SAGE.TWP Spring's . . . LATEST STYLES IN Julia Arthur Vanity Maid Miss Atlanta and Plio-Pedic JUST ARRIVED Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News. Limited, Third Avenue H. P. P.ULLEN - - - Managing-Editor Paid in advance, per week . Paid In advance, pet month By mail to all parts of British Columbia, the Britiiii Empire and United States, yearly period, paid in advance By mail to all other countries, per year Classified advertising, per word, pir insertion Local readers, per line, per insertion News Department Telephone X6 Advertising and Circulation Telephone' , , 98 Member of Audit Bureau ot Circulations DAILY EDITION .50 3.00 9.00 02 25 Tuesday, March 12, 1940. THE POLITICAL POT The political pot is now boiling or, at any rate, sim litical attairs as the war in hurope is still all-engrossing, savoy 712 726 711 Gyro Large 145 149 14S Bulger .. 146 1144 128 Dungate J69 182 149 Morrison .... ..225 162 147 Asermlssen . ..141 169 Gyros win 3. ..Canadian Scottish nenearis no Kirchoff rr. ... 94 Akehurst 82 Crabbe .." 115 Donaldson --141 Printers Franks, R 132 Montesano 201 Franks, O. r 131 Vance - 140 McCallum ; 156 Yet there were fair turn-outs at the meetings Saturday iPrinters -night and Sunday atteM&?wW latter. A X ' S", good attendance is expected also on Wednesday evening when the Liberals hold their big gathering. It is -still n little early to predict what will happen on March 26. We have not noticed any change of sentiment since the last election. There does not seem to be any heart in the opposition. There is a lack of enthusiasm which seems to portend a result very similar to that when Olof Hanson was last elected. The only criticism that seems to be at all important is to LiiDerais wnen it snouid nave gone to uonservatives. i et Announces it is shown that the firm that was so severely criticized is .turning out guns of excellent quality for the price agreed upon and deliveries will be well ahead of schedule. That was what was required. A similar contract might have been let here if a new firm had taken over the dry dock plant as was suggested. Had this been done there would undoubtedly have been art article or series of articles in the Financial Post showinq how an inexperienced firm had made arrangements with, a more or less derelict plant to do a new kind of work etc, ej.c, ate. POLITICAL MEETINGS The size of political meetings and the amount of enthusiasm shown is not always a sign of how the voting will 0. We have known meetings no better attended than the Conservative meeting Saturday night and yet the party it represented v on the election. However that is not us ual. There must be a feeling of confidence on the part of the narty -supporters that seems to be wholly lacking ir this fqoe. Vfn the C.C.F. PToun seems to have lost en thusiasm. Members used to think that in five or ten vearp they would he in command of the situation and would tak over the wejUth of the more active and more frhmt T'h'M v as.t-en vears ago but nothing has happened sq far. Todav the C.C.F. seems to be devoting its attention more jo rpfo'-m than revolution. It was for being merely a re-forrctpr that they removed Rev. Robert Connell from the p.ifir'nV of the party. Any move to take over all the wealth of the country is revolution. Any move to improve conditions is reform. ! UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUES- TJS.S. CARD ENA FRIDAY, DAY, 1:30 p.m. 10:30 p.m. Due Vancouver. Thurs. p.m. Due Vancouver, Monday a.m. If .Convenient, Plea'se Purchase Tickets at Office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets From FRANK J. SKINNER, Prince Rupert Agent. Third Ave. Phone 5G8 ...5 5 A. (..., .....4 Gyro Club ...3 Imperial Oil ... 