V Saturday. December 23, HTTO, We wlh to thank our patrons and friends 'for the business they have (hen us and hope they will have a very Merry Christmas Phone 13 TAXI Service I KAllWAY CANADIAN Trans-Ailantic PACIFIC Transronlincntal Trans-I'acific To Vancouver via Urcan Falls and Way Torts 8S. "Princess Adelaide" Every Friday. 10 p.m. TO VANCOUVF.lt DIRECT S. PRINCESS NORAH-December 8th, 10th, Jan. 2nd, JOth. "30th Direct Connections at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services W. I. Tickets and Reservations from CO ATKS, General Acent - Prince Rupert, B. a "EVERYBODY'S WARM FRIEND" COAL PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Sole Distributors McLcod River Hard Coal iEDSON, NANA1MO-VVFXLINGTON, BULKLEY 'VALLEY Office and. Coal Bunkers Trotier'g Dock Jlione 58 Another NEW New Ym MR All READY TO GO - start witli Cards We Have .n.Slilcndid Stock Displayed Conveniently ' Priced tRcasondbly Mr. and -Mrs. .EmW -Qutet returned to the city on rthe Prince Rupert this Wednesday from Vancouver.- Mss. Quist is ill and was removed from the steamer to !her home In the -ambulance. 1 . . ... .mutee requests that such com-. plaints and- or applications by tenants or iandlords be made in writing giving full details on or. before January 10, 1941, addressed to Prince Rupert Housing Committee; Prince 'Rupert. B.C. " CUslitO FOR RENT- including "News. FOR KEN1 -Laree furnished office heat and light. Daily) If. FOR RENT One 3-room, one 4- room flat. "Early January. Suit soldiers wives. Box 59, Dally :News. f303) FOR SALK FOR'QUIOK SALE 1-Goblin electric vacuum, like new, $35. Tri- llte lamp. Phone Black 392 between 5 and 7 nan. 303 LOST 1 LOST Red flat bottomed boat near government dock, DJgby island.' Reward. Box 68 Daily News. WANTED WANTED Man "Who wants board ' -and room, Box 57, Dally News. (308) r 732 DHL? KET7S" ' riTTriTrnmi i n IN RUPERT Everybody Evidently Had a. CiOd Time Presence of Troi Notlred Variety of 5f , CapL Morrison At Rest Large Catherine This Afternoon At Funeral or Veteran Halibut Boat tOjeratr -Weather I There were ritualistic ceremonies 'at the "Oddfellows' Lodge at the navy and air- made tlf felt in hal)but bMt '0), the ,,brvancv.of Chrlsas in mMe Tj. j.k2r-' Prince Rupert but the festivities filiated. The gathering .to pay final were of .much the usual character, trlbutPS nf an imoo extending into Boxing Day vhlch -a -large one. j ,T . V ! the Moose and Oddfellows u Private holiday. entertalnnaent'was Lodges. ' featured, including conventional, turkey dinners, and most everybody i in this town seemlhely hadn happy I time. The Salvation Army and other organizations were busy and: distributed ;hampers -where It was; felt they would be appreciated. Atl the Prince "Rupert Oeneral Hospital) there were gifts and special com- Canada At War 25 Years Ago forts for the patients. Some of the i Decembers, J915 TurkLsh forces churches .held special services. 'entered Kut-ei-Amara but were There was a variety of weathrr on I driven from the fort by Gen. Town-Christmas Day in Prince '.Rupert. j send's "British troops. Prime .Mln-starting -with heavy tain In early lster Asqulth announced British morning, turning Into thick, wet (casualties to December 9 as 528,227. snow by afternoon and clearing upJofrre dismissed five aglns French and freezing by evening. I generals. "Lieut. "Walter Johnson of the 102nd Battery left on last evening's train lor a trip to Lethbrldge. -Miss Molly Ellison sailed, last; night on the Princess Adelaide for a vacation trlp.to Vancouver- i Mr. and Mrs. J. 