civ:. v. 4 rt in hi h I, r m i i V gPAafi -TWO- . THE DAILY NKWS is? UloAll Our Friends I IFamily sh and Customers . . OE STORE The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE HUPERT- BRITISH COLUMBIA EDITO RIAL ltD Published lEvery Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited. Third Avenue H. P. PULLEN Managing-Editor ' ADVERTISING RATKS Local (Readers, per line, per Insertion 21 Classified Advertisements, per word, per Insertion .0. -' Member of Auait bureau oi -Circulations Advertising "and Circulation Telephone 98 'MEMBER OF THK 'CANADIAN TRESS Tlw Canadian Press Is exclusively enutteil to use-Tor republication of all. newt .fdeplcricfl credited to It cr to the AsearMea Tress In tills paper and also the local &cws published therein. All rUthta of republication ct aoeclal kBD6tchs therein. are also. reserved 'ISaily edition Saturday, December 28, 1S40 'We cannot think of nvthint? so despicable as tho acts of some petty pilferers who stole articles from those who .'had been shopping Just before Christmas and .had left Jlhem in their cars. We hope the thieves are caught and tliat, if they are discovered, they will be punished as they 'deserve. Much of the stuff taken was going to children Vho were looking forward .to the Santa Claus" visit. This -does not seem like Prince Rupert and the sooner we are rid of the offender or offenders thebottpr'for the city. Americans Doing T heir's - - - r A former resident of 'Prince Rupert, writing from 'California savs the American women are working hard 'for the British Red Cross making things for the soldier? and others overseas. One lady has a club of thirty -of the iyounf married set doing fine work "and they love it:" The -lady says it makes her proud to hear all the fine comments about the Canadian forces. On a street car ;she heard one man say to another that the volunteer army ?of Ganada -was anepic of all time. . These folks were glad the election went the way itdid because it'rneant more aid to the British. It was said that fifty-five million dollars was spent to trv to elect Willkie. at was interesting to see a country struggling at such a Itime. Households were violently divided. -One ladvsaid lit was "one of the biggest battles of the war" only on a Hiisgiusen ironi. Bombing The Rhine Evidently, the River Rhine was 'beincr -used ?bv the Germans as a means of transportation and also;as asplace Sor gathering material and means for 'invasion of Great Britain. That is why it was bombed night after nicht by vthe Royal Air Force. Mannheim seems to have been the jcentre for these .attacks and we -know that .practically jpyery -British bomb that 'is. dropped reaches its target or comes 'very close. Mannheim must have been very 'bndlv oaieren anii nruisen aini'imrneu. like Joseph Patrick - - Qlmore Thilpott, well known columnist ;andiecturei recent v wrote: "The jnost dangerous weapon which the Nazis 'have 'dovrilopeil in this war is that of treachery. Treachery is S'Oi(i as history, iimt never before has it been utilized tto'thP'Megreethe Nazis 'have-employed it in this war. "I see no evidence to suggest that there is no if ifth ijcolumn mtBritain, just as there was in every other coun try which iHitler fought. If there was any doiibt 'before that Communists wore woi'-king hand in irblve with the Nazis, to undermine the British will to resist, there was not much !le'f t sifter Ernest Bevin's blast .at .Moscow. Nor, anill surprised that in the uppermost crust of the British1 aristocracy the cry d or peace -now should :have 'burst into thetopen. WhenatPuke has to choose 'between ihiscoun-Ury miiil lliis sVanishingiproperty, 'he 'faces the same dilem-imaoiRthat of 4Ioseph 