aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaafl STEP Into Spring With mm qtomtt wt without xaying- wtf Know x. "Hartt Shoes" , h m Wt mittf nW W rUtfc f! f ky aaa of their ttMmw M e ram tbiak U a kMer U tm H r I order a sair a aWaT VLlf10F jHbt7flL fffc L ! S7 TO 12 ? 5. EXCLTfllT. WITH Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoea THE DAILY NEWS. rmxcz zvrtHT - British Columbia fi&UZtA tery AJUnxK-n, Except Bun day. by Prince Rupert DaSy Krai, UmUed, Third Avenue H. yJlLEH - - - Managing-Editor iiriae, pa- xaetrth '. jo y sit to ih fATU of Brtttrfi CMomfaU. the Brttttti Empire and ffsiuc mala, jexrly ytikA, paid tr. x&iuxt IU3 f z-iS to so tez eps&trtes. per ear ijW Cnxtitz iZitzUati, ytr vutC per tracnlon . oi MAZot, per as, pr aum 3 tM-feinrutal Ttitftsrae M ' AtertHcer aa4 OrteUUn Teieptoae Jt MrsOer f Aolit Etmi t CbrUUwnf EDITORIAL Moodar April 21 1H KXI'RCTTHR I'NF.VI'PfTPrt joapajtoniray wa invaArf tyy GfcnnanxJt was tjie atexitteil that hzftfteoed. When mine rjther big mov gtoi it may re the unexpected. Nobody seemed to orfnk that Germany had anthing to gain from the inva-joo f Norway and yet that waihe eeuntry to whkh Hitler tsntmfhiif aflMitiftfi ovifit to- in tkc thp noiTiii, . mv hicjc rin lar txnnvuer mirve pretty -in which direction no- I'AIy OF SPIRIT The Chicago Dairy Kew, commenting on the present "'rid Situation and the attitude of United States to it fav that tje VSnm, Norwegian, Swede and Dane went to ScamXriaria to fiwl Kberty. Now their freeaorn w rein qvrwU npon and their democratic institution being turned to pconmtc slavery. The pafier then continues: 1 ft fumiihlc that we do not care? Have we become tO abfcct In our posture toward the rest of the world that we (fare "Hot apeak? Have we w far succumbed to peace-alrajrry.ptice dogma that we are afraid to tell the world What we think of foul wrong done to people whose onljr crime wa to iiieve in, and practice, liberty, reat their famflfe in the fear of Gwl, do justice among them-1yo grvd deal fairly am! justly with all other nations? wt'l i u tVtiu .lu u!Ii U . m r in uiw mwj u mini n. umi JlitS COine OVCr US I against dfctaUinihips as those of Hit- wbotriirnble before the ruthlessness of a bloody-hanfled lyrtflt anil would shuwh every utterance that told in sim-Rle words of American abhorrence of the Stalin-Hitler al-llanet', and it brutal inhumanity, jnjuitice and rapine, jfracliired at the expense of those who cannot defend them-.MvesV 1 "jlov long is it to be before we Americans face the 'jvmim ti the situation that is unfolding before our eyes? We can not continue to trust blindly in ultimate Allied vic-Ibry over Hitler. We should begin to think of our own BiU ',n, ,the Jy JJosniblo event that Hitler wins. TOt'wjujd happen!" ' It'fl'iitereBting U know when reading til Daily New that the people of t.hp uhnle