'E. Boddie sailed last nlghton .the Princess Adelaide for a holiday trip to Vancouver. Miss Prances Cummings sailed last night on the Princess Adelaide for a vacation trip to Vancouver. LOCAL NEWS NOUS Cash for -Old Gold, Bulger's, tf. Just say "Three Two please.' Shane .Murray returned to :the city on the Prince Rupert wea- nesday after taking a man in s 4mllitary training at Victoria. Just say'Three Two please.' Lutheran Circle Chrutmas Tree December '30. .Metropole Hall. iFar Tlie fire department was -called .children fat 2:30. Good, program out at 11 o'clock Thursday -night to and refreshments in the evening a false alarm at the corner of at '8:00. Admission 35c. Everybody Eighth Avenue and Conrad Street, welcome. (303) Mrs. C. Veitch sailed last night on the Cardena for Campbell River .whence she will motor -down Vancouver Island, also visiting HELP PREVENT COLDS developing THIS QUICK. At first sneeze, sniffle, uaurwvuav or nasal Irritation, put HAND! WAT a mle Vlck8 Ya-tro- nol up each, nostril. Its stimulating action -aids Nature's defenses against the 'cold. Keep it handy. Use it early. VICKS VATRONOL andTred Howlett, also charged with ' H. Mostad, who was seriously in-drunkenness, are appearing 'in Jured on the Queen Charlotte 1s-court today. .lands some time ago and has since ' been in the Prince Rupert General A few of those who bid at the HosDital. sailed last nieht on the turned In the money they bid. Ad-J receive further, treatment. Jutant Ilalsey of the Salvation' Army, asks that those who have1 not paid leave he money at the Dally "News or at the Salvatiorf Army headquarters. . NOTICE Taxi cars driven by James Comer and Dick Speers met in head-on collision -on icy Comox A-venue at 9:45 yesterday morning. Consider-; able damage was done to both cars, and Andrew Arsoy, a passenger In the iComer car, sustained cuts and Prince Rupert Rentol Colttee brulses lor dressln of waIch ne with 4o announce -that .they will' .. f,, . v, rw t K un'ii lu mc fillip ilUUCll, . ,, , . , ,1 Jccepf all complaints respecting ( General HoqltaL thereof and all policatlons for determination -variation or -of maximum rentals, and the Com- CARD OF THANKS Fred Olsen and son, Paul, -wish to thank .all the lpeople who employed them -during the year in garden .work, also the Oddfellows of Prince Rupert ior their kindness. Mr. Olsejj ate) wishes to thank those who sent -bo :manv ..beautiful Christmas gifts to him-Jself and boy. Jle wishes -all a prosperous and iiappy new year. . j f . 'OLD-TIME SOCCERITE I TULHAM, England, Dec. 27: (CP) J. Coleman, old-timer on the. Arsenal football team, died as a result of a fall from a roof. He played for England against Ire land in 1907. Announcements All advertisements in this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Lutheran Circle Christmas Tree December 30. Metropole. Genuine Hogmany Dance, fellow's Hall, December 31. Odd- QUICK SALE of following: Coal I Scotch Dance. Oddfellows' Hall. stove $15; kitchen table and 5 ( December 31. Dancing 9 to 1, ad-chalrs $8; kitchen cupboard $7; mission 75c. '.mahogany .table $3.00; walnut I .' ' ' .china cabinet $15.00; .bedroom ' Valhalla dance Metropole Jan-set comprising bed, cable spring uary 3": , -small table and chair, lino rug. $20.00. Phone Green 577 WANTED (303)1 -WANTED Experienced girl for boarding house. 'Box 56, Daily News. (tf) I WANTED A place 'for capable Sr. High School girl to work for room rand board. Phone Black C20. (303) PERSONAL MEN! "WANT NORMAL PEP, VIM? TryOSTREX TONIC tablets. Stl-I mulants and oyster concentrates ' -aid to normal pep. Results with first package or maker returns low price. Call, write McCutch-eon's and all other good drug stores 1 YOU CAN-RUN A HOME KINDER IKindergarben Institute, care 'M. C. C. Schools, Winnipeg, Man. ' ' United Church W. A. tea Jan. 16. -102nd Auxiliary Dance Armories, January 31. Fresh Local Jlnw.and Pasteurized Mirk VALENTIN DAIRY mora cs7 r Central Hotel Modern Steam-Heated Rooms, Dining Room, Steam ;Bath and Housekeeping Apartments j Mrs. C. E. Black, Proprietress GUNNfS Variety Repairs General Repairs on all . Rubber Footwear, and Garments. Tires and Tubes "Vulcanized We are fully equipped to do all bicycle & wheel goods repairs Service and Economy Cth St. opp. OK Barber Shop Tonight's -tram, due from the East a,c 11 o'clock, was .reported this afternoon to be on tone. Lieut. Jack McRae sailed by the Prince Rupert Thursday night on his return to hfci naval duties at Esquimau after spending Christmas here (with :his parents. Mr. and Mrs. -D, C. McRae. Chief and Mrs. .Mark a. McKay of Kltselas .came dawn tha Skeena River on this Thursday's train to spend the New Year season visiting at Port Essington were they -will re main for a week. "Mr. and Mrs. D. B Church Jef ttn lest evening's train for .a IriR -to Toronto, Halifax and elsewhere in the .East. They .expect to be away for two or three months, Mr. Church left on Jast evening's train for a trip to Toronto, .Halifax and else where in the .East. They -expect to 1 1 . 