r SI, MEALS IN THE . ft. , . .. . it a,. FURNITU RE Clearance 2 Only Flat Top Maple Desks Clearance 2 Only Writing Desks QO QC Drop front. Each Clearance 3 Only Chiffoniers A QC Walnut finish. Each ?UO Clearance I Only Six-Piece Breakfast gQ Clearance 1 Only Six-Piece Dinette jjjgg QQ Clearance 3 Only Table Lamps Glass CO base, complete with shade. Each . . Clearance 2 only Linoleum Rugs Q7 QE Size 7x9. Each tyimVO Clearance 2 Only Feltol Rugs 7x9. Qfl Qff Each 91.513 Clearance 1 Only Inlaid Linoleum QQ QE Size 6x9 yO.VD ELIO'S FURNITURE STORE Green 916 TIIIKD AVENUE Store Hours 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. SOUTH TO VANCOUVER! Mllifl; it OCEAN FALLS and POWELL RIVEB Steamer leaves Prince Rupert every THURSDAY, 11.15 p.m. Trains leave Prince Rupert for the East Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 6 p.m. NEW CENTRAL HOTEL ANNEX Second Avenue flousektepinr. Apartments (Hot Water Heated) Mrs. C. E. Black. Proprietress (Central Hotel) Steamer for Ketchikan and Stewart every WEDNESDAY, 2 p.m. For fares, etc., call or xcrlte City Ticket Office, 528 3rd Ave. &2ZesU- MANNER ELIMINATE the "Menu-problem" during Lent with a variety of delightful Fish recipes. You can choose from more than 60 different kinds of Canadian Food Fish and Shellfish, each of which can be served in several different, easy-to-prepare recipes that are positively delicious, and will be welcomed by the whole family. Write for the FREE recipe booklet . . . you will find you can serve Fish often, and make everyone happy about the whole thing. V-9-40 SHOOTING GALLERY Adjoining IDOKA ROLLER ARENA If you lose anything, advertise (or it DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES; OTTAWA. , Letter Box ELECTION rUOPHESlES per will show I have already within the past tw0 years given expression of my opinion In separate letters of both Hon. Mackenzie King, premier of Canada, and Hon Mitchell Hepburn, Premier of my native province, Ontario. The dlf ference between the two leaders Is dent. BLACKHEADS Imply dlnolTK and disappear fcy this on mpl, Mft and rart method. Ctt tw i of proiin powder from anr dm I tor, rprlnkl on a hot. wt cloth, and plr IMU7--trtrj blackhead will U goa. ' NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelli Proprietor "A HOMK AWAY FROM HOME" Rates 75c up 50 Rooms Hot it Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phon Ml P.O. Box 19 THE SEAL QUALITY ill w GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon canning company with an all the year round payroll In '.. Prince Rupert TlU DAILY remain but Hepburn must go back to the plow, and there remain until he develops enough common sense to retain a mental balance in the discharge of the duties of a premier. The conduct of the Dominion Editor. Dally News: pbiic under direction of the Fed- Now that the federal election eral Government was and Is the campaign is in full swing and aU real basts of Mr. Hepburn's dislike I political parties are presenting for Mackenzie king, as all who their standard bearers to the pub- read and remember must know lie in hope of acceptance, may I! Now, as to Mr. King's war effort, submit my views as based on tor-j the charges laid against his gov-ty-flve years of keen political ' eminent to me seem childish and observation? The files of your pa- slmplemraded. In fact too ridlcu- lous to absorb the time of a prin ter to reproduce here. It is only a few years since the world read about a partial mutiny in the British navy, although I cannot recall any effort made to unseat the British Government over the lncl- simply this. Mackenzie King, ha?