Marrh 12, 1040. .the nAixwEwa 1 iVw--- JOIN THE SALADA' STAMP CLUB fl Fo Itn ccnti .nd Iht Ubtt tnd. ihowlna tht Utpol tr.dt. m.ffc, Ifom y ptcktl cl SALADA TEA wc will und you t Btflnncr't OutfHo( 1 -64 p. jt Sump Album. 3 100 H-dt(frtn1iUmpt. 1 61 liitol thouttndl of llimpi offttcd Frit In tuh.njt for SALADA Ubttt. 3J SALADA STAMP CLUB -441 Kinf St. W., Toronto GARDENERS AT DINNER Horticultural Enthusiasts tee Picture and Meet Executive for Conilnt Vrar The Horticultural Society of the G.i:drn City of Prince Itupert held fifth annual dinner meeting last , ,?ht when It heard a brief review of the activities of the society dur-paM year, elected an execu- t rff rominittee for the coming year V. ouver Victoria and Harrison' H:t tiprings and also nearly twenty Fi s.c Rupert gardens, Caw: that compared well with :t r om ine soum. inese now w ?: .house, flowers In the M ' grounas ana scrum m " J' orer "t mm-' pictures were flashed on Mw screen showlnneant store as had been the custom. v gardens at Harrison Hot taken late In the fall, re alto early snow scenes Harrison Lake. Among The hall had been donated by Dyb- havn It Hanson, a small charge be made for better display of the flow er. The other innovation was the holding of a spring sale of flower, mostly perennials which had resulted In the adding of $27 to the . , , IrAnt nn af tirACJfcnt nni Traoeolum 8peloim. . at Terrace and the other at "Cliff- E of applause puntuated the yae. were mven particularly outstanding UN. Mrs Mcmiosn spose oi an ASYOUHOPEFOBVICTORY CUP of coffee snJ a doughnut seem small A enough reward for a man who has gone the top in the face oi machine gun nrc. A pair of dry new socks mesns much to a man whose feet have been wet for a week. These are only some of the things the Salva. tion Army Joes for the soldiers, but the veterans of the last war have never forgotten thine two little services, and the spirit of Christian kindness that went with them. All that the Salvation Army did for the troops in the last wax will be done jn shls war and more if you will help according to the need. Volunlttr uvrhrs uill cull pon you. ui "tb,u liudly S the, Jesrru snd LOCAL NEWS NOTES Otto Jedstad sailed this afternoon n the Catala ior Vancouver. Tonight's East at 11 tiam, aat .tram the this afternoon to he on time. Tn wnlnrflnrr rpmnrku before ad ror vnauv uiu .couxmjuu ci-aMtl. jA-..t- in.nhtn ni - r- 1 1 "- " urtage uance series, Moose JtaxtJi o'clock, was eportea : Tuesday 8 p.m. Caslj prizes, vlJ F W. ThomeyofStewartlsa pLesls i " 0 2 lira T mmmj. ClMT... . n 1 1 Art IVlla 1 F- In the ti a city, .!.. Viovlnn havlne arrived Altr.wt from f ihei WU ternoon on the Catala for a trip ioi north on the Catala this morning. I?? tt" f: 2 Vancouver. I Mrs. Barney Turbltt of Alice Arm is a visitor In the city, having ar Mandy, m&ved by Dean Olbson and;"" enroute-to me ocean Saturday night's train af,ter a tep seconded by r. A. MacCallum. both fll' district on official duties. day visit at Prince Oeorge-with his at whom spoke highly of the beauty of the pictures and the value of the society. The new exesutive chosen included G. 0. Ham. Frank Warne. C. P. Btlagno. Theo Collart. Percy Miller. Mm. Nel Carter. Mrs C. J. Nor-rington, Mrs. R. hi. Wlnslow, Mrs. If. T. Lock. Mrs. Thomas Priest and H F. PuUen. These will meet next Monday evening and select officers for the year. d witnessed a first showing of a J In reviewing the work for the sv uuvel film by Dr. J. T. Mandyjyear Just eoneluded. president. which he exhibited pictures of.H. F. Pullen. mentioned two Inno- rr. beautiful flowers taken atlawon during the year. One was the holding of the annual flower show upstairs Instead of in a va- A. R. MaJlory, who arrived In the city at the end of the week Irom parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Paschal. Father P. Champagne left by last iournment. the president spoke of JPL0YMENT the loss the society sustained in ' '.he removal from the city of W. J. Alder who was an enthusiast In the treasury. It was proposed to have matter of beautificatlon. lie