2 Angus Apartments 1 Canadian Scottish 0 Moose 0 Sea Biscuit Is Retired. 137 105 110 103 144 ihering. There seems to be no great interest taken in po--the jinai third -of the season: that pertaining to the manufacture of Bren guns, was let Laurels Now. hu owner LOS ANGELES, March 12 C. S Howard announces retirement of the famous race horse Sea Biscuit, high money of all time who ell-. mniflrt hi mrer Inn H?itr nnn with the winning of the Santa An-lf , Bowling Standing National Leatue L. . . W p L F A p .Rangers 27 9 10 135 75 63 Boston 29 4 12 1C1 95 62 Toronto 21 16 11C 95 52 Chicago 21 0 19 105 116 43 Detroit 16 C 24 86 119 38 Americans 14 4 28 05 130 32 Canadiens 10 5 21 84 152 25 GENERAL CONTRACTORS CASEY and M0RRETT0 Stone Ma&onarjr, ilrkk or Concrete IVerk" Excavation and Landscape Gardening Macadam Roads or Sidewalks Phane 35 for Morretto or Green S27 for Casey Our .Famous- Edson Alberta COAL Bulkier I'aUey Coal Nanalmo Wellington oal Bulkley Valley Wheat and Grain PJllNCB JtUPERT FEED CO. Phone 58 and 558 - THE 4DAILY NEWS P!J U' Todatj in Sports PRINTERS LIONS TAKE IN LEAD FIRST GAMEI The second game will be play:d Wednesday night In Vancouver. 103 Dave Downie of Seattle Is an-M2 nounced as high scorer f the SPORT CHAT The only National Hockey League 203 game scheduled for tonight New York Ranters vs. Boston Bruins at Dr. R.C. Bamford 'Successor to Dr. B. LUND AH L Will ConUnue Practice of Dentistry In Rooms 1, 1, 3 llesner Block Further Play In Badminton I Following arc the rewtte af gama i played In the Prince Rupert Bd- minton Club annual evening: tournament Pearwin beat F1hr. 15-8: 15-5. ' MU QavU and Melutosh beat OyrojCluband Printers won clean '-ale Portland Buekarvon i , Mi,s Vance .and Jlume.. JBIC i,weep .victories last night in .the JjuO.ene -of PaeJIk -Coa-it Bellamy beat PorriaL 16-4; 4W. Commercial Bowling League. The1 P" Playf s M jy,, b$ftt M)m morgan. io- servlce club trundlers had as their 0: 14-11. victims the Moose while the typos VANCOUVER. March 12 Oana-, MM 1mt ml p,f r bfnt MIm ioak lae .Canadian .Scottish into dian Prea-Vancouver Uojis de- MacDonaid nd Bellamy, 5-1S: 15-0; camp. The victory put the Print- te&ttd Portland Buekarooi by a.t$. ers into a tie with Savoy Hotel (or oi 5 lo i last nkht In the M,M Mftrsan and rew-n rst the league leadership. High average, opening game of the best four out! v) Joan CW an, p 1&.8: vorr thf enln u-ns Prank of ssven Pacific Coast Hockey .Morrison of the Oyxo Club with League championship play-offs b 178. Individual scoring: Mose Long .'150' 134 Bond 127 160 Cameron 122 145 Cameron 122 145 Montesano 148 148 Smith 159 139 tween first and second place team. 15-8. HHn.v rd Muray beatpaulln ani liine. J59 tf-8. Mrs. Long and Miss Thorunn beat Mi .Ttan Crps and MLss Davis, 5-15; 17-15; 15-11. 172 league for the season just ended Ton Wit's Came 172 with 48 points. j Games to be played this evenlnir i 153 Kimsraa or Vancouver Lions is .are as toiiowa 136 Tpnd with 42 points 1 7:30 p.m. JIume v. Peanen. 8:00 pjn. Bellamy vs. Mrlntaah 8: JO p.rn Weaver and Johnson i' vs. Blay and Forreat. 9:00 pjn Buuanlch and Fisher vs. Bellamy and Murray. 