PAQW TWO .... TFT8 DAIL.Y NEWS You Will Find Solid Comfort and Dependability in These Shoes Onyx Arch-Grip Shoes Perths PHo-Pedic Arch Supporting Shoe un y 99 uracias light, Comfortable, Snug: Heet-Fitiinp Lines Widths to HER "Miss Atlanta" Shoes For general all round wear CO Qff and priced from OmUO Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoe THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every, Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue H. F PULLEN Managing-Editor Paid In advance, per week Pild in advance, per month By mall to all parte of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, yearly period, paid in- advance By mall to; all other countries, per year Classified advertising,, per word, per Insertion . . Local readers, per line, per Insertion . .'. . Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 " ' NwS Department Telephone , :.:86 Member of Audit Bureas. at Circulations DAILY EDITION ED IT O RIAL THE REAL FOE .1? .50 3.00 9.00 02 .25 Wednesday, January 3, 1940. siaset out-to overrun all Northern Lurone or at anv rate instead of four rwrformanres ail tnose parts not taken by Germany. The League of Nations recognized this, and condemned the Soviets and called on all1 member nations to help in preventing the conquering of Finland. today looked lipon; as: the chief foe to civilization and as such' must be heW back from takmg an unfair advantage 'Of the present sitoatioh to extend her territory. It is true1 that Germany must be brought to her senses through tbr destruction of Hitierism but it is also true that Russia must be crealt with too. That is why people froYn man' countries are lending aid to the Finns. However,, we are not at war with Russia and may not be at all. The British Empire may not be needed, judging from the showing made by the Staliiiites so far against the little group of ;Finns. , : v.' THE ByBRLE BURSTS ' I . As lorig a Joseph Stalin sat fn the Kremlin and ordtjr-ed the killing of generals or any leaders who seemed tode-fvelop strength in the country, while at the same time oppressing his peopre, and trying to interfere in the domestic affairs of his neighbors, even as faraway as Canada, he FINLAND'S SKI WARRIORS IN THE FIELD V A detachment of Finnish ski troops Is shown somewhere In northern Finland a they await the call for action, against the Red Invader. Armed with light machine-guns, rapid-fire pftteU and deadly hunting" knives, these men have spread ter.-or and confusion in their swift and deadly raids on' Russian- patrols. This is one of the- first photos to reach Canada from the war zone near the Arctic circle. It was flown from Ilelslngfors to L mdon and' radioed to- New York. 1 OPERA IS 0NAGAIN French Capital Refuses T Suc-um To Hitler's "War Of Nerves" By GLADYS M. -ARNOLD wpek there will h three Wednesday and Saturday evenlnts, and Sundav afternoon. The first program Included "The ceste," with, Madame Germalne was a great man arid Russia was the greatest country in fourth -and: fifth galleries being 'the world, according, to many" thousands of more or less c,osea ine"e 13 n0 anite nour honest folic in every country. Then he got the marauder tlJS Ztolhe habit. He Marted on Poland after making a pact with even4 performance begins at Hitjeivgot in-.without, having tq fight. Then he brought c':30 or seven to finish before 10 pressure to bear on each of his Rttre neighborsr Eathonia,i,i:lock-.Lqtvia and Lithuania. That was easy, the countries were - e ? ,agr' re,:, so pll and fearful of attack Liketadtic, weretende; ?, tf 5 inland bfrt there the big oold robber met Jiis match.'opera is the livelihood of more. Frnlaiid refused to he absorbed and the men Avho trembled than r,ooo people. Everybody is' before Sts&'n are now trembling at having: io meet the be bacfe jo work .down lltrIe-Hnns to the smallest rat -(ballet pupil). ., . . . , , . .Those