PAQE TOUR Beautiful SILVER FOXES AT AMAZING LOW PRICES Ladies, wc invite you to come in and inspect these lovely furs. Make your choice while the large stock is complete. Visit our Basement Store for high class China and Glassware, Etc. CIIAS. DODIMEAD Optometrist Max lax Heilbi neiioroner DIAMOND SPECIALIST Delegatg Tells About Visit To District Meet NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Proprietor "A I10MK AWAY FROM HOME" Rates 75c up AO ftooms Hot St Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. I'liune 281 P.O. Box 16 . 1 and he said he felt that. If this small cross-section of the district was anything like the general mem- Philpott Evitt . & Co. Ltd . SAND x?n CEMENT GRAVEL "RUPERT BRAND" Smoked BLACK COD Smoked Daily Canadian Fish & Cold Storage PrlneM Rupert Co. Ltd. British Columbia SMaMeagMtaaaMSanausKSBflBJHR jSSaVaMMMMkaaMaVaBSMaVBlBai Our Famous Edsun Alberta COAL Bulkley Valley Coal Nanaimo Wellington Coat Bulkley Valley Wheat and Grain SEEDS and FERTILIZERS PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Phone 58 and 558 ,;:,' " headquarters. Every fishing vll ,,. .. . Ilage, Indian village, lumber town. One of the matters discussed was ,. . . , , ' a nronosal to divide the district. " v ; "" r mrnament Bidgs vioforta. B.C May 17th. 1940 Fresh Iocal Raw and Pasteurized Mirk VALENTIN DAJRY ID0RA THE SEAL QUALITY Sags GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon racked by the only salmon canning company with an all the year round yayroll in Prince Rupert THE DAILY NTTTS Waterfront Whiffs Grey Paint and "Skipper" Turn Fisher Craft Into Naval Units-Salmon Trollinjr Normal Halibut Prices Retter When the deck's covered vith fish scales the fish boat looks useful but not beautiful. Rut dress her up with a coat of grey paint, give the commander the rank of "Skipper" and she becomes one of the units of the Royal Canadian Navy and is proud of it! From a drab she becomes a laay with a certificate of character. Proudly she flies Bine beating its slow explosions over the tide, breasts the waters of boats can manoeuvre together on the water. abreast, in me nnici. In jit line tiiiv auti.Kii att quar a coastal port on her way to do a ter line, in line ahead, these ves- I tltlU lU TI mt.i.i ... I muc JUU lur nus ajwsy. UP wie wi8 chug-chug their way on orders, sharp indented but lengthy fjords emulating as smartly and as proud-of the Pacific Coast she noses her iy tnelr blgger uns of the ser-deliberate way to see all possible, to vice. They can scout, manoeuvre es against sumbarines. Their Lewis , guns or rifles will shatter the drift-1 : unows ner now. The skiDDers "' menace oi a uustuc nunc or This , proposal , was turned ... down. Or- ., . , , . ... ,,.. white-topped take of their own defence. . naval cap gleams in care 4inn T this ? Ct s Number thesuiuhlne.hU uncaling "Fisherman's Reserve" - that Is t In t telling in tvi the members h of , the h One Rotary district and there was a normally Zs ln Uy become in official terms. ! st Prince Rupert Rotary Club Thurs- sentimental reason for keeping it l"c '"ari un""ns oi oUx regu- . ,t lA , . . day about his recent visit to the dls- intact. It was international in "a;w 5aungs "e er to tne "J Tul !. trict Lakie conference at Portland. Peter character as it included the states' 8a ning new and unaccus- r f7,n?Lnti Sl president, spoke of the very of Washington. Oregon and a