'Patrick Kennedy ambassador and multi-millionaire." T Kitsepkla School Christmas Concert KITSEG UKLA, "Dec. 28. The annual Christmas concert and tree of the Kltsegukla Indian School was held nn -Prlrlav of last -week in -the Slirnllrt Phnrch which wne tiWoA tn W j capacity. Thetprogram wa3 lengthy 14 land 'varied, every pupil in the school (Siiaklng.part. The children all pr- formed admirably. Much of -the success of the -concert was due to Wilter Wesley .lb6th In training the singers and in accompanying a program that lasted over three hours. Bert Russell was an able and entertaining chairman, welcoming the grown-ups and 'theywere Till there to the children's show. Stage .management was in the capable 'hands of W. and Harvey Jones. The children themselves, with the aid of W. Wesley decorated the church and the platform, a huge Christmas tree providing the main feature of the decorations. Everywhere -were stars, bells, shephards, angels and everything connected with the Christmas anniversary. A feature-of tluvevenlng was the distribution of .gifts .from the tree. Santa Claus was there, although some 'said he strongly resembled Herbert Wesley. Each child in sehool and all ibelow school jvge received a -gift and a tbag of candy, those in hospital at Hazelton not being forgotten. The purchasing and wrapping of the gifts and candy was In the able hands of the'Ladies' Aid of the United Church. Mesdames "Ed Wesley, P. Mark and Wight spent many hours ensuring -that everything should be successful and nothing overlooked. 'The program: : "O Canada." Chairman's address.'Bert'Russell. Presentation of Christmas cards to the audience. I INTEL la A tasty II table Wine- I II Cocktail I II Ingredient I PflftRL TAWNY I A PORT Wine I I delicious flavor I I 2B0Z.B0nLE 1 CO-OPERATIVE l WINE GROWERS j ASSOCIATION II OF SOUTH AFRICA JJ Thts jdvmiv. nv. n. it iux publti)ie) oi Jiipljy.J by il Liquot Control Boaid oi by iht Cxxrtrnmeni oJ Butish Columbia VATICAN BKIL1 VATICAN CITY. Dec. "27: (CP)- Chrlstmas Carols "Good King Vatican CHy has tlie whitest Weiiceslaf and "I Saw Ships," school. Recitation "A Christmas Greet- ing," Rose Barek. Thrp bread fin Europe, rationed now. Flour for the bread comes from Hungary and only 10 ounces, or two MiaJl Slaves a day may be Recitation "It's Almost Christ- Purchased for any individual. (mas," Godfrey Wesley. . song "Creep Mousle Crecu," Grade 1. Recitation ''X S e k s o n a b 1 e Speech," Jane Howard. Guitar and Vocal - "Silver Threads Among the Gold," and "Smile Awlle," -Norah 'Wesley, Jane Howard and Oliver Wesley. Recitation, "A 'Boys' Problem," Willie Mark. Recitation "Merry Christmas Day," Priscllla Brown. Song "Loch 'Lomond.'-Rena and Cora Wesley. Recitation "What Shall I Do?"i Gordon Howard. Pageant "The Bethlehem Babe." , Jane Howard and Sarah MDames, 1 Phylls Jones, Priscllla Brown, Cora Wesley; Louls Weget, Arjge:?; Har- i vey Jones, Oliver 'Wesley, "Magnus Turner, Gordon 'Howard, Godfrevi Wesley, Shepherds. Recitation "Early 'Rising." Mag nus Turner. Recitation "Christmas Bells." i Leila Wesley. ' Song with Guitar "The Dying1. Mother's Prayer," Olive Wesley. I Acrostic "Santa Claus," Grade -1.-Dlalogue "Clever Wm. -Brown:" ' Phylls Jones and.Magnus Turner. ' Song "Where .Are You Golne?" scnool. Recitation "A Little Man.",Bruce Wesley. Recitation :Baby aesus." Lulu Woods. Rounds "Row, 'Row, 'Row Your Boat," 'Three Blind Mice," "Glide Along," school ! Kecnaiion a Riddle," CoraV Wesley. ReciUtlon "If," Josephine John-' ston. Carols "The (Hrst 'Koel.- "Jollv Old St. Nidholas." school. 