9:30 o.m - Mi Atterta and Way v. Mts Thomson and Weaver, i 10:00 pjn Mia Frances Cross and Bussanich vs. Mrs. Lone and 826 806 770 Boston may very well have anilsner Important bearing on the outcome 10:30 pm Miss Davis and Mcln-of the race for first place in thetosh va- Mlss Astoria and BUy or 140 league standing. The Rangers are" Thomson and Weaver 97 now leading the Bruins by thei- . 10C narrow margin of one point or' 96 half a game for the league supre-148 macy and, wiUi the season so close : to its ena. a win for them tonight 622 643 C25 would of course, place them in a commanding position. The same' 165 129 two teams will meet again In New 150 175 York Thursday night and it will! 158 173 be the final sceduled fixture Xor 176 150 the Rangers while Boston will have 157 158 -one more game to play next Sun-' day niitht at home with the Mont-1 760 806 785 real Canadiens. I The lpazue standing to date for SporU writers in National Hoc key League cities voted Howie Mor-. rnz, Montreal Canadiens' centre. the. .fastest skater In the loop six years 'ago today The Stratford streak, who at the time of the. award had 12 years of profrsslonal hockey behind him. died a Montreal March 8, 1937. of injuries suffered la a game Boxing - Wrestling MOOSE HALL Tuesday, March 19 8:30 p.m. Admission .Men J5c Ladies and Students SOc IDOIiA Roller Rink Dally Sessions as Follows: .Man.. Tues., Wed. 8 to 11 pm. Thurs. 7 to 9:30, Dance 10 to 2 Friday to 8:30, 8:30 to 11 :00 Sat. Children 10 to 12 a.m., 2 to 4:30. 6 to 8:30,3:30 to 11 Special Arrangements Can Be Made for Private Skating Parties 13 SISTERS CAFE IS NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS 3 Your Patronage will be highly appreciated "Aim to Please" is our Motto Thank You G0LDBL00M The Old Reliable Have Big Order For Beaver PostUe can pay more than anyone eUe for all furs. Do not sell your furs on the waterfront, brlnt them to 0 OLD BLOOM and et 30 per cent more. VHMsSaQSHaVBilBtHHHHHHLEBlBHBli LINZEY DAV1ES PHONICS 585 586 FREE DELIVERY I'ork Pattiec Per lb. Veal Loaf Per lb. Sliced Bacon -Per lb. AVeinerfc Per lb, Tomato Juiue Per tin Ithubarb-Per ib. First llraAt lluttcr-3 Jbs. Fresh Biscuits Pr 4b. Hrior Woodbury's Soap 4 cakes Soap Flakes-Per lb, 25c 25c 29c 25c 5c Orange Doz. 25c 30c 35c Icmons -Large. Per doz. Knlnaclt-Per Jb. 29c 10c 5c 95c 25c 25c 22c 26c 10c ii iv it 3 n llacienzie s furniture Air Conditioned KM) jiert-eul Nev, Muttrial 4 RipVan Winkle SPRING FiUjj Completely p Cam 04 , rhon?" Coal! Coal! C Winter And your TtfWinj. I'oothilb Rulklcy VaDjy 'anaiintMYelW We are equipped u any of thre rtaW carrfullr sr.rrui4 a iradfj ta Un IMiunr CI -O KEEP UP With Your Reading lln.n nn Inlnl lwi.ll.-k! llinl nm lf41lllHir KI lists-Let the People Sing I! Two Generations A Goodly Fetlowftht) Quartet I i ..e r u.., rt iiuu men ui vanuiue Strange Gods ; F' v The Valiant Heart I The Sea Tower .-... Sown Among Thorns . Murder Gone Minoan . . ' Rhick Beadle I 'Inherit the Earth s - The City of Gold Tuscan Spring t - It Tidies All Kinds Hr ' ' Tlie Nazarene Williiuns Room H ' - Shahhy Summer All these and manv other new book can easily!' hv vnii fiirntnrli mir rfinvniiiii lihrnrV pU9 75c for All the Rookx You Can Read in a M JOIN NOW eMmMvs. "RUPERT BRAND" Smoked av av av m h aw ma mi n i ic a m aaV m. m mm i Smoked Daily r i" l n n i i ti Trlnce Hupert 1 l Ai.inffi I ft I In miti'" Uat Ultl l t riiu ;ivp Miiiiit'iiiiriir in hum i niuuuii imii ,111 f lit una iiujci win duum, k jruu niiuv ii, uitJ