a o o o a I PAGE POUR i EXPERT Optometrist & Watch Maker Now in Charge of Optical Parlors and Repair Bench k A I I .11 max neiioroner JEWELLERY DIAMONDS For Finest CHINA, GLASSWARE and NOVELTIES Visit The Basement Store fSBSBSBifiBfiBRSMflSSEC3K2CI2HflKS2Stti&fi3aifl 1 1 FIRST OF THE MONTH SPECIALS 2 All-Wheat and Bowl All for WEDNESDAY to SATURDAY Xalley's Syrup 21 Per bottle oz. Fluffy Pancake Flour Per pkg. Clark's Tomato Soup 2 tins R. C. Golden Bantam Corn 11 oz. 2 tins R. C. Apricots 2 tins -17 oz. Queen Charlotte Crab Per tin 20c 10c Royal Household Flour 49-lb. sacks. 0-9 t f? Each Raw Ham Good Per lb. Fresh Farm Efgs Grade A'. Dozen 25c 26c 25c 17c 13c 27c Nabob Strawberry Jam C4 n 4-lb. tins DXX, Royal City Pork & Beans 16 oz. 3 tins Happy Vale Sweet .Mixed 25c Pickles Qt. size 0f jars Libby's Ripe Olives Per tin R. C. Pears 17 oz. Per tin 19c 16c 22c Phonw 5S mA KG r- n . ., i Fcls Xaptha Soap 2 bars Nabob Jelly Powders 2 pkgs. Brunswick Sardines 2 tins Malkin's Best Marmalade 4 -lb. tins Malkin's Best Marmalade 2-lb. jars Saucy See Sauce Per bottle Snowflake Flour 10-lb. sacks Bleach Per bottle Ammonia Per bottle Better Buy Peaches Per tin Malkin's Red Cherries 2 s. Per tin Malkin's Best Pumpkin 2's. 2 tins New Potatoes 6 lbs. .. '. 15c 9c lie 45c 27c Malkin's Best Honey Clr 4-lb. tin Dtl 12c 47c 10c 10c 15c 15c 25c 25c Fresh Strawberries Arriving Wednesday np 2 baskets Ranee & Hardv Free Delivery on All Town Orders WARWICK BOX CAM IRAS MADE IN ENGLAND ""- 'Take Pictures Size 3 1-4" x 21-4" SPECIAL $1.30 Ormes Ltd. Pioneer Druq&tets The Rcxall Store Phones 81 Si 82 Open Dally from 8 a.m. till 10 n.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12 to 2 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. I Canadian Indian 'Is Doing Well Increasing In Numbers, Going Into) harming In Several Provinces ; OTTAWA. April 30: CP Talk about the "vanishing American" ta out of- date and the Indian Affairs Branch of the Mines and Resources Department reveals that the British crown had 118.406 Indian subjects in Canada in 1939 compared with 112.510 in 1934. Some of them, talcing more and more to the ways of white men. are prosperous farmers. Others. FOR SALJi FOR SALE Baby chicks from vigorous new blood leghorn breeding ! stock. Unsexed $10.00 per 100. pullets (87 $25.00 per 100. Also Rock and Red chicks $12.00 perl 100. Appleby's Poultry Farm, Mis- J tlon City. B.C. tf.j FOR SALE-Sealed, tenders will be j itttved byfbeuhdeislraed up to' 'iKon on- FildiVtaybth, far purchase of twbl6li arid cottane j belonging to Estate of Mary Dor-1 otny Holland, deceased, and situate Port Essington Townsite. Tenders should be marked "Tender" and addressed Official Administrator, Prince Rupert. B.C. Highest or any tended not necessarily accepted. Terms 25 cash and balance spread over two year. OFFICIAL ADMINISTRATOR, Prince Rupert, B.C. aio LA Ml KIXIISTKV ACT . The U.trlj SO trrt (from f ront to f. t Ity of ITtnrr Ku-rt. Map JJ. Vfiff11 "tory proof of k, of tt above OrtlclUt, of TW imu4 Inthj rmm of CamllU C Wter hu i riled in thte oOJce. notkv w here- I Alhic ui iieu m . . . of the Mild Iom f nwantUn valid objectto be made 1 1 Dfrted at th. J I April. 1840. " A. THOMPSON. rputy hegtatrar. CENTRAL HOTEL STEAM BATHS Make Appointments 200 Rooms, SOc and up Hot and Cold Water. Shower Raths Mr- C. E. Black, Proprietress Night or Day Phone 112 Taxi Prompt Servicc-3 Heated Cars Dry Wood FOR SALE Spruce, Hemlock, Cedar PHONE 459 of I In I THE DAILY NJW3 STEAMSHIP SAGA HERE "Rulers of the Sea" Is Thrilling Feature Picture For First Of Week at Capitol Theatre A boy and a girl whose love and courage defied a world that said It could not he done and helped achieve th triumph of the first tnuuAUanUc crossing by steam tare Blared bv Douilas Fairbanks Jr. and living In more remote regions, sttll "Rulers of the depend mainly on hunting, fishing feature picture Mamret La: k wood In Sea." spectacular on the screen of and trapping for their existence the Capitol Theatre for the first and by wild life conservation the half at this week. The brilliant