whtf are not mobilized found' ,it Hicfates- SO- far seem to have beert fighting With the the Inaction terrible- and they are Fff)nfor,fl blizzard and severe frosts gave the advantage, so nappy to be able to serve for J to the little country and vesterday S huge Russian army 'l 13 a .national service to perform', was cut krp&ceir by armies one tenth of Iheir own size. JfSS 'wewur TS rrv The Russian hubble ha been Jburat antl pretty soon we Wt t Paria as before, our price-shall probabry see Joseph .Stalin, the Oriental tyrant, ban- less decors which are in a place ishedl froTn1 the MOSCOW throne. of safety not far from Parts win: ' . - - oe urougnt oacK ana xortn by , tl , ' -- - .-7 . - .jtrcck." Tiitf LiaHy Net?? I? a member Ol the Uanadian Uaily Every pretautlon has been taken Newspaeer Association, of the Canadian Press and of the that sllver of escapes ..;!. vx. -. m Ti. i u " from the Onera and each sflee- nuuit uwcwu vireumuuiu. iu la uic . uuiy uurwn . . . ... : of Vancouver and west of Edmonton holding membership otherwise the Opera carries ijjn these organizatibriB. usual. on as Nanaimo Couple Red Cross Are Wedded Here On Islands Mis Etnth Bart ram Become Bride Total of S155.M is Collected from Of .Serjeant Reginald Harnett Various Communities br Canadian Scottish PORT CLEMENTS. Jan. 3. The In the presence or military Iadles 0f part Clements and Tlell friends and others, the marriage have formed a Red Cross unit under Canadian Press correspondent took place at 8 o'clock New Year's vnl.n,.r mai . mllertton on PARIS Jan. 3: CP)-The doors E7e at St. Andrew's Anglican tne whole of Graham Island tor of the Nat onal Opera are open cathedral, Very Rev. James B. the Rcd crass National War Appeal, again and the smile of M. Cam- c-ibsc; the dean, officiating, of A toU, of 3,55 go eoHeeted as barrot, its genial General Secret- Miss Edith Bartram. daughter of fOn0ws- Port Clement. $32.05- Tlell ary, is repeated on the face of Mr. and Mrs. William Bartram. to ciw.f. Vtair i .I.- ...U-1. - I M,. T f . 41v.. .-. u ...: jcrgeani Reginald Edward Bar- Queen charlotte City. S24. Indian I' dent and Madame LeWrun attend- nett. son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Mlssion u ! ed the first performance. Barnett. Both bride and groom ' Tnis is just anotner or tne signs come from Nanaimo, Sergeant that Paris Is slowly getting: back Barnett belnir with the Canadian jto normal not a peactlme normal Scottish here. I of cbutse but something very dif- The matron of honor was Mrs. ferent from the first twn months peter Doherty and the trrooms- of the war. It Is by comparison man. Sergeant Charles Akehurst much more livable and agreeable. The bridf was given In marriage When the box-off Ice opened, a by Peter Doherty. ... i v . , , . j ... . . , . . iionR queue .was lorrnea ouisiae. a rereotlon followed it tho vv..vor.,Hi,i, jwi--.w-j- proving mat tne Parisian intends home me newspapers, me real ioe 01 tnis councry was liussia.fto show by his sangfroid and That tofeema io he the general opinion of the man the Knectacies as usual- that Hitler's sti;eet The average person seems to think that the warr":yarTof nnot shake this ml) not be over tmtfl' Russia is driven back out of Poland.CViS'ri?! nesaryVge? FinTaiid, Esthonia, Latvia and Lithuania. Evidently Rus-' tlekeU dys in advance. of Mr. and Mrs. Doherty. Terrace Women To Send Parcels To Their Soldiers TERRACE. Jen. 3.-The Canadian 1nuiimwuil 4 uuob, isc 1 nrlnn VN.n. ..