the newspaper described as "astounding." MORE MEN CALLED UP Thrce Million Arc Now Arms In Britain Under London. Julv 6: (CP) Three hundred thousand men oi mc 1909 class were called to the colors bringing the total under arms up to more than three million men. Barbed wire and machine-guns protect govei nment offices and public buildings from possible seizures by fifth columners in case of an attack upon the city. The Above scene was made outside the admiralty. Purpose ol such attack from within would be to grab key points and government officials and to open way for enemy parachute trcjs Prime Minister Churchill Pays Visit To Canadians And Is Greatly Impressed WITH TH& CANADIAN FORCES IN ENG-MNPJ - Xqirime Minister Wto&SSL ChurcFilTaccompanied by Kl. Hon. Anthony Lden, Secretary of State for War, General Sir Edmund Ironside and other ranking British staff officers, paid a surprise visit to the Canadian section of the home front today to see the result of mobile experiments carried out by Major-General A. G. L. Mc-Naughton's First Division. It was the Prime Minister's first visit to the Canadians and he was so impressed with the efficiency and smartness of the men that he remained for an hour longer than was scheduled. AGAIN OVER PLAIN FOOD GIBRALTAR: IN BRITAIN! Further Flights of nirmALTAR. July 8. British ami-nlrratt batteries went into action again today as unidentified planes once more flew over Gibraltar. TiHavV viit. followed four flights nounds have just been placed by i ..'.. Pnpmv aircraft droo- C.rcat Britain with the Canadian bombj almcd al .-The Rock," and United States governments. It j . hlch however, found their was not disclosed for what but . . , neither casualties nnr damage. j In Berlin D.M.B. News Agency hinted that French planes naa carried out yesterday's raids. INVOLVING UNCLE SAM New Developments in Anglo-French Relations Perplex United States WASHINGTON, D.C., July 6. With the breaking off by France of idinlomatlc relations With Great Brl . . . . . . . in. tain, United States is iacea wun dtnlomatic nroblems. One Is what will be done with $i,5UU,uih,-000 in gold and credits held in this country by France, this Involving a decision as to whether the govern- Petain is to be recognized or the national committee of General Charles de Gaulle ln London. A possible naval engagement between Great Britain and France in the West Indies jsuch as that at Oran, Algeria,, 'might also ralse.questlons , for United States. Refugee Ship Sailing Delay Formalities Hold Up Liner Washington In Getting Away From Galway n T WAV T1 ti' CdlUnrf f ff I liner Washington with 1700 American citizens fleeing home from Europe has been delayed on account of formalities in connection with the checking of passenger's papers and luggage. RELEASE GERMANS Frocced to Norway WFI! MAT OTTAWA, July 6: (CP) Prime! Unidentified; r.overnmcnt Urges People to Cut Minister William Lyon Mackenzie' Planes at "Rock" Arc Driven Off Out Luxuries and I "."is last j first call to the colors under com-nnlsnrv. national service would be Royal Air Force Carries Out At tacks on Palermo and Other (Cities , ROME, July 6. The Royal Air J Force of Great Britain is reported to have carried out raids on Paler-I mo and other points in Sicily. I Italy claims to have repulsed two 'British attacks In North Africa. (Subjects Must Report Now To I British Police 1 police next Monday or Tuesday. U.S. STAND REITERATED Any Attempt to Change Status Quo of Western Hemisphere Will Be ! Resisted Tf luL llV1 WASHINGTON, D. C, July 6- FIRST CALL ' . mart nPt wppIc The call would ganlzation ln the United States ner Further Visits by German Planes Over British Countryside During Night Another Clash Extensive Raids Upon German Air and Naval Bases Yesterday LONDON, July 6. German war planes again ranged over the English countryside Friday night and Saturday morning, dropping de-molltian and incendiary bombs but causing no casualties and doing little, if any, damage. A cottage was demolished In southeast Eng- I land. Enemy planes were over again LONDON, July 6.-A11 Germans,( but dropped no bombs. One It UUns and Austrians In England oerman plane was shot down off who became naturalized since 1932 tne northeast coast of Scotland a"hd. have been ordered to report to the fhere have wen other victims. In Berlin It is claimed that Nazi warplanes have sunk one British submarine and merchant vessels, j also hitting docks at various points ana setting a luei tunic at Plymoutn afire. Royal Air Force planes continued raids on naval bases and other military objectives In Germany last night, three falling to return. Ger- tman airdromes were bombed In daylight raids. I' Kiel and Wllhelmshaven were the naval bases which the British lSecretar' of state Corde11 Hul1' ln bombers again raided last night, the A viTN.vi RVlSS AXP 4 rriwn a statement last night strongly re- Air Ministry announced. Docks at rlJUlrx 1 Li affirming the Monroe Doctrine, Cuxhaven and Hamburg were also f again warned Germany and other attacked and several fires started. "Cine Haakon of Norway Refuses to nations that any attempt to alter A railway