urged a similar sale this spring on the af-, that all those who were present, Aauz&xin - I . . - . r,-. ... . - t. A a l V, 4 In nnm Yir mtt T rlPI ?" uj g iraensseen were inoe 01 iicmumi 01 oaiuraay. Aiarcu ju. imjuic iinmj -.u., B; tiand. Wm. Ooodrlck, Jack! The preldent deferred to trie minds on making Prince Itupert the r ifn Frank DIbb, Tom visit if Professor Coles who had ' most tjeautlful city In the country. Mr- J C McLennan. James grven a fine show of pictures last; This could be done If all did their Tvr,y Collart. R. M. Wlnslow. vrar year throush tnrougn tne courtesy 01 ur. paris m acTcropmB t.hcu u - . ... . . . . M I tf.Ml.lnMM Hanklnson. who -V had nMMtrnt brought Vilm him ' L a.v n 1 naries iMisgrro. asm William Held and II. F. dens ana in neiping m vae gencr-i B Uic begonias In Ernest Wild- ;ed feelingly the recent death of the visitor Mr. and Mrs Be Generous THE RED SHIELD PROGRAMME The Red Shield programme of the Salvation sold.ers physically, Army serves Canadian mentally and spiritually-in the training camps concentration centres ... in the war . . in the '.one; in Canada ... in England . . . in France as near to the front line as the military author-itics permit. It takes care also of the soldiers dependents where need arises. Help them also in their work among Canada's poor. WM iThe SALVAT10H ARMY HEEDS I ptl.MllllflN00llMlS4fS ... ... CAMPAIGN Mar. 11 tt U, m -rn HflMF SERVICE OF VETERANS Legion io Invetitieate Were Quietly Wedded Today the c fnd " of the week Irom Port Clenaonts. sailed .this afternoon evenine's train for. Pert Esinttn AXUIU . - jit nip iu uic vuccji tuiriuiu: as-4 Ibnda. 5 Rev. J. C. Jackson, pastor of Pirst , Ualted Church, sailed this after- CANADIAN LEGION B.ES.L..' noon on the CJatala for a trip to. monthly jneettag postponed till S Vancouver. , Friday. Captain R. B. liongrldge, ;. first vice-prjsldent B.C. Command 3 Mrs. F. E. Legh and daughter; and District Auxiliary Services Ot-Mlss Doris Leah, sailed this after- fleer Ml). No. 11 will speak C2i well as a number of ve ry 'ru? made for the Udht and cleaning ( article on Prince Rupert gardens je- scenes in the south andjoniy. ine auenaance naa Deen oently published In 'KJanatuan were taken by Dr. and Mm. fluite as large as In a downtalr M d mosUv in their natural col-.iooauon oui me jaraer nau naa V.'i? gardens seen Included Stanley Park. Vancouver. L. , ; Hotel gardwu. Victoria. ii 1 : 0 p .- non on the Catala for Vancouver. Miss Lech, who has been .teaching: school at Massctt, is going home to jeeuperate from recent illness, her mother having come here to meet her. Home and Gardens," Toronto. Members of Hill Sixty Chapter. Imperial Order, Daughters of the Empire, met In regular monthly .session last evening at the home of-' Mrs. Arnold Flaten. Fourth Avenue East. There was z. good Attendance of members Arrangements .were made for a dance to be hpld in the Moose Hall April 5. Comtilaiiils That Government la' 4..ii iti..- .March pert .branch of the Canadian Leg- Jon has heen -postponed from Wednesday until Friday evening when j Captain Longridg1' will be present. This was decided at the regular I ! McKae 5 The .marriage itook place Quietly Advice has boen tpcpIvm! at thp' uarrison raincKS aance, Canadian Legion that .Captain R.l1Q2nd Armouries. March 15, admis- i-ODLgoage. llrat vice-president "wv" auu 1 cuuiuv nunninvn ici 1x1 rip L. 1- mervnee ttupcn yuiuur auxiyary service officer. Military rt 1. Melntosh. a of Commerce in connection with niitru m 11 .m o-iv i Dn .f: ? v ,.wn garaVn including beta pioneers In gardening with . the, proper observance of Clean-up Rupert on Thursday morning of this 1 I executive meeting of the Canadian) .Legion held last evening. Other .Defence. Hon. Norman Rogers, were ' not ;belng carried out here. These instructions state specifically that J8' vu uuiikc huujcvu icicraiia tI IUC; last 3rent War are to have preference. A committee was appointed! to investigate complaints and report ' to dhe postponed .meeting on Friday eveulng. Jack Precce was in the chair with otlier members present being W. J. Ranee. Well Cameron, George Ab- i bolt, -0.1.. Barker. John Armstrong. 