djstrift ar driint'r'rj.e nil i iii. -ui, 1 1 ;yi ivi; iWliNHXi fit SaiKlHiNlj COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED Manufacturers of ELEPHANT Rrand Chemi. caN and Chemical Fertilizers AnmonMm riopliates, Ammonium Sulphate, Superphos. phates, Monocalclum Phosphate Producers and Refiners of TADANAC Rrand Metals Vhl SilTer Lead Inc Cadmium ' Ilixmuth Antmny and Zinc DuU AUo Sulphuric Acid and Sulphur General Offire and Works Trail, B.C. :Mm IHrUby CxHiatrr ad Kk ' GTtr4 Tartra Mia Bilt Co- IS -sub Mms Kw UBh Mr ftdnw L. Bao-Bft. Aoavttes L Held. AaneM M tfetoo. uiote Loato Mra P Oqsmz. Bic Un. L. Oaest. Aoaettes V Var. Baaom Ur. J SMcxme. A. Bfr Rex D. Aney. Uapie Loaos Urt T Bouiter. Btoe Btefc Ur p Didtem. aomuci B. Stone, Aojutftef Uft R Keno Btoe Binai Mri A. Piwpe. Btoe Bfetff Urx V Atnaooer. Bto fiatm K UeLeorf. Unb imt. Wrt M Ban. Bit StoWs Un D WeseJi. RfX Mr Braefl. Knoat Hotel KrVm Eanr r M" c MeKami Kara Hitoi , Cameron. Annettes Mn -ELBond, Big Sfatera T Blato Bloe Rirrtt prturent the Britkh Navy frrm stopping shipment of ore" Cficbarfr. Knox Htei f I lllll IJm1 'fua L.x. ...It! 1 t x A I f. Uuu. trM 1 1- ... UtrchknteU - rmz. Knox Hti Rafba-rJl. Big SUtera 0 Whartoa. Baagara. Mr E. Yagtr. Knox H&tl Mf M Aaemlaai Huskies Win Rowing Race SEATTLE. AprU 22: CP- 1M HE MC HI i Hi 142 141 mi m m 137 131 IN 129 Mr. A. Johnson. Uerahaateitea 129 m. sent. Arwiftttic im - - t ---w o aw wri M. Midlll. MerthantoUea i; jsamaan. Rex Mn M Hardy. Rex Mr A nuvtn. ru ai.. Mm a. Ouwi. Knox Hotel f VPrtlf t rf Iff--t-1 . FOR SALE FOR 8AJ.&- Baby chlcfcj from rigorous new b leghorn breeding tock, tntexed $0XK) per 100, pul-UU 97) $250 per 100. Alao Rock and Red chicks $12.00 per 100. Appleby's Poultry Varjn, Mix- nW.8ALp-.5-7 Dpmn gw fnglne, complete with haft, propeller, Atwater-Kept sysjem. Price $175. Aply Dally Hews. (95, 2Q foot cabin boat, 4 htp. Regal Engine. $125. S. J. Meilor, phone J"e.20?- (96) I Is Keen IfW aieaaMul C Seri I JSWMf TssagBEa Ml !kr ejaa x sort to Msie Li roaarr-op 1! ex mu to a fOaMAottoo f avr- tor the owns Mrb hat d bren iBiwwd lij Grtrr THrfleon htm Rrrit nh 2 vt(H tV htoji rp cvu win ormtr4 at teaooK t . hfd fonoar njnt w IW Cxt, nvxlore Cato. ' Th mnm feast tor the nm-tm err a foJtoas: p BiOovter Rontm ft LoBHo Uaale Lafo pUieJ Bory, O Turtjn Bloe BMi L Crottorri Dm Urc E Saolta tiMF TEE D3.T XXTTS AVERAGES Thistles Win OF LADIES 0ver Generals . jw aya of fjor poss om TTiaai i wi dot loam i OT the aagfj lfconi W oncOeOr McClymont Park Winner Again In Junior Baseball Iff MTtokbI Pa-t rhaftHf op tU tpj ateoiMl vietorjr c' li unci over lg rraozr atrtec to ibe iooatr Baae-1W Lete fcaurday. the time l P a ftoai aoarr m I to ft rVs 8uot-ope4 m the aeorinc md antU the fifth m ntoc vbep it :-a 9a on ae- oojr of im. iwj fleoitoc. Amey a4 Toetevteh wrre oa the aoaoj( tor Proaer