- As to the British effort In es-Ing a thorough grounding in the tablishlng a training school In Ca-prjnciples of government and lead- nada for aviation at British ex-ershipf is far too solid and shrewd pense. we all heard over the air in practical strategy to be derailed ad in the press the premier's ex-or sidetracked by such amateurs planatlon in regard to that matter as Hepburn and Drew of Ontario. H i simply this and I absolutely as the expressed will of the people with it. A law enacted by the I (wm snow on Aiarcn 26. King will parliament or Canada provides 1 that any military training or op eration carried on In Canada must be under the direction of the Dominion Government. Now. what able-minded self-respecting Cana dian would wish It otherwise. Mr. Editor, the whole trouble Is.1 sianas tne public pulse and his government is directed In accordance therewith. He is not forever making speeches and promises he cannot fulfil. He does not dwell In the air. He lives on earth and keens his ear to the ground. He floored the miehtv Mehn ir. two general elections and lived to! see Hon. R. B. skee himself to Eng. land and it is my prediction he win oe Canada's second world w Premier to the end rar GEOROE B. CASEY. John O. Nelson and son, Bert Nelson, arrived In the city yesterday from Greenville on the Naag River, leaving this morning on their return home. MINERAL, ACT Notice To ffllnqnfnt Cn-awnm Tn John W. Aldn and fJumlrf nirkt land of HrallU, IVaahlnglon. V. 8. A. WHEREAS thm u ownerg other than myatlf to th eitent of man thn one quarter interet la fach and all of the Star No. 1. star No. 2. Star No 3. Star No 4, star No. 5. Star No 8. Star No. 7. Star No. 8. Star No. 9 arm Star No. 10 Mineral Clalma tttuato on the north aide of Porcher lalano In ChUmore PMa about 600 feet from the beach in uie Skeena Ulnlnt Dlrlalon. Province of rJrlUah Columbia: TAKE NOTICE thai unlet you da pay wtwun &0 dayj from, the date hereof the wm of 115370 brier rm.r proportion of the expenditure required for the yean 1937. 1938 and 1939 byl SocUon 28 of ttie Mineral Act. R. S.l B. C. 1938, Chanter l&l. totrelher lLh all ocnU of thU notice, to the under-alirnec;. the reglateml owner of aaJd Mineral Clalma, your lntereat on aatd Mineral Clalma ahall be forfeited and j become veated tn the underalgned who naa maoe me required expenditure. DATED at Prince Rupert. B C. thti Stb day of July. 1939. E. B. BZRNltT. - GREAT TALE OF HISTORY Technicolor drama i an historical royal romance. The Private Live of Elisabeth and Essex." with Bctte Davis and Errol Flynn co-starred In UUe roles, comes to the screen of the Capitol Theatre here for the first half of this week Highly dramatic and essentially human, the story, laid against the magnificent pageantry of the Elizabethan court, deals with the one great love affair in the life of Bng- 'land's famous queen. The role are such that both Miss Darts and Flynn are precisely fitted for. The story opens with the return of Essex from a victory over the Spaniards at Cadis. Instead of receiving royal welcome from hts queen, he is upbraided by Btlsa CIGARETTE PAPERS NONE FINER MADE FOR bALL Premier King knows and under-,rt?R SALE Terms: strictly cash: . a . In'i O.in till t tw AA UOIS -10, BIk. 11. D. L, 369. Terrace, Hugh M. Adams Estate. $500.00; Sub Lot 1 of Lot 1429. Range 5. C. D. Lakelse Road, 10 acres, Peter De Boer Estate. $100.00; Lot 20. Blk. 11 8. 6, Prince Rupert, Oeorge Macklln Estate $900.00; Lot 4. Blk. 37. Sec. 5. Prince Rupert. J., D. Peel Estate, $125.00; Lot 3053, fcas-slar, 103 acres, situate near 'Aly-ansh, Wm. Stewart Estate, $100.-00; Unsubdlvided portion Lot 2199, R. 5. CD.. 142 acres, and cottage. Estate Nell McCarthy. $300.00; Assd. Lot A of Lot 5. Blk. 2, and Assd. Lot A of Lot 8, Blk. 2, D. L. 45. Port Esslngton, Estate Mary D. Holland. $200.00; Unsold portion Lot 3822, Casslar 'Alice Arm), and cottage, Estate John W. Strombeck, $500.00 Official ;Adm!nlstrator, Prince Rupert. B. C. tf. FOR SALE English Pram, $12. Phone Blue 609. 