0. J. jDawes. II. T. Lock and J. M. .'Walker. Announcements .fUl adyertlseraenU tn tnls will be charged for a full month t 2- -ro I Canadian Legion Tea and Annette's Fashion Show. March 14. I L. -O B. A. Daffodil Dance, iMarch 15, Metronole Hall. - rm w 1 rtliirCIl ID. High School 14 and 15. Week. 'jwwic. a- n .rMiiif hP Presbyterian Tea, regular Daffodil March 25. .business Included reports received March 27. t In connection with former comrades ! Inow at Tranoulllfl Sanatorium nnri, S. O. N. Essondale Mental Hospital. ; Ouce again the matter of unemployment took up some time when (it was .reported that the instructions of the Minister of National Auditorium, Eagles' Bridge March 20. Engraved trophies were .presented petlnp of the PrinceaRu-"tUe,s- Marcn -21- to Wm. Moffat. Frank Dlbb, Cripps and Mrs. Tom 'Priest. Len 2 jette Josephine McBae and Attred f K. .Henxlksen. The hour was ll J. o'clock and -witnesses of the cere- ! jalltd ihl. afternoon .on the Catala rived from the north on the 'CaXrml.fJJ .7 ,u, i Leo Connor. The coiple will make j- I At the clow a formal vote of! C. 8t. Clair, district forester. i thank was passed to Dr. and Mrs .Miled this afternoon on the Catala Battalion I their home in Prince fiujjext. ftrlde lias bean on the staff of .the Raymond Paschal of dJae ''atttndf unyai ;Lunrh The J The .fijoojn Is en- j gaged in the fishing industry. n rt n : l l l n . r r i . , a a x.. . ucjiatuson apo r xuco- i Atdson. who arrived Jn the clty at - Tlell, couver. noooioooooioo0ocoaocoooH3 Announcing the Opening of the U and I CAFE Hours 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. 000K000KKHOMKKrO0HK o o a a o I Mrs. J. J. Moose Gingham Leap Year Dance IMarch 21. I i ... - r Tea, Mrs. Parkin's Band Parents' tea Mrs. Hogan's Fishermen's Dance, March 28. Farewell Orange Ladies' Sale, April 3. Hill 60 Dance, Moose Hall, Apr. 5. United Spring Sale, April 11. Presbyterian Spring Sale April St. Peter's Spring Sale, May 9. Fresh Local Raw and Pa&tei7ri7ed MiH VALENTIN DA TRY MARCH 15 to 23 RETURN FARES FROM I'RINE RUPERT 30-Day Return Limit TO M.url.t I'Sl.a.rd ' Jasper 16.30 $19.95 $2353 Edmonton 2U3 26.35 31J5 Calgary 25.93 31.75 37.50 Rfglna - 31X0 38.65 45.65 Saskatoon -. 27.90 34.10 40.30 Winnipeg 33.20 40.CO 47.93 , Port Arthur 42.75 ,525 61.75 Springtime In the Rockies 5tojorr Allot. f! t l olnll D routr. (Ile yoiwtrlf n rilra Irrat villi a Ju1U1t lu the mountain playground., llli-r soIuk or r lurulns. The Ideal eaon for akllng th anuw U aiiKMitli aiul fail. tnnHtrtitHtately fairer Fares from Interior Point $ CUiildmi 5 Yfari and Ultdrr LJ, Half Far. CANADIAN NATIONAL V-17-28 Night or Day PHONE COAL - ' ?? . r PAOE TlTOES SETTING THE SHOE STYLES For Spring Heel - hugging, foot - slimming shoes of suede. fine -kid, bright patents, with el- asticized gabar dine, attractively design ed gore pumps, plain oump.s . .strap sandals, ties and oxfords, in all the new spring c61ors. Cuban, low and, high heels. 32.50 to 4.95 The Cut - Rate Shoe Store NANAIMO WELLINGTON 1 ALBERTA SOOTLESS BULKLEY VALLEY Albert and McCaffery Ltd. PHONE 116 PHONE 117 112 TAXI Prompt Service 3 Heated Cars B. C. Furniture Co. I 1 I PIIOXE GREEN 615 1IIIH1J j; Mail Orders Promptly Filled VWAV.V.V.V.V.VAV.V.VAVAVAV.VAVMAS New And Used Furniture 1 Child's Play Gate $3.50 1 Wooden Ilaby's Criih-CO CQ Price tjJfJetrV 1 Three-piece Chesterfield In good C1Q tZ(l condition S'iO.eJV 1 Monarch Typewriter In A-l 00 condition "li.JVU 4 Singer Sewing NIachines With drop heads. From $14.50 t0 42.50 1 Kitchen Range with Imperial QzlQ 10 Oil Burner Complete i?&VOV 1 Btomraplctc. . . $12.50 t0 $16.50 1 C.C.M. Ricycle $15.95 New Furniture 5 Two-Tone All-Enamel Stoves For coal and wood st styles- $64.50 t0 $109.00 2 Three-piece Chesterfields Of fine patterns and inpfitstylcs. .$69.00 !m(I $89.00 Phone I1LACK 324 Next Door to It. C Clothiers THIRD AVENUE J. H. BULGERi fresh Shrimp Optometrist boat r Dally at 4 pjn. Royal Bank Bldj. TROTIER'S DOCK