The Daily News Scoop Covers the Auto Wreck at the Foot of Capitol Hill —Drawn for the Daily New ————= . § by Hop" [bap AUTO SMasH UP AT THE FOOT OF CAPITOL HILL, SCOOP BREEZE OUT THERE AND COVER THE SToRY- GET 4 WIGGLE ON NOvu- TURN IN @ STORY THAT Witt BE A UTERARY Gem —! MAYBE IT Was & INK JOY RIDING with SOME ONE EASES WIFE, GEE WOULDNT THAT MAKE A TUICY BIT OF ROUGH READING? { mt we I SN THE WRECKED AUTO MUST BE AT THE Fo OT OF THIS Hity, iF rM THE ONLY | REPORTER THERE) \r witt Be my OwN EXCLUSIVE STORY — -t WHERE AN AUTO SMASHED ANY WHERE. AROUND HERE A A SURE THs VE is | Youse Bring \T, Did \ LOne @ Smartest Suit. Business Men are immensely ye with the new “ Rego” Lounge Suit, bail upon the most up-to-date American Medel by London's Leading Tailors (Empire Gold Medallists, 1911). The 66 99 New York is made sfecial/y for Canadian requirements and is “the suit of the year.” Made exactly to your measure, with the“ Rego” guarantee behind every stitch. 200,000 business men in the British Empire now $ prefer “ Rego” Clothing because they get the style and quality they want at the right price. “Rego” Styles Cision Poid set the London fashions— & el apie yet they cost no more (and ahi often less) than “ ready-made” prices. Write for our Style Book FREE. * Fashio-s for Men” is the tailoring magazine of the world tells you what the smartest men are wears, and illustrates al! 1912 styles. Send for it—FREE—and we will post it to you with a fire selection of “ Rego” patcerns and the ” Rego~ simple sel{-measurement form. “REGO” CLOTBIERS, LTD. Dept. O P.O. Box25°? Montreal. 4 | Prince | | | How | Port | Naas | Stewart ; Porcher | Claxton | Breckenridges’ | Kitsumkalt | Little Copper City | Hage | Haze | Kitselas | Hardscrabble “FROM HOME TO HOME.” HOTEL ELYSIUM Sid. Sykes, Manager The Finest, Newest and Most Up-to-date Hotel in Vancouver. Excellent Cafe. Moderate Prices, Vancouver, B.C. 1142 Pender Street West Phone 8500. | | -KNOTT’S BAKERY... public that March 28th elegant Tea Afternoon tea Ice us a visit. the their Wishes io Rooms will be theatre to announce opened tomorrow, Cream parties a specialty. Delicatessen, Don't fail to pay -IT’S FAMOUS and ufter Lunches. TRY OUR BREAD Phone 190 717 3rd Ave. | | | | | Te Port Inverness | McLe Kitamaat Hartley Swan Namu se] tivers Lawn skidegate O56, Jedway Lockport Lorne Meanskinisht uitwangal | Kispiox Glen Aldermere Pile N. . Totals City Foll tupe day: thrown Spangler, ¢ Moran Pead This (reo! passengers so Ledwidge Langer, 1 IN LN IN HE COLUMBIA THE TION ACT, THE JOE KOENIG, of | to | me thnece| A. | ake Judge March, on » 104 10} suid estate are required to pay the amount | } of thelr Dated the A. D. 1912, I on} istrator of the estate of the said Joe Gaso- | | vich, decease 40 | against the said estate are hereby required} forward jerty SUPREME OF (IN MATTER AND MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF | GASOVICH, ALIAS GEORGE | DECEASED, INTESTATE notice that by order of His Honor made the 12th day of | was appointed admin- | COURT PROBATI OF THE ADMINISTRA BRITIS nf Young 0, and all parties having claims the same properly verified to or before the 1st day of April, | 12, and all parties indébted to the indebtedness to me forthwith 12th day of March, A. D. 1912 JOHN H. M'MULLIN, | OMmcial Administrator mstruction of} | Third | Limited, | Ope jot FOR SALE k 2 FOR RENT Jeremiah i Kuler lit PHONE 317 FOR SALE ALSO HAVE A Dou Ave., t Ave., | j | | i Agents New York Life Insurame lo LIST YOUR PROPERTY wink & Mc-| Atlin | modern house One lot, B Two lots lots, Seal frontage has a we hu nga! yw will i "AVE One Cone PDO ve ey Ave t o Block 2 sevee Block We . ghth AY k 2 s at eee ton Co LIMITED insures? «for Rent BI “Seventh Avé ‘Continental Ts Second Ave Estate Bafety Depos!t nn Read The Dail) News Real Boxe