R4rt 4a. MacOaaahl Tat Part satvkuav sconr-s - National K- Iota 3. Cbteago 4. Ameriean Phka I. St. Loota 11 'Only games.. SUJilUV SCORES National at. Lottkt J Chieaao 4 laoatog pitcher i. Ameriean tor the Aaw. Killa. Seherk. pJT. m Wtf". phara. Paatak and .11 8BL US U4 144 1 111 i ha Prk - Htociton. &aafitrbin 1 - Awon. uaatey. iUc- nwald ait Keaya " Hcnaa vi ajpuare the Health EaUn to ti enaerrd In th - It b-n foakxK by Dido Oarrirh and alii Urt ijlay- '"T wonjy., iEriSSSr-!? 144 Baseball Scores 123' LWoU '2 Ceheland 2. .Feller is snorera. 125,' 122 Chicago 6. 8t LouU 2. ,2;FusiIiers Defeat 'Dean Velvet In Soccer Score of 3 to 2 Yesterday Afternoon in I're-.Seaton Exhibition Oame TAO OAY SUCCESS Success was attained by Queen Mary Chapter. Imperial Order, Daughters of . the Emnlre. vlih it. taS day tor the rablng of fiinda for Pioi Deautincation work. The gratifying ,um of jH5 WM alized. Mft f 1?" ine,5ln day of February h!'.- hauken PVlon of and I ?i?tvb? of!r sa,e xty-four. - ifiaflo'iSM FQrt SALfr-Vanity and .tool, large 1 Torber. S$& "bf Ic af No. with rnirror, rocking chalr US&a$&$l, yV. WY chair! lino, felt pad- veaset is now in my ctu d!P? bed and imrlnir. PriiP r. enable. Inquire at Superior Radio Service or phone 803, (n) LOSf LOST-Detween 322 Sixth Avenue East and Currle Apts., 10 inch brass cocktail tray. Please return to Dally News. Small reward. (tr ! MttrW. UNDER MARINE '"ORTfJAGE mr, .v,TAKE'1Mmca Uw by virtue of 5 P"yion of the Canada Ship-' ping Act and pursuant to a certain Marfne.M(rtaKe duly reeUlir and Riven by Wils Robinson to John I Prince Ru-, which saM liOalX or'Armntip QfilV'icrA J, TV...!... Company Limited In the harbour of Plnc,f, Rupert, and which said yes- t, w' .Le soia by ouctlpn at my of. flee at the Court House on the 29th day of April 1940 at the hour of ifiree c clock In the afternoon. PAHD at Prince Rupert, D C. thU 10th day.ffAprll 1940. 8, A. NICKERSON, Sheriff of the County of 'Prince . Rupert arid Marshal in r-. l Admiralty- I, 4 II UnJ-J I Irlah Pualiiera defeated Vehet by.- J w ' yeaierqay aite- Unlreraity of cilitorn a n "Z. Why do our nublic men, disregarding the multiplied evi- S wSltc onlfba coiuiderabie mff- denceK that American avmnathv ovAuh.lmin1 ,.,wt, wasmngton here Saturday .e.;t was Uken in the mx.h , , , I -'v. iruviuiiiiii nil-ill I - r .. .. . , tniv thote who uhn fight fiuht 'ijinui such mh l(...,.wr,t.:..,. i fi-. ' 'Tgj . I ?ooq brand nf mm r..i . r1 ujj iuguring well for the standard of play that will be aeen when the 'eague season eel under av hnrt- ly Girls' Softball At ran? Hdwar tcto wttft the ton d to J aoaf toa- The "-LT ' JT ZZZ Ur i to vto tar!, osoopjPM oa hi wu WpaW three nana: Jo Berc Trtrkar aotf Uarr Hooter. - roo each an4 Rohy Anderoam. ' nor the team Pot Loot and WUarta Udatoah araml thrr roJkf leach. Mortorte Hry ivo rana. ajad