'be away for two or three months, For drunkenness, Thomas-G. Dex- h. S. Ketser of Inverness cannery l- Church being on business in ter was nnea ss, witn option 01 saUedlast night on the Cardena j0r , connecuon w"nj- - carn,co. oc.ui. uaj- wijuuuiuucuh aii cii-y , a visit m Vancouver and Victoria, police court yesterday. Ole Olsen. CARD OF THANKS Mr. and "Mrs. "Barney Jtoald wish to thank "Dr. Large and the .nurses in -the hospital for services and assistance during the Illness -of their recent radio auction .have .not -yet, 'Princess Adelaide for Vancouver to i infant child. They .also wish to thank those who sent- flowers to the funeral which look place yesterday afternoon. DAVE'S jt .... . ism Dine and ; Dance at II DAVE'S 3 Jf4.MM.MMMMUMM.MlLM.ltMtuM DANCE TONIGHT BOSTON JIALL, 9.0'CLOCK i s 5 -THE S Variety Store 1 HereJie is: .Old 1940, about to g take a 'farewell stride towards n the-end of ta long Journey that hasJiad jnany ups anddowns S g and .now .soon to bring -about g j uie aoveni oi,a oiessea event g that will soon be announced 5 and that -we -all look -forward S to. But Just before he goes Jet us remind our friends that he leaves behind him memories of .our stocks of: Glassware and Crockery, Table Cutlery, Stationery, Fancy Goods, Confectionery, Toys, Games and the small things in kitcherrware always so useful and Cigars, Cigarettes and Tobaccos. Call and see us. Raw Furs We Have Orders For and Require Immediately 3000 JIarten, 500 Lynx, 200 Fisher 5000 Mink and 25,000 "Weasels 3n order to secure these .articles for our customers, we :are prepared to pay you more money than anyone else. vWe tatve SPECIAL ORDtRS for' Dark -and Dark Brown Marten and Small Dark.and Dark Brown Fishers and we are prepared toi pay you SPECIAL tPRICES for these two articles. For Highest Market -Prices and 100 ;Satiifaction, 'Try Your next shipment'to us Do it Now! Thanking you In anticipation,; tare -are, Trappers Furs JM Standard Bank Bldr, Vancouver, B.C. As a result of a traffic- incident on Sixth Avenue East Christmas Eve when a Chinaman -was knocked down, R. Burnett appeared in city police court and was charged with driving while Intoxicated, .being remanded until this afternoon. INanaimo-Wellington Bulkley Valley Alberta Minchead Sootless f 1 "Wilfrid Beriey ana John Kinrade, for supplying liquor to lndlans,twere each fined $50, with option ofone month's Imprisonment, by Stfagls trate W. D. Vance in city police court this week. Each is senlng 'the time, fl It Pays to Always Buy the Best Fuel . xii . o Trr T a J i- iDert mcvarrery, jLira. t mione 116 pnoNE 11: t :THE THREE HOSK OF GOOD CHEER! Lime I Crush Buckingham Ginger Ale Pints SLOO DOZEN Plus 25c Deposit. Order Through Your Dealer Lithiated I Lemon ; Soda i I North Star Bottling .Wosbl Used Furniture Bedroom Dressers, Full Size Bed Complete, Round j Tables, Buffets, Porcelain Table, Writing DeskJIall j Stands,.Steel Crib, Kitchen Ranges, Heaters, Hoover Vacuum Cleaner. ! Electric Irons, Pocket Kodak, .21 jewel 'Waltham j Watch, Tube Skates, size 6, Girls' Bicycle, Standing: j Lamps, Gilcltrist Logging Jack, Peavees, Snatch Block. Used Furniture Dept. NEW FURNITURE VALUES 8-Piece Walnut Finish Dining Room Suite Consisting of buffet, extension table and 6 chairs. $69 50 Chesterfield Suite Consisting chesterfield and fi-f Off Aft 9ODVV two chairs. 3 piece Bedroom Suite Consisting of chiffonier, vanity, C75 ftft dresser bench and full size bed. 4 piece ELIO'S FURNITURE STORE "MOOSE BUILDING THIRD AVENUE SERVICE OF A BETTER CLASS (Art Iurray) "JUST TRY 99 ONCE"