part I prejUge from thelr famlliare 1 , JhL n her days when they were tZL high plane plane on on whTch which the the discus- discuS- of of Idaho, Idaho, the the Territory Territory of of Alaska Alaska" slons were conducted. Great en- and also the province of British Co-thusian was shown and the pro- lumbia. In this area there were 82 ceedings were so well arranged that clubs in all. there was not the slightest confus- Mr. Lakie told of a wonderful Idtv Hp mot a immkor nf Kir. banfiiipt at nrhtfVi ionn merely nanas. Thats what a ""H w num, aieri ana 1 war can do. It can trim the sloppy esourwiul. not wishing it out loud. used in no depreciatory sense P"1!' b"t inwardly hoping that, 1 rraft rif tm . if thwp Is nnv rtlrti? u.-rvrlr Kt. tha w.m.h ui nic tuuci iiiuti iniyi smart -j nv.M j 1 wn naval units, an analgous procedure enemy- tne' wU1 be tnere to cope me ooais with which !SPfltPH ln ,v, . " n the sea to that at on on land, land, hv bv whih which wnn ia " in tho f.. m.T:. J! . 'the peaceful toller is tumpH f m the a familiar, for in most cas- !ihnn " . r..,batUe dress as a snmer ah . ra trey own Uiem. Uie skippers set .wow.i.. "e c naiu saiQ me lk. l i . nut out. TViot I. .,, uoi.i , PDlWPr DT TDCDnr "h'X.r ZrJT. we-the a me landsman anuman ran can hp De made n, .mC h to .v wm. com- ttii, oiwtfjpt-r. a iviiit-iLi ivui 1.1 ioii, ua a memoran p nnp ... , - : 1 ana OlllCiailV iriPlr tmalm orm ro. DlPtP Plete . . hk hlc mllitarv m (an, .-i..i evollltlnnc . .-o .......Mi , ciuiuLiiiriK cmoW . .1 1 1 no pvnar annn ni : v . . . . xmnrT- . . prinpatinni educational iy ana eirtclentlv so t hp f DKY DUCK AND SHIPYARD Shipbuilders and Engineers Iron and Brass Castings Electric and Acetylene Welding Specialists on Sawmill and Mining Machinery All Types of Gas Engines Repaired and Overhauled TWAS DOCTOR'S WRITING SHENFIELD, Eng., May 25: (CP) After glancing at a medical cer-,. tlf icate, Albert Bardwell, 62, of this Essex town, rushed home and told his wife he had mental trouble. Later his body was fished from a , nearby pond. The coroner said ithat Bardwell had misinterpreted I - " w ...,.11.. iiillil TENDERS undtrfcigned I 1 serve rve ooau. Tnelr crew usually include a petty officer and two. three or four seamen depending on ! I the slie of the vessel. These may be 'reEtreUts "wtn, naval exper-llence but generally they are the hands who have been accumstomed j his boat in peacetime. They all re-1 ceive as much training as is possible j to give them. But this Is incident-1 win. be revived bv th'.ah Their ereat value lies ln several up to Noon. rridy. lUy other oualltlp nt vhlph tnnw h . . uncu, cited, mobility, imioiiuy. manoeuvrability manoeuvraouuy ln in the words on -y doctor's eertlfl-Wr mo- ior pun at tie":" 2,,,. ",,f T cat? "hPrn..So t-hp J . folto,a rwidenc,. ami tau 'SSnhSp - S L1 1Vh, TT"d hou I1 "ow coastal waters, the know!, declpnerable." ahlngl outside , . and all lmprmt-, of f .1 the Your Coal Problem SofeMl We have in stock a well pre- Werv'SA essort pared carefully screened Coal yousAeftct edrn. 10 sun your maiviauai re- JXOttina Pt&i : 4 Z t.Zx quucuiciu. As in coal, to procure the best in Lumber and Building Supplies Phones G51 653 Co&f&urif L-edge personnel of the coast, a. seajon a. Map p23, city at' Prinw I bays, and harbors and their famll-! ! rity with all that pertains to the rurther particdi a,, to Nor. man a. .wa, OoTernmnt Aat, Court i"1- iuc rwnermens ueserve was ntem- Purchasing Agent. Roller Rink Dally Sessions as Follows: Monday and Thursday Tal Nites. 