Brotop DahL Jane Ben oai Iaohai 'Otor one each ! Tmohk 1 ptm Ta-Leaaa Trtriser (p. PaMuasr Carr Zb' Koto; Aaooraaa Ihi. BMty IlaodenarhlM 3hr Ury Hooter at. Uovto ZtohJ aaal JeapeOoeJ atOeht. Jp Beag e DM One-Pat Low p. E. eta Dahl e Jone Berg la. Vkr-torta Meiatoah laohrt Oar Oh. Uartorie Boy .at. Incrtd Ao-drmn. Lum Howe oatfieldi Uatptre iiill WUaon and baae ajaptrM ere T OrmMon p Le-tond Scorer D MrC.rfiah EASTERNERS WIN FIRST Klrtland Lake Defeat, palmary In wtner Of Allan Cnn rinah TOR' t TO AnrU T ,n, KlrtJond Lake Bloe Devfai defeat, ed Calgary SuaoMm h . Of I to S Satnnfsv nMn k the opening gaate of the beat of five game final tor w. .u. - . . . op. eowieRtatle of world om. " ( I - J a Fresli r.oral Raw anrj PaKfeurjzH Milk VALENTIN DAIRY Phones II If pj). not 575 CQNFKCTIONKRV stqri: Now Open Till 10 p.m. Mussallem's CON FECTI0N K R Y Pppoilte Panadlan ftlop ft" fmovs EdM,n Alberta. COAL Bulkley Valley Coal Nanaimo Wellington Coal llulHey Valley Wheat and Grain SEEDS and FERTILIZERS PRINCE RUPERT FfiEJ) CO. Phone 58 and SSI the; SEAL QUALITY . tofHr .J (JOLi; SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest PJnk gajrripn Packed by the only salnjori canning company with an ajl the year round aayroll la rruica Rupert Jac4 of Part CuK mxvtmimYim- rabaaj aaa? Li-RojaJ aaHriw to tt da oa tte Oar- i 4 o. w tot w of W I UA mm I I OWMTUI I V CIU I aaia, m- tuu : . BM B Uolfcio Osvljal, via, to stowon He H Ots? utooa towe taMMr tiuotta to lu t Oottto tut IHtii tnai tfcw. . 4 a -cr -Ikm- Fiai mm .iiumJ"-? the Iwe fw- w Leon. Victoria M. .uTTrnZZZZ .II' . ! ttw. n mnoi ras fHhn a vfaib Am, .w. v- . wwt? rn-a of cto-,.; " ; ri zrrzzrzr. cia tm. 4 by Pat Uooo. aa a vtaatef rirt BofinatoR tills vunaer MacKenzie's T' ana w otop off at Pnaee RopoM w M lo the cUt an tK. hit ec--!, MM. HH f r ' - I thr -iwx; Furniture FEATHER PILLOW 4 rrr Pair- am c , MH U tll i PHONE " I v. i CANADIAN PACIFIC Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-Parifie Ta Vanrwirr la 0ean fall and Vay rft S3 PRINCESS ADELAIDE eery pnday Ta Vanraam pirrr SPrtoeeaa rforah AprU 8th. Uth. 30th u j To Krtfhikao, HraRfelL Janeao aad Skatir Aprii iih. llth J5Ui. May jot inn ' Conaertion at Vaneoufer alth Canadian Pa r TlcWeti and Retemtiana (ram rf-i w .frral Atent . prliue n,M LINZEY & DAVIES 1 Pr. Jll Hakes. I IJirre Bo 1 Lar(e Kinso and 2 Lifebuoy Soap Castilr Soap 10 cakes for Soap llakes-3 lbs for Larie 50 ox. Grapefruit Juice lalkln's llct Pork and I leans 3 for 25c Grocers PSEE pEtlVERT-Phone S4J- 29c 34c 25c 25c 24c I lc I). Tea Is going over big Lb. 60c Corn ITikrv J-pktw. Wheal Pnfft. 3 for .Malkin's Dot Cbtrric Per tn 15c 25c 25c Nabqb Baking Poadrr yin 12-o-x. tin .'abob Tonutoc 2's each Rice Puffs 3 for 25c "RUPERT BR AND" Smoked BLACK COD Smoked Daily laiiadian rish&loldM Pflncc Rupert Co. Ltd. orage Brltlib Colombia