Junction at Cologne was Comply With German-Inspired the present status quo of the West-'bombed. Suggestion ; em Hemisphere would meet with r A German statement said that.no.,, resistance. M .military objectives had been dam- " LONDON, JulyA-King Haakon A Secretary of State Hull threaten-' aged by the Britlslvbut that clvll. inspired suggestion that he abdl- any other country, who presumed . cate. Haakon is how in England to interfere with domestic policy tf nAAfimrm rrt reigning in exile during the Ger- the United States ln public state- K(BShrl man occupation of his country. ments. would be ousted. IV V VSDJLl T JLiJLt 1 It is reported, however, that the it was said in well-informed cir-Premier of the Norwegian govern- cles here today that United States ment ln exile is disposed to resign. I was preparing to take over any ! French or British colonies ln North IS FAVORED America itself rather than permit N Do""1"!.W,m "e Deme r.prmanv tn An. en Thl. wnnlH ho ""uu.c .1 lie liuuscs null done ln consultation with other Cn rC American nations if possible or Un-D!li TO Y IVvG,,teci states might act unilaterally. Premier King Says It Will Be TunnCV SpOHSOrS Issued When Department Of I National Defence Sees Fit I Youth Movement As Running Mate LONDON, July e - wiHw Department of ,to combat th American Youth Farley and Senator Burton Wheel V0BelZl.SrZ Z .National Defence considered it Congrew which he claims is Com- ! the Prime Minister said, ; "ssary, y ys not b cau e Is a u r u-Y .. inM(h Meantime, arrangements are go-ta8but"todtoogethe production qf nc-essenUals 1 1 J aheadir iU-mer toe mllltary yarlous traln. u is urged that motorists run their, - Domlnlon of many thous-cars less and farmers are urged to eof CanadianS. First grow more potatoes. wm h pivrn to the 'Canadian Active Service Force. next members of the militia units and then general classes. Canada is moving quickly to bring young men under arms .1 . . l- 1 . . ...miilndtJ n( moot. lne of defence department officials' And and university heads. Male university students will start compul sory military training next term and may be called for active duty in for training in militia under Mobili zation Act. No Word Yet Of Breaking Off Of Relations LONDON, July 6: Early today neither the British government ment of Marshal Henri phillippe Sweden Permitting Nazi Soldiers to nor the French embassy had any LAKE GENEVA, July 6: nloht Honlort fViat .th.. i uiiuev. juimer worms weight boxing champion, is behind fancy. HOLLAND HELPING AMSTERDAM, WASHINGTON, July 6: The concensus of opinion on Capitol 'Hill Is that the nomination of President Franklin D. Roosevelt on the first ballot at the forthcoming Democra 1 1 c national convention Is a foregone conclusion pro-Ivdlng he consents to run. Sec retary of State Cordell Hull will - Gene be Roosevelt's vlce-presldentlal heavy- running - mate ln the popular the movement for a new youth or-f Vice-President John Nance Gar- munlst-controlled. ,Postmaster-General James er of Montana are presidential I possibilities on the Democratic ticket should Roosevelt decide not to run. Each of these admit that 'Roosevelt can be renominated. Senator Robert F. Wagner of I New York is now engaged in drafting a platform for the Chicago ' Tl.ln ,,11 A.- CUUVCUIilUii. Xiiid Will give UM Cll- ODIT A IW dorsement t0 tne New Deal- The" I Vlll may De a mlddle course ln foreign policy, one designed to give the .administration power to act freely Germany Charges Dutch Armjiunder circumstances as they may People With Unloyal Attl-'ar.se tude Toward Invasion m, ju.y e: (cp- j Martinique Is The German military command er ln Holland has issued a communique charging the Dutch army and the population with "unloyal" attitude toward German occupation. The communique said that the characvr of British bombing attacks proved that Great Britain was getting information from the Dutch side. Woman And Two Children Burn .announcement to make regarding j r Knvpct rlr"P 111 1 the breaking off of diplomatic re-1 STOCKHOLM, July 6. The Rations between the Petain govern-Swedlsh government has agreed torment of France and Great Britain permit the return to Norway: of following the naval incident at German soldiers who have been in? ,Oran. That such a breaking off ternedln Sweden since the Norweg-, was, however, Impending was the ian campaign. general expectation. Not Blockaded Categorical Denial Has Been Made -By British Admiralty I. London ! LONDON. July 6: (CP) The British Admiralty denies categorically that the Island of Martin ique in the West Indies is under blockade by the British Navy. The British Broadcasting; Corporation here said: "It can be authoritatively stated that no blockade ex-ilsts at the French West Indian Is land of Martinique." The B.B.C. said that London was surprised at reports from Washlng- GARDINER. Julv 6:A woman ton that Martinique was biockaaea and her two children have been by the Royal Navy to prevent con-burned to death as a result of alignment of aircraft (ordered by huge for-ist fire which Is raging France from falling Into German ln this part of southwest Oregon. ' hands. ,, :.