7 to 11 Tuesday, Wednesday, 7 to 11 Friday, 6 to 11 Sat. Children 10 to 12 a.m. 2 to 4:30 p.m-6 to 8:30 p.m. 8:30 to 11 p.m. 8peclal Arrangements Can Be Made for Private Skating Parties an inspiration and Its utility ln thU war to no less pronounced than the pride of the men in being able thu i to serve their country. C. P. R. sU-emer Princess Adelaide. Capt. Jack Williams, arrived in port at 4:30 yesterday afternoon from me south, sailing at 10 p.m on her I return to Vancouver and waypolnts. The local nower vessel F h phin. .pen. Capt. Jim Morrison, left Thnrt. , day night on a ten-day trip to various Queen Charlotte Island points, those maklne the trln ih h -skipper being Herman Engelke. Wll- i Ifawi PnlA..1 m "'wuijoun oi Vancouver and oia Munier. Dr. H. O. Johnsen. who U leaving the city shortly, has sold his trolling boat Partner to Robert Parks The Partner, which Dr. Johnsen CENTRAL HOTEL STEAM BATHS Make Appointments 200 Rooms, 50c and up Hot and Cold Water, Shower Baths Mrs- C & "lack, Proprfetreu Stanley W. Colton CHIROPRACTOR Wallace Block Phone 610 Handyma lan Home Service Painting, Repairing, Gardening Light Deliveries Have that neglected Job done now Phone Green 620 for the Handyman, J. H. BULGER Optometrist Royal Rank BUlg. brought here from Vancouver. U aQI AXjniE IQ 30 foot vessel equipped with a 8 h.p. QL, Jl 11 Lj 10 Easthope. Dr. Johnsen has som nu, summer home at the Shit Lake to Len Crlpps. Union steamer Cafdena. Capt. John Boden, arrived in port at 7 o clock this morning from the i south, sailing at 11 ajn. on her return to Vancouver and wypolnta. Trolling; Season .Normal somewhat of a scarcity of fish. Complaints along this line are heard but it is usually thus about this date of year so the discontent in regard to paucity of fish may also be considered a normalcy. The usual packing service are being carried on. The prevailing price for red spring salmon at present Is ton 385JJ00 pounds at a corresponding date last year. The Canadian total for this season to date is ijm.l&S pounds ln comparison with 1.9M.700 pounds while the American total is 3.101.6OO pounds as against 2JM8.-600 pounds. For the past week landings amounted to 713.400 pounds including 221.4M pounds Canadian and 4924)00 pounds American fish The high price of the week for Canadian fish was 10.4c and 7.1c paid the Plnella for 15.000 pounds and the low 9.4c and 7c which the Atll. Delmar and Peerless received for 14.000, 1.700 and 6 00 pounds respectively. For Amert- 2 can fish the top bid of the wekto " -v tmia hm Aeeir ior 1.700 pounds and the low ic and lAc which the' Majestic received for 364)00 pounds. Owing to the Victoria Day holiday there ws no sale of halibut on the local Fish Exchange yesterday. Five thousanc f,.., rtup-rt owp!e read the Dally Nrws. II nays to let them know what v havi tn ipJ tlASS IF j E FOR bAlih FOR SALE- Trolling boat about 29 feet. 6 h.p. Palmer engine. Quick sale $250 cash. Enquire Fishermen's Co-op. Store. Cow Bay. (130)! FOR SALE 1 large O. E. Sun Lamp as good as new. Costs $68.00 new. Leaving town and will sacrifice at $30j00. Dr. H. O. Johnsen. FOR SALE Cabbage plants. St. Paul's Hotel. fij4) FOR SALE Bmall 25. niano. Rhone FOR KENT ROOMS For Rent Washington Building. Second Avenue. (120) PERSONAL YOU can run a Home Kindergarten