a skipper and Montagu Love to Fyffe's employer FRIENDLY TO EVERY MOOD PUNCH CIGARS Smoker$ find friendly comfort in the fragrance and flavour m of Canada's finest cigar. r CIGAR PANETELASorPERFECTOSlO LILIES 15 IN TIIL M I'KKMK COUtT Ot'llKITISli OU MIHA l 1'KOIIATt: In the Maltrr of the "Adinliilntmtlon Ait" And In the Matter of the IMute of llarry m-olf. lirceMM-d, Intentate TAKE NOTICE Oiat by order oi HU Honour, w. E. pjahor. made on the 15th dy of April, a. D. 1840, I wu apfwliilcrt Mm of Harry B"jU, dnueawd. and all partial having nU.ir.i- in. i.. - ..u are lietwby required to furnlah . prqiicrty verified, to me on or efore the nth day f May. A. I. 0to. and all pnrtie, indebted to the eirtte T "quired to pay the amount of tnjw UidWlnei to me forthwith. the 18tlh (U,jr AprU' A' D' I94C) NOrtMAJ? A.'WATT. Official Admlitl(r,tor. lTlaoe Rupert, B. C. II r KIUUn yy nil i icia From The Waterfront h - i Fine New Harbor Craft Searing Completion Four Halibut Boats Sell In Seattle First sedan streamline cruiser In Prince Rupert Harbor and first boat here to be equipped with a Buchanan gas ettaine. the new 26- foot yacht for S. O. Mellor. chief, operator of Durby Island wireless station, has many other distinctive features. The hull built by Ed Wahl of Dodge Oove and the upper works largely the production of Mr. Mellor himself, representing weeks government Is seeking to assure j Scottish character actor. Will j 0f painstaking and devoted labor, them of a livelihood. Fvffe, ts also starred with the Am- the new boat will be raadv for n- In in southern suumtm Ontario. uniano, Quebec wueoec and na;encan jerican actor actor and and the we beautiful beautiful cine gine installation installation in in about about two two weeks' weeks' Four halibut boats sold catches totalling 106,000 pounds In Seattle .yesterday as foflowa: Ootumbla, 40.-000 pounds, Washington, 8 He and ,83c: Liberty. iOfito pounds. Sebas-.tlan. 9c and 8c; Maddock, H.oeo pwunos, Bootn. 10c and Sie- tint ,mak. lliKW pounds. Whit. 9c and ojc. ine price tor line rarf .t . v -"- vfc- ttle yesterday was 2c red, 3c and sable. 5c. Capt Ole Batvold. attle with his halibut boat Constitution, told of having been halted I by the coastguard on the fishing grounds with the routine Inquiry if J he had any firearm aboard The coastguard was engaged in convoy- I 'lw""BssssssssssuaK Columbia Market SOW OPEN 3rd Avenue. Opposite sterling Market, Henry Joe. Proprietor r.roeerles Me Speclallie In Fresh Fruits and Vegetables. Citizens of Prince Rupert are invited to call and give us a trial order THE OLD GARDENER FERTILIZER An Entirely New and Different Plant Food Contains Vitamin Bl The new remarkable Plant Stimulant In the proper proportions, a mild insecticide and further essential elements for a steady growth and a healthy plant life Try a Packet Today 10c, 25c Wholesale niirihntnr. W. II. Malkln Co. (p.fi.) Ltd. Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized Mirk VALENTIN DAJRY rnoNK U7 NEW ROYAL HOTEL 3. Zarelll Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates 75c up 60 Rooms Hot Si Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 p.p. m MAI LIOl OF FILMS Calendar for Month Carries Interesting Bookings for Coming .Month parts of the Maritime Provinces .British actress The story chart .time and. soon after that, the vee-l y 8 and lavlr1an Le'tth and' the Indians are engaged largely the victory of steam over sail, the I 1 should be running Delivery 0f Chr Lauahton in The 8lde-. In in atrrlpiiltnra agriculture n-MI while tlu the KukIwh hunters ' first first eraastec . of the k. western t 1 . . . '. ' ',, . Walks walks of f I-fwirm London ' oemn m. a u.. I. "; n w 4.u. uwuuilf, WW roam roam the me great great ...... hinterland ninieriana com j com-ioy tte&m alone and the foundlnc . an maHa v,, prising the northern areas from the north shore of the St. Lawrence River to the Mackenzie Rlv- er valley and the Yukon In the OrMt Plains Industry. CV.R. TRAi.