63 FOR SALE Baby chicks from vigorous new blood leghorn breeding stock. Unsexed $10.00 per 100, pul lets (97) $25.00 pcr 100, Also Rock and Red chicks $12.00 per too. Appleby's Poultry Farm, Mls-sion City. B.C. tf. FOR SALE 20" h.p. Vivian gas eni glne In good condition $300.00. Apply Box 35, Dally News. 69 WANTED WANTED Small furnished suite or two Hgfit housekeeping rooms, starting April 1. Reliable tenant. .Reply to Q. J. Haughcy, Room 3, New Royal Hotel. (63) rrtr. Whifflets From The Waterfront The local halibut boat Dovre B.. Cspt. Tony Martlnusen. and the American fish packer Magnolia, which have been on the local dry dock for repairs following recent stranding, will be coming out of the yard about the middle of this week, the work being completed The Dovre D. sustained a broken forefoot while engaged in herring packing for the Port Edward reduction plant. The Magnolia sustained similar damage when she stranded In Orenvllle Channel on the way from Ketchikan to After having been on the pontoon at the local dry dock for almost two weeks having a new tall- beih for not eanturlmr the Saaniah 1 ihaft installed and receiving en- ioW. Furious and hurt, he retire I glne afl having met with to his country castle. An Irish rebellion is the excuse Elisabeth uses to get him back to court but plotting courtiers trick him into taking charge of the punitive army J to Ireland which they cause to fail. Angered in the belief that the Queen has deliberately ignored him and his cause, he rides with his army to the palace to seize the throne but his love for Elisabeth reasserts itself and he abandons the revolt She condemns him to the block for treason but soon repents His pride and true love for Eng land, however, nrevent him from accepting a reprieve and thus the tale tragically ends. The supporting east includes Vincent Price, as Sir Walter Raleigh; Olivia de Havilland. as Lady .renewpe uray; uonaw crisp, as Francis Bacon. Henry Stephen son. Alan Hale. Ralph Forbes and others. Advertising is n investment an accident by striking a log in Tuesday lutr j2 J cams! TON10IIT and WUS? Khn.. VI. hit- . .. """'H . , ;V, f. j ERUoT ' FLYNN HETTK DAVIS In "Private Lives of Elizabeth and Essex" With Olivia l)e llavllland IN TECHMCOUm (At 7:21 and 9 1 Aimiiii Color Cartoon 'Karl Hett the Bird OVERWAITEA LTD. CASH or C.O.I). phone Free Delivery on Orders of $1.00 and Over PURE STRAWHKRRV JAM 4 -lb. tin FRESH RIIUI1AIUJ- Per bunch Vincent Loprx and Orf'ie-4-, Fimayson Channel, the Alaska Transportation Co.'s steamer Ton- James Findlay. n-'.un, gass moved off the pontoos Sun- wvi iim. at n .h ... .. day morning and will soon be ,..,, 'anj. . Stewart ana n,ur otnrr i, ivl. , , i leaving to resume service between Seattle and Alaska. "d l 1 30 " continuation of her Union steamer CaUIa Cspt couver and waypoi:r.. 49c Borden's Chocolste Offp Ajlmer Tron riunu 1 fn Malted Slllk-l -lb. tlntfUi 1 Un AiJl Helm Spagetll10 ox. Or Ajlmer Pork and S)Cn 3 tins nnt- 3(ln!t Tenun Crspefrelt OCp Ajlmer Golden Ban Q9n Julce 3 tins Um Corn 3 bra AYLMKR CUT (.KEEN IJEANS 2 jc ()usktr Corn Flskes- n f e,, .v,p,h, - 3 PkU tf 2 bars . Jetl Shortening-- nip Oijdol Soap rowdrr - OQn 3 bs Urge pkt Canada Corn Starch flp noysl Crown Clesnwr Cp Pcr pkt UU per Un DC NEW POTATOES 3 lbs 25c 5C wvwwwvB00O0O0000U(000W16OOOlonnf,nA(innin-,i3:l EASTER NOVELTIES Any item reserved till Easter on request' Make .vour selection while the assortment is complete SYMPHONY EASTER CARDS An excellent assortment, reasonably priced 2 for 5c 5c and lQc Ormes Ltd. V A truly fine selection of chocolate nnvpltios. Nevrr 5 before featured in the city 15c to $3 1 1 p u7et Moneer 0ri442pjfj 2 The ReiBll Store Phones l & f 6 Open Dally from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. . I Sundays and Holiday, ffom 12 (o 2 p.m. and oooooaooaouboooadoooodoobooofe