with our help. Canadian Kindergarten Institute, Wlnnl-peg. Manitoba, tf INCREASE YOUR INCOME Sell shoes Highest commissions. Free Selling equipment. Writ Th Ritchie-Bart Shoes Ltd.. 455 Craig St West. Montreal. SHOOTING GALLERY Adjoining IDORA ROLLER ARENA U15) Night or Day Phone 112 Taxi Prompt Servlce-3 Healed Cars HERE AGAIN I.upc Vele 1'icture ANn Showing Tonltht At Capitol Theatre "Dlondle Brings Up naby another in the series of popular pictures based on the well known comic strip, and "Mexican Spit- Thi. wftjwn 1 opening this year fire." a romantic comedy featur- qulte normally on the trolling Ing Lupe Veles, comprise tonight' grounds in Prince Rupert district double bill program at thr Capitol Ahout the usual number of boats Theatre. r nut and there appears to be, "In "Blondle Brings Up Baby" Ulondle ana Dogwood are confronted with the problem of sending their child off to school for the first time. This is occasioned by Blondle's sudden discovery that Baby Dumpling, according to a book salesman, is a genius In the process ,f sending Baby Dumpling to school. Dagwood gets himself cenU per pound and for whites.-' ,7 , , " .v BU5-about six cent a. "l"!,reJunnln "mPth- u iiutr. i-rnny oinglCUn. Arthur Risdon. o LAke. Larrv Rlmmi nnrl Halibut prices at Prince Huprt ti, th Do ntav thir .i are continuing to run from two tojnart thru Miiti a nnunii hlhr this . . I .J " ' " 10 Mexican Spitfire" Lupe Vel-sprlng than they did s mr ago. w u awn as a madcap Mexlean Due to'the advem exchange rate mi ri. (,i ,.u I Ithc lower mark- . Jlng the first rw. It's the cumuiam ettecl of id- 'ow "nM,"'r'! vertUing that counU -T" Indpitria: off II: rath 2: TONir.HTnvTr' ZKhovr,, 7! Up Baby" J With Bahv li.. A 8 18 and II j I'lur. O00000000000000000l00000lrtuf000000000000000 "MEXICAN SPITFIRE" Ai 7:00 and in COMINO .MO.V, TriTTn: J-mr, RfH.rt Jean Arthrll vahiinton Stock Market Holds Better against Canadian money, the tar-lto a staid New Yrk HvMium, ( olU,w AParrd T n. . iff differential is no longer discernible in favor of American fish over Canadian on the sale quota- man BfforU of the groom's Jeal-' h,,mewh SUjtd VetrdT ous ex-fiance to break up the. new vndv . marriage with the hln of v.u tlnn Tin t VMl.nt hallknt lanH. vi . . .. .' . " marK ,. . , roiivimnt; auni provitif oasis for what stMdir ings at Prince Rupert for the WO the story Beside. Miss Vel. the wha TZ ,u season had reached a toUl of 6.163.- cast Includes Leon Rrrol Donald terday Unv 769 pounds as compared with 4.- Woods. Unda Hayes Hayes and and Elteab-lh Elisabeth a deney ' 7 toward L 1 COTY "AIR SPUN" FACE POWDER With each purchase we (jffera re innrkable Coty "Tatulern" cqntaining a genoi-oui $upply Rougo and Lipstick. A lectin. ? sovon shades df powdur. All f..r $1.00 Orm Piontar Druggists The Reiall Store riiones 81 1 M Open Dally from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundayi and Holidays from 12 to 2 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. At-, III I II 5 6 oooooooDOOoooooooooooooooooooaoonooorooooooooooow (Meet Her in a Meter Cab) DE LUXE METER CABS PHONE 13 4 Can Ride for Price of One Mackenzie's Furniture Restmore Pillows All feathers. CJO A A From, per pair vVU Gooe Down Pillow To. per pair $11.00 Phone 775 ! If you have something to sell, u classified advertisement i in this paper will soon let you know if there is a buyerw ithe city, .. . . ' ...,. i 'est- ... u. m"