-JS For the East-Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 6 pjn. From the Fat Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays ll p.m If you hv? sumetntne to swap try a Classified Ad. CUSSijiEO or tne great Cunard Line. with a beam of nin f et four itvh. The story of the picture In the M h 'period between ISM and 1838 Uam, yJ. ,u. JZL set in four region, shipbuilding major town old logs and marine records. Douglas Fairbanks " jr. plays the ..www W mmx vn uva locales the l y0ung sotXi ta a hanlOHie craft on of Greenock- extertor and In the interior will ""iu ww pivtiuru "u-vijw, voa purw oi new xora the Indians wUh food and cloth-land London and the wild reaches ine, me aDoneines have turned or toe North Atlantic as seen frcm fanner, manv of them with great the decks of two ships. The re-5ucce.a. while on th Pacific Coast j search material for the picture th Indian have earned them- was accumulated from factual selves a hleh place In the fiahinc I volumes, early xhinnino nnnt be as finely appointed and equipped as any local yacht. The hull is of stouter construction than the or- An interesting list of picture bookings for May showing at the Capitol Theatre here Includes the following: May 1 Douglas Fairbanks. Margaret Lock wood and Will Fyffe in "Rulers of the Sea." May 2 and 3 Merle Oberon and Laurence Olivier In "Divorce of Lady X.May 4- Pauiette Ooddard and Bob Hope in "The Cat and the Canary." May 6. 7 and 8-WaIter Connelly and Mary Martin in The Oreat Victor Herbert May 11-Baby Sandy and Mlschai Auer In "Unexpected Fa the." and WUliam Collier sr. in "Television I Spy-Mar 13. 14 and li-Deanna Dur-bln and Kay Francis in -if. . Date." May 18 and 17 Ronald Coiman and Wiattr Huston In "The Light IglnalspeclfleatfcmscaUedfor. The "odgson Academy beam is substantial but the running , 1 71 V lines should combine tlt)ctoc, Montgomery In ulth utUity The upper work, are! , fmUhed throughout with clear hmi . i varnisnea pnuupine mahocanv and . n . T "7. m iwrj Will Fyffe U the engine Inventor. ' TU ShS "V 24" Margaret Lockwood to Falrbank's white hull. In the streamline tlui D4t ,n "8mUa lly. sweetheart and Fyffe s daughter. I feet, line of cabto, windows etc. are I IT'Sl ' Oeorge Bancroft plays the part of 1 a" interestingly rounded off. At..ni!!iuul Ste,ton present in a shed at the "na bead of .LT 7 V Ve Velea W and i Leon r Erral In 4Aage uove. not nunv have .... ' " fin seen the John Lloyd which will be one of this season's most discussed naroor craft in Prince Rupert. Mr v av (. A LTX. I m Ul im Bi I Hill IVV I Spitfire" May 27. 28 and 30-Jean Arthur! no jamea te-art In -Mr Cn.uk ! Goes to Washington " about ten miles per hour. X'- ' mZ?!! U John 4r"l atloai are under wav for th sal j f , Soth'rn 10 on the Mr. Meltor'spreaent boat. I'm Alone J Canada At War 25 Years Ago Aprtl 30. 1915- French armored' cruiser Leon Qamhvtta tnrn4 i Pr pound.; In Strait of Otranto; 578 lives lost onush submsrtne E. U dived un-! der mines to operate In the Sea of Marmora RelnforcemenU for Canadian 1st Division Trported landedi in France i ing the northbound seat herd The Constitution had no firearms 11 1 "r B''B''usssiBasii ana 2 ... . the Ml(hty HtANiTur r. " Sill! "Rulers Oi t t. ...... . COAL trofi At 7 ?1sn4 AImi THE wvj "isilAL and tAiu IDOIM rridsy. I u 1 .VI Roller Rttl Dally Beau r Monday Bnd Thund,, J 7 t U , urunrtair o.u wmiaren II UCul flnMlt "''"lr J far SEAL QUAUDl Fancy RedScdfy? PINK SEAL Finesi rink Silmoo tanaini rmttr vttktlf Ihe tttl rmmni mkrrti kl NANA1MO WELLINGTON ALBERTA SOOTLESS BULKLEY VALLEY Albert and McCaffery Ltd. PHONE 116 rno.VC 1 (Meet Her in a Meter Cab) DE LUXE METER CABS PHONE 13 Can Ride for Price of One I C4MUMrCATsOt I VMst I Bvriskr CANADIAN PACIFIC Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-Pacific To Vancouver Tla Ocean Falls and Way Ports BE, PRINCESS ADELAIDE every Friday 10 pm. To Vancouver Direct SJ3.Prlncess Norah April 8th, 18lh, 30th, May 10tb To Ketchtkan, Wranrell, Juneau and Skaiwsy April 4th, Hth. 26th, May 6th, 10th, 27th Connections at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Scrvi Tickets and Reservation! from f W. L. COATLS, General Aeent, Prince KupffLjJl