-III ... rr. ' 1l.... ... V,1f,, fv nntnu H l.'llm" h lh.r Rn.Kl "-" a nu.y willing IIVW aAKf. f Ut rU' nf Ton-aa rVi wo wv thot Pueetit fff the second tableau from "DA1- , s k . ' " J.I T s . j- i 1 FOR SALE 'FOR SALE Cary Safe in good I condition. Apply Daily News, tf I " FOUND j FOUND Man's black kid fleece iinea giove. uwner may nave same by paying for this advertisement, tf PERSONAL OCT A OOVERNMF.NT up some parcels for the Terrace, JOB as Letter Carrier. Postal boys who have Joined up In the. Clerk. Customs Examiner. Clerk. tKw ,i i ik.. ij j k ruiice tvuptrri i etc rice ouuiiiti. me jvi. u. Phiippe S ScnooU Ltd., Winnipeg. Oldest ? thfS? to VSSL nnX Mwm n Canada. No A.ents. the third tableau from "Daphne et "" ' Chloe." A full repertoire of classic grand opera Is arranged for the winter season. Ready Fur Air Raids 'The theatre; said M. Cambar-rot, "will have a different aspect. No evening dress, and the vestlare is forbidden because of the -airraid alarms. Each: spectator Is given a ticket which- explains tn him exactly which shelter to go- to In case of alert, and the large plans show where the shelters are to be found, The personnel of the Opera can be housed In the basement and passages under the opera building." -The- Opera will have available 1200- Instead of W00 seats the B. C. Furniture Co. Values In New And Used Furniture Used Kitchen Ranyes In good condition, of various makes Price $18, $20, $22.50 and $25.50 1 3-piece Chesterfield Suite tjfl Ju like new ?01.3U 9nr;;r: $7.50 $13.50 v T Sessions 8-day Cliime Clock CQ Qgj like- new 0Jlo TmZ $9.95 2 TAt,,mC,ean"!r. .- $7.50 10 $10.50 New Furniture 1 3-piece'Velour Chesterfield Latest style t Chesterfiefd Ked" and 2 Easy Chairs At 1 3-piece Chesterfiefd ' In rust and the latest style Phone IILACK 324 Next Door to U. C Clothiers $89.50 $89.50 $98.50 THIRD AVENUE n 11 im Dreu Again President i Re-elected llrail of Deep Sen Fishermen's Union For Another Year William Brett was re-elected president of the local Deep Sea Fiihermenft Union at the annual meeting last night. Other office for the year 1940 are a fellow: Vice-President. A. Voetman. I Secretary, George Anderson. Recording Secretary. Charles Batt. Trustees H. 0. Hansen. John Syne and Erllng Oreenstrand. , I Apart from the electllon of officer and general discussion, business at last night's meeting was .Mrgely of routine nature. I Five thousnnd I ntcr. Rupert people read ;he Dally News. It pays to let them know what v& mvr tn utl Wednesday, January 1 iB4j Old Country Spccer TUESDAY'S SCOURS SrottWi West Albion 4. Motherwell o Clyde-Tlilrd Lanark. pps Hamilton 3. St. Mirren 4. KUaiaroo-fc.3, Ayr United i Morton 2. Alrdrie 1. Queen nf South 3. Dumbarton , Queens Park-Celtic. RUl(, Partlek pmiponed. East Aberdeen fl. Falkirk 2. Ovdenbeari 0. Hlberniaiv 4, ; Dundee 2. St. Bernards 2 " ' Bast Fife 3. Dundee Unite) 1; Hearts 7. Arbroath 2 1 Kings Paik 1. Alloa 2 . St. Johnston 10. Ralth 3. i Stenhiuniulr 3. Dunferm i Hockey Standings Pacific Coast W D I F Vancouver 10 1 5 C3 PortUmd 7 1 10 40 Seattle 7 0 0 42 A A REALTREAT FRESH CHURNED SKEENA BRAND CREAMERY BUTTER Made Locally In 7-Ib. Hoxes I'HONE n:7 Valentin Dairy Or Your Store UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD, St'-amers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver T.S.S. CATAM F.VKKY TIIKS- T.S.S. CARD K.N A FRIDAT, ITW, 1:30 p.m. 10:38 p.m, Him- Vancouver, Thurs. p.m. Due .Vancouver, Monday xm. If Convenient, l'leae Purchase Ticket, st Office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets F i FRANK J. SKINNKIt. Prince IturnTt Asmt. Tlilrd Ave. Phone 5tt A Happy New Year from us Of The Bulkley Valley to you Of the Prince Rupert District Bulkley Valley Collieries Ltd. SHIP A IO-LB. BOX OF NEW PROCESS Rupert Brand Kippers TO YOUR FRIENDS For S1.5Q we will deliver a box of Kippers to your frlmd's'nouse In any Express point In II.C. or any Canadian National Railway Express point In Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. Mail your order with cheque or cash to CANADIAN FISH & COLO STORAGE CO. LTD., ITincc Rupert, n.C, wiili name and address of conlK.e. We will enclose card with name of sender. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Prince Rupert CO. Ltd. nrltUh Columbl