1 Recitation ?Long.Ago at Christmas." .Phylls 'Jones. : Recitation "The Star." .Angel-5 Ine Russell. Songs "Ah! v Can lt-SE'er Be," "Auld .Lang SyneT' rSomebody;' school. , 3 Recitation "Somebody," .Louise Weget. . . . Recitation The Christmas Tree" Sarah McDames. Dialogue "For 4h'e Christmas Pudding," Jane -Howard .and nine girls. Carols "While Shepherd Washed," "Hark the Herald Angels Sing," rsilent Might," school. "God Save lhe;Klng." t iMike 'Accordionist nd Teacher A.A A. Certificate PHONE RED 814 eiTWttt iLL tmiONt II uuu SINGLE FARE AND ONE-QUARTER FOR ROUND TRIP ( F(rt25c) BODee. 30. 31, Jn. 1. (When it tnin service Dec. 30, ticket! will U sold Dec. 29.) HTUItM Until Ja-i. 2, or first available train. Full jMfttaiJara from Local A oral. WJO-40C PUCK GAME WAS DRAW Boston Bruins And New York Americans Failed To Ureak Deadlock .Last Night NEW YORK. UJec. 23: '(CP) ; Boston Bruins 'and 'New "York Americans played 'to a three-all overtime draw In 'the only srhed-i mld Na -ional Hockey League 'fixture last night, tts a result, 'the Bruins drew up to within oiv j;oint or the second ptee D(4.rolt R d Wius while the Americans went into a ktle with their fellow townsmen, the Ulangere, for the fifth positron. It looked like a sure 'win for the 'Bruins until '.he vi-t-r-ran tllcS.'ey Smith evened ui the count for the Americans Just .before ths end cf -he regulation tkne. .overtime failing to break the deadlock. Tonight New York -Rangers will ir"e' the To ion to Maile .Lfnfs at Toronto while New York JVmerl--ans will meet the Canadlens at Montreal. Tomorrow aiiht Chicago will be at Toronto and the Manl-Leafs at New York to play the Hmsers. The league standing .to date: Toronto 13 1 5 57 37 27 Detroit Boston Chicago Rangers Americans Canadlens J'hones 18 & iO 8 C 7 0 5 0 0 45.40 2! 7. 09 40 20 8 44 49 18 8 47 47 15 10 37 .65 15 '9 39 49 14 For Indies .and Gentlemen' P;). '.a it's ! I TAILORING t.lee We Cover Buttons for Your Dress By Your Own Cloth Cleanlnj. I'resslnr. Uepalrlnc 3dAv. Phone Green 9C0 P.0.975 Mussallem's Economy Store Let us help you with your New Year party requirements Opposite Canadian Legion PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK i AND SHIPYARD I Shipbuilders and Kntlnrers Iron and ISrass 'Casting Klectrlc-and Acetylene Weldlnc SptelaliKits on Sawmill and Minlnf Machinery 'All '.Typen tett f3as iKnflne Repaired otnd 'Overhauled JOHN GURVICH, Contractor Wishes lo Announce Hhe bounding of the Seal Cove Trucking Transpo rtabon Co And for Vour Scrvicc Of fcrs 1 DUMP TRUCKS TO 4-YARD 'CAPACITY AND .2 LARGE COVERED VANS Small jobs are our business but the bigger the job the better we like it Tor Any Truck Hailling by Hour or Contract Phone THREE-TWO Please mumuBmmmmmom FRESH SHRIMP Daily After 4:38 p.m. IJOAT W.S.L. TROTIKR'S DOCK J. H. BULGER Optometrist Royal Bank Rldf. if Saturdv rv.. . v j d... r jug mvf Shin to J. II OKMIIKIM. Prim.. i. ... Kepresenting HUDSON'S HAY C()MI'aNy The Greatest Achievement in Modern RADIO 1 IIC IIUIIIII 1 1 1 II II... " iiait iJiiiB Y:uteilTor Happy NewTttr ! 'Kvcrylwidjr There is No Carrying Chariic at r i l r ..T.i Eiawara L.ipsexiL.ta MacKenzie s Furniture A New Year's (ift ISeaulyrest Mattresses UuK;rtia Mattresses At that IasIs Whole Refreshing Sleep S42.50 . They Are liuilt for 775 Udiaisiiaieiaiaiisi&icHaiai Year Assurin: M Slum!r Khif Eay -Terms Arrantd ZZi Third I at m mm mtr Wishing You All A Very I . i l 0RMES LID. 1:1 1 TO5iCJSiOT?' UNION STEAMSHIPS Eft Steamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver T.S.S. CATALA F.VEKY Tl!ES- T.S.S. CAR I) EN A FBlf1' DAY, 1:30 p.m. 10:30 p.m. Due Vancouver, Tliurs. p.m. Due Vancouver, Monday If Cone:u u!. riease'Ptirchaxe Tickets ut-Ottirt Further Tnformatlo r ne ,ardlrjB- ileservatlons. and TlckeU al4 FRANK J. SKINNPir iri,. Arnt. -Third Ave. ri""1'